Intro Yourself



  • ZachS79
    ZachS79 Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Zach and I weigh 300 pounds. I have about 110 stubborn pounds to lose. I have tried every diet under the sun from weight watchers to a cookie diet. In the past, I went on diets to lose weight to look better, but now I am on a diet for my health. My weight is starting to wear me down and I can not do all the activities that I used to enjoy. Thankfully, I found myfitnesspal and tracking what I eat is now easier then ever! I feel like the diet games are over and I am starting to take control of life. I wish everyone the best of luck and success.
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Cheryl. I'm a 44 year old mother of seven.With five of my kids are grown now
    and my youngest starting high school next month. I now have more time to focus on my
    health and weight. I signed up on here a year ago, but found this crazy juice fast diet I
    decided to do instead. I lost weight for half of last year then spent the other half gaining it
    back plus some. So this year I'm trying a more reasonable approach.,(actually eating food
    and learning to do it right). I started June 5th, needing to lose 133 pounds to make it to my
    goal. So far, so good! I know we can all do this!!! Good luck everyone! Feel free to
    add me I would love friends and support on this journey.
  • sahm2mandm
    sahm2mandm Posts: 8 Member
    I'm Lynne, 36, married SAHM to two children 7, and almost 4. I really started getting serious about changing my lifestyle in May when I saw my PCP. I see her once a month for a weigh in. From May 6- July 2, I've lost 20lbs. I have another 140 to my goal. I try to take each day as a day to make good choices. Some days I do some don't. But I don't beat myself up when I don't either. I've done pretty dang good thus far. I do Zumba 5x a week, Core exercises 3x week and weight training (just arms) 3x week. I do everything from home. We also have a limited budget. It can be done.
  • arshness
    arshness Posts: 60
    Arsh, 29, 5'6" and have about 150 pounds to lose. I want my mid thirties to be happy and healthy, not terrified and sickly like my late 20's.
    I'm a lesbian, been with my wife for 14 years (tho marriage still isn't equal in our state, but as soon as it is...)
    We have a daughter, 7, who is wonderful and is one of my inspirations. I have fed her healthy since she was born and she is healthy and thin and tall. :) I know eating right can give me the body I want. I've spent the past couple of years improving the content of my diet, now it's time to count the calories and break down this fat. I need to lose my giant gut like NOW! :)
    I may possibly have hypothyroidism. Waiting for second test results. If so, that could explain a lot of my hard plateaus last time I tried this.
    Serious buddies/support friends would be welcome.
  • trisha142
    trisha142 Posts: 100 Member
    I my name is Trisha im 23 married with two boys 4 yrs and 5 months... I weigh 247 and my goal is to lose all together about 102 lbs but my short term goal is to lose 30 lbs by December 31 2014 I want to be healthier for my kids and my husband I feel utterly disgusting when im naked I cant even look in the mirror...
  • Hi, I'm Selena

    I am 18 years old. I'm originally from California and moved to Texas a few years ago. I'm a pretty motivating person. I have PCOS and it's been really hard for me to get the weight off and I just keep gaining. I gained a huge portion of my weight last year due to depression and stress and my hormones going out of whack.
    I currently weight 272. My overall goal weight is 150. I know the journey will be long and a lot of hard work, but I'm tired of having no energy, being self conscious and being ridicule. I want it so much at this point in my life.

    Anyone who feels the same way ADD me ☀️ :)
  • I'm Steph, a 6'1" 24 year old. I played sports since I was 4 and didn't gain weight until after I quit my Division 1 softball team, but kept eating like I was still on it. I want to get down to under my high school weight, which was 225, to 200. I will be adding a photo to my profile later tonight, as I want to take a current one. I will also be starting C25K tonight to begin my journey and I have already been watching what I've been eating for the past couple of days. I joined MFP because whenever I had a weight loss question, I would google it and these forums always came up. It's an amazing community and I wanted to be part of it. I live in CT with my boyfriend Dan and our little Chihuahua/Jack Russell mix named Colby.
  • ckozl81
    ckozl81 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi I'm Carol, I live in Wisconsin and amd getting married in 2017. On what will be our 5 year anniversary. I've been "fat" all my life I've gained about 70 pounds over the last year though that has taken me over the edge. Between my fiance moving in with me due to an accident, at that time we were in a failry new relationship to the constant eating out that my friends and I dubed "love pounds". Fast forward to a little over a month ago and at 354lbs I've gotten serious about getting healthy. I don't want children of my own for various reasons but I want to be the best Auntie I can be to all the kids in my life biological or not. I've got a long term goal of 180 but I break that down to 5 pounds at a time and only focus on that goal until its achieved. I have a few midrange goals like 12 weeks I want to be under 330 and 6 months to be under 300 but those aren't my focus. I log everything no matter how small. I've even contempated taking my food scale with me when I eat out. I'm going to bring it to my parents house this weekend but I think I'll leave it at home when we dine out. We don't dine out nearly as often as we once did. Mainly because he thought it was a treat for me not to have to cook but I do enjoy cooking and have always had for the most part good homecooked meals growing up at home on the farm and once I lived on my own.

    I'm still working on willpower against chocolate and he doesn't help when he buys me a candy bar and a soda when he is out and about. If anyone has any ideas on who to get him on board with my goals. I've tried telling him more than once. It's not sinking in.

    Add me I'm working hard at attaining my goals but can use any motivation I can get.
  • clairebrownstein
    clairebrownstein Posts: 7 Member
    Hiya, Claire here and like everyone else I'm on a healthy mission. My husband has just been diagnosed with diabetes and to date I have dodged that bullet but...lets be honest...I won't for long! I don't have many secrets but I must say those numbers on the scale is one of them. I know, everyone knows I'm fat and have an eating problem...I just don't want to admit that I weigh more than the full backs on the football teams. I just turned 50, so...I'm OLD but I really don't feel like it...have a 13 year old son who may also have an eating/too much screen problem...which he came by honestly.

    I have a business trip in December so my first goal is to not have to use a seatbelt extender on that trip from Washington state to Washington DC. I've tracked for 10 far so good. Really see the difference between cutting out the carbs this time around. (I held on to them for dear life in previous attmepts). Don't get me wrong, I'm still eating plenty of unhealthy stuff...but REALLY cutting back. I didn't weigh myself when I started, but I believe I'm down (my clothes say so and the ease of walking upstairs say so) so I have no progress number to date. I barely want to participate here until I have some real success you know? BUT thought I'd at least admit that I'm following you all.

    Have a great healthy weekend...watermelon is good food! :)
  • bbrat333
    bbrat333 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi, I'm popping in to meet everyone. I was on here about 2 years ago now and lost 70 lbs, got pregnant and gained almost all of it back (only half during the pregnancy). I need to get it off again plus some. I hate feeling so weighted down. At over 300 lbs and only 5'3" it is a bear to make it through the day at work then come home and have my baby expecting mommy to play when all mommy wants is to put her feet up. He has insisted on being held during my recent workouts so I guess we get bonding and exercise that way :)

    Anywhoo I am here for support and supporting on my journey back to a healthy weight so feel free to add me if you would like :)
  • Hi everyone! I'm looking to meet some people with like-minded goals. I'm 29 and I started my serious attempt at a lifestyle change about 7 months ago. Since then, I've made some great progress.

    I started at 357 lbs and am now down to 276. I still have quite a ways to go. I'm really looking for people that understand emotional eating, over-eating, and big struggles in motivation to exercise.

    I am trying my best to be active on MFP and am on here at least 5 days out of the week. I'm looking forward to getting to know more of you and doing this together. We're definitely not alone.

  • Hi, all!! I'm Sherry, 43...I have 110 pounds to lose and ready to get started!!
  • cmcis
    cmcis Posts: 300 Member
    Hello. My name is Cindy. I had been using MFP before and had been quite successful, having lost 45 pounds. Unfortunately, I stopped using the program and quit logging my calories. So while I had stayed active hiking regularly until I had a slight mishap and cracked three ribs. As a result my activity level declined. Combined with some emotional eating, I have gained 13 pounds back. I now weigh 182 pounds and am aiming for a goal of 135 pounds.
  • New year and it's time I start my journey! I have done this before and did not stick with it. I currently am sitting at 317 and need to lose this weight. I am 32 years old and am just tired of being this heavy. Right now to lose the weight I am watching my calories and carbs. Since I live in Iowa it's not easy to get out in the Winter so I will be walking and doing cardio at home. As soon as Spring hits I am going to be out hiking and enjoying nature. I hope that joining the groups this time will help me to really stick with it. If you want a friend on here add me :smile: Let's help each other!
  • mcart15
    mcart15 Posts: 29 Member
    My name is Michelle. I am a 39 year old mom of 4 kid's and a FT teacher. I have ran the diet gauntlet and have lost hundred of pounds and gained hundreds of pounds.

    I currently eating lower carb-high protein meals, heavy weight lifting and cardio 6x a week. I have list 22 pounds since May. I started at 283 and I am currently at 262.

    Feel free to add me if you want to help encourage each other.
  • Carnal_Desire
    Carnal_Desire Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi everyone! My name is Jessica, I am a 38 year old mother of 5 boys. One is 19 so he is on his own now. I work full time in information technology so I am sitting at a desk all day. My father is in extremely bad heath and has recently had his big toe amputated and within a month they will be taking his leg from above the knee. He has diabetes, heart disease, has blood clots in his leg behind his knee that they tried to clear but couldn't. I knew I needed to get on track and do something about my weight but his recent issues have given me the push or scared me enough to try to make it happen.

    I have about 150lbs to loose to be in my confortable area, that is not what the doctors consider ideal weight but I would be fine with it.

    I live in Tennessee and I am looking for a buddy or buddies to help stay on track, share stories and hardships and hopefully, become friends. Feel free to PM me or send a friend request.
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm Sara I'm 30 years old, I started MFP back in January where I weighed 308 lbs as of today I weigh 227 lbs, I'm 5'4 and live in the UK, I don't currently work as I was agoraphobic from August 2012 to March of this year, I still don't go out as much as I should be I go out every weekend, I'm slowly getting some control over my general and social anxiety its been a battle I won't lie hehe, Since June I have been suffering from gallstones so I have to live on a very restricted diet at the moment its frustrating but the weight it dropping off so I don't mind it as much, just the little things that bother me like not being able to eat those little goodies at the weekend like I used to or sometimes I can smell my nextdoor neighbours cooking a fry up haha! anyway.... my goal weight is to be under 140 lbs as I have never in my adult live been a healthy BMI... Anyway my diary is open so feel free to add me.
  • 2014carmeng
    2014carmeng Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Everyone
    I am new to this group. I have 122 lbs to lose. I'm 44, single, no kids, sugar and carb addict, gardener (if I grow the veggies I'm more likely to eat them) in Nor California. I'm looking for an active group or peeps that will keep me accountable and motivated (just say no to the donuts). Thanks for reading and I look forward to being a part of this group.
  • Pumpitusa
    Pumpitusa Posts: 169 Member
    Is this group still active. There hasn't been a post for over a year. Maybe everyone is just shy. Lol . please let me know