In need of buddies...:)

cree2972 Posts: 19 Member
I really need friends here who can able to understand and help me to get motivated to reach a healthy living coz these past few months I've been overeating a lot whenever I feel alone , rejected , stressed and tired... I can't help myself for doing so coz that's the only relief that I could have...Hope we can help each other to overcome such habit... Thank you and stay blessed..:)


  • janicegluck
    janicegluck Posts: 7 Member
    I struggle with the same thing.
  • MrCailer
    MrCailer Posts: 42 Member
    I have been working on this for some time...
  • Cfrusciante
    Cfrusciante Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same situation and welcome any new buddies for support. Send me a request and I will accept it.
  • SashaMaja
    SashaMaja Posts: 37 Member
    I am dealing with this too. If any of you want to friend me I would love that.
  • meganlee65
    meganlee65 Posts: 5 Member
    Me too!! I have been so stressed out the last year that I have been eating like crap and spending a lot of time on the couch instead of outside or at the gym! I would love some buddies to help keep me accountable!
  • Cfrusciante
    Cfrusciante Posts: 2 Member
    I hate to admit it, but I don´t know how to send friend requets. I am new to this.
  • booknerd57
    booknerd57 Posts: 17 Member
    I was really glad to see this group! Emotional eating is my main problem with weight loss and healthy eating. It doesn't help that I'm a new mom and trying to manage that transition.
  • AshleighAnn72
    AshleighAnn72 Posts: 83 Member
    Feel free to add me! Same situation :(
  • Desdemonad
    Desdemonad Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I'm Dee and I've been an emotional eater since puberty. I'd love to have some more friends who understand, so feel free to add me.
  • jojomike2013
    jojomike2013 Posts: 2 Member
    Same here! I struggle with emotional eating as well. I feel I have made great strides and want to keep it up! Feel free to friend me too!
  • maddieconley22
    maddieconley22 Posts: 2 Member
  • fergus1983
    fergus1983 Posts: 2 Member
    I can absolutely relate. My mindless eating is in my car while I am driving. I also quit smoking about 4 years ago when I had my daughter, then I got my first vehicle so driving everywhere made me lazy. Then I was on the go so much I started eating while on the go. It is frustrating to cut out that one place that is comforting to eat, but I want to make a healthy decision for my daughter.
    So I recently got a fitbit and started using MFP regularly again, I've connected the fitstar app to the fitbit and MFP, with the hopes that the trio will help motivate me. I am in need of more friends that understand the struggle of emotional/bored eating and trying to continue working out.
    So I hope that it is ok that I am going to send a request to all on this post. Accept if you want and I won't be if it is not accepted.

    cree2972 I look forward to see your posts so that I can comment on them. Know that you are not alone.
  • Tiggy_sportsgirl
    Tiggy_sportsgirl Posts: 10 Member
    Oh my goodness! I can't tell you what a relief it is to see some other members in the same boat. With family and friends, I tend to joke about my weight, but I know deep down I need to change my pattern of eating behaviours because I have never been this bad before (In terms of controling my food portions and my sugar intake spikes has gone through the roof!!!!). I have gained over 5 kg's in the past 3 months!!! Crazy right??? Mostly because of stress from this past year of dealing with full-time Uni and studies. There's times where I lack motivation to exercise because that motivation is getting used up to simply do my Uni work! I would be so appreciated to have some support, it's so embarrasing to be eating for the sake of not being able to control my emotions and cravings..I used to be so on top of the game... I have a big chocolate additction, i love sugar, i eat when I'm stressed as well as when I'm bored, lonely, frustrated, or simply because I feel like I need to out of bad habit. If anyone feels the same like me please add me as their buddy. Let's make a support network where we can link hands and push through the pits of guilt and frustrations. If we are serious about our weight loss plans (like me) I BELIEVE we can have success!!! Thankyou for listening... :blush:
  • pattigorman
    pattigorman Posts: 33 Member
    I'm with you!
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    We're all struggling with similar issues.

    I just ate Nutter Butter cookies and a candy bar because I'm stressed out about my son's upcoming visit home with his new wife and I was craving sugar. Now I wish I hadn't eaten what I ate. I'll try to do better going forward.

    Anyone feel free to add me.