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  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning ladies, quick pop in! I had an email yesterday off John Lewis asking did I want to replace my Portmeirion dishes or be refunded. I was baffled as I haven't received them yet. Had a reply to my return email this morning, apparently the courier had been in contact with JL as all my dishes have been broken in transit. This happened to me last Christmas too, although I did have a whole lot of Holly and Ivy delivered before this Christmas and not a single one was broken, even the big platter which I had been concerned about. I am quite undecided as to what to do. I can't help thinking this is not the best of starts to my New Year!

    Bracken, my advice to you would be to pass the cookies on:) I have given our left over Christmas chocolates cakes etc (not many as we didn't buy much this year) to OH to take to the office to share out. It's too easy for me to think "just one won't hurt". I am very relieved the last of our cheese has gone as we enjoyed a cheese board for supper way too many times for it to be good for us. Cheese and crackers (plus wine!) are my complete downfall. It was very kind and lovely of your friend to think of you and bake them, maybe just keep a couple so you can tell her you enjoyed them. Then you might not feel too bad about passing them on?

    Ok, off to iron a few shirts now. OH leaves in a few hours so I want to get them done before it becomes even hotter here. Have another good day Crackers, we really are on a roll!

    BM xx
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    That's a shame BM, but if you really want the dishes let them resend your order. I'm sure they will take great care with the packaging so it doesn't happen again. Breakable goods get transported all over the world so I'm sure they can get them to you successfully.

    I have a huge pile of ironing to do as well and I think I will have to tackle it tomorrow and get some more washing on. I don't think I've done any ironing since before Christmas.

    I must also try on my one and only black dress (not a colour I wear usually) as I am singing with the choir in a funeral on Saturday. I'm not sure if it will fit me so there will be a dash to the shops to get another one if it doesn't. I don't sing with the choir normally now as choir practice has changed to Sunday evenings which doesn't suit me. However, there was a one off practice to learn the song we have been asked to sing last night so I went along to learn it and join in with them. It was great to be singing again. It will seem such a waste to get a new dress which I may never wear again. Hopefully there will be something in the sale.

    Be good all
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Just off to bed so a quick pop in. It's weigh day for me tomorrow, but as I only started Monday I'm not going to mind too much what the scales say. I'm just relieved to be back on track. It has been a bit easier today, I haven't had to snack as much as earlier in the week. I am a bit of a grazer so hopefully I can reduce my snacking. I do eat healthy low cal snacks so I suppose it's not too bad. I did have a shock however when I logged my medjool dates. 66 cals each and I had been eating them in twos. They might be healthy but I am happy the pack has gone. Also found out Cadburys roses are 48 cals for each teeny tiny chocolate. Shocking!! lol x

    Off to bed now so will say Nos da to you all and wish you a lovely weekend.
    Take care, BM xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello. Thanks for the good advice on the cookies (which I have not yet opened). I had thought of putting them all in the freezer but think I will just keep a few for the freezer and pass the others on. It really is quite a large tin and that way I think I won't feel somewhat resentful that at some point I can't have any but there will not be any on-going large amount. This is sort of what I did with another gift from the stable owner. Part of her Christmas gift was her homemade "Bailey's" which seems even richer than the branded product. I had two small drinks over Christmas and passed to my sister for her sons. She traditionally puts this in her gift basket with a homemade candy but I think I waylaid her this year earlier when we were talking about such candy and I told her about losing the cap from a tooth eating a toffee (similar to what she makes).
    Thanks, LMV, for more info on the diet program; I shall try to look it up. It is nice as you both say to feel on track and in control of what you are eating. I have just finished the two most restrictive days of my present plan and feel good about that. Some people might not even find them that restrictive but as I like fruit and carbs it is harder. However, I had some very nice fish both days and among the required vegs I had some red chard which was very tasty steamed. I have never heard of "bircher' before but an intrigued. Presently, I have oatmeal with a teaspoon of almond butter for most breakfasts. I really like it in the winter but the bircher is something I'll try when it is warmer. Is there anything I should know about preparing it? BM, I too like medjool
    dates and also figs. I understand they have a lot of good minerals so I have some at the moment that I am trying to use as a fruit serving when I don't care for more berries or apples. They certainly come in ahead of a Cadbury rose (regrettably!) BM, I hope your weigh in goes well. At the moment I am doing a daily weigh-in and trying to remember to advice I recently read about what you should think about before getting on the scale such as have been following my plan, have I been consistent, have I been measuring portions, have I done some exercise etc. It sounds as if you have a good attitude-
    you are feeling good about being on track and have made progress reducing snacks.
    Yesterday for a time I had an upsetting event when I turned on my computer to log my steps and found only a message about not being able to log in because of some error. I was very fortunate to get in touch with my former colleague who gets my computer going and who has remote access to it. He researched the error, phoned me back and within a half hour had fixed it. I am extremely grateful as you can imagine.

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good evening Crackers,

    Good luck with your weigh in BM. Let's hope there is a little bit of downward movement, but as you say, it is only 5 days so it may take a bit longer for you to get results. It is amazing how much better it feels mentally when we're in control isn't it? That in itself feels as good as a loss to me and I'm sure actual losses will follow in due course. We've all managed it before, so we know what works for us and we know we can do it.

    I was browsing in the blogs the other day and came across someone who had successfully lost weight. Someone had commented that she just didn't have the willpower to stick with it. The blogger said she didn't have the willpower either, but it was a question of maintaining discipline. I've been pondering the difference between the two and have come to the conclusion there is a subtle difference. Willpower is about exercising self-control, but discipline is about following rules and you don't necessarily have to put too much thought into it, you just stick to what you know you must do. I know the rules I should stick to in relation to my diet and the problems arise when I try to bend them or make bargains with myself eg I'll have X now, but won't have Y later to make up for it. Inevitably I do have Y as well...... The worst thing is if you don't stick to the rules but get away with it. It normally comes back to bite you in subsequent weeks but it leaves me thinking that I am clever enough to break the rules when in reality I absolutely am not. So another thing I am adding to my January objectives is to JUST DO IT and not think about it too much. Discipline.

    Well, my black dress was a disaster. I could get it on and done up but my bulging stomach was an absolute disgrace. I haven't been to Pilates for about a year and I have clearly lost all my core strength judging by the wobbling mass my stomach has become. This fact, coupled with the extra pounds I am carrying there made me a very unappealing picture. I went to M&S this morning and managed to find a dress in the sale which looks OK so I shall look decent when we sing at the funeral tomorrow. I really, really need to do something about that tummy though so I think I shall be meeting with Jillian for my February challenge. She'll soon knock me into shape.

    Bracken, bircher derives from the name of a Swiss physician who made this recipe for patients at a Swiss Sanitorium. I'm not sure what the original recipe was exactly, but it was something along the lines of oats soaked in water overnight so they go mushy and then apple added to it in the the morning. These days people soak the oats in all sorts of things, water, milk, juice, cream etc and add any number of extras like fruit, nuts, seeds to their own taste. I really like it and it makes a change from porridge. I only started making it last year, but it's been around since the 1920/30's.

    I'm glad you got your computer fixed. We depend on them so much don't we and it is hard to manage without them now.

    It's turned really cold here today so we are snuggled in front of the log burner and have had a hearty cottage pie for dinner which was very comforting. I had some sorry looking veg at the bottom of my fridge so I threw them all in the sauce - onions, carrots, celery, mushrooms, leeks. In the freezer I had some beef left over from the rib we had at Christmas. I ground up the leftovers and froze them and I must say it gave a lovely flavour to the sauce. That should hopefully keep me full for a while.

    For once, we have a quiet week-end ahead so I am looking forward to relaxing and getting on with some knitting.

    Nos da Crackers and have a good w-e

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Yay! Absolutely doing my Very Happy Dance, It's only been 5 days and Yay! I know it's probably water weight etc but I am so happy, Squeeeeeee.

    Ok, I'm a bit calmer now, but absolutely nothing tastes as good as this moment feels. Like LMV I am aiming for 7lb a month so I have bit in hand for the weeks that don't quite meet the mark. Bracken, do you have a goal or idea in mind?

    Bracken, I am so glad you had your computer fixed so quickly, it would have been enough to send me in full panic mode. Like a lot of people I would imagine, my computer is my link to the world, family and friends. We only have a couple of British channels so all my news etc is off the internet. Plus how would us Crackers keep in touch? :)

    LMV, I'm glad you found a dress, such a shame though it will be too big for you soon! lol x A weekend of knitting sounds good to me, although I am crochet mad at the moment. (taught myself off youtube last April). Did you get chance to check out the Shaun the sheep blanket. I think it would make you smile.

    MITM, Hope you are having a good time.

    PB ??????? Where are you?

    Have a great weekend all. I have promised myself I am not going to drink this weekend. Not even a glass of wine. I've had no cheese all week either. I wish my will power was always this strong! (LMV I will become disciplined, loved your thoughts on that x)

    BM xx

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Bore da,

    Fantastic BM. Just wanted to quickly say "Llongyfarchiadau". Like you, not a morsel of cheese or alcohol has passed my lips since Tuesday. It's only day 4 today, but that is amazing for me!

    I did check out the blanket - is this it?


    Right, off to get ready for the funeral. The dress was £55 reduced to £20, so I won't mind too much if it's too big for me very quickly!

    Well done BM

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Team (see BM's comment on the exercise page if you haven't yet). So glad that you are off to a good start, BM. Yes some of it is probably water weight but it is water you don't need to go with the fat, I think, so it counts as weight to my mind. I suppose the difference is that it comes off first. You should well celebrate because you have been eating differently and exercising. I did my 5000 and more today with Nellie. I had thought of doing 3 days of walking and one off but today was exceptionally nice, sunny and a balmy 8C so I could not pass up the chance to walk outside. Next week is predicted a return to the deep freeze and thus the treadmill. Nellie has had a great day as besides a good walk. a brother and his wife popped in with their lab, Sirius and so Nellie had a lovely hour of playing with her in the backyard. BM, I am thinking of a weight goal which is to get a little below the weight I was at when I rode in that horse show the year before my Mom died. I want to do this by the end of June which will require losing a pound and a couple of ounces weekly. That is not a lot but my weight really hangs on. However, the biggest thing will be to be consistent in my efforts.
    LMV, your comments on willpower versus discipline are thought provoking and I think you are right in what you say. I know Beck does not think will power is the key to dealing with weight. She emphasizes cognitive changes but when you look at her program a lot of it involves establishing disciplined patterns, not only of thinking but of organizing one's diet, preparing ahead, etc. The goal is to make these so routine that one doesn't think about them after awhile. I have also read that the human brain can only make so many decisions in a day and that is why it is important in dieting to establish routines so one is not constantly thinking about what or whether to eat. I have also read that, I quite sure it is Pres. Obama has said, he always wears the same two colours of suits or something like that so he doesn't have to waste decision powers on less important issues. Must off now as Nellie needs a good bath before coming into the house proper.

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Noswaith dda Crackers,

    Bracken, interesting that the blogger's discipline comment chimes with Beck. Maybe she too is a Beck fan! I've never heard that the brain can only make so many decisions in a day, but it makes sense given how I feel sometimes! I'm glad you had a nice day for outdoor walking. It has been horrendous here with driving rain so I wimped out. It was a very bleak day and not good at all for the funeral. It was a packed church with mourners squashed in everywhere including with us in the choir stalls. Others had to stand outside huddled under umbrellas in the rain. It is an old village church with quite a long path from the lane to the door. The coffin had puddles of water on it and it must have been quite a job for the bearers as their coats were soaking. Such a sad day and the weather did nothing to lift the mood of the family.

    I was starving by the time the funeral finished and was feeling a bit glum so my husband took me to our local cafe for a late lunch and a cup of tea. I had the most delicious bowl of steaming mushroom soup which certainly did the trick. I managed to leave the bread which came with it apart from using one small piece to wipe the bowl out. As I know I have to be organised to do well, we had a chat over lunch about food for next week and then went and did a shop.

    As soon as we got in I made a big bowl of fresh fruit salad and then portioned it up into containers so that we eat controlled portions. I shall be using my crockpot this week to make winter warming casseroles. Sadly I didn't get to do any knitting but there is always tomorrow.

    Well done on teaching yourself to crochet BM. I haven't done any crocheting for years. What made you take it up?

    Your goal sounds like a sensible be Bracken and I'm a firm believer in slow and steady wins the race but it is good if you get off to a flying start like BM has. When is your weigh day?

    Time for sleep now.

    Nos da
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - my sincere apologies for not being in touch. No I haven't been flooded out - unfortunately though on the Tuesday night before Christmas I fell and broke my leg - hence I've been in a bit of a dream for the last couple of weeks with trips to hospital and just trying to organise my life so that I can be as independent as possible. My parents have had to move in for the duration because I'm not allowed to put any weight on it until the cast comes off in early Feb. Christmas and New Year went by in a daze so please accept my very belated good wishes to you all. I hope that 2016 is kind to you. Suffolk has had far less rain than some parts of the country and my house is on the highest ground in the village so it would have to be an impressive flood to get me I think! My accident occurred on the Tuesday before Christmas evening, when I had been to the Christmas Carol service at Church (I was meant to do the Once In Royal solo - but the organist forgot to mention it to the vicar so everyone joined in! ). I'd then gone out for something to eat with my friend. On the way back I suggested he dropped me off at the front of the house and I would run up and get his birthday card (for Christmas Eve). Unfortunately, the path slopes and isn't lit and on the way back I slipped on some wet moss and my right leg flew out in front of me. My left leg stayed more or less where it was. It wasn't until the following day that I realised I had broken it though. I had been intending to go to London to catch up with friends who were on their way to Asia for 3 months in early Jan. We were going to have a lovely day out and exchange Christmas pressies etc. but I knew I wouldn't be able to get on the train so I went to the GP who sent me straight to A&E. I'm now plastered up and on the mend. I'm also getting quite good at getting about on my frame and in a wheel chair (borrowed from Red Cross) but cannot, for example, get into my small kitchen to make a cup of tea (because I can't carry it anywhere and there is nowhere to sit). Its very frustrating though and I hate to be waited on by my 80+ yo parents. they took me to my brothers for Christmas Day and I have to say it was pretty uncomfortable. So that is my news. I will now go on reading all the lovely posts!

    Take care crackers

    PB xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. Oh dear, I was so delighted to see your name turn up PB and then to read your dreadful news- the last thing you needed to have happened. Just reading your description gave me the shivers. I'm sure it is an added worry depending on your aged parents when usually you are doing so much to make their lives easier. I hope your job will still be secure for you while recovering. It would be so easy to get very depressed by this. One feels very helpless to be able to do anything for you but if the Cracker support can help at all, I hope you'll stay in touch.
    After my lovely walking day yesterday, today has turned miserable- pouring rain all morning and now a drop in temperature and blowing snow already covering the ground in a white blanket. Early in the morning I went to the stable. The woman I ride with was not there and the stable owner soon left. I don't like being there alone but did lunge my horse for a short time and groomed him so it was still worthwhile and Nellie got to run wild. Despite the blowing snow, when I was eating my lunch, the pretty squirrel who has conquered the birdfeeder was lunching too; he's becoming quite roly-poly - I thought perhaps he is becoming an overeater just because of the easily accessible food! I'm really enjoying that feeder as it is only about three feet from my table window.
    LMV, my weigh day is Monday. It will actually be 10 days since I returned to my plan but the first three days I did not weigh myself so I won't see a really large first week as I think I dropped some water weight those first three days. I too need to do some meal prep for next week; I did make a batch of carrot soup for freezing yesterday. I'll add some asparagus soup to that and perhaps make some chicken soup. Downton has just started here so off to my neighbours this evening to watch with her.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Happy New Year PB, but so sorry to hear how it has started. I know how you are feeling as I sprained my ankle last year and couldn't put any weight on it for a number of weeks. I was on crutches, and as you say, you don't have a hand free. Making a cup of tea took ages and I would put the cup on the counter and push it as far from me as possible, hobble up to it on my crutches and push it a bit further. Then I would stand between the counter and the table balance on one leg and a crutch and with the free hand transfer it from the counter to the table. Then push it near to where I could sit down. Luckily I don't like my tea really hot as it took ages! It's horrible missing out on things too. You have my sympathies and I hope you recover quickly. You certainly won't be joining in the step challenge for January will you?!! Perhaps you could think about having a kettle and a tea tray with everything you need in another room near where you sit so you can at least make a cuppa when you feel like it.

    That was such a shame about you solo in the carol service as well. I haven't been singing with the choir much as rehearsals are on a Sunday now and we are often busy at week-ends. But January is a quiet month for us socially with no w-e visitors and our two trips to London are both mid week so I have some Sundays free. Choir started back tonight so I went along for a sing song. We're doing some lovely numbers in our next show and we learned Moon River and It's a wonderful world tonight. He gave us the music for My Guy as well. These are all pretty straightforward numbers but I think we are starting on a Jazz Mass next week which will be a bit more challenging.

    I experimented with my new slow cooker today and cooked a pork tenderloin in it. It was absolutely delicious and just pulled apart and melted in the mouth. The sauce was really tangy - balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, chilli flakes, Worcestershire sauce, a tiny amount of maple syrup and some chicken stock. I added onion and apple to it and served it with rice and Spring greens. We both really enjoyed it and it was very good calorie wise. That's 5 days in a row now that I have kept within my budget and haven't eaten any rubbish like cake or crisps or drunk any wine. I hope the scales move like they did for you BM.

    Going for a walk with our friends tomorrow and we are starting the Gower Way. The forecast is awful so I got all my wet weather gear ready tonight as we are going come rain or shine. I think it might be a bit muddy and I don't suppose we'll get to enjoy any views if the weather is closed in. The steps will be good though.

    Off to bed now. Good luck with your weigh in Bracken

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A quick pop-in. I have weighed and am pleased to be down 3 pounds from last Monday. I think I am down a few more pounds from my highest before New Year's weight but I did not weigh self until last Monday although was back on track some days before that. So I am very pleased with this loss as I think I lost some water weight before last Monday. Plus I did put in a good effort during the week. My biggest achievement has been to really cut down on sugar and that is a long term goal as well- to eat with the least sugar I can and still be satisfied and happy. Doctor's appointment this a.m. so may be back later.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Congratulations Bracken that is absolutely fantastic! xx
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Well done Bracken. Fab news. I'm slightly concerned about how much weight I'm going to put on sitting around like this but I will just have to work hard on it when the cast comes off. It's been lovely to read the posts and I'm delighted we are all in contact again. PB xxx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    PB, absolutely fab to have you back! So sorry about your leg, hopefully you will soon be back on track. I would think your parents are enjoying looking after you again. You do such a lot for them it must be lovely for them to spoil you for a while. I know when I see my children I fuss over them so much they have to tell me to stop! There will be plenty of time to worry about your weight when you are back to life without your cast. Just take care of yourself for now.

    Bracken, brilliant weight loss! you must be very pleased. I am so happy for you. It must be so difficult to get motivated in that cold weather, you thoroughly deserved that loss. xx I had to smile at your role poly squirrel, I envy you your bird feeder (and your garden!).

    LMV your steps total is amazing, absolutely well done you. Also more than a little envious of the beautiful countryside you got to do those steps in. My slow cooker is like my best friend over here! I don't eat anything out of it, but it used a couple of times a week to cook supper for OH. I often use it just to cook a chicken portion or pork chop in as well as casseroles/curries etc. It's so much easier then when he comes home to do him a side salad/jacket potato etc. It also means now I can just concentrate on chopping and dicing the millions of vegetables for my supper lol.

    MITM, safe journey if you are en route home today.

    Wishing everyone a good day, BM xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. Thanks for the encouraging words. It is snowing heavily today here and very cold. Even Nellie seemed glad to come in shortly. The birds are eating madly at the feeder but it gets a bit plugged with snow so I must do something about that this afternoon. It is a hard life for the little birds. I watch them feed and as they feed they have to constantly look around for predators, mostly hawks. I've had a bit of an upset stomach and so have had a slow start to the day. I have been trying to eat lots of vegs but have difficulty with digestion particularly with the best for you veg- go figure. I think having some tomato last night was the culprit. I may not do any treadmilling today but not too concerned as I have more than reached my goal for the past week. Tomorrow starts the next challenge week. I had hoped to go out tonight to a presentation given by a local nature group on this regions songbirds but that is unlikely now. BM, agree with you about envying LMV's walks as I mentioned earlier. I have watched some episodes on a BBC program here called walking through history in which the presenter walks through amazing country and discusses the historical significance of places visited. The last two episodes I saw took place in Bronte country and in a part of Scotland near Balmoral and Blair castle which I have been to. Am I naïve in even wondering if he is actually doing the complete walks he talks about or is it more like a dramatization and only a segment of the walks are done and filmed? Many of the walks are really long but always beautiful. PB, I recall you posting that you had lost 18 pounds just before Christmas. You have a lot to do to look after yourself at the moment but I hope you'll be able to keep some of the loss you worked so hard for. I know it won't be easy as I certainly gained weight when I broke my ankle a few years ago.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    I can understand your concern about putting on weight PB. I think it is difficult because as well as not being mobile, you feel so fed up when you are out of action. I think a few of us are emotional eaters and that is probably what you will have to think about. I read somewhere that the type of workouts Jillian Michaels favours where you work the muscle groups are actually more effective at weight loss than aerobic workouts because you actually burn calories quicker that way. If you felt up to it, you could certainly do some upper body work with weights from a seated position and leg raises etc with your good leg. Just a thought, every little helps, as BM said the other day.

    I went to my Welsh class this morning for the first time since November. It was good to have a go at speaking it again and we did some work on ancient Welsh literature. What is now Welsh was the language of the Ancient Britons before the Anglo Saxons (I think) pushed us to the extremities of the UK. The literature of that time in Welsh is the oldest European literature in a still living language. We translated a small portion - quite bloodthirsty, 300 warriors fattened up on honey mead for a year and then sent into battle, only three returned!

    This evening was the start of our cookery evening class. Tonight was a demonstration and you get to taste the food cooked which isn't so good on the night before weigh in. Tonight was a vegetable pasta bake, fish chowder and a rhubarb and orange cake. I had very small portions of everything, especially the cake, so I hope I haven't done any damage. I've estimated the calories and I'm pretty sure I'm under my daily limit.

    Feeling a bit nervous about weigh in. Everyone has done so well so I hope it will be a good result for me too.

    I hope you will be feeling better soon Bracken. Too many vegetables and fruit can have unfortunate consequences sometimes when your body is getting used to it.

    I quite often eat vegetarian BM. What's your favourite vegetarian cook book and what sort of thing do you normally eat? I really like Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall's "Veg" and as I mentioned in an earlier post, Deliciously Ella.

    Keep warm everyone, apart from you BM, you keep cool.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Fascinating information about the welsh language - I think you are right - it was the anglo Saxons although the romans had started the process considerably earlier than that.
    I'm sure you won't have done any damage with the sampling (as long as you hadn't had a massive day before that). In any case, I always find that its a couple of days later when I notice any particular weight gain from a binge.

    I also think you are right about the work out stuff LMV - and funnily enough I was thinking about that and wondering if I could find my dumbbells (or rather if Mum or Dad could find them - as they would enable me to do a little upper body stuff - although its quite difficult balancing on one leg!

    The sun is shining here at present. there is talk of some snow today but not this far east so fingers crossed we don't get any!

    Speak soon Crackers

    Love PB Xxxx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Crackers, just off to bed so a really quick pop in.

    LMV, I don't have any vegetarian cook books! I have dozens of others but none specifically for vegetarians. I haven't ate meat or fish since I was a very young child, my parents tell me I was barely 4 yrs when I realised meat came from the animals in our fields and refused to eat them! So I have managed just fine without it but since quorn and tofu etc have arrived it has made mealtimes a lot easier. We still only have quorn mince and chicken pieces over here and that is only lately but it has made me happy! I tend to use ordinary recipes and substitute the meat or just leave it out completely and bulk up the veg e.g. lasagne/curries etc. I use nuts and cheese a lot, also natural yoghurt, cottage cheese and eggs feature greatly in my diet. My only problem is B12 or the lack of it, as you can only get it from meat I take hydrocobalamin daily and because of my haemophilia I don't really get enough orally so have shots as well. (My youngest son keeps telling me a couple of good steaks would sort me out lol).
    I don't actually know what meat tastes like so I never felt as if I am missing out on anything. I am very fortunate OH is quite happy to have meat free meals so I don't have to cook two different meals every night! He has been away a week now, I feel a bit guilty saying it, but it has been much easier to stick to my healthy eating when only cooking for myself. He eats quite healthily too but I sometimes end up just having something quick for myself whilst concentrating on his meal, whereas now I am just pleasing myself. I hope I am making sense!
    Also hope I've answered your question OK LMV. I am quite tired tonight so probably wording this all wrong. Walking Harry six times a day might be good for me but in this heat I think it slowly finishing me off!

    Goodnight Crackers, BM xx