July 21 Sign In

RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?
Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?
Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?


  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    July 21
    Exercised?: Yes. Walked 7.8 Km in 71 mins (hills).
    Calories?: Yes.
    Tracked?: Yes.

    Not raining today. Managed to get a regular type walk in. :) Felt overdue after easy Wednesday and Thursday :) I did at least do a double set on the strength work last night.

    @RangerRickL. Largely true about foods with TV commercials. Some advertised foods are not bad, some are horrendous. Better to do your own research and look at nutrition information. Higher protein, fibre and fat (mono, poly and saturated {not trans}) will make you feel sated on less.

    @RangerRickL. Thanks for the advice on maintenance yesterday. I don't consider myself on a diet. I feel like I am on a diet. I eat almost anything I want (sometimes less than what I used to). The hard things for me in transition to maintenance will be working up to eating enough (and not too much) and keeping up the exercise. MFP and UAC are my ticket to that. Thank you.

    @trixsey1. I like your planning.

    @shonat11. Great to play with the kids. I find a half glass of wine is plenty for me these days (we have an amazing cellar - over 20 cases of many different wines (mostly red) - working through them slowly - about two bottles a week over dinners between my wife and I).

    @Slimpossible007. Well done on an almost negative day. Good occasionally, but hopefully better balanced most of the week.

    @conchita962. 6 lbs in 3 weeks. Excellent. Even better that you seem to have broken the 4 lbs yoyo. Obviously doing the right thing. Keep it up. Glad UAC is helping.

    @pribud. Thank you. You are fantastic encouragement. Keep in the limits and best wishes for a speedy recovery. Sounds like you are doing great.

    @120maggie. Great that you felt up to running. Sorry to hear it was hard on the knees. Maybe better shoes (more cushioning) would help if you wanted to do it more often. Get professional help when choosing shoes. I've looked into running, but I'd need new shoes (as my walking shoes are about dead in cushioning). I've also read that technique is critical to prevent injury (ie. avoid heel striking, posture, etc..), so some coaching may also be wise.

    Hope all have a good day today.
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,298 Member
    TY @craigo3154 it turned out it I was negative calories as map my fitness and MFP had some kind of glitch last night ... I was at -184 calories by end of day when my walk logged in properly :)

    As for the balance .. I work on a monthly avg (which is why I allow myself as high at 2000 cals in a day .. at the moment my avg cals in are 1600 and my avg net cals are around 1250 ..
  • ColwellCat
    ColwellCat Posts: 84 Member
    Yes, yes & yes. :)

  • shonat11
    shonat11 Posts: 170 Member
    Exercise yes
    Tracking yes
    Calories over!not by much but over all the same
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    Yes x3
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,298 Member
    ate within my cals
    exercised for 40 mins on my spin bike - 15 miles

    I think it also took me that long to get mapmyfitness to link to MFP .. its driving me nuts ... no idea why its not syncing any more!! it keeps adding random stuff as well .. arrg !!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well and smashing through their goals !
  • zorrocat
    zorrocat Posts: 153 Member
    July 21:

    Exercise?: Yes, ran intervals this morning.
    Plank?: Yes. 21 for 21 on that.
    Calories?: Yes, with 161 to spare, though I did not log the last 10 minutes or so of walking since I was already under and done eating.
    Tracked?: Yes. Snacked less than usual at work today because I was so busy.
  • MyersCrystal
    MyersCrystal Posts: 52 Member
    Well, I did well on almost everything today, except getting in my exercise. I'm feeling so strong about my food and nutrition, but still haven't really settled on an exercise regimen. I've been walking mostly this month, but on weekends it's a chore to fit in. I'm going to make some plans to remedy this in the morning. Goodnight all.

    Pass #4 See everyone tomorrow. ;)
  • fightingthetideofaging
    fightingthetideofaging Posts: 470 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yep...2 hours walking on beautiful farmland trails and 60 minutes strength training.
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yep
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yep
  • hil331115
    hil331115 Posts: 189 Member
    July 21: yes x 3
  • loopydo2017
    loopydo2017 Posts: 628 Member
    Yes x3. SL 5x5 and an evening swim with the kids.
  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    @conchita962, wow! 6 lbs congratulations!
    Yes x3 for me today.