Mid-200's, and on my way down

klovold1983 Posts: 54 Member
I'm kind of ashamed to admit this, but when I started this journey, I was 269.4 lbs (gross - 5'2"...), and my measurements were:
Neck - 16.5"
Waist - 49.5"
Hips - 54"
Arms - 16.5"

I had just quit smoking, so my metabolism had slowed drastically, causing me to put on 12 pounds, and making it harder to take it back off. For my birthday, I gave myself the gift of working with a nutritionist. She has me on a very complex diet (ketogenic WOE), which I'm finding very difficult. I promised I would stick to it for at least a month before I made any decisions about how I felt about it - good, or bad. As of today, 16 days later, I am down 13.8 pounds, and a total of 10.65". Today, I was able to fit into a dress that I bought three months ago and haven't been able to wear yet. It's beautiful - and now I feel beautiful in it. I have so much more work to do, but am excited to say that 250 is within my grasp, and I can't wait to see what it feels like to be on the other side of it. So far, I'd say that keto is working pretty well for me.

How's everyone else's journey going?


  • hallsp
    hallsp Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi there, I too am on the same journey.