Let's get started



  • Good Morning Crackers,

    I'm very pleased to report I had a productive day yesterday. I painted my second wooden panelled wall on the floor above the first, in Hague Blue. The husband was away for the day in rainy Salzburg at a catering fair, I didn't tell him my plans for the day hee hee! One of my sister-in-laws last week described the colour as being very Scandinavian looking. I also counted and bagged my schlipfkrapfen and then I did indeed Max.

    So I kept myself busy and out of the kitchen most of the day. And then in the evening I was catching up on my correspondence or at least I made a start. In total I only did 8,180 steps no husband, so no trek up mini Everest but there was a lot of arm work in the painting - I WILL have toned arms by next summer!!

    LMV - glad your evening was a success. Have you seen Nigel Slater's latest book 'The Christmas Chronicles' I'm very tempted just by the beautiful cover! Probably a few high calorie naughties inside but I do like how he follows the seasons and what is locally available at the time.

    Bracken - I have a friend who cannot eat much of what you mentioned for similar reasons. She is in her eighties and stick thin but she likes to eat healthily and like you, she loves the foods she should not eat and gets very frustrated when the doctors tell her to eat white bread and white rice for example. I am very interested to hear how your niece's wedding went, did you find the perfect outfit?

    We have had fresh snow overnight, just a dusting and it looks very beautiful but I fear it's going to be a cold winter this year. We are the only part of Austria to have had snow! I should go and clear the terrace for a few extra calories.

    Be good Crackers - I read today only 6 weekends left until Christmas Eve!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Bore da Crackers,

    Lovely to hear from you Bracken, but sorry to hear about your digestive issues. It sounds very limiting for you but thank goodness for berries. Are you able to eat nuts? That was a shame about your begonias but at least the geraniums (my favourite summer pot plant) had cuttings taken from them.

    Do you ever stop painting MITM? I've just had to look up Hague Blue - it looks navy (lol) on the colour chart so it's quite dark isn't it? Does this picture reflect the colour accurately?


    It looks lovely but must have been quite a shock to your husband and his family after white. I do love the Farrow and Ball paints. Every room in our last house was Farrow and Ball - I remember agonising over which whites to use and can still remember some of the names of the ones we picked White Tie, Pointing, Dimity, Slipper Satin. Well done on getting a max in.

    I haven't seen the Nigel Slater book yet but I'll keep an eye out for it now that you've mentioned it. He does make some lovely things but I find his delivery on TV a bit irritating so although I like his books I don't tend to watch him. I'm sure a Christmas book will be full of naughty things!

    On balance I thought it was the right result on Strictly last night. Although Ruth and Anton are more entertaining, Jonny probably did perform better technically. I think he will be out next unless he improves this week.

    I have biked and maxed this morning. I'm afraid I succumbed to some cheese and biscuits last night after having had a roast chicken dinner and some wine. Not a good evening on the food front. I hopped on the scales this morning and I am showing a gain. So, back on it today and hopefully I'll turn the gain into a STS by weigh in tomorrow evening.

    Be good Crackers
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    It was the most beautiful day here yesterday so I went out for a lovely long walk with my husband. The late afternoon sun was glorious. This morning is another story. The mist has descended and there is no view at all whereas yesterday I could see right up Carmarthen Bay to Tenby in Pembrokeshire. I suppose the changing view is what makes it interesting but it feels a bit gloomy today.

    I have biked and maxed and I do feel better for it.

    BM - how are you feeling? I think it was your birthday last week so I just want to wish you a belated Penblwydd Hapus. I hope you were feeling well enough to celebrate. How is the knitting going? I haven't touched mine for the last week I seem to have been too busy but hopefully I'll get on with some this evening.

    It's weigh in for me tonight. I'm not hopeful. I got on the scales again this morning and they haven't shifted despite all the exercise yesterday. Sadly, I think I will have a small gain to report. As you know, I'm not usually one for hopping on the scales but I seem to be suffering with a bit of scalitis at the moment. I must stop obsessing about the numbers, I don't think it really helps me. I know I am looking and feeling better which is the important thing.

    Now that my party night with the girls is over I must start thinking about next week-end. My step-sister-in-law, her husband, daughter and fiancé are coming to stay. I need to get all the beds made-up and do some meal planning. In preparation for next year's wedding I am treating my niece to having her colours done to help her with her honeymoon wardrobe and my sister-in-law and I are going to do it too so Saturday should be a fun day for the girls. I had mine done years ago (probably 20) so it will be interesting to do it again and see if my best colours have changed with age.

    I'm quite excited as my husband has a significant birthday coming up and he has always wanted to see Venice. I've been a couple of times but he never has. Yesterday I booked flights for a surprise visit next May. Now I just have to make sure he doesn't find out! How far is Venice from you MITM?

    Right, I'd best get on as I've stacks of ironing to do.

    Have a good day Crackers
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    I am thrilled to have lost 1.5lbs this week. It just goes to show I shouldn't hop on my scales and believe what they say, I should just weigh in once a week and leave it at that. I'm glad I didn't let my phantom gain derail me in any way and that I just carried on.

    My incentive for this week is to hit the stone lost milestone next week.

    Keep going Crackers
  • Evening Crackers,

    LMV you deserve to have lost 1.5lbs with all the exercise you have put in this week! Absolutely brilliant! My daughter had her first ever spin class today and for some reason, cannot think why, you sprang to mind! She loved it, so I'm glad you are enjoying your bike sessions too.

    My maxing week goes from Monday to Monday. I try to get them all done in the week because if the husband is home at the weekend, we will work and he will drag me up the hill on Sunday afternoon so no time for maxing. I got a max in yesterday and I was walking with my friend and totalled 14,508 steps which I was pleased with. Today I have not walked except around the house but I have maxed and I've managed 9,228 steps.

    That photo of the blue room is indeed the very shade. And how very amusing I have Dimity in my kitchen, White Tie in my sitting room and Pointing in my hallways and I too agonised over the shades! My hallways have heavy terracotta patterned curtains (not the same) covering the front and balcony doors with huge matching draft excluders and the floor tiles have a terracotta tint in them, so I knew I could get away with the strong blue walls. I find painting very therapeutic fortunately, as my husband will never have time. There is further panelling on the ceilings (in the hallways, maybe it was put up for warmth?) which I also would like to paint, but that will be next year's project along with the outside balcony door and I just glanced at the charts and I rather like the look of Slipper Satin!

    What a lovely birthday treat for your husband. I have only been the once to Venice on a day trip for my 40th and I loved it. Which is pathetic when I tell you we only live 4 hours away by car!

    Well I must get to my bed, we have been working tonight and I am shattered from working my fingers!

    Be good Crackers!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    MITM we obviously have the same taste in white! We had Dimity in our bedroom in the last house with a deep aubergine carpet and curtains. It was such a restful room with just a few little touches of pale mint green. I used Slipper Satin in my study for the ceiling, coving and skirting. It was exactly the same shade of ivory as the fitted cupboards containing my files and books and the walls were a very pale dusty pink (the only pink room I've ever had). I remember thinking I had made a huge mistake with the Slipper Satin as compared to the brilliant white undercoat it looked like a dirty brown colour. Once I had finished it I was so pleased with it though.

    I think my five minutes on the bike is probably very similar to your daughter's spin class! Lol! Has she settled in at uni now? I expect it won't be too much longer until term ends and she'll be back with you for the Christmas holidays. I've often wondered but never remember to ask, what language do you speak in the house? I think you mentioned that you met your husband when he was working here - Jersey? - so presumably he speaks English, but I imagine as you live in Austria you must be fluent in German. Did you bring your daughter up to be bilingual? There are many bilingual households here in Wales where children speak one language at school and another at home. Some children are schooled in the medium of Welsh even though neither parent speaks the language.

    I've had quite a quiet day today but managed to get two walks in as well as maxing so I've started my exercise week off with 21,742 steps today. I know that I won't do many steps on Saturday so at least I've got a day's steps in hand. I walked to the next village to meet my husband this morning and then he wanted to go for a walk this afternoon so I went out again with him. We were walking in the rain as it clouded over so I needed a nice cappuccino at the end, a skinny one of course!

    Right, off to bed.

    Nos da Crackers


  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    I'm having an early night tonight as I slept extremely badly last night and couldn't have a lie in to make up for it as the plumber was coming to service the boiler at 8.00am and I needed to have my max done before he came. Good plumbers are hard to come by and I didn't want any risk of scaring him away if he was to stumble upon me maxing!

    As well as maxing I got a short walk in so managed to hit 10,000 steps today. For some reason I have been ravenous all day today but I managed to keep a lid on things. I made a red lentil, garlic and rosemary dish with a little bit of chicken for me (rather more for the husband) which was pretty substantial and did the trick of filling me up this evening. Getting to bed before it wears off is another good reason for an early night.

    Nos da Crackers, hope we all have sweet dreams tonight.

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. I am so impressed with the terrific exercise you are both doing, LMV (21,742 steps- surely a Cracker record) and MITM. I loved the picture with that colour of blue and have enjoyed the chat on colour from both of you. I do think that colour is so important both in how we choose it for our clothes and in our home. LMV, I believe you mentioned giving a niece a gift of getting her colours done- what a brilliant idea. I remember getting mine done with a group of women from my school when it was first becoming a 'thing.' At the time I was quite nervous about it as some of the women were real fashionistas and I was not but I have always been glad I did it. It made me think that I have not seen here for a long time any adverts for such a service. Is the younger generation born knowing what their colours are? I will say I found as my teaching years went on that I saw fewer and fewer cases of young girls who ever looked awkwardly dressed or ill turned out- perhaps now they are learning so much and earlier from social media.
    The weather is quite up and down at the moment, with lots of rain but two days ago I was able to get out for a half hour bike ride which is is quite good for this time of the year. I have also raked more leaves this week. My sister came over on Tuesday after her work and brought her mulching mower and did another sweep through the front and back yard so more bags of shredded leaves again in the garage. We were literally at it until dark but got a lot done as I was also raking. I have planted just a few spring bulbs. I bought a pack said to be 40 bulbs of four different varieties, all white. However, it was quite disappointing as there were far less than 40, only about 25 as i counted and some of them were not well developed especially the tulip bulbs.
    Yesterday my writer's group met, always an enjoyable time. For the Christmas meeting, one of the members has booked the group into the clubhouse which is part of the gated golf community where she lives for lunch. She and her husband are treating us. She is also the member who has built and designed our website ( still a work in progress). I am going to suggest to the other members that we give her flowers because she really has taken on a lot of work for the group. She is also one of the three regular members who hosts the meetings; however, I hope it will not offend the other two who are generous enough to open their houses for the meetings too.
    Must off for now. Regards.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hello Crackers,

    Sounds like you have been busy Bracken and getting plenty of exercise with all the leaf clearing, planting and biking. I never enjoy planting bulbs very much but it is always a joy in the spring when you see them coming up and you get that first colour after the winter. I’m sure your suggestion of flowers for the lady who is treating you to lunch will not offend the others. It sounds like a lovely idea to me.

    I had a busy week-end with my step in-laws. The girls went to Cardiff on Friday for our colour analysis which was a lovely day out. My colours have only changed marginally since I did it all those years ago and I came out as warm, soft and light (I wish!). All my best colours were dark before and I still had some dark ones, but because my hair is now more blonde, some of the lighter colours suit me better too. My niece decided that teal blue or olive green were the best colours to think about for my outfit to her wedding. My sister in law thoroughly enjoyed it and is now feeling enthused about looking for her mother of the bride outfit. She looked lovely in some of the damson, fushia, purple, red type colours and has decided she wants something in this range for her outfit. We are all looking forward to a shopping day in the Spring so that’s another target for me to get in shape by.

    We went out for a lovely long walk on Sunday which is just as well as I spent nearly all of Saturday sitting down in the car, at the colour analysis and at the table in the evening. However, I really didn’t feel well yesterday and stayed in bed all day and I didn’t get up until lunchtime today. I’m due to weigh in this evening but don’t feel like going. I’ll see if my husband will take me and wait while I weigh in and then come home, I know I can’t face the meeting. I ate and drank quite a lot over the weekend so I’ll be happy if I’ve stayed the same.

    Hope the rest of you Crackers are well. How did your weigh in go MITM?

  • Evening/Morning Crackers,

    LMV - I do hope that you are feeling better today? Well your weekend certainly sounded busy, my own has been busy, busy too but mostly all work and no play! It did occur to me if I were to have my colours done and I was told navy, grey or pink were not for me - I'd have absolutely nothing to wear! Even my pyjamas are navy.

    I added to the handbag collection over the weekend, an impulse buy feeling sorry for myself toiling away! I like Bracken spent a few too many hours raking leaves and bagging them and cutting branches broken by the snow, I just felt exhausted by the time we had done our schlip orders... So to cheer myself up I purchased a navy (ha!) suede, clutch with a metallic spot from Sass and Edge in Winchester. If you look on their website it's under clothing, accessories, page 2. I daresay my Mother may well ask, 'where will you be using that?' I'm thinking one should always be prepared!

    Yesterday no max but I managed a trot around the village with my friend so 9,631 steps. Today I have maxed and I realised my capri styled exercise leggings are less 'wet suit' clingy! I have also walked so 11,367 steps. I came across an old exercise magazine 2013 with the lovely Jillian as the cover girl!! Inside she says 'navigate your indulgences, if you want to kick back now and then and enjoy those fattening meals - diet be damned. "I'm all for checks and balances when it come to your well-being - you can have whatever splurge food you're craving 20 percent of the time but the other 8o, you've got to make the better choice." There are circumstances when 20% isn't enough and Jillian endorses going with that impulse sometimes too. "Don't beat yourself up the best thing you can do for your body and your mind is to resume your regular routine immediately. Now you need to get your butt back in gear and move it full throttle."

    This past week I have had a fair few treats but I try to always aim for the 80/20 rule. I forgot to mention last week I lost 0.2! Actually it is a significant loss as it takes me into the 131s + 0.8! I would like to be 131.0 for Christmas week, I'm not sure if that is actually possible as the week before, I will be in the UK and whilst there are still no signs of Christmas in my village until the 1st Advent Sunday, I know I'll be overwhelmed with temptations everywhere I look in the UK.... However I managed to my surprise to hang in there this week so I'm still under target.

    Right I must get to my bed. LMV if you managed to get to your weigh in I hope the scales were kind.

    Be good Crackers - 33 days until Christmas!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    Feeling much better today so went and weighed in at a WW class this morning. Very pleased to have lost another pound so that is my first stone done and dusted. Now, straight on to the next one. I am hoping to shift a good part of the next stone before Christmas despite all the Christmas parties I have lined up. I’m going to the first one tonight but will drive so I am not tempted to have a drink and that definitely keeps the calories down.

    MITM, I absolutely love your bag. No wonder you couldn’t resist. I am a firm believer that once you have something you can always find an occasion to use it. I would use that bag just to go to the supermarket or for any other everyday chore as the sparkle would definitely raise my spirits.


    As you have chosen to wear so much navy I’m sure you would find it in your colour palette. If it didn’t suit you, you probably wouldn’t wear it as much. It’s probably more a case of which shade of navy. My navy is quite a yellow based one if that doesn’t sound mad, not a “black” navy.

    Jillian sounds quite sensible and the 80/20 rule is definitely something to be taken seriously. We all relax a bit over weekends when we have more social events but I know if I work hard during the week I still lose weight. To get the big weight losses I have to be super good over the weekend as well. Nit much chance of that next weekend. We’re having lunch in Cardiff for a friend’s birthday and the the boys are going the Wales v New Zealand rugby match. The next day we are going to see friend’s in Surrey, staying the night and then going on to see my parents. This means that I won’t be in total control of my food but I’ll do my best to make wise choices. I need to try and get plenty of exercise in.

    Well done on the weight loss. You are doing brilliantly and keeping well under target. No wonder your exercise gear is looking so good. I am seeing a difference in my clothes. Today I am wearing a pair of trousers which I had on in the summer. Last summer I bent forward in them and the centre back seam split. Luckily it was a French seam so only one set of stitching came apart not the whole seam. I repaired it but put them at the back of the wardrobe. The same trousers are now loose on me so I know the inches are coming off. I still haven’t measured myself so I don’t know how much I have shrunk but it is starting to be significant judging by my clothes. That is quite motivating. Also motivating is the fact that I only have 70 days before I go to Australia and have to slip into shorts, tee shirts and summer dresses! I would like to be two stone down but I don’t think that is very realistic. Maybe 1.5 stone at a push which would be a steady 2lbs a week. I’m sure you could achieve your target if yo7 put your mind to it MITM. You are so close, but I know how difficult it is when you have so little left to lose.

    Time to go.

    Be good Crackers

  • There do not appear to be another hours in the day.... hope to return - sooner rather than later!
  • Evening Crackers,

    My whole day was messed up yesterday by a television man! Husband bought a new TV for his office forgetting the old one, was 'tied up' - bolted to some monitoring system which can see what he is watching. Do not ask why as there is no answer! My husband just agreed... To me it is utter madness as his viewing habits are not helping anyone! And there is no payment involved! And of course it made me all the madder when he realised he couldn't set his new TV up and he had to arrange for the man who originally set it up, to drive 2 hours to come and deal with it. And the man just sent a text, I will be there at 2pm. Who will be there at 2pm?! Oh yes me. This was at 12.30pm. I had intended to max fortunately I decided not to risk it and just as well as the TV man arrived at 1pm.

    The good news is he completely set the new TV up after freeing the old and then he 're-bolted' it but from an A4 box to one the size of a mobile phone. But it took nearly 2 hours so I had no time for maxing. I had to walk to the post office as I had a birthday present that had to go off that day and then I had my hair cut. So my steps for the day a miserable 8,886.

    Today for some reason I have be thinking about the saying from Joe Wicks 'People smash themselves in the gym but you can't out-train a poor diet.' Not for one moment am I suggesting doing a max is like a gym work out and I consider I do eat a good diet but somewhere in my brain, when I'm tired and fed up I think if I've exercised I can over eat! I have maxed today and I have walked with my friend and I'm on 12,165 steps but I'm having one of those days when I could just eat and eat and eat. So before I do any serious damage I should take myself off to bed.

    LMV - brilliant result! How are you now feeling? Perhaps I should send my bag to you for the weekend! Saturday as the husband is working I am planning on giving the panelled wall a 2nd coat of paint and then I am finished with painting for this year. I also have some new kitchen curtains which I ordered the material in April, my Mother kindly made them in June, my friend hemmed them in July but then the husband damaged his finger and I need his help to hang them because of the poles, well I intend to press them this weekend and hopefully finally have them up on Sunday. I hope I still like them!!

    Right to my bed. Be good Crackers - she says to herself!!!!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. Well the on-going saga of the basement rec room fix-up continues with some slow progress. I had been waiting for contact with either of two contractors who could do the rest of the fix-up and neither of them panned out. This after considerable waiting; the one fellow actually came, had a look, told me he would work up an estimate and plan and still has not been in touch. In desperation, I phoned the man who put the backsplash tiles in my kitchen when I had the new cupboards installed. He had referred me to the electrician and the plumber both of whom are excellent. This man, Peter, has previously installed flooring and floor tile for me, a storm door, and wood ties that form the front flower bed. I don't know why I did not think to call him right off. In any case, he has come over promptly and although he is very busy will work me in and is hopeful it can be done before Christmas. He will do the flooring and the carpentry work but will have someone he knows do the ceiling tiles as he has not done them before. I really like that he won't take on something unless he has previously done it, usually at his own home as he is very meticulous. As a (rather long!) aside for the past week I have had a dreadful bug of some sort that has quite hit me hard. It started with dreadful sneezing, went to stuffy head and sniffles, along with a lot of tiredness, and for the past several days a cough that is so bad I have kept a water bottle under my pillow because I wake up coughing so much in the night. Because of this renovation, I have had to go out some as there was a big sale at a local building materials store. I am glad I dragged myself out as I purchased tiles for the ceiling and floor tiles at really good savings. I had a sample of them and Peter said they should work well so a good relief. On top of that I have had to purchase a new clothes dryer. Can you believe my old one is over 30 years old. It still works really well but the door will not shut properly and has to be propped. The plumber had a look at it and knew exactly about the door workings but said he knew that you could no longer get a replacement part because of its age. I was able to order a nice dryer at the so-called Black Friday sales where I bought the basement materials. (Black Friday now seems to be a week thing!) LMV, I also have you to blame for the other stage of my reno! It is all a result of that lovely picture showing the Hague Blue. Originally I thought I would continue to live with the wood panelling as it is although I know that stained and varnished wood is not very fashionable. Both peter and the plumber asked me if I was going to have the panelling painted but not until I saw that picture did I think- yes, I will have it painted. Which means I will be doing a lot of the painting
    (also encouraged by your fine example MITM- how nice you are finished for the year)but hope my younger sister is interested in working for me too. I always buy my paint at a store owned by a woman I taught many years ago. They do not carry Farrow And Ball but are a Benjamin Moore store (not sure if that is sold overseas)- very high quality too. They actually had the F&B
    paint chips and I am able to very closely match that Hague Blue. Hope I have not carried on too long with my reno saga. Must leave off but before I do, congrats to both of you for continued weight loses- a stone, LMV! and under goal and loose pants, MITM- well done.
  • Evening Crackers,

    Bracken - I had just finished painting the second coat of Hague Blue, my nephew had popped in and admired the colour and then I read your post and just had to laugh - in fact it made my day! I hope you like it as much as I do once you start painting. If you need any help with the painting I can always pop over! And I'm so pleased you have 'Peter' is sorting you out with your ongoing renovations, is this the same man who you liked to buy books for his child?

    Yesterday the weather here was beastly as in cold! The husband insisted it being Sunday, we climb mini Everest but we had been working and the sun had already gone down by the time we left the house. I've never walked so fast because I was SO cold! I was impressed with my speed uphill and I put it down to my stronger leg muscles after all the maxing. Steps combined with Saturday 24,040 - so for the week 76,088 which makes up for the fact I only did 2 max sessions (I'm blaming the TV man!) and one Rosemary.

    Today I have maxed and felt brilliant afterwards plus walked in the sunshine and I've completed 10,882 steps. LMV - are you missing your weigh in tomorrow?

    Be good Crackers!

    P.S. Strictly is getting rather exciting!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Sorry for my absence, been on the road. Going home tomorrow so will catch up then.

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Apologies for my absence, I seem to have lost my mojo a tad. Writing the first few words can feel so difficult sometimes and at other times it's a joy. I spent my birthday in Bali and came home to the news my Father has had a few more small strokes so is more confused than ever now. I am not going home though as he says he will worry how ill he really is if I fly home to see him. He seems to think we all know something he doesn't and if I go home it means he is about to die! No amount of reassurance helps so I am still in Singapore.

    On the happy side which I have t keep looking for I had a new Fitbit (my 4th!) for my Birthday, a charge two. So hopefully I can get myself up and at 'em again. It's a wrist one this time, not so much chance of me throwing it in the washing machine still attached to my bra! I quickly read through the last few posts, I will take my time and enjoy them later, but I have been wondering what this Max is your all on about? Is it a daily total or workout? To give you an idea of my health/fitness my daily goal is 2500 steps. I know it's appalling but some days I can't even reach that. However it has given me a base with which to progress from so onwards and upwards!

    Hope this post finds you all well, I apologise if it's a bit garbled.

    BM xx
  • Afternoon Crackers,

    BM - how lovely to hear from you although I'm sorry to hear about your Father, all very worrying when you are so far away. When are you next due home February?

    The max is a workout DVD 'Lorraine living to the max' as in Lorraine Kelly and her fitness trainer Maxine Jones, who she credits for her 2 stone loss a couple of years back and has kept off, thanks to the 3 classes she still attends a week when in London. It's 'dance aerobics' no getting down on the floor on a mat, nothing fancy or hard and it's done with her regular class of ladies all shapes and sizes. Very do-able. There are 3 20 minute workouts, I only do one session, 3 times a week. But it does what it says burns calories and shifts fat! I've lost nearly 5 pounds since returning from England without changing my eating habits and LMV a stone and most importantly there is no pain involved!!!

    I'm thrilled to report somehow I have lost 0.6 pounds this week, making me just 0.2 pounds from my Christmas target! The leaf clearing (just as well I did it as it's snowing again today) and the quick march up the hill on Sunday made up for my naughty moments it would seem! It all balances out in the end. I did not max yesterday and I only managed 7.645 steps and today at 1pm I have only managed 157 steps which must be an error!! So I must max today if nothing else.

    Be good Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    BM, well done on starting to write those difficult first words. It’s really lovely to hear from you.

    Yet again this is a short check-in. I didn’t think this year could get any worse after three unexpected bereavements in August, but sadly, one of my cousins, younger than me, unexpectedly passed away yesterday. We are devastated.

    We are away in Edinburgh this week-end for our anniversary and are going to Nottingham tomorrow to pick our Goddaughter up as she is coming with us. I really don’t feel like going but we can’t disappoint her. I may not post again until we return on Tuesday. Thinking of you all though and I will be back then.

    Cherish the ones you love.

  • LMV - so sorry to hear your sad news. Stay strong.