A very inspiring woman

123sind Posts: 80 Member
edited November 2024 in Social Groups
This woman is 70 years old not eaten sugar for 25 years. If i look like her when i am 70 years old then i shall be a very happy woman. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/metro.co.uk/2017/05/31/70-year-old-hasnt-eaten-sugar-for-28-years-looks-incredible-6674143/amp/


  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
  • 123sind
    123sind Posts: 80 Member
    There is still hope for me :)
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    I'm not sure I concur with all of her Life Choices. People don't need 8 hours sleep a night. it might work well for her, but for many others, fewer hours are fine.

    Think about this for an instant:
    We human beings are the only mammal that has regimented and compartmentalised our lives.

    The common concept of 3 meals a day? Quite dumb, frankly. We should really 'graze': That is, eat when we're hungry and not eat, when we're not.
    It's how other mammals eat. They either forage, if they're herbivores and eat all day, because the nutrition they gain from vegetative matter, means that they have to process a lot of cellulose, which is indigestible, in order to extract the adequate nutrients from foods which are solely herbivorous. So they constantly eat.

    Carnivorous mammals hunt, kill, gorge - and then don't eat for a few days. Sure, they have to catch their food, and it has to be sufficient in order to satiate their hunger; but carnivorous animals in zoos are not fed every day.... whereas the herbivores are, and sometimes more than once.

    Humans, for the most part (and of course as we all well know on these forums, there are exceptions) are omnivorous. So our hunger *should* be dictated by our intake. And our appetite therefore follows....
    But we have breakfast, lunch and dinner. and we are all-too-often governed by our work schedule as to when those meals occur.

    For example, on the shift pattern I work, my lunch break is at 12.30. I am never sufficiently hungry at 12.30 to have my lunch!
    My afternoon tea break is around 3pm. By then, I'm ready for my lunch - but I have just 15 minutes off-duty to consume it! Aaargh! :lol:

    Sleep is the same. Mammals don't sleep for consecutive hours. They 'nap'. They're awake, asleep, awake again, then they sleep.... Observing animals via CCTV in zoos, confirms this. Simply because a zoo closes, it gets dark and there's nobody around, doesn't mean the animals sleep straight through until morning.
    And it's not natural for us to do so either.
    But we're CONDITIONED to adopt that behaviour pattern.
    So we have developed the habit of sleeping for hours at a time, and feel 'deprived' if we don't.

    Yes, we are, because very often we don't have the opportunity to catch up with a nap during the day to 'make up for lost sleep'. So sure, we call it insomnia and having sleep problems.
    (I should know!)

    Finally, I'm afraid that if she is the 'Founder of a sweetener company' I would bet my bottom dollar she is absolutely loaded and quite wealthy. And with wealth and status, comes cosmetic surgery. I can't prove it of course - but I would think it's a distinct possibility.

    So, yes, I'm impressed.
    I'd be more impressed if she had given up all and any sweetener completely.

    But I personally would classify that as a quasi-self-promoting article....
  • 123sind
    123sind Posts: 80 Member
    I do need my 8 hours sleep and more or else i am like the big bad wolf, just ask my hubby :):)
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    Carolyn admitted that she has had some cosmetic work done - but argues that’s not the secret to her looking so amazing.

    She explained: "Yes I do get some maintenance done, but surgery is not the answer to a healthy well-being."

    Having a bottomless bank account works too, because she has the finances and lifestyle to make all this healthy living possible.

    Good on her, I wish her well.
    Seems she has all the bases covered. If she can do it, more power to her.

  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 432 Member
    123sind wrote: »
    I do need my 8 hours sleep and more or else i am like the big bad wolf, just ask my hubby :):)

    LOL, my hubby has to have his 8 hours too while I can usually make do with less. Thanks for the url. :)
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    123sind wrote: »
    I do need my 8 hours sleep and more or else i am like the big bad wolf, just ask my hubby :):)

    I don't dispute any of that. My point is that throughout our lives we have been taught and conditioned to go a full night's sleep, because that has become our norm.
    In fact, it would be more natural for us to have a more varied sleep pattern.
  • 123sind
    123sind Posts: 80 Member
    I should come back as sleeping beauty, i could sleep all the time. :) maybe a cats life would be just the right life for me.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    I'm not trying to make enemies here; I'm merely pointing out the other side of the coin.
    There are countless thousands of 'unsung heroines' who live great lifestyles, do the right things, look trim, wonderful, fit and healthy - but have different ways of achieving their accomplishments, and may not have the same resources she has.

    I have more than enough heroines on THIS forum, to last me a lifetime. Plus.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,077 Member
    This article reminds me of articles from women's magazines, shallow and vague on the details, lacking scientific analysis and mostly full of conventional wisdom. I agree she is a pretty lady, but wonder how much of this article is true. It doesn't ring true to me. Maybe "true" isn't the right word, but I just don't believe that her suggestions are a recipe to be followed in order to obtain her look. She may be blessed with "good genes", and the bikini photo doesn't seem possible at that age.....

    I have to say that I don't agree with most of the content, not only regarding the sleep aspect, but also the use of harmful sunscreens, and liberal use of artificial sweeteners. Maybe it's an advertisement for xylitol? I don't know. It doesn't mention restricting foods which turn into sugar the moment they enter your body. Yes, I agree it is a good idea to avoid sugar, but other than that,there's not enough here to go on.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,077 Member
    I think that women of all ages, not just the young ones, can fall victim to society's suggestions that they must look a certain way in order to look attractive. Yikes, its not for me!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Here's a real lady who looks awesome - genetically blessed but also works out and eats clean. She started to exercise at age 56 and training for bodybuilding at 71.
    from 2014: https://youtube.com/watch?v=O_01VlQzN7s
    2016 here: boredpanda.com/oldest-female-bodybuilder-grandma-80-year-old-ernestine-shepherd/
    Feb of 2017 interview here... you can see that her skin sags slightly as in the bikini picture of the woman in the OP's link. https://youtube.com/watch?v=hpBo2dl3PBc
    Doesn't matter what sort of shape we are in skin will show our age via drooping from lower collagen levels in the connective tissue. Also you may note that her bench press has dropped a bit in weight over the past 3 years. Life happens, but she will be healthy until she suddenly dies of old age (not disease). That's the way to go.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    Yup. I got that tummy wobbly thing going on...!

    I call it my "Buddha Belly" and it moves a lot when I laugh....
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