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  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers! Goodness its quiet around here - is EVERYONE but me on holiday? Well no worries cos its Friday and I'm not at work! I lost another 4lb this week on the Diet Chef challenge. That's half a stone in 2 weeks - that feels like too much but I suspect it will slow down this week as I have a few tricky things to negotiate. My parents are staying but so far they've done their own thing while I have had my diet chef stuff. Today though may be different and I've promised them I will have a roast dinner on Sunday.

    I've been asked to go swimming with a friend and her daughter and another child this lunch time so that will be plenty of exercise although mostly splashing about in the pool and going down the flume I think. It will probably be mega busy too but never mind.

    Mum and I will be doing a car boot on Sunday morning which I'm dreading (I hate car boots and markets and of course it will be wasp city so I'll be leaping about. Not sure what is happening on Monday - I did offer to help out at the Street Fair in my old village but have heard nothing so I guess they won't be needing me. I have some papers to read for Tuesday too as I have a meeting at 9.00am (Monday being a bank holiday).

    I have put the winter duvet on my bed having lit a fire for two nights running and now, of course, the weather has turned mild again. Its a beautiful morning out there.

    The Diet Chef foods are quite tasty and I haven't had one yet that I didn't want again (except perhaps the chocolate porridge!). The portion control is good and I've taken to having a big salad alongside my lunch so that I know I'm getting the green stuff! The snacks are quite satisfying too. And I feel like I can graze a bit to eek it out. I'm going to bed slightly hungry but not of the order that keeps you awake. There is usually a bit too much sauce in the dinners than I would like as I keep wanting to mop up with some bread. I'm having blueberry buttermilk pancakes today which should be very tasty.

    Well that's about it from me. Take care crackers!

    PB xxx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning ladies, I am back in Singapore. Don't know which way is up at the moment so I will be catching up with the posts and happenings of everyone a little later. Hope this very quick email finds you all well and that you have had a lovely summer (I use the term ''summer" loosely as I think it passed us by in Wales!).

    Take care, BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi BM - it also passed us by in England I'm afraid - and this weekend I had to light fires! Never mind though. Weight loss on target so far despite a cold and parents staying this weekend.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Well hello Crackers! I've been battling the cold all week which has also given me the munchies - but somehow or other I managed to lose 0.8lbs. I've bought a new scale as my old one was well out of kilter and no way of recalibrating. It was around 30 years old though so didn't owe me anything. I've just come back from a half hour walk around the village - and as soon as I get home the sun starts shining! I still feel quite ill really but feel better for a walk - first time I've felt like it. The pile of ironing is calling me but again not really in the mood. I have a friend coming this evening so that we can sit by the fire and enjoy a glass of wine. I am feeding her a diet chef meal with some salad and rice so hopefully she will enjoy it! She is staying the night too so will have to find a breakfast for her too. I'm finding the diet chef food quite tasty although I could get very bored with microwaving everything - I'm not used to that. Still its for 3 months to give me a good start - after that I need to be more careful and get plenty of exercise. This is going to be complicated by my holiday at the beginning of Oct. My kitchen looks very strange as I've got 7 boxes in which I put each days food so that I have a weeks work already planned out - this is partly because I can't use a microwave or anything at work so can only use the couscous or pasta pots and meal replacements for work days.

    Otherwise all in my life is very dull but that's not a bad thing. I re-start singing tomorrow and would hope by the middle of October I will be able to start riding Harley again (I've felt much too heavy for him recently). I will go down this afternoon to do some grooming I think as its further exercise.

    Well here's hoping to hear from you all again soon (We appear to be alone on here at the moment Bailey!). I hope all is well with you Bracken?

    take care

    PB xx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    So sorry to hear you are still feeling poorly. You seem to be doing really well with the Diet Chef though. I love cous cous and pasta so would be Ok with that, I was wondering what proteins you eat with it? I am vegetarian so might possibly struggle with it. I have been back a week now and am horrified by the numbers on the scale! I am at my heaviest for as long as I can remember, even heavier than when I started with Tesco Diets. I have a few pieces of clothing that are actually comfortable, elastic waistbands etc and cannot believe how I have done this to myself again. So I am recalculating my calories with MFP and starting over, yet again. This is a merry go round I can't seem to get off! Between the heat, my weight and the medication I am having a miserable time and it's all my own fault! To cap it off my Daughter told us on the day we were leaving she is having a baby, delightful news but not without worries as she had a baby die in utero at 26 weeks previously. So I am happy/concerned and hating being so far away!
    Still, I plan to take each day as it comes and feel a little better already to be starting to be in control of my eating and not the other way around. Do you have a goal weight you would like to reach at the end of your 3 months, or will you just be happy with a good loss to start you off? I am sure I would be quite happy to have someone plan my meals and tell me what to eat. I used to love weight watchers years ago when you were only allowed certain things a day, even before their points system started. I like discipline and so wish they had something like your plan here. I would definitely give it a go.
    Yes, you are right, we are holding the fort here at the moment but I am sure the others will pop in soon. That is the delightful thing about our group, once you are back its like you've never been away! I do echo your concern with Bracken though as it's been a while. I so love love hearing about Nellies days!

    Anyhow off to do my ironing now, ugh, so will say bye. Take care and hope you will be feeling much better soon x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Feeling better today. First night of singing last night and my voice was somewhat ropey - but it was only a run through of the Haydn Nelson Mass so not really a worry yet. A very pleasant social evening. Off for the first rehearsal at Woodbridge Choral tonight so will probably be knackered by tomorrow morning! It isn't as far to go though so should be home a little earlier.

    The weather here is definitely autumnal now and although we are currently having a couple of days of drier weather (after a serious washout on the August Bank Holiday - rained like it would never stop!) it is definitely much cooler and more comfortable. I enjoyed a couple of good long walks over the weekend as a result. I'm considering getting back into the saddle soon too.

    Well must go now as need to start work properly but looking forward to hearing from everyone soon. Good luck with the new plan BM - just keep at it you will make progress

    PB xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. I'm so sorry I've been away for so long and can't get caught up tonight but I am simply exhausted between the almost relentless heat and humidity since July 23 and house quests from England, British Columbia and now my sister home. I hope all are well and truly look forward to catching up with everyone. Regards.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Bracken! So lovely to hear from you x don't worry about catching up, just take care of yourself in the heat and humidity. It's enough to know you are ok and still a Cracker! :)
    PB hope your cold is very much improved x x
    MITM are you home yet? X x

    Take care all x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Echo what BM says - take it easy Bracken! Autumn has definitely arrived here in the UK so its much cooler.
  • Evening Crackers!

    I'm back too!! Got home yesterday evening absolutely shattered (is this an age thing?!) and have only now found the time to catch up with the posts. PB - well done on your fantastic weight loss and for doing it all on your own with no support from us fellow crackers, gold star! BM - lovely news regarding your daughter, commiserations on the weight gain. I'm braving the scales tomorrow as I find travelling days play havoc with the scales!! Bracken - look forward to catching up. Right I'm off to bed but will be back if not tomorrow then on Sunday when gardening is not allowed and the husband is out at work. Concerning ironing; I have washed today 3 weeks worth of horrible chef whites which I am NOT looking forward to ironing....

    Be good Crackers!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Absolutely fab to have you back too MITM, the Crackers united again! :) I am sure you are right, it gets harder to travel as you get older! I also agree travelling and the scales do not good friends make......... I don't envy you the ironing, I ironed 5 large suitcases on my return and was slowly losing the will to live. ( I actually took 7 but 2 were full of household items and cheese we bring back!). Enjoy your day of rest on Sunday, I expect the UK was hectic and lovely with your Daughter, so take time to relax a bit (yeah OK!).
    We have a holiday here today as its Election Day, we also have the haze as once again Indonesia are burning their palm fields. It is thick acrid yellow smoke, quite dreadful, we are being advised to stay indoors and drink plent of fluids (!) also to wear masks etc. it's absolutely ridiculous, it happens every year and causes so many problems. The Grand Prix is here next week so it will be interesting to see if it can be stopped by then.
    I agree that PB has done brilliantly with her weight loss, especially as she has had to deal with a cold and visitors! It's so lovely when even one of us is "on the right track" it's very inspiring. Your excellent weight loss prior to your UK trip was good to read about, fingers crossed for you you have not gained any whilst away. Although you are always busy with your Daughter so I am sure you are fine. I, on the other hand ate like an absolute hog for a month. I found great comfort in food and also although not in great amounts I drank more wine than I would have if I was here, so it obviously has all mounted up. I started counting calories again this Monday so I'm back on the Merrygoround!
    My "holiday" today accompanied by OH is going to be spent cleaning the white marble, very porous, floor tiles on our hands and knees. I have a steam cleaner I brought back from the UK to use through the week but it doesn't actually get to any stains very efficiently. In all fairness even water spilled on these horrid tiles stain. We then have the counter tops (porous marble again!!!) to deep clean. I am absolutely certain a man chose all this inadequate, porous rubbish. Our previous apartment was also full of marble but it was so easy and lovely to take care of. A quick wipe down and done!
    Off to have yet another cup of tea now before we start these floors. (Otherwise known as procrastinating lol x)
    Take care all, BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Welcome back all! Its good to hear from everyone and to hear your stories. I've never heard of porous marble - how very frustrating it must be - the thought of having to get down on hands and knees to scrub the floor is quite extraordinary.

    The morning started well as I had left my washing out last night (having unexpectedly spent the day driving to and from my parents. It was Dad's birthday and we were meant to meet in Bury St Edmunds for lunch but Dad wasn't too well and Mum was in a bit of a tiz about it. ). Anyway, he is fine and I took them out to a local 'American style' diner for lunch. There was also birthday cake to eat afterwards. However, I had nothing to eat after I got home as I was very full (my tummy has shrunk as I couldn't actually finish my plate of food - left the majority of chips).

    I have found a swimming pool just across the road from the office so I hope that I will be able to swim there a couple of times a week (or at least once!) What I am going to do is to try and put a picture on here of the view from the office last week as it was absolutely wonderful on Thursday. We had a perfect day considering the time of year.

  • Evening Crackers!

    So much for my relaxing Sunday... I had the pleasure (not) of washing up all the pots and pans my husband used at an outside catering job yesterday (Dolomitennmann) which I was not expecting although it was a joy to be able to use the sink once more with it's new plumbing and pipes!

    Well after a long, hot summer here in Austria I found it rather chilly in England! But we still had fun. My daughter after all the drama and tears during exams there were yet more - but this time from me, privately and tears of joy! Silly girl, just as her teachers had predicted all along she achieved her 5 A* grades including English and English Literature. Originally when I sent her to the UK I had hoped she would get one GCSE in German and experience 'life' in England! Now she is doing 4 A-levels and has been selected for a 'gifted and talented' program at college. This time round she is living in Southampton with my parents so will be far happier away from my 'crazy' unpredictable sister-in-law although I will always be very grateful that she insisted they have her, as only the school near them did German lessons. It just didn't work out as she had visualised, she thought she could change my daughter but she remained very true to her simple, upbringing and very 'Austrian' and studious and could not be bought or tempted by their 'flashy' have it all in excess lifestyle. So hopefully this will work out better as she is close to my parents and very respectful to their wishes. She has settled in well at college, made new friends and is enjoying being surrounded by like minded, serious students so fingers crossed - not too many sleepless nights for me ahead!

    We went up to London to celebrate her success with my mother, as the daughter wished to visit the Ghandi statue. The weather was glorious during our trip so we had a 24hour ticket for the river cruises which was delightful. We also went up and over the new glass panel on Tower Bridge. Plus we had our usual shopping trip in Brighton and pounded the promenade and ate far too many ice-creams! And then before I left, whilst I was in Southampton my best friend who lives in Mexico but works aboard the 'Royal Princess' cruise ship which the Duchess of Cambridge named, as the General Manager was in port for the day, very rare and invited us on for lunch and a tour. It's a massive ship the guest capacity is 3600 with a crew of 1346 my idea of a nightmare! I don't know how he survives! But lovely lunch!

    Surprisingly I only gained 1.6lbs during my trip home. Maybe not so surprising as I made a conscious effort not to succumb to a crisp or square of milk chocolate as that has always been my downfall, get the taste again and I can't stop. In fact the only reason I gained at all, was because I did get into the naughty habit of eating a hot cross bun most afternoons with my parents which I find so hard to resist and luckily you cannot get them out here. I'm very content at this weight 2 pounds from target, my clothes all fit and I don't need to think twice before reaching for my capri jeans so I'm just going to try and not gain anymore and see what happens naturally but start exercising again. Although I did plenty of walking at home, my first 'uphill' walk today with the husband was an absolute killer!

    PB (loved the view!)/BM since you are both back at the weight more or less where we began this journey, have you thought about resetting your current starting weight again, so you can have a running weight loss to show you are making new progress, to continue to encourage and motivate, rather than playing catch up and looking back at what was? I think BM you need to look at it like PB - I love the new profile bit about this being a new start etc. PB wants to lose 20 pounds on the diet meals so what is your goal say for Christmas 2016? There are 15 weeks until then or for the arrival of your new grandchild or next trip to Wales where could you realistically be?! Do you have a date set yet for your operation? You can step off the merry-go-round and get on a new ride, we have faith in you!

    Right I must now cut my nails off ready for work tomorrow - first schilp shift after a 4 weeks hiatus!

    Be good Crackers!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi MITM - lovely to have you back and well done to your daughter - as you say she has done exceptionally well and I like that you have brought her up to have the strength of mind not to be taken in by 'excess lifestyles' - it will serve her well as she gets older. Well done to you too on the weight 'gain' of 1.6lbs - as usual though your very hectic holiday is probably the reason why you have managed to keep the weight gain down below 2lbs - your daughter is an excellent influence.

    I have thought about trying to re set my current starting weight loss thingy but can't figure out how to do it - if you can help most grateful!. The good news is I'm more than half way to my 20lb goal and only starting the second month this week. The food has not been too boring - although I miss cooking properly - all this microwaving - my microwave has never been so busy! If I can do another 15-20lbs by Christmas (I'm off on holiday at the beginning of Oct but this doesn't usually mean putting too much weight on for me as my 'holiday friend' eats like a bird and will only occasionally have a glass of wine so I don't get tempted!) I shall be happy - that will be a total of 30lbs by Christmas - so that is my goal (2lbs a week).

    I'm going for my first swim in ages tomorrow - not sure how much I will manage as my shoulder remains frozen and painful with certain types of movement. I did a lot of grooming yesterday and a big pile of ironing so feeling quite righteous. Have also purchased an ordnance survey map so I can figure out some walks around my area.

    I hope BM and I are not the only ones who are having a bit of a resurgence in enthusiasm! Apart from MITM of course who clearly doesn't need to being at goal weight! (or close to it) I didn't actually put all of the weight back on but quite a lot of it, probably 7lbs less than I was originally. But of course on here when I weighed in for the first time that is what it took as my starting weight. I have about another 17lbs to go to get back to that point.

    Take care all and looking forward to seeing some posts soon

    PB xxx
  • Afternoon Crackers!

    PB - You do sound positive! Which is great news because it spreads so easily. I believe (although I haven't tried) you may be able to change your current starting weight by going to 'check in' as normal, then underneath 'other measurements' there's 'edit previous entries.' If you hit that it comes up 'starting weight & date' maybe you can put in there, your newest starting weight. Hope that helps. I have to write to a friend this week and I haven't been in touch since Easter so it's quite handy to re-read my posts on here to know what I have been up to. It would appear, I have done little else this summer except gain weight, paint window frames, garden, walk, experience one household disaster after another and then finally lose weight! However I mention this as I also came across a post where BM you are thrilled to have lost weight (May) and have discovered clothes unworn, new that now fitted you. You could be back in that position once more in December. And I also came across the post where I said I couldn't remember the last time I really felt, really, really happy - well I can now when my daughter revealed her results and I realised the past 2 years it's all been worth it in the long run!

    Bracken - I hope you are surviving the heat and your house guests and that you will be returning to our little group soon.

    Be good Crackers!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Good afternoon fellow Crackers!
    First off.....MITM, absolutely fantastic news re your Daughter. You must be both so very proud of her! As you say, it makes all the sacrifices worth it and so much more. Bless her, it cant have been easy for her studying and going through bouts of homesickness as she did. She is a very brave and dedicated person. I wish her every success for her future, which I am sure is going to be a very bright one x x

    PB, good for you for starting swimming again, we still have this dreadful haze and can't be outdoors with a mask but I shall be swimming again as soon it clears! I absolutely loved the picture of your view! It would make going to work a pleasure to have a view like that! :) We live on a Marina and I have to say it is so lovely to see the boats and yachts bobbing about on the water. I haven't a clue how to get pics on here but if you google Reflections at Keppel Bay Singapore you will be able to see where I live and the Marina.

    MITM, I thought about what you said and it was good advice. I have now reset my weight to what it was a good few days after we arrived back here to account for my "travelling weight" (!). So from now on it will be hopefully downwards. However I am not going to set any goals for myself as I feel so pressurised and guilty if I start to fall behind or don't meet goals, even small ones! I am going to continue eating as I am, which I am loving, around 1500 calories a day. Very little carbohydrates and lots of proteins and vegetables. So I am going to take each day as it comes and then see where it takes me! Surprisingly I feel OK about this, I record my meals and snacks daily and also my weight so I do feel in control but far more relaxed about it if that makes sense!

    Bracken, thinking of you and Nellie and looking forward to hear all about Fall and the changes in your garden x x

    OK I have to Mask up now to take the dog for a quick wee. The vet has advised against walks and prolonged periods out for him, understandably so, so it's a quick walk around the gardens!

    Take care all, BM x x

    (PB I changed my weight on my ipad so not too sure on the laptop, but I went into goals and changed it on there x)
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - I can't help being rather thrilled this morning. Just weighed in (on my new accurate scales). I have lost another 3.8lbs this week and am now just 1lb of my first stone for this new effort. I am delighted. Despite a cold and feeling very ill at one point I've managed to go down every week even if only by a small amount. With MITM's help I've also managed to reset my starting weight on here to the weight I was when I started at the beginning of the diet chef experiment so that I can really see my downward trajectory. Very gratifying thanks for the help.
    So I only have 2 more weeks before I go on holiday when I will have to come off the diet for more than a week. So today I will be doing some serious hard blitzing in the house. I can't go out as I have to wait for someone to pick up a parcel and someone else to drop one. (it could be the same firm but I hope not - a lot of people use Yodel though and they are really bad. had lots of trouble with them when I worked at the surgery.

    Anyway will talk again later as I want to get a good start today. take care all!

    PB xx
  • Good afternoon Crackers!

    Can't believe another week has passed so quickly. It's a glorious autumn day here, my favourite time of year. It's still very warm (not normal) but the mountains are changing colours which I love - think of Scotland! I cannot imagine having to wear a mask BM to go out for a walk how dreadful. I loved looking at where you are living, I felt like I was looking at something out of Dr Who, you could be on another planet compared to where I am it's just such a totally different world!

    Well Crackers I'm thrilled for both of you and how you are knocking off the pounds. We are on a roll (just wish Bracken was here too) as I'm also making progress shifting the holiday gain. I'm now 1.4lbs from my target and I feel slim. Silly thing to say but the 2lb difference in weight has made all the difference to how my clothes fit and how I look so my head is in a totally new good place!!

    I have been busy all week out in the garden where there is plenty to do; I have picked and frozen the plums and daily there is a bucket load of apples that have fallen from the trees which my husband takes to work to cook. I am also picking raspberries every day. I have been up amongst my roses preparing for next year and I have planted up lots of bulbs for Spring. There is still much cutting back to do and I need to cut the grass yet again!

    Did you know Crackers it's less than 100 days to Christmas in fact it is 94. I have a confession to make I placed a Christmas order yesterday! I'm shocked at myself but my excuse; last year in October when I was in England, I saw the dinky 'White Company' mini fir Christmas trees in their shop. I love little trees (these are 45cm high) and I already have 2 very good quality small trees bought over 20 years ago for my beautiful collection of fragile, miniature, glass Austrian decorations but I was looking for something more rustic for the hall entrance. So this was just perfect but when I returned home and went to order they had already sold out! Well how could I resist then with a 20% off voucher when I discovered their Christmas Shop is already open for business - so I ordered 3!! Dreadful purchasing for Christmas in September - I'll say no more on the subject as I'm truly ashamed!! And in a country where the real Christmas tree doesn't even come into the house until Christmas Eve!

    Right I must return to the garden, I have chives to cut for freezing. Be good Crackers!
  • Afternoon Crackers!

    Have to admit Crackers I'm feeling rather low at the moment....

    Firstly could be the weather. My Christmas trees arrived yesterday so it snowed - yes you read that correctly it snowed! 27°c on Monday and glorious - snow on Wednesday. Today I'm looking at snow-capped mountains as I type but at least it's melted on my level. Well that's what happens when you order Christmas trees in September!

    Secondly I'm not seeing my walking friend on a daily basis (to put the world to rights) as her husband was sacked in the summer and he's now home all day and she's at his beck and call... I didn't actually miss our daily walks at first because of course my daughter was home and dragging me hill walking but now that she's gone...

    And finally I'm missing my role as full-time 'Mother'!

    However reading the above back I realise, I still need to walk and clear my head which I haven't been doing. I need to make myself exercise. On a positive note I'm not overeating or eating rubbish which is what I normally do when I'm out of sorts - so that's a real bonus! And just putting my thoughts to paper I'm feeling more upbeat already so thank you Crackers!

    I shall now go to the garden (and get a burst of very fresh air!) and see what damage has been done.

    Be good Crackers!
  • Afternoon Crackers!

    Well what a difference a day makes! The sun is out, the sky is blue and I'm no longer feeling blue!

    Be good Crackers!