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Oh My God MITM, how awful for you! I know what happened is dreadful but it sounds like your Husband is right, it could have been so much worse! Hope it's not too painful for you now and you are getting over the shock of it all.
I was only only going to pop in and explain my absence but hearing of your injury has shocked me into sitting up! (I am in bed). I have the usual chest infection which is affecting my joints etc. I am exhausted and fed up! It seems every time I plan or am on track with weight loss I get an illness! I am just hoping it doesn't turn into pneumonia again. Unfortunately my face has erupted into cold sores today so I look even worse than I feel. We are also supposed to be off to Bali for my birthday next week so not too sure if that is still happening.
MITM I agree with you re Brackens posts. I live vicariously through all your gardening exploits and so love hearing about the wildlife too. It is a shame you have gained a little weight as I know it makes you unhappy, but you have every right to comfort eat for a little while, you also excel at losing it so I'm sure it won't be with you for Long. take careof yourself, as you know a few pounds is the least of your worries with your poor arm in plaster.
Bracken, hope you and Nellie are well.
I hope nothing is wrong with PB, I have been wondering if, God forbid, something is wrong with her parents? I hope it's just because she has found a wonderful new job and is busy!
LMV you have company in the fracture department now with MITM joining you! Hope you are keeping well and healing nicely too xx
Take care all,
BM xxx
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Afternoon Crackers!
Thank you BM and I'm so sorry to hear that you too are under the weather and just as your birthday is approaching, not on! I hope you get better soon.
I think I mentioned I did send PB a text but I never heard anything back so I too hope her parents are okay.
Well I now have to supervise my husband!! Imagine he can't wait for me to leave for the UK on Friday! Fortunately I had already prepared the graves for All Saints next week, but they still need a layer of black soil and the main decoration to be placed on each, which I can't carry but I can't trust the husband to do in my absence especially as his family will be checking my handiwork....
Be good Crackers!0 -
Oh dear, there must be some bad karma around! You with your broken wrist, MITM, (though I agree by your description it could have been worse) and you, BM, in bed with an infection (and I really understand the connection between one's physical health and one's emotional health- I picked up a virus of some sort during my last skin treatment and it really brought me down) and last night one of my 'horsey' friends phoned me and was telling me how she has just sustained a concussion after her horse bolted from the barn and she tried to hang on to it, until she was knocked down and hit her head and is out of action for four weeks.
MITM, your weight gain, while frustrating, is very understandable. The weekend entertaining alone could do it for me. I know all the diet guides talk about not gaining weight on holidays or from entertaining, but to me it is very hard to avoid unless you are already a person who doesn't care much about food ( not a lot of people in that group and they probably do not entertain their guests well). I think you've done well to be sipping the gain in the bud and to have a plan for when you are away and for setting a Christmas goal.
I have also been continuing to put the garden to bed. With the temps today at 6C and -1C tonight, I expect the begonias and marigolds will finally be frozen off. They have been especially lovely this year and given me great pleasure. My back yard trees, however, are still largely green. I have been fortunate to have one of my younger sister's here on the weekend helping with yard cleanup and helping to clean out my garage which was badly in need of being sorted out. In my yard, were many logs from a tree my brother cut down for me this past summer as we were concerned that it could break during a bad storm. As is the custom here, we put the logs out at the edge of the street for any one who wanted them and sure enough three substantial piles were picked up within hours. Wood burning stoves are allowed here and are very popular with men who often have them in their garages or workshops. I was really relieved to get rid of the wood. On my sister's advice, we also put out my defunct lawnmower which I hadn't known what to do with; it also went quickly. Someone may try to repair it or disassemble it for scrap metal. My sister is probably right that I have too many pots and garden paraphernalia and we did sort out a lot for recycling and the scrap metal yard so it is nice to have my garage looking quite organized again.0 -
This is a quick continuation of the previous. I wanted to check back a page to see if I had already commented on something and fortunately remembered that if I did not post I would lose it when I went back a page. In any case, I did get through my extraction ok; the specialist was very good and I did not even feel him take the tooth and was surprised when he said he was about to put in a stitch and then he was finished. After I returned home, however, it was really quite painful and I have a large bruise on my chin but it is improving daily. I was very disappointed though that the day of the appointment just happened to be the same day a meeting of my Writers Group was scheduled in the afternoon and my Book Club met in the evening. The next book to read is "The Light Between Two Oceans." Has anyone read it or does anyone have a plan to see the movie? My sister-in-law has the book and is lending it to me; she says it is a good story.
I have recently been on my horse again after such a long layoff because of the extended heat. I've felt really out of riding shape and it was made worse when I recently saw a profile on the CBC National news of the granddame of riding here, a remarkable woman who is still riding at age 96! The horse she was riding was anything but a plodder- very lively in fact. I believe I have mentioned her before as I am acquainted with her and it was at her farm that the horse show where I was the announcer was held this past summer. She is a remarkable woman with many achievements in riding and I feel fortunate to have had some contact with her. One of her memories is of attending the 1936 Olympics in Germany and recognizing the importance of Jessie Owens (hope I have name correct) the Black runner from the US and his achievement.
MITM, I hope you have a good time in England and that your injury is on the mend. BM, I'm thinking of you and hope you are also recovering. As you said in one of your posts, PB and LMV are in our thoughts. PB, I miss your horsey chat particularly. Nellie is doing well but I brought her in from the yard earlier today because of the low temps.
Past Sunday, my sister (she of the garden and garage help) went for a nice drive around some of the outlying country roads where the trees were in glorious colour (not sure why the ones in my village are behind). There may not be imposing mountains in Ontario but the size and variety of trees is to me a great redeeming feature. We saw three deer gleening a corn field and two large hawks- exactly where I like to see them, in the country not around my birdfeeder! CBC also reported this week that Lonely Planet traveller guide has named Canada as the number one travel destination for 2017, which is also the 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation so there will probably be even more tourists next year.
Off again. Regards.0 -
Hello Crackers - I'm so sorry its been a while since I've been on here. I can only plead that I have had the busiest few weeks with leaving early and getting home late. I did get the texts and I'm very grateful for your concern and thoughts. My life is (at last) looking up - I have a new job - although its only until February (as things stand). Its in Norwich which is a bit of a trek but it is well paid and its interesting and my days go very quickly. I have joined a local health club but am finding it difficult to get there as I find myself so busy that I don't get away in time. However, last night I managed 480m of the pool which was 180m further than last week so a good start. i have the Bangers & Mash Ball coming up in a couple of weeks so am looking forward to that but I went to the dress hire shop a couple of weeks ago and after trying on a lot of dresses I finally settled on one in Burgundy - however, when I got home I felt quite despondent (having put on some weight since the ankle break) and I felt it was a sack. I was browsing the net looking at all sorts of things on the sat night when I came across a lovely inky blue dress with net trimming which I really liked so I'm afraid I bought that too. Very extravagant and because of my ankle I'm still struggling with any sort of heel and I also lost a big toe nail which means sandals are a bit of an issue too.
Although I haven't been riding I've had the odd occasion when I've been able to go to the stables and groom the boys. Merlin is very elderly now but really enjoys being groomed. I am judging at a hunter trial on Sunday - I had an email from one of the organisers asking me to be there at 8.30am - I don't think so! I don't need to be there until 9.30am at the very earliest and I'll still be hanging around with nothing to do!
I haven't had the opportunity to read through all the posts but I wanted to get online and reassure everyone that I'm OK - just needed some time out to deal with life.
One thing I have done which I'm proud of this year - I sang the Gounod 'Ave Maria' at our church patronal service - accompanied on the Harp - We did it in the key of C which is considerably lower than you might know it but suited my voice very well. I'm glad I did it although someone filmed it (gulp). I have more singing to do this weekend and then we have a benefice service on 6th Nov - when I'm also being confirmed by my church - something that never seems to have happened before so it feels like I'm dealing with unfinished business.
Well I'd better shut up for now - but I'm glad to be back - I've missed you all and am looking forward to getting back in the groove.
Lots of love to all
PB xxx0 -
Evening Crackers!
So pleased to see you 'back' with us PB and enjoying/dealing with life. Lovely to hear your news. Sadly I can't write more I'm flying tomorrow and leaving very early and I've still got a basket of work ironing to complete 'one handed'! The husband has done everything else and will be driving for 6 hours tomorrow so I can't leave his ironing not done! Will keep in touch whilst in the UK if only to let you know I'm being good!
Be good Crackers!0 -
PB, absolutely delighted to have you back and to hear all is going so well for you! Xx
MITM , you will probably be in the UK when you read this but in case you aren't I wish you a safe and pleasant journey. Especially now with your arm in plaster! Have a great time whilst you are there too xx
Bracken, are you knitting scarves for your family for Christmas again this year? I just knit one for my Daughter using 50% silk and 50% merino. It was so so soft I wanted to keep it for myself! However I have no need for it and now it's reached her in the UK she loves it. So all is goodI am in to knitting in a huge way now, I am finding it very calming and enjoyable. I am on the Ravelry knitting website and there are a lot of lovely Canadians on there who have been saying about some of the amazing wool stores you have there. Another reason I would love to visit your beautiful country!
I had to smile yesterday, I was just up and about for a while (with my legs feeling like jelly) when OH came in with the mail. It contained DVD's I had sent for ages ago and completely forgotten about. They were both by Jessica Smith, one was a yoga DVD and the other was a 30 day walking DVD. The look on OH's face was priceless when I said I couldn't wait to get started on them. Maybe if we do get to Bali I will be able to start them slowly when we get back! He is off to India today until early next week, so I have Harry to look after. OH had already postponed the trip and was needed to be there so I have convinced him Harry and I will be fine. He is a great natured little dog and no bother at all. There is an area on the sky park he can use to toilet if need be, but we can just go down in the lift to a grassy area so I'm sure it will all work out.
We are also still struggling on to buy the house in Somerset, but it's just so slow with all the waiting for paperwork and different people etc. I'm just resigned now to having other people having more control over our future than we do!
I will close now, I have prattled on Long enough,
Wishing you all a great weekend
BM xxx0 -
HI BM - lovely to read your post - it sounds like your health is still a worry though - I'm so sorry to hear that. How long before you will be able to come to the house in Somerset? Are you hoping to retire there? How long is it till you go to Bali? Is that a holiday or work for your OH?
I have promised myself I will try to swim at least twice a week now - although I've only managed once again this week - the difficulty is that my days are already very long so by the time I get away from work, the thought of swimming followed by the hour plus drive home are quite hard to take. The good news is that there is a cafe serving good healthy food where I can take a little supper if I want but this makes it even later when I get home and I find myself feeling unreasonably tired because I haven't been home and relaxed before bed. Its all in my head and I just need to stop fretting about it and do it but I'm not quite there yet.
MITM I'm so sorry to hear about your arm - poor you! I can speak from experience now that I understand how frustrating you will be finding every day activities at the moment- i hope it won't be for too much longer. Enjoy your trip in the UK.
Well I need to make cake and do some housework (not least hanging out my washing as its a lovely day) so I will close now. Speak soon.
take care Crackers!
PB XX0 -
Hi PB, Gosh your days sound so busy! It's no wonder you don't have time to swim. What does your new job involve? I used to drive over an hour to work for a practice nurse post I had once. I quite liked the journey home as it gave me time to unwind from the stresses of the day. I wasn't so keen to leave home over an hour earlier than my start time though! I hope you are happy there and that it works out for you xx
OH has been in India but he had a problem on one of his vessels in Malaysia so he flew here to Singapore yesterday, had a few hours sleep and has gone to Malaysia today. Bali is for my Birthday, we are staying at the same Villa resort as we have for the past two years. It is very peaceful and private, we do venture out on the odd occasion but the majority of time we stay in the Villa. It has a lovely pool I send a lot of time in, I even read my kindle in it! We choose our food off the menu and the chefs come to the villa with the fresh ingredients and cook it for us. So we don't really have to leave the villa at all. I also love it because there is a very poor wifi service so OH has no choice but to relax! He really needs to recharge his batteries, I am determined to be well enough to go although my face has erupted with these cold sores that are taking an age to clear up.
The house in Somerset will be our base as we are probably going to be here for a few more years. If we lose this house due to the delays we are going to try to find one similar in the same area. We are going to sell the Cambridge house but keep the Welsh one. My Son is living in it at the moment. He stayed there to look after my dog and cat initially as we thought we would only be here in Singapore for a short while. Unfortunately my beloved dog passed away on November the 27th last year and my cat (a big beautiful pink Burmese I rescued) passed away last week. He was 14 years old and had used up many more than his 9lives over the years so I feel privileged to have had him this Long. He had such a haughty attitude, it seemed everyone including the local dogs were all scared of him (he was as big as a dog!) Our next door neighbour gave his condolences to my Son to forward to me but said to my Son that the cat " was arrogant and used to look at my Neighbour with contempt!" I had to smile even though I was dreadfully upset because it does describe him so accurately. He really did seem to look down his nose at you if he thought you weren't worthy!
I have to take Harry out to the SkyPark now, I doubt I will see anyone there, my face is awful with these sores so I am really self conscious.
Bracken and MITM, hope you are both well too.
Take care all,
BM xx0 -
Hi BM your cat sounds a lot like one I had called Frodo. He was big and had attitude but only one eye which made him look quite scary but in fact he was a big softie and quite a local character. It was hard to lose him but I had him for about 13 years so he did quite well. I missed him a lot. I'm sure the sores aren't as bad as you think. Hope you are ok for Bali though. It sounds wonderful
My busy time caught up with me today and I conked out at about 3pm so no choir for me tonight. I've lit the fire for the first time this winter and its good to be indoors and cosy. Yesterday I had church 3times. The first one was my usual Sunday morning service. Then in the afternoon I went to Yoxford where I was confirmed and then in the evening we had a benefice service in which I was singing but oh dear my voice cracked quite badly so I need to stop singing for a bit.
I have a moggy on my knee at the moment and my legs are going numb. He hasn't been interested all summer. Now he's clinging....
Take care all
Love PB xxx0 -
Hello Crackers. What a delight to come here and have these lovely posts to read after I was expecting it to be very quiet with MITM in England and BM, not really well. So to find your posts, PB, is especially delightful and to find that you are able to post, BM, is also lovely. Good to hear that you have another job, PB, and that it is going well despite the challenges of your long distant commute. You are clearly keeping engaged with all your singing, swimming, and even judging a horse show-well done. I have done a little riding lately but feel as if this whole year was basically a washout with so much missed time due to either the extended heat
(we even had a high of 25 with a humidex last week) or my niggling health issues. I recently went with riding friends to watch a dressage clinic. The presenter was a rider from North Carolina and seemed very good at bringing out better riding in the participants. After getting my tooth sorted, a week ago Saturday I woke up in the night with some very disturbing blood in my urine so ended spending most of that day in Emergency; I did get a good workup of an ultrasound, blood work , and urine analysis. The Doctor thinks it is a bladder infection (never had one before) so I have an antibiotic (one with a lot of restrictions- no dairy, no antacids, no mineral supplements, stay out of the sun) and will have a repeat urine analysis at my Docs so I hope that will settle that problem.
I have mentioned previously that the leaves on our trees have been very late changing colour and falling so here it is well into November and most of the trees in my back yard still have half their leaves although I have raked many and mulched a lot into the lawn with the mower.
Today is very cloudy and there has been a little rain. Right outside the window in my den where I type this, there is a large maple tree. I think the leaves look even more brilliant when the sky is grey; today they look truly golden. I would usually describe their colour as buttery yellow. I am hoping to winter over the three larger fish in my pond and with my sister's help we have rigged a plastic pipe to ensure there is air in the pond. This is what her sun did inhis pond which she assured me is no deeper than mine. I have also retrieved nine small fish from the pond and set up my aquarium for them. (I wish I knew how to tell the sex of fish as I really do not need or want more!) Looking out the window, I see Nellie is curled up on a bed of leaves that I've left to cover the hosta bed that runs along the side of the garage. I'll take her with me to the stable later this afternoon. PB, and BM, I enjoyed reading about your cats and dog. It must have been very hard to leave them in England, BM. PB, your "moggy" on your lap, that is the first time I've heard that word since my Mom died; I suppose it is an English word. It is never heard here and I had almost forgotten about it.
I went to my book club meeting. Although "The Light Between Two Oceans" is not a book I would have probably picked up myself I quite enjoyed it. It is rather an old-fashioned kind of novel, very plot driven, with many twists and turns, somewhat reminding me of a Dickens or Hardy novel.
I must be off now. I want to be back this evening to watch the American election results. I have found it quite anxiety producing thinking that Trump could possibly be elected. Remembrance Day is soon here. I am not sure yet if I'll go out to a local service or watch the national one on tv.
Regards all.0 -
Hello Crackers. It's a busy time of the year but I see Crackers have logged in and lost weight - well done.
Here there is a dramatic change in the weather. On Friday I was again raking leaves, especially trying to keep them out of my pond. Today, after yesterday's snow storm, the ground is covered with several inches of snow and it is 1C; Friday, it was 18C! Today, there is still one tree in my back yard with almost half its leaves, although the rest are now bare.It looks very odd against the snow.
I did not venture out at all yesterday except to let Nellie out briefly for her business. I have not felt very Christmasy yet but decided since I would be indoors for the day to get some decorations out. After, I was finished the house felt quite cheery and I was glad I had made the effort. So my small porcelain village is set up with its attendant characters and a wreath is on the door. I think the village is my favourite Christmas decor. I like the warm light that shines through the windows of the buildings and the miniature characters are very realistic looking. Some pieces were Christmas gifts (the church from a sister, a piece with a dog, two children and a father pulling a sled with a Christmas tree was a gift from my brother and his wife who passed away a year ago). I have accumulated far more decorations than I use now, but the ones I really like have associations with other people mainly. I put out my Spode Christmas tree teapot- I always liked that old pattern and I really like that I found my Spode in a consignment store as it is quite old (mostly from the fifties) but more importantly all made in England, before it was made offshore. (I think you can tell the difference)
Last Thursday, my book club and my writing group both met. They make an interesting contrast; at the afternoon writer's group, there is always a lot of food, particularly contributed by one member who is Italian and admits that she loves to cook and eat. The conversation often strays off topic although somehow we get through reading our pieces we have brought in and discuss technical issues or write short pieces from prompts. I had brought in a story in the horror genre, not something I regularly read and had not tried before so I was really pleased at how well it went off. The book club is quite different. It is very serious and every meeting is presided over by a presenter (two retired professors who are paid) who spends the first half hour lecturing on the book before turning to discussion. No distracting food there!
This time it was Ian McEwan's The Children Act, a very strong novel about a female judge who presides over family court trying to bring rational solutions to difficult cases while outside the court her long term marriage is imploding. I am really enjoying both groups and glad that they are so different.
Must off now. Regards.0 -
Good Morning Bracken, it definitely feel closer to Christmas now you have your village on display! I absolutely love hearing of it and wish I could see it! I would dearly love to start a pretty collection of similar, but unfortunately over here Christmas is very commercialised with none of the true meaning attached to it. The City and Mall decorations are way over the top, have been up since September and are blue! The flashing neon blue lights irritate me so much I avoid the city as much as I can until they all come down on Boxing day! Then it's full steam ahead for their "real" holiday which is Chinese New Year. So I have nowhere to purchase beautiful, meaningful items until I can live in the UK again or visit at Christmas time.
I appreciate it's unpleasant or you, but I loved to hear of your snow! my children had quite a lot of snow too and my Son in Law had to dig my Daughter's car out for her. The boys weren't quite as bad as they live at a slightly lower level. We are so lucky to live near beautiful mountains, the Brecon beacons looked like a Christmas card it was so pretty. (They showed me on Skype). It made me feel so homesick, it was 39c and 98% humidity here so it made it even worse for me as I love the cold!
I have been in bed for a week (again!). Unfortunately an infection was picked up during a routine PAP smear which led to bleeding problems and it escalated. However I feel so much better this week it's quite incredible the difference I feel in just that week! I walked just over 6000 steps yesterday and hope to do similar today if the rain holds off. I am managing my healthy eating really well too so fingers crossed for a loss soon.
I think you have the best of both worlds with your two clubs. One for enjoyment and one for a more in depth experience. They both sound great to me! I don't belong to any groups over here now, people come and go so much and lately it's been deathly quiet here where expats usually congregate and shop etc. it's mostly due to the current financial climate especially the oil prices. I find it difficult to meet new people and now people are coming and going quicker than ever I have given up on the clubs. I am knitting up a storm at home and have found it to be so good for me. The easier knitting I do helps me relax so much, I usually do it whilst listening to a play on BBCiplayer. Then the slightly more difficult knits challenge me which I love. The time also passes so quickly and enjoyably, I wish I had started knitting a whole lot earlier. I have just finished a jumper and hat for my grandson. The hat was a Kate Davies fair isle pattern and I am ridiculously proud of it! I have also knit two pairs of ladies socks and am on a 3rd pair, I find it helps to have a few things on the go as the different sized needles required stop my hands from hurting.
I will close now and wish you and the other crackers a pleasant week. Thinking of all MITM, PB and LMV.
Take care, Love BM xx
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Good Morning Crackers!
Firstly my apologies Crackers for my long absence... during my 3 weeks in the UK - I couldn't access my account for whatever reason from my mobile or my Father's tablet. It wouldn't recognize my user name most frustrating?! Especially since the daughter could get me in on her laptop but that proved to be inconvenient to her as I have one, very, busy, studious, young, daughter! So I gave up logging in. And then on my return to Austria, I kept getting redirected to the German site and then I couldn't get to our group! However I've now got around that problem and I'm back.
Good news my plaster came off last week hurrah! As it went the length of my elbow to my fingers I had been able to do next to nothing. Although just using just my fingertips I was able to continue making schlipfkrapfen fortunately before I left for the UK. Now I have a support bandage until my next appointment but what a pleasure in regaining the use of my wrist. It's obviously (as it's only been 5 weeks) not back to full strength and I'm being very sensible and following the doctor's orders so no carrying potatoes or cooking them or pressing them but I can at least peel them. I can write again which I've missed so much, I can hold and turn a hairbrush so I can dry my uncontrollable hair both sides once more. I've looked such a fright for 4 weeks!! Put on lipstick again without going over the edges and not looking like a child did it! Do my bra up at the back... oh I am so appreciative of the small things in life - eating with a knife AND fork!!
Surprisingly my weight was not an issue. I had no problems maintaining whilst in the UK. My lovely Father who was away whilst I was house-sitting and looking after the daughter, had prepared and frozen meals for me in normal sized portions - so no over eating! I just added frozen vegetables if the daughter wasn't around to peel. I walked lots. I did over indulge the few times I met up with friends but it all balanced out. I had a mini reunion with my first group of 'dieting friends' who I lived in a hotel with when I was 19 and the diet consisted of baked potatoes and cottage cheese! Maybe this is why I can no longer face jacket potatoes! It was the custom when you came on duty (we were hotel receptionists) to bring your 2 litre bottle of diet coke with you for the shift, to sit on the hotel safe! We drank gallons of the stuff! The 4 of us altogether haven't met up since my daughter was born so it was great catching up. One friend was staying the weekend with me. We took our tea at a hippy styled cafe and I had an Ella recipe coconut brownie - if I'm going to eat a brownie, I'd rather eat one of my own on the odd occasion, than this 'healthy' version! Out of the 4 of us, I'm the only one who is winning the battle of the bulge - 2 of my friends have long, long, since given up beating their middle-aged spread and the other has sessions of winning. However I did read 61% of the UK population is now overweight.
It did make me think is it vanity that keeps me at target?! When I was young and following stupid dieting fads I would say yes, but now I eat a healthy, balanced diet if I stray for too long and start eating 'rubbish' I feel so dreadful, I just want to return to my basic way of eating and fast. But that saying nothing tastes as good as being slim works for me too and vanity steps in if for example I'm offered a sweet or chocolate, saying no is not a hardship for me, if it keeps me at target. I'll eat chocolates at Christmas and Easter and special occasions but not as an every day occurrence or as one of my friends did, delves into her handbag and pops into her mouth a sweet! BM you're right I am unhappy (like when I had my minor blip) if I'm not in total control, panic sets in. I hate wearing clothes that are too tight or feeling I can pinch an inch hanging over my waist band. But as Beck says 'it's all the daily little things, that lead up to BIG weight loss.'
On my return I met up with my English friends here and as it was a bright sunny day, I wore my new navy, suede, tassled loafers, with my 3/4 length bright cerise coat, over my winter, navy woolen 3/4 length cigarette trousers and the thrill I got as I slipped the trousers on! In my head I'm always thinking I need to be 9.10 to safely wear these slim fitting trousers and for some time now I've been 9.7 but I still haven't got my head around this new number, so it surprises me when something fits perfectly! In defense of me still wearing theses trousers which I've probably had nearly as long as I've known the Crackers but are in immaculate condition, as they only get wore a couple of times a year up my mountain - a quote from Laura Hutton 'fashion is what you're offered 4 times a year by designers. And style is what you choose.' I like that one!
How is your garden Bracken? The first thing I did without my plaster, I raked up all the leaves! I used my good wrist to drag but I could now guide the rake with my healing wrist. We had snow here whilst I was away (long since melted) so the final leaves dropped. I've been able to clear and tidy the garden. I hate leaving the leaves scattered over the field outside our house, from our trees in case the fence goes up for the sheep before I've removed them but I can rest easy, I've done my bit ready for Spring. When I return to the hospital in a weeks time, they will assess if I need physio - I'm hopeful as I'm not in any pain and I've been exercising my wrist whilst making schlipfkfrapen (and of course we're making lots) and with my spot of gardening I'm getting all the movement I need to help strengthen it. But we will see.
BM - did you get to Bali and I hope you are now fully recovered again?
PB - have you worn the new ballgown yet?
Bracken - I treated myself after walking around John Lewis, to some green Spode Thyme tea plates and mugs (which safely arrived in one piece) to sit and take tea in my sitting room once I get motivated to start decorating, I need the husband to bring down the Christmas boxes and I need to bake some mince pies!
Be good Crackers!
P.S. Oh and I can type again - bliss!0 -
Hello Crackers - what a lovely long post MITM and so good to hear you are out of plaster - it does take time to get back to normal though doesn't it. Its also good to hear you are doing well on the weight front - you have been amazing and an inspiration (even if at the moment I am making no progress I know that it is possible!). Yes I've worn the ball gown - and I felt very good in it - although after dinner I had to come home as I wasn't very well. I think I was just tired and a bit overwhelmed as work is full on and then having guests as well. I just conked out. I am still having problems with what to wear on my feet though as I still don't feel comfortable in anything with even the smallest heel (maybe thats a good thing?) so I tried on about 5 pairs of shoes before eventually digging out a pair of evening shoes that were a bit battered but low heeled and comfy. Oh well. The Hunt Ball has moved to another venue in Feb so I might just go along to that. My job may be over by then or about to finish so I guess I might need to be careful with money again. I am going to start looking in Jan as there won't be anything before Xmas now.
This week is going to be very busy - I have choir practice tonight, A church ensemble practice on Wed and Carols in the pub on Thursday before my guests arrive on Friday (my Fairy God Daughter is coming to stay). I still have some pressies to buy and wrap but I am a little further forward than I thought I would be given the travelling and work. I have to stop off on the way home tonight at Waitrose to pick up some goodies I ordered from John Lewis - they were ready for collection yesterday but I'm afraid I'd been on the champagne so no driving for me.
Its very cold this morning but I put the car in the garage yesterday so it won't be iced up.
Well MITM I suspect you are rather relieved by the result of the presidential election? the world has gone a bit mad. I am terrified by Trump - the man thinks he's running a business and given his idea of running a business is win at all costs and, if you don't win, make sure someone else pays I dread to think what he will do when faced with real opposition. And I'm not entirely sure I understood what was going on in Italy this weekend but that doesn't sound like good news. ON what planet does it make sense to keep isolating when we are already so integrated? I can't make up my mind if I'm turning into a grumpy old woman or if I'm out of step because I am right!
Well I need to finish now as I haven't had any breakfast yet and I must have something before I leave the house.
Take care Crackers and how are you all getting on with Christmas preparations?
PB X0 -
Well hello Crackers,
Many, many apologies for my extended absence. As 2016 is drawing to a close I am glad to be seeing the back of it and am looking forward to starting afresh in 2017. The husband and I had a couple of days away together last w-e as it was our anniversary and we had a bit of time to reflect on the year. We decided that whatever life throws at us next year, we must make some time for ourselves and our friends as we have hardly been in touch this year. That goes for my Cracker friends too, so here I am.
Briefly, we have spent a lot of time sorting out my FIL who is now in a nursing home near us, but it has taken him a long time to settle. We lost a friend to a very aggressive cancer. She only lasted four months after diagnosis. Very sad. I broke my wrist and was very low as a result of being so incapacitated. My step-FIL also passed away and so the husband has had to sort out a care plan for his Mum who is not in the best of health. He was also executor of the will so has had loads to do for that. We have spent a lot of time on the road between my parents in Hertfordshire, our friend who was in London and his Mother who is near Bournemouth. Whilst at home, we have been dealing with Social Services and the Home in relation to his Dad.
My exercise levels diminished to nothing and our eating has been haphazard with so much time away from home. You can imagine what has happened to my weight so it's time to take back control. For me, that means starting to exercise again and getting organised with my food. I'm very unfit at the moment so I am starting back salsasizing with Rosemary and aiming for 6/7,000 steps. So far, so good, but it's only day 3!
I hope all is well with you. Going to catch up with what you've been up to and then I'll be back.
Lots of love
0 -
Hello LMV, good to hear from you. I am so very sorry for the year you and your Husband have been through. I sincerely hope you will have a much better 2017 (and every year after).
I am sure you feel better and more positive about your weight/health for having a plan. I am up to 5000 steps daily which has taken a while so I'm plodding on. Mentally it is doing me the world of good. The weight loss is slow but steady. I hope you keep enjoying your Salsacize
Bracken, MITM and PB hope you are all OK and your Christmas preparations are in order!
MITM I did get to Bali Thank you, we only left the Villa twice as I wasn't a 100% but I enjoyed it and it was lovely to see OH relaxing too. We have just booked a trip to New Zealand next year for the British lions Rugby tour. With OH being English and me Welsh it's the only time we cheer for the same team! I'm also going to Shetland for a week. It's a wool tour with 7 other ladies from around the world I have never met before! My children are a bit stunned by it, OH is all for it and a encouraged me and I still can't believe I have done it either. I am so intensely private and shy it will be a real challenge but hopefully a good one. However I really do not want to be the fattest one on the bus so I have some work to do between now and next Summer.
Wishing you all a good end of week and weekend,
BM xx0 -
Oh LMV you've certainly had an Annus horribilis. It's so sad and so exhausting for you. My wish is for you to have a much better 2017! I won't be sorry to see the back of this year either but my troubles are minimal and my ankle is mended so I will count my blessings. My fairy goddaughter has come to stay with her granny and auntie so I have a house full and can hear her running around asking granny questions. It's delightful! She's fascinated by the stairs and is counting her way up and down them.
Christmas is coming along and I even posted some cards yesterday! My tree is up and there are lots of parcels under the tree one or two are even for me. I wrapped a few on Thursday night after singing carols at the pub (glass of wine in hand). It's fun wrapping when you are squiffy but it's probably not the best time to do it!!!
I've lost a few pounds in the last month but I think that has more to do with being a bit stress at work and forgetting to eat. Can't imagine it will continue over the holiday. Giving blood on Boxing Day and then 1 more day and it's back to work
Oh well that's all for now. Talk soon Crackers.
PB xxxx0 -
What a pleasure to come here and read all the newsy posts as I am housebound today by a significant snowfall.
It has certainly been the year of the plaster- PB with your ankle, MITM with your wrist, and starting off the year with a wrist injury, LMV. BM, you've certainly had some on-going health issues and I've spent more time at medical appointments than I care to remember. Let's hope for a better year for all in 2017.
LMV, so nice to find you here and no apology needed. What a year you have had with so much care for elderly parents, losing a friend to a vicious cancer, and the constant travel to attend to them. Any injury can be such a setback so it is not surprising your exercise and diet have been on the back burner. However, you are doing well to take up with the demanding Rosemary at this time of the year.
PB, it sounds as if things are going well with you despite the stresses of work. Don't dismiss the few pounds you have lost; they could have been gains as stress can lead that way too! It seems you are in the Christmas spirit and surely passing it on to your guests.
BM, well done with those steps and a steady progress with weight loss. I hope your singing has gone well. I am quite envious imagining your carols in the pub; it conjures up lovely scenes of warmth and jollity.
MITM, good to hear that you are on the road to recovery with your wrist injury. As usual, your reflections on diet and weight are instructive . I think your continued reflection on how you approach eating is an important part of how you are able to keep to your goal weight or quickly return to it if you put on a couple of pounds. However, you seem to have reached the stage that Beck talks about where what you are doing seems to be the 'new normal' for you.I don't think you need to worry that you are simply being vain; I think you have a healthy self-regard. Perhaps that requires a little vanity but to be a problem I think would require that a person is constantly and obsessively concerned with appearance to the exclusion or hindrance of other values.
So here it is today snowing. I can look out my window by the computer and see the fish pond, covered in snow now and with a layer of ice beneath it which formed yesterday with the -5C temperatures. My sister helped rig up a device with a piece of rigid plastic pipe set in a square of styrofoam so that air can get into the water for the three large fish which have been left out for the winter; my sister claims this worked for her son's pond. I shall feel quite dreadful if I have doomed them! I am only letting Nellie out for short periods today although she doesn't seem to mind the cold. She continues to play with her soccer ball- she really is a great dog for amusing herself. My neighbour's dog is out for five minutes and then whines to go back in the house if she is not outside too. I have a quite a variety of birds coming to my feeder that is in front of my dining table. Yesterday I also put birdfeed in the window box near the table too. Today, I had the usual variety of sparrows, chickadees, a pair of nuthatches, grey juncos, and a pair of downy woodpeckers. A t present, the cardinal which were here earlier in the fall are not at my feeder but I hope they will be back. Chipper, the chipmunk, has not been seen for a week or so but I hope is hibernating; he certainly stored a lot of seeds from my feeder as I saw him constantly in the fall.
In the past week, both my Writing Group and my Book Club have had Christmas meetings.
Even the Book Club, the serious group as I've said before, celebrated the meeting with tea/coffee and an array of dessert squares which one of the members traditionally makes. Her squares were some of the best I have ever had and I, like most members, ate more than I should have! The Writing group was even more elaborate as a pot-luck was declared and everyone brought some food. (I have just noticed this is getting long so will post and continue as I don't want to lose it!)
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(the continuation)One member is Italian by birth and loves to cook- she made a lasagna and meatballs, complete with her homemade tomato sauce she cans herself. Absolutely delicious.
There were also mini quiches, Italian bread, salad and a couple of desserts and chocolates. I knew there would be far more food than we really needed so instead of bringing something for the luncheon, I made everyone a pot of black currant jam from the berries I picked and froze in the summer. Members seemed pleased to get that. We also had a small gift exchange.
Gifts had to have a writing theme; I received a mug with the greatest first lines of literature including David Copperfield, The Catcher in the Rye, Huckleberry Finn, Pride and Prejudice etc. I knew nearly all of them so will enjoy reading them as I sip a cup of tea. We did get down to the purpose of our group- the writing too. We had decided to bring a piece that reflected a Christmas theme. I wrote a personal essay, which was essentially true with perhaps a few coloured details about a Christmas concert our school put on when I was in grade 2. These were a feature of elementary schools then. My school was a one room rural school with grades
1-8, all in the same classroom. I was fortunate to have the same excellent teacher for grades 1-6. The school was very close to the nearby Church and the concert was presented at the church and featured singing, recitations, a Christmas pageant, one year a 20 minute version of A Christmas Carol, piano selections from students etc. Another member wrote a hilarious account of the presentation of the Christ story at her school concert which had us all laughing
as the Mary character (revealed as based on the behaviour of the member who wrote it) turned into a total diva who demanded she wear a garish necklace,told the three wisemen to speak up and ended up in a physical altercation with Joseph when he forgot his lines. My piece was reflective in tone, about the times and people at those concerts in our community. Today here, not many schools have a concert and there is so much emphasis on political correctness that specific reference to Christmas is often banished, replaced by "Holiday Concert." Of course, this just reflect the larger society where the term "The Holidays" largely replaces Christmas. I understand that Canada is a diverse country, but ironically there is often specific reference throughout the year to Eid, Dwali, and other religious holidays.
I have completely several stints 'manning' the Christmas kettles to raise funds for the Salvation Army and still have a few to do. With this change in weather, I am glad I got some done as I would cancel if the driving is bad. I've got most of my Christmas shopping done and have only the local cards to do.
Must off for now. Regards.0 -
Hello Crackers,
Well I've caught up on some of what has been going on, but there is way too much to comment on. It doesn't seem as if 2016 was the best year for any of us so let's hope for more positive times to come.
I really sympathise about the wrist MITM. How is it now? I had three months of physiotherapy once the plaster came off and am still getting twinges now. Yesterday I put my hand flat against the wall for balance as I struggled to get a boot on.......ouch!
Christmas preparations are well underway here too. Cards are done and sent, presents are bought and a fair few wrapped and delivered. I just need to wrap the family presents and we'll take those up to Hertfordshire next week when we have an early Christmas with my parents. We'll swing by Bristol and Tring en route to deliver presents for friends. I've made the mincemeat for mince pies, bought all the ingredients to make a chocolate truffle torte for Christmas Day and the rib of beef is being delivered today. I'm trying not to get carried away on the food front and keeping it low key apart from some treats on Christmas Day.
I managed four Rosemary salsasises last week and kept my steps consistent. We went to Cardiff yesterday and I did quite a few steps around John Lewis. I also walked between John Lewis and M&S twice - BM, you probably know just how far that is! Unfortunately I forgot to put my Fitbit back on after my shower so I don't have a record of how many steps it is. I've salsasised this morning so I am feeling pleased that I am getting back into the routine of exercising and have been moving a bit more than I have for the last six months.
I love the sound of your Shetland trip BM. When browsing knitting sites I have come across a few blogs from ladies in Shetland and I think I downloaded a sheep bobble hat which sounds like the one you knitted. I'm not sure where it is now, probably stored on a website I've forgotten the name of! In book group we have just read Raven Black by Anne Cleeves which is set in Shetland so I have been studying maps to work out where all the places she mentioned are. Fair Isle is miles from anywhere else! I can recommend the Anne Cleeves books, she also wrote the Vera series set in Northumberland which some of you may have seen on TV starring Brenda Blethyn. I saw you mentioned The Light Between Two Oceans Bracken which I haven't read but is included in our Book Group programme for next year. We can xchange notes on it after I've read it.
PB it is our choir's Christmas Concert tomorrow so we too have been rehearsing. Nothing as highbrow as your pieces but it is a fun evening for charity.
Right, better get on. Keep warm Crackers.
xx0 -
Good morning, Crackers. Another cold day here and already a lot of snow and significant snowbanks created by the snow plows cleaning the streets.Yet only two weeks ago I was setting out the last of the raked leaves; I had over 50 bags this year and many were quite heavy and compacted. I went out to clear the snow off my vehicle and start it up- it told me it was -15C.
I too have finished my cards finally and my shopping but no wrapping done yet. perhaps later today as I don't think I'll venture out or perhaps rather briefly as I need to buy a dessert (being lazy- that chocolate truffle torte sounds delicious) for the early Christmas we will have at one of my brother's. I will bake and prepare butternut squash to take and have already bought wine.
I did another shift at the kettles yesterday so no more this week but have three scheduled for next week. Yesterday went well. I always do knitting while doing the kettles and had a couple of people stop for a nice chat because of the knitting. There was young girl and her brother who each came with a 20 dollar bill. I thanked them and, as is my habit with any young person I try to thank the parents for teaching their children to give back. I could not see the parents but later it became clear, they were with their grandmother and the they had also bought a toy each to contribute to a toy collection. I heard the grandmother talking about making the donation as they passed by the door and thought what a lovely thing she had done. I wish I saw this more often as I think it needs to be taught; it doesn't just happen. And a coin is just as acceptable.
LMV, you are making an excellent start with your exercise program and before the new year. Well done! I have been having difficulty with exercise because it is really too cold for me to walk outdoors at the moment. I have also had some recent flareup with my hiatal herna despite very moderate eating. Quite frustrating. However, I need to try the treadmill which I have been using because I could until recently still walk outdoors. Another option I'll try after Christmas seems possible at a local, large hardware store which actually has a sign saying well-behaved dogs are welcome. That would be great if I can take Nellie and chalk up some steps that way. I'll look forward to your response to the Light... novel. I enjoyed it.I am unfamiliar with the Anne Cheeves books but will check them out.
Hope all are well. Regards.0 -
Evening Crackers!
Just wanted to let you know I am still alive and kicking!! Glad to see everyone posting, welcome back LMV! I always make time to read the posts as I have my breakfast but I've just been too busy of late to write.... Lots of schlipfkrapfen orders. I can't stop now as I should be packing as early tomorrow morning, I am off to the UK for a 'Christmas' weekend with my parents before returning to Austria with the daughter. Hopefully then I will get a bit of 'me' time! I am prepared, cleaned and finally decorated the house yesterday, wrapped all the gifts, sent all my cards off and as I'm only away a few days, I should come back to a still tidy home and be able to relax.... before the daughter's 18th on Friday and then as is custom in Austria, the Christmas tree is allowed inside the house on the 24th. Fun and games! Absolutely stunning here not a cloud in the sky feels more like the end of February and Spring is just around the corner ho ho!
Be good Crackers!
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Just a quick check in before I go to church. Lovely to see all the posts! Typically, I've gone down with a bug and can bearly speak never mind sing.... all is well otherwise though. Only one more week and then a lovely long weekend. I have, for the first time in years finished cards and presents. Now just need energy to tidy up and give the house a good clean (although mums coming to stay so I'm tempted to leave it as she will clean everywhere whether I've cleaned or not). Hope the 18th was a success MITM! Let's hope master chipmunk reappears too Bracken. It's good to have the Crackers back together and I hope that we will all have a much better 2017. PB0
In case I don't get back here before Christmas, I'll wish all a very Merry Christmas and send best wishes for a happy,healthy new year.
Here the temperatures have moderated somewhat which pleases me though lots of snow still cover the ground.As i write this a black squirrel is scurrying about the maple tree outside the den window. When it was so cold, even the squirrels hid away. Funnily, so far this year they have not found my bird-feeders. Although they can quickly go through a lot of bird seed, I really don't mind them and the antics they will go through to get the feed is quite amusing. I have been particularly pleased to have a red-bellied woodpecker, a very handsome bird, come to my feeder. This woodpecker actually has the red on its head so I don't know why called red-bellied. We do have a trued red-headed woodpecker, whose head and neck, are red. I have only seen one a few times in my life and only in a rural woods. (BM, you have mentioned before looking up flowers I mention, you may like to check out this bird)
LMV, there has been a lot in our media lately about the preservation of the Welsh language because a group of Canadian Inuit from the Arctic have gone to Wales to learn about how the way Welsh is being kept alive so successfully. Did you see anything about that in your media? It is particularly difficult here because there are many different indigenous languages of the native peoples.
We had a large Christmasy gathering at my brother's in the country on Saturday.All my siblings
(5) and their children and spouses were there as well now the three latest members, the children of my two nephews. ( I think that makes me the great-aunt , a rather Victorian sounding moniker!) The two boys are just twoish but were very well -behaved and the sister is a lovely girl of four years. Dogs, of course, were welcome. My nephew brought his large shepherd/lab cross dog, a dog he rescued from a difficult life. It is always impeccably behaved (sadly, Nellie is rather wilder!). My nephew always says, it is as if the dog knows he was rescued and is always grateful. It makes me happy to see the dog as it is not at all uncommon for people to get rid of a dog once they have a child as if the dog was just a passing distraction until a child came along.
I have two more shifts doing the kettles, one today so should get on my way.
PB, so nice to hear you are well at this time of the year and hope you have enjoyed your choir singing. Hope everyone else is well too. With so much that is dreadful going on in the wider world, I remain very grateful for my Cracker friends here. Regards all.0 -
Hello all and may I add my own Merry Christmas to you all. Since my last post I went down with a throat infection which took away my voice. I'm now battling a chesty cough so sadly absolutely no singing this Christmas. Hope to be up to singing on 8th Jan when we are joining with a local brass band so not a total washout. But very disappointed that I wasn't well enough even to attend my church Carol service.
The wildlife sounds lovely Bracken. I have bird feeders so often see little finches and robins and sparrows. I hear an owl at night too but haven't seen one around during the day.
The night was beautiful and clear when I came home this evening, very crisp and the sky was filled with stars. One more days y at t work then, at last some proper rest.
Take care Crackers PB xxxx0 -
Good Evening Crackers!
PB - I feel for you... My daughter was ill on my arrival in the UK and has spent her first few days back in Austria in bed so come her 18th birthday yesterday, all celebrations had to be cancelled/postponed! Thank goodness for social media as she was occupied all day/evening with messages from her friends scattered all over the world, so even if she didn't get to go out with her friends here she still socialized and was content! The partying will just have to wait... Most frustrating for her also the weather here is absolutely beautiful perfect hiking weather or cross country skiing and she is stuck indoors...
So stay well and enjoy the holidays everyone and be good or as the dietitian Juliette Kellow says 'Don't end up as stuffed as the turkey (with thighs to match).'
Merry Christmas Crackers! Now where did I leave my stocking?!
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So sorry to hear your Daughter is unwell MITM hope she will soon be much better and can enjoy her celebrations at a later date. PB hope you are also completely over your bout of ill health too before the 8th. I've been in a bit of a pickle health wise but that's par for the course! I'm back up now and looking forward to today especially Skyping all the Grandchildren at home although that is very bittersweet.
I'm sorry I haven't read the mails properly just skimmed through, I will enjoy them later with a cup of tea once the phone calls are done.
I'd like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a peaceful and Happy New Year. Let's hope 2017 is a good one for us all.
Love to all and Nadolig Llawen from Singapore! Xx0 -
Wishing all us lovely Crackers a Peaceful and Happy New Year. Let's hope 2017 is a good one for all.
Love and best wishes, BM xx0 -
77Bailey77 wrote: »Wishing all us lovely Crackers a Peaceful and Happy New Year. Let's hope 2017 is a good one for all.
I'll second that - Happy New Year Crackers! MITM0
This discussion has been closed.