September Accountability-Buddy (Female)

I really hope I'm posting this in the right place and there's not some rule I'm missing. I've never posted in the forums before!

Basically, I need a singular person who is looking to track every day and hold me accountable for my calorie intake and vice versa. I always count secretly and then end up trailing off with my documenting since there's no one to see it and make me self conscious that I'm failing at my goal.

I am a 23 year old female, 5' 3" and around 125-130 pounds. I know I lose fat consistently at a range of 1300-1400 calories daily so that will be my goal (1400 on gym days, 1300 on rest days). I just started PT school so my schedule is pretty intense but I intend on sticking to this because if I don't start now my body and habits will continue to deteriorate.

I tend to intermittently fast in the mornings (skip breakfast) because it enables me to have larger meals later in the day (I really like food, lol).

I am fairly strong (I love weight training but have been slacking lately) but my body fat percentage has skyrocketed recently and I now have a belly and those jiggly thighs (to be clear though, I don't mind big thighs, I just want them to muscle and not all jiggles!). I'm looking to stick to a more routine gym schedule but for our partnership I am looking to hold each other accountable for CALORIE INTAKE only.

PLEASE let me know if any of my stats seem similar to you. I'm looking for a SERIOUS partnership, guys! I need you to log every day so I feel obligated to log every day! Thanks for reading :smile:


  • tictokki
    tictokki Posts: 1 Member
    hi! i don't know if i'm who you're looking for, but my stats are very similar to yours! i also have no idea what i'm doing and have never posted in the forums before so i hope i'm doing this right.

    i'm 22, 5'3 and ~124 lbs. i'm at about 21% bf right now, and i lift 3x/week and run the other days. i started trying to be healthy a few months ago when i graduated and was totally weak and about 137 lbs. (i had a problem with b.e.d. freshman year and spent the next few years avoiding the subject of weight/health as i was recovering.) i started going to the gym regularly and slowly learning to cook healthy meals and changing my habits. i've only been formally tracking calories within the last month or so, so i'm not quite sure what works for me! (i kind of just aim for 1200-1500 average?) i tend to just try to eat healthily most of the time, but i definitely indulge sometimes haha. (it's a slow process anyways so why deprive yourself of life you know?) i have friends in pt school, and i'm trying for med school myself!

    i log food in the app everyday, though this last week has been a bit odd since i've been sick, and tend to eat a small breakfast > go to the gym > have smaller meals with larger snacks. i eat pretty often because i'm finding that i tend to get hungry pretty regulary, regardless of meal size. i have a fitbit so i don't always bother logging exercise (it just auto-adjusts exercise based on the fitbit app), especially since i don't really know how to log weight training here anyways.

    i don't really know if i need someone to keep me accountable or how that works here, but i don't think it would hurt and i'm happy to lend support!