Sept LC Basics Challenge 2017

baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
edited September 2017 in Social Groups
Welcome to the September LC Basics Challenge!

Bah, basics! Entirely boring and unsexy, right?
Guess what though? It will get you to your goal. Basics aren't flashy or exciting, but this is how it's done.

One key thing that I have learned in my journey is this:
Consistency + Persistence + Time = Success

Consistently nailing the basics is so important. And consistency creates good habits, routines, and gives you momentum that will carry you through hard times or disruptions to your normal schedule. Forget motivation. Motivation is a fickle thing. Discipline carries you through when motivation fails you.

So what are the basics?
Well, hitting your carb goal, obviously, right? There are other very important basics we need to lock in: staying hydrated, keeping electrolytes up, logging consistently (if you're a logger), exercise (if that's one of your goals), hitting your macros, staying away from trigger foods and other things you know set you back...

You can report your progress to your goal, whether it be ultra-obsessive daily hitting your low-carb plan basics, or working on a fitness goal, or even nailing down other good habits in your life. And if you have problems or need advice, you'll find that here.

Each week there will be a thread to collect your progress that week and to interact with other challengers.
I'll keep links to the weekly threads at the bottom of this post should the thread get buried. 2 clicks, to this post and the Weekly link, will get you back to it.

So go ahead and post your goals in the weekly thread.
My daily post would look something like this.

Wed 8/1:
Logged: :+1:
Water: :+1:
Electrolytes: :+1:
Calorie Goal: :+1:
Carb Goal: :+1:
Exercise: HIIT :+1:
Prelogged next day: :+1:
No booze!: :+1:

But this is your show. So focus on your basics.

Make this month count! Tear it up!:+1:

Weekly Challenge Threads:
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:


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