Making Sitting Less a Habit: Challenge 3

themedalist Posts: 3,218 Member
edited November 22 in Social Groups
Theme: Exercise and Movement
Challenge: Making Sitting Less a Habit (Part 2)

Third Challenge: Make Your Day Harder

My goal in this Sit Less series is to give you 3 specific strategies that will help you make sitting less and moving more easier and just part of what you do naturally .....a true lifestyle change. Our Wednesday challenge last week was focused on the first strategy, our daily routine and selecting a "One Thing". Please continue to work on your One Thing as we add in a new component:

2. Look for opportunities to increase your step count and add more movement into your day. These opportunities may be sporadic and not part of your daily routine, but they happen with a frequency and regularity that makes them something you can count on and use to your advantage.

A colleague might email you about an issue and you respond by going to talk to them in person. You might need to purchase something from the shop in the mall located on the second floor, so you take the stairs and not the escalator. And grocery stores and other shops you frequent almost always have plenty of parking for people willing to walk a minute or two. Be one of those people.

Dr. Mike Evans wants us all to take these opportunities to be more active through a campaign he calls, "Make Your Day Harder". Of course, on the surface, "Make Your Day Harder" sounds like the worst marketing slogan ever. Who would want to do that? Yet there's a lot of medical research indicating that these small steps have a disproportionately big impact in reducing our risk of diseases and chronic illnesses. By making our days a little harder, we will be making our lives easier. I'm in for that and I hope you are too!

Today's Challenge: Watch the "Make Your Day Harder" video posted below and then seize any new opportunities that come your way to add a little more movement into your day. Keep practicing your chosen Sit-Less action (your One Thing)..both are important in reducing the time spent sitting.

Fourth Challenge This Wednesday: Our final challenge will be posted this Wednesday. Look for that!


  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Great info and video. I am making an effort to sit less. This week will make sure I walk and get my strength but where I really need to work on is the mindful eating. Good luck everyone.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,451 Member
    I love this video! I will be consciously looking for ways to make my days harder, starting with parking further from building at work, using the restroom upstairs and taking the stairs, walking to colleagues' desks and talking to them rather than sending emails... just for starters! :smiley:
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,570 Member
    I love this video!! One of the ways I make my day harder is parking in a lot on campus that is farther from my classroom. One day I was getting my stuff out of my car at the far end of a lot when one of the campus safety officers rolled up in his little cart and offered me a lift. I told him I parked there to get the extra steps. He chuckled and said, "Oh, I used to do that."

    @OConnell5483, I also take the long way to the restroom as well.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    @texasgardnr good for you! Both of you are right. It is all about choices. You choose what is best for you. Every little thing we do for our health helps.

    @SilverSheWolf55 I was a receptionist as well when I was in the workforce and I cannot believe now the amount of time I spent sitting, at work and then at home " resting" for being sitting all day at work. Good for you for making the changes.

    I want to thank whoever posted here to put your tennis shoes far from your room or bed, because I have been doing that on purpose around my house just to have another excuse to move.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,218 Member
    I'm glad the video has struck a chord with so many of you!

    @texasgardnr, I understand the predicament of wanting to say something, but also realizing it's not the right time or place. Excessive sitting has been shown to shorten peoples lives. When you make a conscious choice to sit less and make it a regular practice, you are statistically shifting the odds in your favor. The odds of having a longer life time with fewer diseases and chronic illnesses. I will continue to try and make my day harder, so that I stack the odds in my favor of making my life easier.

    So glad you joined us, @SilverSheWolf55!
  • SilverSheWolf55
    SilverSheWolf55 Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you @themedalist and @prgirl39mfp for the welcome! I am soooo happy to be here and learn new healthy habits. ;)
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