Premium or not to Premium? That is the question

I am on the basic and had not thought about going premium. What are your thoughts? Any Premium users out there? What are thoughts?


  • laineyrenrn19
    laineyrenrn19 Posts: 4 Member
    I joined premium a while back when I was doing keto and I liked the basic but thought I needed to be able to track things not on basic (but right now I couldn’t tell you what it was for!). The basic is very good!
  • JanetStorck
    JanetStorck Posts: 15 Member
    LOL, I know what you mean. I thought with NS I was not suppose to not worry about all that. That is why I am chomping at the bit for my food to get here. I posted on the fb group as I was so proud of what I had created and wam! was I ever wrong...... They were very nice and patient in trying to explain it to me. Thanks for the feedback. :)
  • robbyn929
    robbyn929 Posts: 2 Member
    I might need to go premium. I do everything on my phone and can't get the nutrients the way I want without it.
  • JanetStorck
    JanetStorck Posts: 15 Member
    Yea, I noticed that yesterday. I am usually in front of a lap or desk top. But I do use my ipad often.
  • JGreenwoodmfp
    JGreenwoodmfp Posts: 14 Member
    I don't think I am going to buy premium. Isn't it expensive?
  • JanetStorck
    JanetStorck Posts: 15 Member
    $50 a year. I don't think it is worth it either.
  • I just track what NS tells us to track - calories, protein, fiber, and water intake I don't worry about anything else. No need to waste the money in my opinion. That's $50 towards something more important like new clothes lol
  • Trina0214
    Trina0214 Posts: 4 Member
    I just updated for a month and am not seeing a great added benefit.