


  • markmacare
    markmacare Posts: 198 Member
    Hey all,

    Back for October. Missed September and noticed a big drop in consistency. October promises to be even more hectic, so all the more need for accountability!

    Good luck everyone!
  • srufus
    srufus Posts: 160 Member
    Hi all, I am Sheeba, I am not new here. I dropped out in the middle of August because we were moving and I couldn't track my calories. I was just lazy in September but now I am back. My goals this month are to track everything I eat and stay in my calorie budget. I am not going to set any weight loss goals, just want to stay on track and get back into rhythm.

    Welcome everyone and Good Luck !
  • Dosse1320
    Dosse1320 Posts: 242 Member
    Hi, My name is Dolores and I have been with this group since April. This challenge is tough but the support is awesome. My goal this month is to report in a couple times a day to keep me focused and accountable. I get side tracked very easily so I believe this plan will work.

    Welcome newcomers! Welcome back to the other UACers. Thx @RangerRickL for your amazing and consistent leadership.
  • ssaschaa
    ssaschaa Posts: 8 Member
    Hey! My name is Sascha and I am new to this group this month. This challenge sounds like a great way to help keep me on track and accountable. I know I'm a little late but am looking forward to having this group to help me achieve my goals, and my aim is to stick with this group for months and months to come.
    Good luck in October everyone!
  • joyinlife77
    joyinlife77 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Joy and I'm new to the challenge and excited to get going! I feel like this level of accountability to myself and this challenge is just what I need to stay focused when things get busy and excuses are easy to find.

    I lost weight years ago and got to my goal, the story goes....I let it (plus more) creep back on and I'm as heavy as I was when my youngest daughter was born almost 9 years ago!!! :o:s

    I have lost 10 pounds so far, but have 55 more to go to get to my goal. I reset MFP counter to start at 0 pounds lost for this challenge - just to keep me focused since I've been willy nilly about logging and tracking on here and want to see what happens when I'm 100% on point.

    My goals this month are to drink at least 100 oz of water/day, exercise consistently, track honestly, lose 8-10 pounds, and post or check in at least twice/day to stay focused and motivated.

    As I said - I'm excited to be here! :)