August 23 Sign In



  • windowqueen2003
    windowqueen2003 Posts: 427 Member
    Forgot to mention the weight loss was since the 2nd of August so only 3 weeks
  • markmacare
    markmacare Posts: 198 Member
    Yes x 3 - 17 km cycling.
  • marthall
    marthall Posts: 96 Member
    Yes x3, but I found it very tough yesterday.

    Kids had sleepovers and it was manic, plus there was lots of snacking and dinner was pizza which I found tough to fit into my macro's. I managed it but I spent too long staring at chocolate cake, ice cream, biscuits and chocolate and it made me grumpy. 1st time I've really felt that I've deprived myself, and at the same time being annoyed at myself for eating more than I'd planned.

    On the plus side I did stay within my Calorie range (even if it was at the poor end) and I also went for my lunchtime walk as usual. My usual lunchtime walk required my new waterproof trousers, because it was absolutely torrential but it was the only time of the day I could walk, so walk I did.
  • bocasdelbadbob
    bocasdelbadbob Posts: 111 Member
    heh! (3 x yes)

    I went climbing today. Got my 2,000. Not too ambitious. Took over 100 minutes.
    Got to thinking a couple of weeks ago that my days of PR's or PB's were behind me.
    Well, maybe for climbing but today I got a PR on descent.
    That is a little indication of how crazy I am. Heh! Envision the crazy old guy rattling down the scrabbly road faster than the insurance man approves of. But I got good brakes. That has got to count for something.

    Went an seen Buddy. That little guy, my wife is making me feed him in the cafeteria. I ain't real keen on that idea but...

    I got the little rascal pushing his own wheelchair these days. I give him autonomy. I only hold his belt by one finger. So he goes where he wants and he is learning a lot about the balance necessary. Eating in the cafeteria has got social advantages for him. Kids come around saying "hi." We are on the swing they want to push him.

    Kids say hi to Buddy and want to play with him. You know, regular kids.
    He is happy. I like listening to him laugh and sigh as he pushes around the schoolyard.

    Oh, and I seen a wild horse today, a Stallion.

  • pribud
    pribud Posts: 453 Member
    Pass day #2