
circae Posts: 17 Member
Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself! Just had my fourth (and last!) child and am ready to start getting my body back finally. I'm only 2 weeks postpartum so I know I have a ways to go before I get cleared by my doctor. I figure I'd use this time to get back to tracking, clean up my nutrition, and get motivational support from like minded individuals. :)

Looking forward to getting to know you all!


  • kcwyo
    kcwyo Posts: 10 Member
    Walking is also good, but only if you feel good. I know I pushed myself a little too hard in those first couple of weeks.
  • circae
    circae Posts: 17 Member
    I'm trying not to push or stress myself but I'm feeling cooped up already! I think I may start with walking this week and see how it goes. I work full time so I've only got these few weeks left to take my time with the little one and recovery before I have to be back at it. Definitely have to figure out the routine for pumping and breastfeeding when I go back too!
  • KairalieWilliams998
    KairalieWilliams998 Posts: 10 Member
    Congrats on your last baby! :)

    I had my 2nd baby (another girl!) the day after this group was made! yay lol (May 26th) and so I'm almost 3 months PP and trying to get back into shape myself.
    Looking for friends to encourage me and whom I can encourage as well. Working together we can all make our goals :)
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    Hey! I'm almost 10 weeks pp after my third babe, breast feeding and trying to lose the last 15 lbs of pregnancy weight. Looking for friends in the same boat :smiley:
  • KNL526
    KNL526 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm 5 months postpartum, and have never lost weight in a healthy way - only by crash dieting! I'm exclusively breastfeeding my daughter, so I've got to do it the right way this time around. I'd love to have some new mom friends to be inspired by!
  • flonarosie
    flonarosie Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I have a 5 month old too. Put on a couple of stone having her and not paying any attention to myself for these few months but it's time to do something!
    Good luck xx
  • mrsandmom2015
    mrsandmom2015 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I’m 9 wks PP and partial breastfeeding. Unfortunately I am one of those who have been gaining weight while BF. On here now with 1700 cal goal
  • I’ve found my mamas!
    I’m 29, just had my 4th baby boy August 8th, I’ve always been a slimmer girly but this last pregnancy has been different. I’ve gained a lot of weight due to BF. I would looove to meet likeminded mamas to support and motivate each other. This is my first time tracking calories and such. It’s time to love myself again and get back into shape, I gotta keep up with these boys of mine! 😊