Nov 13 Weekly Challenge: Fall Declutterfest

themedalist Posts: 3,212 Member
edited November 2017 in Social Groups
Programming Note: I won’t be around too much this week as I’m having surgery on Wednesday. As such, I’ve decided to repeat one of our most popular weekly challenges...Declutterfest!! There’s just something very rewarding about diving into projects that have long been on our to do list.

I’ll be back in touch towards the end of the week. Have a great week!

Theme: Healthy Practices
Challenge: Fall Declutterfest

I have been waiting for this week to arrive.

A few days ago my daughter asked, "Hey, can we clean out the closet? It's getting really hard to find things in there and there are lots of things we don't use anymore". This was on top of our observations that the kitchen was pretty messy and the dining room needed straightening up as well. And don't get me started on the garage.

I've held off on these projects because I knew Declutterfest would soon be here and this is the week! If you're wondering what decluttering, cleaning, and organizing have to do with better health, there are at least two interesting connections. When we're working on house projects like these, we're not sitting. We are up and moving around and this light to moderate activity has lots of health benefits. In addition, for many people, clutter is a source of stress, guilt, and can inhibit focus and productivity. Clutter becomes an array of visual cues of projects we haven't finished. The articles below go into greater detail as to how clutter affects our stress, productivity, brains, and indeed our lives. Not good. So this week.... let's bag, tag, recycle, and reorganize! We will feel great when we're done!

This Week's Challenge: Whether it's one project worked on over the week or lots of smaller projects, let's get these projects done. I'm looking forward to hearing what you accomplish this week. Post a picture of your finished project if you are so inclined!

Make it a great week!


Suggested Resources:

Why Mess Causes Stress: 8 Reasons, 8 Remedies

How Clutter Affects Your Brain (and What You Can Do About It)

The Emotional Toll of Clutter

The Cost of Clutter: How Clutter Affects Your Time, Money, and Stress



  • SilverSheWolf55
    SilverSheWolf55 Posts: 95 Member
    This is an amazing challenge....and challenge it will be for me. I always feel like no matter how I organize, arrange, "declutter", etc., my house still looks like a disaster. My husband does't think so, and neither do my daughters. I guess because my home is soooo tiny, it's hard to find places for things. Hopefully, one day soon we can find the money to buy an outside storage unit. :)

    Hope all goes well with your surgery, my friend
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Good luck on your surgery. You will be missed.

    I love this challenge. I will start cleaning up one room at a time, timing myself and making sure my house stays organized for the rest of the year. I have also started cleaning up my friends and family list. Getting rid of toxic relationships. I want to start the year on a great attitude so I can continue to work on myself.
  • fatbambi2017
    fatbambi2017 Posts: 1,295 Member
    Will be doing this challenge, need to declutter wardrobes, have got balls of wool all over the place which is annoying me, will be better in same place, will have a go tomorrow, then will tackle rest in 15 minute blocks, sounds awesome, great idea thank you!have finished some drawers this afternoon... Good luck with the surgery!!!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,930 Member
    edited November 2017
    I made a great start today! My sister was running late for our usual Monday workout together, so I spent the extra time sorting through the pile of papers that sit next to my computer. It looks so much nicer as I sit here typing. :) Then, because she still hadn't called, I decluttered the spot where I keep my purse so that when I came home I could clearly see that my ticket for a ball in January had arrived (it would have been virtually unnoticeable had I not cleaned up that spot). I still had a few minutes, so I put away the clothes in my bedroom that were patiently waiting to be put in my drawers. When I came home this afternoon, it looked so nice, I put my jacket and workout clothes away immediately instead of piling them! I am feeling so accomplished and inspired. : <3
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,930 Member
    @OConnell5483 , you are the queen of this challenge. I too have had to walk away for a job that was just taking too much out of me. I think it is amazing that you were able to find something better at the same pay. I am so happy for you.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Great post!

    So far I have 3 garbage bags full, 2 bags for donating. I feel lighter already. What I noticed is that my husband likes to keep and collect stuff ( borderline hoarder if you ask me).

    I have been a stay at home mom for 15 years and I suffered a lot from anxiety and depression and if you saw the state of my home back then you would have know right away that something was not right with me mentally and emotionally. Then one time, a friend told me " Marta, just make your bed in the morning and the dishes before going to bed" and I have to tell you, the feeling of empowerment and happiness I felt, walking up to a clean kitchen was exhilarating. Same when going to bed and looking at my bed all nice and neat. Funny how messes can " mess" us with your head.

    This video is very inspiring and I have practiced the Making my bed in the morning routine and it has worked wonders for me. It does help me start my day right. It is the reason I do it every morning. I will always be grateful to that friend that suggested it. I do not care how late, tired I am, my bed is the first thing I make in the morning; dishes before bed.

  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    @OConnell5483 So happy for you. What a great feeling.

    @77tes I agree. Glad you were able to clear the table. I found an empty basket and I put it on the table so that anyone who feels the need to put papers on the table puts it there. I am making a firm commitment to declutter the basket every week, I am hoping I can commit. Now I have tons of magazines, do you know if those can be donated, recycled? I plan to continue looking for ways to de clutter and clean my house.

    @nebslp I am with you. It is hard to part with things that still have some sentimental value. If we cannot find another purpose for those items, maybe someone else will. I plan to ask my neighbors to see if they want the stuff I am getting rid of before I take it to goodwill. And thanks for sharing what you are doing with toys you no longer use/ I can give all the board games I have to my kid's teachers to use in their classrooms.