Looking for buddies!

Bella_Figura Posts: 4,318 Member
I'm just returning to MFP after being with SW for just over a year. I want to get back to a routine of daily logging as losing and regaining the same two pounds is getting tedious. I have about another stone and a half to go to reach goal. My diary's open...


  • KellieLou84
    KellieLou84 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi! I've been going to SW on and off for about a year, with varying degrees of success! So have switched back to MFP as it worked well for me in the past!
  • tomlewis1982
    tomlewis1982 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me.
  • hannahbananna80
    hannahbananna80 Posts: 21 Member
    I just decided to stop going to sw too. Worked well last year but not happening this so back to mfp. Am also doing 5:2 which worked for me in the past. 2 stone goal but will break that down into chunks I think.
  • kezy73
    kezy73 Posts: 19 Member
    Anyone from team RH fitness?
  • Yes me! I only joined last Sunday night and am in the 2500 Club in the FB group. Feel free to add me
  • danielisbatman
    danielisbatman Posts: 72 Member
    Just started using the site again, have been playing squash and running for two months now. Lost around a stone, looking for more friends on here
  • celiad2018
    celiad2018 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi im always here to talk :)
  • agogaboutlife
    agogaboutlife Posts: 13 Member
    Hey this is an old account ^^^^^ but the message is still the same talk to me anytime :)
  • tmdruskin
    tmdruskin Posts: 7 Member
    I’ve just joined anyone still following the plan? Keen to hear how you’ve got on.