C section ladies!



  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    hiya, I'm 9,5 months from my unplanned C-section. At 41 weeks it turned out the baby was breech, tried it naturally (I was born breech, so I knew it was possible) but eventually the contractions got less and less so the docs (and I!) didn't want to risk it. I also lost rather a lot of blood, which made recovery slower than usual.

    I'm actually pretty close to my original weight. I guess it "helped" that I lost my sense of smell (and with it, a large part of my sense of taste) during the pregnancy so I didn't really eat very much extra. Right now my goal is to lose that last stubborn bit of extra weight.

    The first weeks I didn't do anything, the husband took care of pretty much everything. I think the first time I left the house to take a stroll around the block was 3 weeks after the delivery. So those of you, at 4-5 weeks and already looking at excercising: wow!
  • ntagle22
    ntagle22 Posts: 8 Member
    Mom of 3 kids within 4 years and all c-section I currently on my weightloss journey. My last baby just turned 2 this month. I go up and down with my weight and still can't see my scar cause of my tummy pouch but within two years I have lost about 25lbs and this time I'm not going to quit, I have another 20lbs to go. Follow me on here and my insta @2017fit_mom_of_3uoisd8sjp2vi.jpeg
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    ntagle22 wrote: »

    Just started following you on instagram :-)
    LULUREBEL Posts: 86 Member
    This thread is so inspiring. Mommy of four here with 4 c-sections. This last time has been a real struggle and I am looking for accountability. It keeps me motivated. Please add me if you are interested! My baby is 8 months old and I have a 7 year old, 5 year old and 2 year old.
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    HI there I have had 2 c sections and i am just now trying to get healthy. my boys are 2 and 4. They are in to everything and even worse when i try to work out they want to be under my feet all the time. i try to get them in to doing the work outs with me but all they want to do is climb on my or the equipment. I am not strong enough to lift them while i work out which has seemed to be EVERYONE's advice on the matter. And i feel like a horrible mother when i tell them to go play and leave me a lone for 30 mins. they just want to be with me but i cant get a good work out with them around. It breaks my heart when i have to shut them out of the room just to get a work out in. And i dont do well with heat so working out at the park while the kids play is every hard for me too
  • Blzamora
    Blzamora Posts: 8 Member
    Mommy of two both C-cections. I have been struggling with my weight loss since my first and she is 9 years old. About 6 years ago I was single and 10 lbs away from my goal. So close i know
    Then i meet a guy and got married. The first year of our marriage he got hurt and could not walk for almost 9 months. During all of this I put on about 30 lbs due to me not being able to go to the gym and wirki6ng full time and taking care of him. So frustrating. Well it's now been 3 years and I've put on another 20lbs and I also had another baby. My husband has just informed me that he is no longer attracted to me and if I don't lose the weight I will be the one making this marriage miserable for him. So hurt by this. After dealing with my emotions and gathering myself back together I have decided that I am no longer on this weight loss journey for anyone but myself. I would love to have some strong women to talk with and be supportive with. Sorry this was so long just needed to get it out in the open.
    LULUREBEL Posts: 86 Member
    Blzmora - I am truly sorry your husband said that to you. I would be devastated. Marriage is not just about being attractive. Like you said, this journey is for you. Sending healthy vibes our way!
    LULUREBEL Posts: 86 Member
    Mjtaylor - I either work out in the morning before the kids are up or in the evening after they are in bed. Or I ask my husband to watch them while I work out if it's before bedtime. I can't do it with them around either.

  • acebayb
    acebayb Posts: 3 Member
    C-section mom here! It's been 2 years and 3 months since I had my baby boy. I just decided to get active after I put on some extra weight. The weight gain did not start for me until I stopped nursing him at 12 months old. Now I've joined a local crossfit gym and that is my magic pill so far! LOL I needed the kick in the behind to get it done. Hope to make friends with some of you ladies. :smile:
  • littlebuffbiddy
    littlebuffbiddy Posts: 63 Member
    edited July 2017
    hi mama! I had one in March of 2016. I didn't even consider fitness until I was 6 months postpartum (just wasn't mentally ready yet). In late August 2016 I started my journey and derailed around the holidays, but finally hit my pre pregnancy weight in April of 2017 and have lost 57 lbs total since having my daughter. I am 33, breastfeeding still and losing the weight was soooo hard for me. It never "fell off" like everyone tells you if you are nursing. But I was eating terrible, and once I took my diet into my hands, and made it cleaner, and started weight lifting, everything changed. You can get your body and your life back, and your scar will heal beautifully! You got this mama!! Feel free to add me. Or any mamas. I need fellow mom friends fo sho.
  • fldfeatonbygibson
    fldfeatonbygibson Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I had a beautiful baby boy in Feb 2017 by emergency c-section. I've just started my weight loss journey by making small changes to my diet and walking every day. Can't wait to get back to the gym soon and start weights again. In the meantime have found some great outdoor fitness routines from Kaisafit. Would love to befriend any or all mama's looking to kick their pooch to the kerb.
  • littlebuffbiddy
    littlebuffbiddy Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone, I had a beautiful baby boy in Feb 2017 by emergency c-section. I've just started my weight loss journey by making small changes to my diet and walking every day. Can't wait to get back to the gym soon and start weights again. In the meantime have found some great outdoor fitness routines from Kaisafit. Would love to befriend any or all mama's looking to kick their pooch to the kerb.

    Kaisafit is so inspiring!!
    And I'm a year ahead of you. I had my baby March 2016. But I'll send you an add :)
  • zosha5
    zosha5 Posts: 2 Member
    I had a csection in 2014, my little guy is now a very busy three! I did well at first losing the weight but stalled about 3 lbs to go, then once I stopped breastfeeding I gained 5 lbs instantly. Been working really hard the last few months to eat healthier, eat less, and exercise more but I've gained 2 lbs!
  • rebelgirl25
    rebelgirl25 Posts: 3 Member
    Im a csection mom as well congrats on your baby by the way sadly i had alittle pouch after having my daughter but didnt eat healthy so i have a bigger pouch and alot of weight to lose but i understand the struggle and hopefully we could all motivate each other
  • Beachgirl7694
    Beachgirl7694 Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi all!! Mom of 4 crazy sweet boys. Last one c-section 5 months ago but both of all my pregnancies the last 2 were pretty hard and I gained a lot of weight with the 3rd when I was on bed rest a lot. I have an 18, 16, almost 3 and 5 months and a wonderful husband. I'm going low carb not keto since I'm nursing and worried about keeping my milk healthy for baby. I'm ready to get healthy because honestly sometimes when the boys are go, go, go from wake til crashing at bedtime I'm exhausted and want to take a nap. Has any one else done low carb and cooked for a big family?