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  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Ooh, so flipping cross!! I have been almost an hour tapping away at an email only to have the whole thing vanish! I am hopping mad. Off for hair cut now but will try again later. Xx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    I completely give up! I have written a post to explain my very Long post was cut off and that didn't show up either!!
  • Good Afternoon Crackers!

    Finally a moment to myself... on my return on Thursday my husband welcomed me with the distressing news, one of our 6 deep freezers had not come back on after a power cut at the weekend unbeknown to him, until he went to make a delivery.... Sixteen hours worth of schlipfkrapfen destroyed and although the insurance fortunately covers the cost, we still had to remake them over the weekend. So we are now behind on our orders and playing catch up and will have to work all this week every evening. Oh fun and games! Plus this freezer had the majority of the fruit in it, luckily I still have enough to last me through to the summer in one of the other freezers but all those wasted hours stoning plums, apricots and peaches ooh I could weep!

    However it is simply beautiful here and I'm so happy to be back, glorious sunshine, blue sky not a single cloud but very cold. In my month in England I could count on one hand the number of days it didn't rain! I have been in the garden as there is no snow and swept the remaining leaves which have dropped in my absence. The husband has been very busy. It had been exceptionally mild so he had dug over one large section of the vegetable garden for next year as well as our huge compost and chopped the last of our logs - so we are ready for winter! Yesterday morning was the first real frost which killed the last of my pot flowers - however I have never ever had flowers still on show at the end of November before! So I've now changed my profile picture.

    It was good to realise during my trip my daughter doesn't 'need' me anymore. She is happy and settled both at college and living with my parents. They were on holiday for 2 weeks so I got to play Mother and provided a hot meal of the day and did the laundry! Before they went away we went with my mother to London overnight and did the tour of the Globe theatre. I've done it before as my friend is a big Shakespeare fan but this tour guide was exceptionally entertaining telling us how 400 years ago the larger your beam the more fashionable you were and I thought gosh we've come a full circle then if I'm looking around society today! My daughter is still continuing to study around the clock, she is happiest with her nose in a book! She has been invited to apply for a place on a residential 'shadowing' course at Cambridge university during January, to give students a taste of what life would be like if they were to get a place there. I think if the opportunity arises she should go and at least experience the atmosphere for a few days. However even though her teachers are encouraging her to consider Oxford or Cambridge she has set her heart on Southampton university because the History course is the most perfect for her. She could study the Holocaust in depth do a minor in German Culture and because the Jewish Parkes Institute/library is linked with the university she could do a Masters there and according to her current History teacher they would fund a PHD (if she were up to it) everyone seems to be of the opinion she is going places!!!

    The awards ceremony at her old school, my mother and I such pathetic female creatures that we are, we had tears in our eyes as the daughter won the award for her house, chosen by the teachers. The daughter was as cool as a cucumber! It's called the Legend award! Personally I think she also deserves an award for adversity and survival of the Aunt!! And in the exam results she came top for History, German (which she obviously wasn't eligible for) and English. Her History teacher is on maternity leave but the department gave her a book about Anne Frank and inside she had written 'Rarely do we get the privilege to teach such a bright, hardworking and inspired young lady. I know that I speak on behalf of the entire department when I say that you will go on and do great things. I very much look forward to hearing from you as you progress in your studies and hope one day to receive my own inscribed book of your Holocaust research.'

    I find it amazing how watching one film 'Schindler's List has taken my daughter to England on a journey I never would have foreseen! Mind you having said that I never pictured myself making schlipfkrapfen until the end of my days!!! But I did always believe one day I'd get to TARGET again which I did last week and I'm still there!!!!

    BM - have you started the indoor walking?
    PB - how did the filming/singing go?
    Bracken - one thing I really did enjoy in the UK was browsing the Christmas collections in John Lewis and there was a huge display of Spode and I couldn't help but think of you and BM!

    Talking of which this weekend is the first Advent Sunday so I must get cracking!

    Be good Crackers!
  • I was literally holding my breath and thinking of you BM as you lost your post as I pressed 'post'! I suspected I had already mentioned the Globe but I didn't dare check in case my post disappeared so apologies for repeating myself and good luck BM with your next post!!!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. I've not been in for a while, I apologise. I've had my beloved Labrador retriever put to sleep because of cancer and I've been absolutely fit for nothing. He was 14 years old and had been my reason to get out of bed during my bitter divorce, then he helped my Son through his partner leaving him and taking his Son. So as I said when we had him ( he was 3 years old and unwanted) he chose us and was meant to be. Sorry to be so down in a post, but even writing that he has left us is breaking my heart.
    Hope you are all well, BM xx
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    BM my heart goes out to you. To lose a loyal friend is so hard - even though you know he was getting old. I know the pain of losing a pet (and having to make the decision) only too well so I'm in total sympathy. There are no words that I know can bring comfort so just know that I'm with you.

    PB xx
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,
    Long, long time no see/speak, but having finally worked out my username and password I'm so thrilled to find you all still here. It's been well over a year since I last logged on and I'm not sure where the time has gone.
    2015 has not been a good year for us. My FiL is unwell and has basically been in hospital for 9 months. We received a phone call from the Royal London saying that he had been admitted to hospital and had undergone surgery to save his life. He had an aneurism in his thigh and had to have his leg amputated. He underwent four op's in ten days and then two further op's in the following couple of weeks and has lost his whole leg and hip as a result. For a few months we were travelling up to London on a Sunday to visit and coming home on a Wednesday which was absolutely exhausting. He was then moved to his local hospital in East London which was much more awkward to get to so my husband was going up on the train to see his father as day trips. The hospital is in special measures and the care was appalling. Nobody seemed to care about him and they didn't even shave him or clean his teeth properly. It was so distressing. I won't go into all the details but I was shocked at how poor the NHS is and the discharge process was shambolic. We eventually managed to get him transferred to a care home near us in Wales. He was there for three weeks before he got another infection and had to be readmitted to hospital. He's now been in hospital in Swansea for ten weeks but I must say he is being much better cared for down here and it is much easier for us to visit.
    As you can probably imagine, grabbing a coffee and sandwich in the motorway services and being away from home so much played havoc with my eating as it was so difficult to get organised. The emotional strain of him being at death's door and then rallying on numerous occasions has taken its toll too. My clothes were extremely uncomfortable and when I actually got on the scales I discovered that I have gained a stone and a half this year which is extremely disappointing but in all honesty is the least of our problems at the moment.
    We haven't had a holiday this year and it looks as if our proposed trip to Australia in the spring will not happen if we are still dealing with FiL. It was our anniversary last week so we went to Cardiff for three nights for a break as it was easy to get back to the hospital from there in the event of an emergency. It gave us an opportunity to relax in the spa, do a bit of Christmas shopping and just have a bit of thinking time. I realise I can't go on like this and I must take back control of my eating and start doing some exercise again. So, as a first step I have logged on here and it is lovely to see that you are all still supporting each other.
    I haven't read all the posts I missed, but I skimmed the last couple of pages or so. MITM, your daughter sounds like a little superstar. Well done her! BM, so, so sorry about your lab. Chin up, and remember the happy times and how wonderful it was that he came into your lives just when you needed him. Perhaps he knows now that your life has moved on and you can manage without him so he can rest in peace. Bracken, it sounds as if you and I are in the same boat but you have already found a way to get back some control which is fantastic. I shall use you as inspiration! PB you sound very chipper. Are you still in the job you had just started a year or so ago?
    I'm enjoying Nigella's new cookery series and have been trying out some of the recipes from the book. There are a lot more healthy eating type recipes to try as well as gluten free recipes so it's a bit of a departure from her usual style and everything I've made so far has been delicious.
    I hope you won't be too cross with me for staying away so long.
    Lots of love
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    LMV - welcome back - we were only just saying the other day we hoped you were OK and wondering when you would return to us! I'm so sorry the last year has been so awful it sounds like your FiL is in the best place at the moment. It is very sad but there are still some hospitals that simply can't seem to get organised when it comes to giving patients proper care. Its something I get very passionate about - wanting nurses to understand they are dealing with 'people' not just 'patients'. I know that my father is travelling to be in this area so that he can go to Ipswich hospital rather than Addenbrookes and it seems clear to me that the issue is that in a big hospital like Addenbrookes, if you have something interesting and they have a chance of curing it they are interested - but if you are just old and decrepit and bits are falling off they are far less caring. I know my Grandma had an awful time at Addenbrookes (although that was several years ago now) and was moved around constantly. Just when she was getting used to the nurses in a ward she would be moved to another for no obvious reason. Very distressing for her (and for us). Anyway, I'm glad that your local hospital is rather better and you feel more confident that he is being looked after properly.

    As for what I'm doing now - things didn't work out with the new GP and I left in Feb (not amicably). In April I started a temp job at the local University and at the same time applied for a permanent role (which I was then offered). Its 4 days a week and half the salary but I'm really enjoying it and being free to just be at least one day a week. It can be quite tough at times as the Exec Dean (for whom I work) is quite a challenge but after the GPs its entirely manageable. I'm much happier and more relaxed.

    Well once again LMV welcome back and don't worry about the weight - just try to look after yourself emotionally and physically - the rest will come in its own time.

    Take care Crackers!

    PB xxx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    LMV, so absolutely fab to have you back. After the year you and your loved ones have been through its no wonder you have gained a little weight. I sincerely hope things will improve for you all. I agree the care in different Hospitals/care homes can differ greatly. As PB says some places don't have the balance right, I do how ever think that can be down to many things, being understaffed is usually the case in my personal experience. Then relying on agency staff who work in lots of places resulting in no continuity of care. A very sad time for the NHS and for the Medical staff who do care. Let's hope your Father in law receives the treatment and care he deserves bless him.
    I'm Glad you had a good few days in Cardiff, I think it's a wonderful, underrated city, but then I am bias! :)
    Thank you for the kind words re my beloved Labrador. He really was a special Friend. We still have Harry over here, but weirdly I seem to have distanced myself from him a little since it happened. I am sure I will soon be back on track. OH has been in Malaysia for over a week so it has just been Harry and I but we have ticked along just fine.
    PB thank you also for your lovely words of support. It's comforting to know you understand xx
    MITM and Bracken (and Nellie) hope you are keeping well xx
    Off for our final walk of the day now. It's lovely seeing the twinkly lights of the yachts and boats in the marina, I don't usually do the late walks so it's been a pleasant experience.
    Take care all, BM xxxx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Greetings Crackers. There is always something special about the Christmas season even if one is struggling with difficulties I find. Yesterday I received a Christmas card with a lovely letter and invitation to get together after Christmas for lunch and a movie from an old friend I thought was drifting away; today I finally am back here after some trying days and am delighted to find a post from LMV. But oh, what a year you have had, LMV. You must be physically and emotionally exhausted, your husband as well. What a hard time your FIL has had to endure and how sad to hear of the sorry state of care he has had in hospital. Regrettably, I think the care of very elderly patients is often poor in many places, including some places in Canada. It seems amazing he could endure so many operations; his basic constitution must be very strong. With the harried life you have been leading it is perfectly understandable to me that it has played havoc with your weight. But as you say, it is surely the least of your worries at the moment. No matter, I have had a very up and down time myself this year and have a lot to contend with in the upcoming months. A large part of my problem seems to be stress eating; at least that usually starts the problem. At the moment it is compounded by all the changes of the Christmas season, meals eaten out, meals missed leading to mindless snacking, exercise foregone, meal planning and preparation ahead of time abandoned, - oh dear! I have not recently been able to stay with my 2,2,3 plan that I outlined a while ago. I don't think it had anything to do with it being too rigid or structured (and I had somewhat modified it, basically with condiments and a small bit of plain dairy) but it did require focus and preparation. However, I felt really good on it and think it is a healthy way for me to eat. I plan on getting back on specifically after Boxing Day. I just do not feel myself with the weight I have put on. So I shall be looking for support and will try hard to feel better again. In the meantime, I'll try to limit the damage as much as possible.
    BM, my belated condolences on the loss of your greatly loved dog. I'm sure you gave him a wonderful life, and fourteen sounds like a long life for a retriever; I'm sure he would thank you for being his 'person' as much as you are grateful for him being your dog. I hope you are well besides this as I know you were struggling with other health issues recently.
    MITM, your new is so dramatic and at both ends of the spectrum. What a fiasco losing all your hard work because of that power outage with the freezer but what a glorious achievement your daughter has made with her awards and accolades. You must be very proud of her and she sounds like such a grounded young woman.
    I shall leave off here as I really want to watch tonight's episode of Borgen. Has anyone else seen this excellent Danish drama? It's very political yet a great character study too.
    Back soon I hope. Regards.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. After two very harsh winters, this year so far is the complete opposite with milder than average temperatures. Yesterday it was 13C, today 10C compared to the usual 1C.
    It has certainly made it nicer for taking Nellie for walks but at 13C it is actually too warm for my horse with his heavy, natural winter coat. Despite the weather, people are still putting up outdoor lights and decorations. Last night Nellie and I walked after dark and the lights certainly made the walk more pleasurable. Are Crackers almost ready for Christmas? I seem to have resorted to more and more gift cards because of the teenage/young adults I give to. When I look at my wrapping to be done, it seems as if I have very little. However, I am overlooking the scarves I have made for my three sisters and my sister-in-law. This year I made infinity scarves as they seem to continue to be very popular. I have mentioned that I am a very simple knitter but I think the scarves still look nice. I actually made one for myself as well in a mauve heathered wool. I have been able to do quite a lot of knitting while 'manning' the kettles for the Salvation Army charity which does very good work here. This year there seems to be a bit of a shortfall of volunteers and there have been requests to add shifts if possible. Here, 'Christmas' seems to be used less and less and the word Holiday seems to be replacing it. At first, it seemed to be 'the holidays' was used as an inclusive term to include all religions that celebrate at this time of the year. But now the word has become a proper noun/adjective so we hear of 'your Holiday meal', a 'Holiday tree', 'Holiday shopping' etc. It does seem to me political correctness run amuk.
    Some members of my writing class are continuing to meet now the course is over. We had
    the first meeting last week at one member's house. Of course, without the structure of a formal class there was considerable chit-chat, not to mention the addition of tea and a large selection of tempting desserts. It was a very enjoyable time and we did actually spend time listening to members read their work and commenting on it.
    I went for my Christmas haircut today so that task is out of the way. I am very pleased with the young hairdresser whom I have been going to for several years now. I think I good haircut is really one of the true pick-me-ups of life.
    Must off now and confess it is to watch Coronation Street!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. I am assuming that everyone is very busy with Christmas almost upon us. Perhaps I should have done this sooner but I do want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and
    a happy, healthy New Year. Here it has suddenly turned bitterly cold after record-breaking warmth. There is only the lightest dusting of snow and the long term forecast for my area is that Christmas eve will be 11C! I have begun winter feeding of the birds and I have quite a little flock who use the feeder and rest in the small cedar bushes at the front of my house. I also get a number of squirrels too. It has been quite amusing recently because of our prolonged warm spell the squirrels are unusually plump this year. The papers and television have featured pictures very portly squirrels.
    I did a shift for the Kettle campaign today which went very well. Several people thanked me for
    volunteering as they made a donation which is very satisfying. A few people actually took a moment to chat- again very nice. I suppose it is the teacher in me, but I like to really acknowledge when children make a donation and I told a couple of mothers how nice it was to see their children being taught the importance of giving to others. One particularly said it was very nice to be complimented so and that made my day much better.
    I have been trying to at least tread water with pre-Christmas indulging but I easily give in to others offerings of treats. Yesterday where I was minding the kettles, the very friendly woman who runs the store offered me her homemade fudge which really was some of the nicest I have ever had. When I complimented her on it, she insisted I take a couple more pieces home.
    The my neighbour next door and I were invited to the neighbour across the street for a Christmas drink. Of course, she had a snack as well. At first I told her truthfully I had just eaten lunch and not hungry, but was so keen to provide hospitality. Really how can someone refuse a lovely 87 year old neighbour! I hoped that my walks with Nellie for the day helped somewhat.
    Am off now to try to sew up a couple of the infinity scarves as I keep putting it off and fear it will be a Christmas eve job if I don't get to it. Regards.
  • Good Evening Crackers!

    Finally a moment to myself. Well sincere apologies for my continued absence but since returning to Austria and discovering the mini disaster with the freezer, I've done little else but work solidly around the clock to make up firstly for the orders we had lost and secondly to prepare for the Christmas rush. I've never worked so hard - fact! Which I'm sure is how I came to lose another pound to get below my target weight which I haven't done since my 40th birthday nearly 10 years ago when I had flu in the run up and didn't have the strength to lift my hand to my mouth!

    This past week I have been in England; I set the alarm off (again) whilst going through the airport - what a frisking I tell you the woman had her hands fully down the waistband of my jeans, thankfully there wasn't a lump or bump as she went completely around my waist, what happens with people wearing tight fitting clothing I want to know, are they asked to undo the waistband?! If I felt slim it didn't last long as when I arrived at Gatwick and bought a newspaper to read on the train home, the shop assistant personally handed me over a free voucher for 1st week at Weight Watchers - what a cheek! Do I look as if I need to lose weight I'm a pound below my target I'll have you know - I almost replied!!

    However 5 days of meeting up with friends and family and eating enough mince pies (which you can't yet get in Austria) I regained that pound! Still that also included a full Christmas dinner with all the trimmings with my parents and brother and his family, so to come back just a pound heavier after what I've put away I was chuffed. But I'm home with the daughter and it's so mild she's dragging me up the mountains and come weigh in day I had re-lost that pound so Christmas has come early for me in more ways than one...

    My parents this year have decided not to come to Austria; they are getting too old for travelling at peak holiday times far too stressful, the car journey is too long as it's 3 hours to my home, they hate the cold and the snow in case they fall and break any bones and neither is now fit enough to enjoy where I live anymore, the hills are too steep, they can't walk let alone hike. But since my daughter resides with them now full-time and I'm forever hopping over to stay with them, this is no big deal in fact we are secretly relieved not disappointed as my father (as I've pointed out before) is very dominant and he gets worse it seems as I get less patient with age and 2 weeks is a long time to feel like a guest in your own home! If I'm honest I haven't enjoyed Christmas in a long time as he has always dictated what we ate and when and how even with my husband being a Head Chef who has cooked in the past for the President of Austria and royalty and held 2 heads... he still thinks he knows best! My parents are both very out spoken about religion and my husband was brought up as a strict catholic as was our daughter and they continuously belittle the quaint Austrian customs. Oh I can't express in words the relief I feel, the weight that has been lifted from my shoulders. I will be dressing the Christmas tree tomorrow without my mother commenting she doesn't know why we have a real tree and how my beautiful baubles don't show up! Every year for the past 16 years! And my daughter can accompany her Great Aunt (in her eighties) to Midnight Mass without my parents expressing their disapproval, oh I might get to keep my tongue this year!

    Of course like everywhere it's really mild here this year - not a snowflake in sight! We haven't had a cloud in the sky for weeks literally, the sun is dazzling the daughter with its brightness so it's just wonderful walking weather, which is the only reason that I can account for my continued weight loss, I have lost yet another pound and I can't blame my parents for stress as they are not here and my many nephews do not arrive until Saturday!

    Well before I go I must just add how lovely it is to have LMV back with us. Hang in there. I originally joined Tesco diets because of the weight I gained nursing my late mother-in-law so I fully understand how it piles on but you get to a point eventually where you feel ready again to do something for yourself. BM - I hope that you are spoiling Harry and making the most of his company. PB - I trust you are off the ready meals for Christmas?! Bracken - how enjoyable it is as always to hear about your daily life. Did the writing course go well for you?

    Right I'm going to eat a chocolate now which I have out on display as my parents are not here to tell me how they don't like fancy chocolates!

    Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  • P.S. Almost forgot to mention it was the daughter's birthday today so I did my usual chocolate cake but I copied Nigella's topping of pistachio nuts and rose petals - it did look beautiful!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Its wonderful reading both your posts, Bracken and MITM. I am the proud new owner of a laptop. my last one stopped working a good while ago so I have been struggling to type with my iPad. hopefully now I can participate more on here now instead of just reading your lovely mails!

    I'd like to wish all the Crackers a Merry Christmas and a peaceful and Happy New Year. I sincerely hope 2016 will bring us all we carefully wish for!

    Best wishes and grateful Thanks for being able to count you all as friends,
    Deborah (BM!) xx
  • And a Happy New Year to you too BM and to all the Crackers! I look forward to your future long posts, I was using my father's tablet whilst in the UK and typing on it was a total nightmare so enjoy your lovely new laptop!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,
    Belated Merry Christmas to you all. We had a very busy time pre Christmas dashing around the country. As we knew FiL would be in hospital over Christmas and that we would need to be here to visit we asked my family to come to us. It was all agreed some time ago but then my Father decided he would rather stay at home so we had to alter our plans. We had one Christmas on the South coast with my husband's Mother and Stepfather mid week the week before Christmas. We then had a full blown Christmas with my parents in Hertfordshire the week-end before Christmas and then came home in time to join in with the Book Group and Choir Christmas get-togethers. When Chrstmas Eve came and we could relax it was a huge relief. This is the first time we have ever had a Christmas just the two of us and it has been heavenly. When people found out we were going to be on our own we had invitations to join other people but we managed to politely decline and have had a lovely time. We spent the morning at the hospital with FiL who had no dea it was Christmas Day but enjoyed the presents and Christmas dinner and was on pretty good form. We got home at about 2pm, I got a rib of beef in the oven and then we cracked a bottle of vintage champagne and enjoyed opening our presents together and watching the Queen's speech. Santa was very generous but we had one particularly lovely present. Has anyone heard of Shaun the Sheep? This year in London and Bristol there were Shaun the Sheep models designed by various artists and designers set out on trails around the cities. There were 70 in Bristol and during July and August we managed to visit all 70 of them. I photographed them all on my iPad but before I downloaded them my iPad died and I lost them. Our friends in Bristol who also visited them all (we had one fun Shaun hunting week-end together) put together a book documenting the trail with photos of all the Shaun's, info about the designers of my favourites, details of how much they all went for at auction to raise money for children's hospitals etc. It was such a thoughtful present and I really appreciate the time they spent putting it together for us. I shall always treasure it as a memento of Summer 2015 spent exploring Bristol.
    We had our dinner when it was ready rather than having to stick to a timetable and all was peace and harmony. Lovely.
    We visited the hospital again yesterday although FiL was much more confused. He's very up and down. We then went on to the Liberty Stadium for the Boxing Day match and the Swans, who have been going through a slump in form, managed to beat West Bromwich Albion so we were all very happy. We are out of the relegation zone, hurrah! We spent the evening with friends - more food!
    All in all we have had a fabulous time. We are planning to go to the pictures today but are enjoying being cocooned away so we may just have a lazy day to ourselves without going out.
    On Tuesday we are going up to Cardiff to see Shrek the Musical and will stay overnight and I shall enjoy spending some of my Christmas money in John Lewis.

    MITM, it sounds as if your Christmas was going to as relaxed as ours (apart from your work of course). Much as we all love our families, doing the Christmas set piece beforehand and then having Christmas Day without having to pander to other people's ideas has a lot to be said for it!

    I hope everyone else has had a peaceful Christmas and season's greetings to you all


  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. Well, MITM, you have done absolutely brilliantly in maintaining your goal weight. You may put it down to all the work you have been doing but you could easily have let the stress of that lead to gaining weight. I am glad you are able to have a peaceful Christmas, after 16 years- your poor husband must be a bit of a saint to have such criticism and control taken over the meals when he himself is so qualified to preside. Most people would think it a stroke of amazing luck to have such a cook in the family. I also think it is lovely that your daughter would accompany her Great Aunt to church.
    BM, good to hear that you have a new laptop. I look forward to those posts.
    Christmas is about family but it is often about the stresses of family ties as you too have experienced MITM. I totally can understand how much you would appreciate simple being able to spend the day with your husband. I have been in Herefordshire as my cousins live in the Ludlow and Lower Bullingham area. I am going to check out Shaun the Sheep on the web- sounds like a fun idea. I was wondering if you had been part of a choir this year but I'm assuming so with your get-togethers. I wish I could sing; it seems to bring such pleasure. I have been watching the latest Gareth Malone series from BBC on our provincial public television; it featured workplace choirs.
    My Christmas was very nice. In the morning I went to my brother's in the country where another sister and her three daughters came also. My brother has two daughters; one came home for the holidays from England where she is teaching and the other from university in the US. My sister-in-law did a very nice breakfast. I was very pleased that the infinity scarves I knitted went over really well. Nellie was able to be there and had a great time including jumping in the pond and into the covered swimming pool (brother not impressed by this!). It was very mild and reached 15C! Later in the afternoon I went to another sister's and had dinner with her family- two sons, their wives and three children; two were born in 2015.
    All the children were so well behaved and the babies did not make strange and cry when I held them (as often seems to happen to me) Nellie had to stay home but one of my nephews who lives some distance away brought his dog (a large shepherd/lab cross, a rescue) who is remarkably well behaved, absolutely obeys every word spoken to him. Nellie is not quite so obedient (yet?) My sister did a fine dinner but, as she said, did not get around to a Christmas pudding. She has no sweet tooth and is predictably very thin. I was surprised one of her sons
    mentioned the lack of pud as I thought I was probably the only one who cared for it anyway. We had a good time teasing my sister about it. Yesterday I visited some old friends; this is a group of woman (and one husband) who originally met through riding over thirty years ago.
    Today has turned bitterly cold and windy; snow or freezing rain is predicted tonight. I am trying to get organized for a serious effort to deal with my weight again. I've made some soups and frozen them. I think I need to completely re-read Beck again as it is some time since I have looked at that book.
    Regards to all.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Bracken, sounds like you had a very full Christmas with lots of family! I think if you have a really big family as you do, it is sometimes easier than a smaller family where there is nowhere to "hide" if one member is irritating you! If you are going to check out Shaun the Sheep, Google Shaun the Sheep Starbake. This one was my favourite of favourites and I bought the figurine as a memento. It was designed by the designer on Great British Bake Off which is a very popular programme in the UK.

    I too need to get myself psyched up for a challenge on the weight I've gained, but with New Year coming up and then my husband's birthday on 4 Jan, I intend to start in earnest on 6 Jan when we get back from a couple of days away celebrating. I fear I may have to turn to the dreaded Gillian to tackle the excess flab.......not something I am looking forward to, but drastic measures are called for! Woe is me!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. The snow and freezing rain came as predicted making a very miserable time for being outdoors. I have been spending daytime trying to re-organize a lot of things including diet/exercise prep. Also I am going through and sorting banks statements and such from my files. I can't believe how much paper accumulates in the course of a year.
    MITM, I checked out the Shaun the Sheep charity and saw all sorts of sculptures but not the one you referenced it seems. I'll try another search later. What a great fundraiser and what a fun idea. I chuckled with your reference to the dreaded Gillian. I too may have to get out my Gillian although I think it is a somewhat less intense version. I wouldn't be surprised if MITM joined you with yours so you can commiserate together!
    A lot of news here about the flooding in England- absolutely devastating. The pictures of York were overwhelming. I have been there when one of my cousins owned a gift shop. It is such a historic place and I wonder if some of the sites have been damaged. I believe it is not in the areas where Crackers live although not sure about PB.
    I'll wish all a Happy New Year before I am off. Regards.