
RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
Welcome UAC August Members!

Some of you have been with this challenge for months and some are brand new. I can tell you that it is one of the hardest challenges to stay with throughout the entire month. FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS!! Log every BLT (Bite, Lick, Taste). Stay strong and true to yourself....YOU WILL SUCCEED!!

Please feel free to share as much information as you feel comfortable sharing about yourself with the rest of the group. I look forward to getting to know all of you a little better. GOOD LUCK!


  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Opting in for a fourth month. 49yo father of one from Australia. Started tracking weight and food when I realised I was heading for obese for the first time in my life. UAC has been helping keep me honest and on track. Have now hit goal weight having lost over 15kg (30 lbs) and working on transition to maintenance. Finding UAC is helping create good, sustainable habits with the help of a wonderfully supportive group.
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    @craigo3154 is a wonderful, wise and caring member of our group.
    I'm just Rick. I've been the group leader for a year or so. I'm a 66 year old grandfather who loves to ride horses. I live on a farm in the western suburbs of Chicago. Here at the UAC, we are dedicated to promoting the healthy habits of setting a calorie limit of your choice; tracking your intake of foods and caloric beverages; and choosing to do some exercise each day. The exercise should be at least 20 minutes per day.
    Maintenance of my current weight and fitness is my ongoing goal.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    edited July 2017
    @jaysmom23 - Welcome aboard. No great pressure here. Fantastic group for building long term habits.

    @abandonctrl - Welcome. You can follow what is happening in July at . Im sure quite a few of the regulars will be returning.

    @getrealgirl - Glad to have you along. Sound like you have had a rough trot, but are over the worst of it now. This will help keep you focused and connected (It's done wonders for me).

    @kaygeebozzz - Wow, you have a tough gig. Sleep is big is helping regulate weight and health and you sound like you are regularly getting short changed in this department. Great to have you along. I've found that consistency and knowing what you are actually consuming helps break through the plateaus. Eventually the body gets the memo and starts playing ball (or you see a pattern in what you are doing that needs adjustment to break the deadlock). Welcome and I hope the group can help you break through.