Pro vs. Con game: Practicing at home
Posts: 2,220 Member
Let's have a friendly game... Pro vs. Con.
I will post a topic and start the game with a Pro or Con. The next person to post must give an opposite attribute... so if the most recent post is a Pro, the next post must be a Con.
Topic: Practicing at home
I will post a topic and start the game with a Pro or Con. The next person to post must give an opposite attribute... so if the most recent post is a Pro, the next post must be a Con.
Topic: Practicing at home
Pro: You can practice any time of day or night.1
Con: there's not enough floor space to move around1
Pro: You can practice all your favorite moves0
Con: no one is there to make any corrections and you can practice something many times the wrong way0
Pro: It helps reinforce the things learned in the previous lesson.0
Con: don't have the awesome mats at home0
pro: no one is there to make any corrections so you can look as stupid as you want without any anxiety!1
Con - there's no one to kick!
1 -
Pro: you can get a workout in on a day you don't have class1
Con: Your dog thinks you're angry at him when making kia sounds and cowers.1
Pro: you can wear anything you want...even your jammies and crazy bed-hair2
Con: Hardwood floors plus sweat = slippery.0
Pro: your instructor will be surprised by how much you've improved since last class1
Con: Sometimes you have to get creative for targeting... as a result our houseplants are looking a bit ragged lately.0
Pro: following on from the above. It means the kids stay out of the room1
Con : random broken household items2
Pro: Dogs are eager stretching partners during cooldown.1
con: when you practice outside with any sort of weapon you become the pied piper of neighborhood 10 years old children4
Pro: your family members get intrigued and want to try a class!2
Con: Walls get in the way.0
Pro: you can check your foot-shape is correct by testing it against the wall (gently).2
Con: No classmates or instructors to push you to give your all1
Pro: it leads to situations that start with: "Hey Joe! Put this apple on top of your head and DON'T MOVE!"1
Con: the cat may sit on your back while you are doing press-ups or planking. Bonus of this is that the added feline weight neatly cancels out last month's effort to reduce your bodyweight for the purpose of easing fricking press-ups!3
Pro: There might be cats2
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