san814 Posts: 22 Member
Can someone please tell me how many calories a day I'm supposed to be eating. I am 5'4 160 my goal weight is 125.

Thanks so much!


  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member

    Try this calculator.

    I'm also 5'4" and started at 165 and set around the same goal. I have yet to reach that number but I did reach a size 6 which is what I figured I would be when I got there.
    I haven't counted calories in a long time. I try to just eat when hungry and only when hungry and just until satisfied now. I did count the first year though. I am very inactive in general. Averaging only about 6,000 steps and no exercise. I think my calories were generally between 1200 and 1350 ish. For quite a while, staying under that was no problem. I generally wasn't hungry enough to eat that much. Then as I lost bodyfat, hunger increased. That's expected and makes sense.
    Anyway, try the calculator I linked. If you aren't wanting keto level carbs just manually set them to whatever you want. It'll adjust.
  • san814
    san814 Posts: 22 Member
  • san814
    san814 Posts: 22 Member
    First one is what the website says second one is what my MyFitnessPal says. I mean the 2 couldn't be more different!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    san814 wrote: »
    First one is what the website says second one is what my MyFitnessPal says. I mean the 2 couldn't be more different!

    Neither of those are the link I provided which I trust more personally.
    Remember, it's just a guess anyway. Just pick an amount and go with it for a while.
    Ultimately you don't want to be going hungry but also want to have an idea at what point you may be over eating. But it's just a guess really. You just have to do it and adjust as you go.
    I trust the calculator I gave you more because so many others skimp on protein and that's important especially when cutting calories.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited October 2017
    I so had to laugh, @AlexandraCarlyle - so figuratively and loosely:

    Limit carbs until it seems like there aren't any aside from non-starchy veggies, a snack of nuts, etc.
    Eat protein until you can't stand to eat anymore.
    Add fats only until satiety...

    Did I sum you up okay?
  • tayusuki
    tayusuki Posts: 194 Member
    Also MFP will assign a calorie goal. It's good to use the calculator and then adjust the goals within MFP. The macros aren't set up for low carb by default
  • amyrising
    amyrising Posts: 39 Member
    I have a similar question. I only lost 1 lb this week and I'm trying not to be discouraged. MFP has me set at 1200 cal per day. I have my Fitbit linked so some days I am 800+ calories under my goal. Most days I'm just not hungry (except for today). Am I eating to little? I am keeping carbs under 20 and trying to keep my fat and protein up. Thx!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    amyrising wrote: »
    I have a similar question. I only lost 1 lb this week and I'm trying not to be discouraged. MFP has me set at 1200 cal per day. I have my Fitbit linked so some days I am 800+ calories under my goal. Most days I'm just not hungry (except for today). Am I eating to little? I am keeping carbs under 20 and trying to keep my fat and protein up. Thx!

    How much do you have to lose in all?
    1 pound in a week is great. I haven't lost any weight in over 2 years. Still don't consider it a stall though. Low carb is different. The scale isn't trustworthy when losing fat this way.

    Be careful not to look to the scale as a measure of success too much. The closer you get to an ideal weight, the less trustworthy it becomes.

    That said, there's no reason to aim to keep fat "up". It's easy to feel like you're not eating much when adding extra fat to already high fat foods. When a spoonful is 100 calories...
    just eat meat and veggies if you want and cook with normal amounts of healthy fats. No need to specifically aim to eat more if body fat loss is your goal.
  • amyrising
    amyrising Posts: 39 Member
    How much do you have to lose in all?
    1 pound in a week is great. I haven't lost any weight in over 2 years. Still don't consider it a stall though. Low carb is different. The scale isn't trustworthy when losing fat this way.

    Be careful not to look to the scale as a measure of success too much. The closer you get to an ideal weight, the less trustworthy it becomes.

    That said, there's no reason to aim to keep fat "up". It's easy to feel like you're not eating much when adding extra fat to already high fat foods. When a spoonful is 100 calories...
    just eat meat and veggies if you want and cook with normal amounts of healthy fats. No need to specifically aim to eat more if body fat loss is your goal. [/quote]

    I have another 40 to lose. I am on several medications that list weight gain as side effects so I'm struggling. As of this morning I'm down another 4 lbs so I think I jumped the gun thinking I was doing something wrong. I feel my body changing even when the scale doesn't move. I need to appreciate that. You look fantastic btw.