Mini Goal Challenge - Week of Sept 18th to 24th



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Hump day! Everyone is doing great with their goals! :smile:

    Goals week of 9/18/17:
    1) Five blue dot days on WW - 2/6
    2) 6500 step goal - 1/3
    3) 10 min housework 2 days - 0/2 (de-clutter)
    4) Minimum of ONE veggie a day - 2/4
    5) 7 hours sleep – 1/3
    6) Th, F, Sa, S, M (no check in - )


  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    Molly- good job with your goals. Get those veggies in this week. Keep going.

    Julie - you can start any time you want. Finish the week strong. Great job controlling your alcohol.

    Mepeffier - I think you have a good plan. Just keep going and make as many smart decisions as you can. You are smart to plan ahead.

    Clicketykeyd- good goals. Good luck getting to the gym .

    We can finish the week strong. Let's do it!!

    Wednesday check in -
    My Goals
    1. log everything daily 3:7
    2. stay in the green daily 4/7
    3. fat grams under 40 daily 3/7
    4. workout 2 time 0/2
  • Moni2027
    Moni2027 Posts: 19 Member
    1) 1 gallon of water daily 2/7
    2) exercise 4 days 0/4
    3) read 30 mins.daily 2/7

    I didn't reach any of my goals yesterday, but I'm staying focused today.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Goals week of 9/18/17:
    1) Five blue dot days on WW - 3/6
    2) 6500 step goal - 2/3
    3) 10 min housework 2 days - 0/2 (de-clutter)
    4) Minimum of ONE veggie a day - 3/4
    5) 7 hours sleep – 2/3
    6) F, Sa, S, M (no check in - )

  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    Moni2027 wrote: »
    1) 1 gallon of water daily 2/7
    2) exercise 4 days 0/4
    3) read 30 mins.daily 2/7

    I didn't reach any of my goals yesterday, but I'm staying focused today.

    Great attitude. Keep going.

  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    Goals week of 9/18/17:
    1) Five blue dot days on WW - 3/6
    2) 6500 step goal - 2/3
    3) 10 min housework 2 days - 0/2 (de-clutter)
    4) Minimum of ONE veggie a day - 3/4
    5) 7 hours sleep – 2/3
    6) F, Sa, S, M (no check in - )

    Excellent progress with your goas this week. You can get to most of your goals. try to do the housework at least once. steady slow progress is what you are doing. Hooray!

    Thursday check in -
    My Goals
    1. log everything daily 4/7
    2. stay in the green daily 4/7
    3. fat grams under 40 daily 4/7
    4. workout 2 time 0/2
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Goals this week:

    1. Prelog and STICK TO IT!
    2. Gym Wednesday and Thursday. Friday as a stretch goal.

    Got to the gym yesterday but not Wednesday. Tonight will be extra hard because my dad is coming over and then I have plans with a friend. Maybe I can go for a walk with my dad.

    The hardest part of prelogging is dinner. I pack breakfast and lunch and then I get home and have to scrounge for dinner and since I don't really have a plan it's harder to stay below my deficit.

    At least I'm learning?
  • Wiseinwellness
    Wiseinwellness Posts: 996 Member
    Happy Friday!

    1) reduce alcohol (12/30) - While cooking last night, I had a strong urge to have a glass of wine, so I had a small glass of rose and it was totally unsatisfying. It's just a habit - not a need that satisfies. Good learning. I just like something to drink while I cook and it doesn't have to be wine.
    2) track and be GREEN! (0/4) - will track Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat
    3) do a workout class on the weekend - I did a body sculpt class on Saturday morning, will continue with this

    Tomorrow I will do my class. Otherwise, I am not on target. I am feeling a tad disappointed, but will still check in.

    Good luck everyone, for the weekend. And I will be on track again next week :-)
  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member

    Tomorrow I will do my class. Otherwise, I am not on target. I am feeling a tad disappointed, but will still check in.

    Good luck everyone, for the weekend. And I will be on track again next week :-)

    Julie, as you said in your post, you are learning. that is all we can ask. I understand being disappointed as I certainly have had that feeling for a long time before my recent successes. keep at it. You can do this. Take care and have a great weekend.
  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member

    Got to the gym yesterday but not Wednesday. Tonight will be extra hard because my dad is coming over and then I have plans with a friend. Maybe I can go for a walk with my dad.

    The hardest part of prelogging is dinner. I pack breakfast and lunch and then I get home and have to scrounge for dinner and since I don't really have a plan it's harder to stay below my deficit.

    At least I'm learning?

    Clicketykeys- I hope you can get in a walk with your Dad. A perfect way to fit activity into a busy scvhedule. You are correct about dinner as breakfast and lunch are much easier. Perhaps you can get a couple of prepackaged dinners or measure and weigh for the evening meal. always a tough task but it will be a start.

    Keep going. you can do this.
  • LabcoatRetriever
    not my best week. not my worst! so far:

    1. reduce sugar in tea - 5 days / 7 days
    2. plank daily - 1 days / 7 days
    3. 1L water a day at work - 3 days / 7 days
    4. no mindless snacking - 1 day / 7 days
    5. no eating after 9pm - 5 days / 7 days
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    With respect to being disappointed that you aren't meeting your goals, if I am struggling, I tend to alter my goals for a while, to make them easier to achieve. I hate feeling that I've failed, and I don't think it does me any good. There's always opportunity to increase the challenge at a later date when I am feeling stronger.

    I have met my goals each day this week so far. It's been an easy week, everything falling into place for me. I wish the same for every one else :blush:

    1) No sugar in my tea - 5/7
    2) 5 fruits or veggies a day- 5/7
    3) Exercise - 5/6
    4) Review calendar and prep - 5/5

    Happy weekend ladies!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Friday!

    1) reduce alcohol (12/30) - While cooking last night, I had a strong urge to have a glass of wine, so I had a small glass of rose and it was totally unsatisfying. It's just a habit - not a need that satisfies. Good learning. I just like something to drink while I cook and it doesn't have to be wine.
    2) track and be GREEN! (0/4) - will track Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat
    3) do a workout class on the weekend - I did a body sculpt class on Saturday morning, will continue with this

    Tomorrow I will do my class. Otherwise, I am not on target. I am feeling a tad disappointed, but will still check in.

    Good luck everyone, for the weekend. And I will be on track again next week :-)
    Julie, I don't know if I consider wine alcohol since in Europe and other countries they drink wine with several of their meals and there are a lot of good studies to say a cup of wine a day in moderation is good for the heart and certain cancers. But you know yourself. I thought maybe you were referring to hard liquor like vodka, jins, whiskies, etc.
    Good job on just checking in too!! you will be back in the saddle soon! :wink:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    not my best week. not my worst! so far:

    1. reduce sugar in tea - 5 days / 7 days
    2. plank daily - 1 days / 7 days
    3. 1L water a day at work - 3 days / 7 days
    4. no mindless snacking - 1 day / 7 days
    5. no eating after 9pm - 5 days / 7 days

    Good job on not eating after nine and reducing sugar in tea!! Keep up the good work! :smile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    With respect to being disappointed that you aren't meeting your goals, if I am struggling, I tend to alter my goals for a while, to make them easier to achieve. I hate feeling that I've failed, and I don't think it does me any good. There's always opportunity to increase the challenge at a later date when I am feeling stronger.

    I have met my goals each day this week so far. It's been an easy week, everything falling into place for me. I wish the same for every one else :blush:

    1) No sugar in my tea - 5/7
    2) 5 fruits or veggies a day- 5/7
    3) Exercise - 5/6
    4) Review calendar and prep - 5/5

    Happy weekend ladies!
    Awesome job! Keep up the good work! Good advice....I do the same thing on my goals. I don't want them too easy or too hard. If I miss by one I consider that a WIN too since I am not striving for perfection just consistency.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Goals week of 9/18/17:
    1) Five blue dot days on WW - 3/6
    2) 6500 step goal - 3/3
    3) 10 min housework 2 days - 0/2 (de-clutter)
    4) Minimum of ONE veggie a day - 4/4
    5) 7 hours sleep – 2/3
    6) Sa, S, M (no check in - )


  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Goals week of 9/18/17:
    1) Five blue dot days on WW - 3/6
    2) 6500 step goal - 2/3
    3) 10 min housework 2 days - 0/2 (de-clutter)
    4) Minimum of ONE veggie a day - 3/4
    5) 7 hours sleep – 2/3
    6) F, Sa, S, M (no check in - )

    Excellent progress with your goas this week. You can get to most of your goals. try to do the housework at least once. steady slow progress is what you are doing. Hooray!

    Thursday check in -
    My Goals
    1. log everything daily 4/7
    2. stay in the green daily 4/7
    3. fat grams under 40 daily 4/7
    4. workout 2 time 0/2
    Thanks Paulette, I will do that for the house work and you are doing great on your goals too.... so good to have you back and congrats again on your weight loss! :)
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member

    Got to the gym yesterday but not Wednesday. Tonight will be extra hard because my dad is coming over and then I have plans with a friend. Maybe I can go for a walk with my dad.

    The hardest part of prelogging is dinner. I pack breakfast and lunch and then I get home and have to scrounge for dinner and since I don't really have a plan it's harder to stay below my deficit.

    At least I'm learning?

    Clicketykeys- I hope you can get in a walk with your Dad. A perfect way to fit activity into a busy scvhedule. You are correct about dinner as breakfast and lunch are much easier. Perhaps you can get a couple of prepackaged dinners or measure and weigh for the evening meal. always a tough task but it will be a start.

    Keep going. you can do this.

    Well. Depends what you mean by "this" ;) I have already failed at both my weekly goals. But like I said, I've learned from the process.

    Didn't get a walk in with dad - it's been SO. FREAKING. HOT. Just wasn't worth it. Going to try to get to the gym tomorrow morning. It's been extra tough because I'm working every single day this month. Sundays are "short" days - only a 6-hr shift - but it's like... there just isn't enough time. I love both my jobs. I love that I get money for doing something that I enjoy (for the most part, anyway; of course there are parts of it that are tiresome/frustrating).

    What I'll need to do is schedule some time to sit down with my husband and pick out some meals that he's willing to cook and we're both willing to eat. And that's a huge challenge because while I'm not a picky eater, I like eating. And it's just SO HARD to eat a reasonable portion (in other words, a SMALL portion) of something tasty when I want more and it's sitting there fresh and it's going to go into the fridge and he eats leftovers VERY rarely and either it goes bad or I overeat it at some point.

    Yesterday's food fail (see diary) showed me that it's RIDICULOUSLY easy to not just wipe out my deficit, but to eat above maintenance. And that's definitely something that's going to be hard to make my peace with. I ate two bear claws - they were fantastic, BTW - and it would have not been a challenge to eat SIX. They were that dang good.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Goals week of 9/18/17:
    1) Five blue dot days on WW - 3/6
    2) 6500 step goal - 4/3
    3) 10 min housework 2 days - 0/2 (de-clutter)
    4) Minimum of ONE veggie a day - 4/4
    5) 7 hours sleep – 2/3
    6) S, M (no check in - )


  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member

    Friday -Saturday
    1. log everything daily 6/7
    2. stay in the green daily 6/7
    3. fat grams under 40 daily 6/7
    4. workout 2 time 1/2
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