I'm sure there are more people.... where are they?

ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
Hey guys,

I'm in the Real Appeal through work. It's free to me, so why not, right? Well, I'm trying to figure out how to get it to work for me. Their calorie goes seem way off base (max 1800 for male, even a 289lb male?) and I haven't really seen any specific strategies, just the normal weightloss strategies that every fat person already knows.

Any other feedback? Is the admin of this group here? Maybe you can "advertise" this group in the forums. There must be thousands of Real Appeal users here, because every time I go into a session (Real Appeal) somebody asks about using MFP as their tracker instead of Real Appeal (MFP is way better for tracking).



  • momroxosu
    momroxosu Posts: 1 Member
    any idea how to connect MFP with Real Appeal? I like this app so much better...but truly benefiting from the RA program.
  • rlwart
    rlwart Posts: 47 Member
    I'm attempting to connect MFP to Fitbit and have Fitbit push the calories to Real Appeal. I'm not sure how it will work.
  • trace_dog
    trace_dog Posts: 7 Member
    Hey all - first off - thanks for joining! Encourage your RA groups to join this group if they love MFP as much as I do!

    You can share the URL of the group with your classmates and share it on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

    I created this forum because I found that MFP was better for me to track my activities. Plus, having a Garmin watch connects to MFP real easy.

    @momroxosu - There isn't a direct way to connect MFP to RA. I simply enter my weight and share my logs with my RA Coach.

    @rlwart - keep us posted. I switched from a Fitbit to a Garmin so I'm no longer trying to make the connection.
  • Kelvininin
    Kelvininin Posts: 2 Member
    Ugh. I am on Real Appeal, so far the only thing good is the initial kit with some mediocre quality kitchen equipment, and a halfway decent scale.

    I just find most of the content of the RA program as something I didn't already know. I find the coaches annoying, and not very engaged.

    The other thing that frustrates me is that the my insurance doesn't cover anything medically weight control related, but they cover diabetes, heart disease, and RA. Before I even knew of RA I recommitted to weight loss at the beginning of the year. I have a Garmin Vivoactive HR and use MFP. Turns out that RA app isn't compatible with Garmin or MFP, and the RA app is awful, when compared MFP.

    I feel like the whole RA program is geared toward older people, who are not very tech savvy, and people who are first time weight loosers. Not people who have battled weight their entire lives.

    I have lost 30 pounds so far. This is my 4th major attempt at weight loss in my life. The 3 previous attempts, I lost in excess of 80 pounds, only to gain it all back slowly over time. I am approaching this go around as a lifestyle change as opposed a temporary weight loss program. I am a person who would probably really benefit from a medically based program, but that's not an option.

    At least I got a POS blender and low quality food scale out of the deal.

    Sorry about the rant of frustration.

  • trace_dog
    trace_dog Posts: 7 Member
    Hey there!

    I agree with you to a point. It's kind of cheesy but I'm taking a different approach. Like you, I have heard this before, know the content but I am taking this as a reminder of things I need to constantly do to keep myself on track. The biggest thing for me is just keeping it going. Sounds like you are like me, up and down weight over your lifetime. But I also know that I have lost weight and it was hard work. My biggest challenge, I've found, is myself.

    LOVE my Vivoactive HR. It connects to my Garmin cycle computer so that I don't have to wear a strap! I hate those damn heartrate straps! lol

    I don't use the RA App - I use the MFP app because of the features and it's just easy to use.

    Have a suggestion for you. If your local gym has spin classes, give them a try but don't give up right away. Do the classes at your pace but challenge yourself to increase the effort each class. Do this three times a week, an hour at a time. Bring at least two big bottles of water and a towel or two to wipe the sweat from your face.

    You will find that after a few sessions, they get easier. And then you can add in a yoga class here and there for flexibility.

    I did this four years ago and dropped almost 60lbs. I went from the biggest I'd ever been to the smallest I've been in my adult life. I kept it off for so long because I maintained my exercise (not to the level I did when I was losing weight though - didn't need to!)

    I'm starting that again because I totally fell off the wagon after losing a job and becomes so depressed that I ate my way back to happiness. We all know how this went! :-(

    Stay with us... My hope with this group was to take like-minded people, on the same path, who wanted to share recipes to eat and for success and get help outside of the class from peers.
  • stacief82
    stacief82 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi! I started RA in February because it was free through my employer. I agree that it is kind of hokey and not a lot of mindblowing information provided, but I use the weekly meetings as accountability on weighing myself. Out of everything I think I like the Strenght videos the best. I do them a few times to get the circuits down then I once I memorize the circuits I can do them on my own (so I don't have to listen to the same commentary every time). I have spent my whole adult life yo-yoing about 30lbs, so I am hoping I can start developing some good habits to make this weightloss permanent.

    I chose not to use their calorie tracker, MFP is way better and I just log my weight/measurements into RA every week. My coach actually suggested that if we were already using MFP and liked it, to keep using it.

    Good Luck and I hope you find a nice balance of the tools available through MFP and RA!
  • shaedras
    shaedras Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I just found this group today, just getting started with RA. Look forward to learning, sharing and supporting
  • stacief82
    stacief82 Posts: 109 Member
    Glad you found this group!
  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member
    Just joined RA today. My first group session is next week.
  • JerryinDallas
    JerryinDallas Posts: 4 Member
    My first session is tonight. After taking a sneak peak at the nutrition library, I'm a bit concerned about the calorie intake for the aggressive weight loss (1250). I do strength training 3-4 times a week. Based on the calorie intake as well as the other macros for this plan, I potentially will be consuming fat and muscle to stay afloat. I wonder if this is flexible with RA. I want to aggressively want to lose weight/tone through positive means, but this generic plan does not seem to coincide with my goals.

    The other concern I have is the meal plan itself. Compared to a base (protein, carb, green) type meal plan, these plans would be expensive to upkeep over a 1 year period. I am interested to see how firm this is from the RA perspective.

    I appreciate any feedback.

  • stacief82
    stacief82 Posts: 109 Member
    I have been enrolled in RA since February and you get to set your calorie goals. I also donate use their website to track food, I like MFP better. I like attending the meetings to hold me accountable to weigh in, but if you are familiar with counting calories, most of the stuff they talk about you will already know. I don't use their diet plan either. To be honest most of the recipes didn't appeal to me and not something I could keep up long term.
  • JerryinDallas
    JerryinDallas Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you Stacie. Met with RA coach last night and we didn't have alot of time to talk. The introduction video, speech, etc went for 50+ minutes. The only thing she had time to confirm was that she does not use MFP and if we are not using RA logs, she would be unable to help us regarding questions on our goals etc.

    The RA application is leagues behind MFP. O'well.

    Positive attitude!!!! :)
  • stacief82
    stacief82 Posts: 109 Member
    That stinks! Our coach Hannah is awesome! She lets us just ask general questions about any health topic and we can ask others in our group for advice on what works for them. I know the coach can see what you log in RA, so I see where it is easier if you use RA tools. I just finished week 11 and my class is merging with another, so I will have a new coach next week. I hope my next coach is as helpful.
  • JerryinDallas
    JerryinDallas Posts: 4 Member
    Why are you having to lose your coach? That seems unfair. You have spent this time building up a relationship with your coach, only to lose them!!! Meh.
  • stacief82
    stacief82 Posts: 109 Member
    The classes start really big, but participation starts falling off after a few weeks. I can't remember how many people were in my group starting, but right now we have less than 10 active participants. It makes sense to merge classes when participation is low, it frees up coaches for new classes.
  • MrsFlint2013
    MrsFlint2013 Posts: 49 Member
    Starting week 15 this week! If anyone wants to add me as a friend , please feel free. 18 lbs down and counting. :D
  • stacief82
    stacief82 Posts: 109 Member
    Nice work! I think I am on week 12 (although when we merged classes I ended up repeating a week). I have been focusing on weight loss since Jan 1, and I am down about 23lbs.
  • chanzillaa
    chanzillaa Posts: 15 Member
    Just had my first session yesterday! Really excited to start :blush:
  • ginfur
    ginfur Posts: 1 Member
    I've been on the RA plan since September and I'm down 40 lbs. The tools that come in the kit have been awesome in helping me reach my goals and lose the weight I've lost so far. I also think the weekly class helps keep me accountable and motivated. I use the DVDs consistently and love being able to do the workouts on my time and at home.

    I know the material already that they are covering, so ultimately, the success or failure of this program is on me. I had a flip switch in my brain this weight loss go 'round so that has helped me tremendously. RA isn't a magic pill or a revelation for weight loss. But, for me, it was a life preserver thrown to me when I was drowning in a sea of unhealthy life choices.
  • Turkishvan
    Turkishvan Posts: 5 Member
    I too joined RA because I'd gotten to a point of utter frustration and feeling that I was really out of control in my health. The videos I agree are sort of cheesey but at this point what I know and what I have chosen to do are not always in agreement. I'm going to give it a real try for at least 6 months. I hate it's version of MFP login ; it is bad but since it was free as a service I'm willing to try it and hope that this time I'm in a place where I can 'receive' what's being offered.
  • oddestduck1
    oddestduck1 Posts: 1 Member
    I started a little over a week ago. I told my RA coach that their tracker was clunky and I knew I wouldn't keep at it but that I loved MFP and would use it. She just has me log my daily totals from MFP into RA. Works great and she can tell I am following thru. I also like that in MFP , I can connect with my weight loss buddy who doesn't have access to RA. I agree that most of what they are covering is stuff I know but being reminded helps.
  • karmabear06
    karmabear06 Posts: 62 Member
    I've been a MFP member for several years now and have teeter tottered with the same 20-30lbs. I did lose 40lbs and got below my lowest adult weight in almost 16 yrs but that didn't last long. I had support when I first started my health journey in Feb 2013 but that has fizzled. My insurance covers RA so I decided why not take the extra help for free. I had my first session on Friday and quickly realized that I'm ahead of most everyone in my group. After private messaging with my coach we argeed that I would continue logging my entries on MFP but I would use RA to log 'generic food calories' in the food diary so she can see my total calories. I need the extra help to stay accountable so if that means logging my weight, water, generic food calories, and fitness then that is exactly what I will do to have sucess this go round. I don't know if my coach can read my notes but I've been using them to summarize what I've eaten and how I'm feeling overall. Yes it's a bit of a hassle to log into both apps to update but again I need the accountability.

    Feel free to add me but please send a message first.
  • RickSuk
    RickSuk Posts: 8 Member
    Hi just found this thread. I'm 10 weeks into RA. I'm still hanging in there. using the scale daily and double listing on both RA & MFP (that's a hassle but I plan on staying w/MFP but want my coach to get my data too). I thought about going Fitbit to save on that, but sticking w/my Garmin for now.

    There's no magic bullet but having the "accountability" to my coach is a motivator. I've dropped 3 BMIs but that started even before RA. So far the best thing I've gotten has been the reminder to me to "not sit". I stand on the train, and take extra steps/trips @ work.

    Best of luck to all!
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    It is very nice to meet all of you! Just about to start RA with coach in a week. Thanks to ya'll I will start putting my calories in from mfp. I have been in mfp for a long time. Did well until my back pain went out of control. My neck and spine have bone spurs that cause me lots of pain. So far I can sometimes walk, and the most difficult thing is sleep. If I can't sleep then it is very hard to move. Keeping my chin up, and am hopeful <3