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  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    What a difference a day makes indeed MITM! I'm so glad you feel better. I have had a very busy week and am (still) at work at the moment as I've been at a major meeting all day - still I am starting my holidays on Thursday next week and I now feel I can at least look forward to that. I have plenty to do between now and then but feeling much better now the fun is over today! And I lost a stone! Happy Bunny PB xxx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    So glad you are feeling better MITM, it's probably true that each one of the 3 things that were upsetting you would have been ok to deal with on their own. However coming all at once like that it's totally understandable you felt rather low. X x I checked out your trees and they are so pretty! I liked so many things on the website myself I shut my iPad and walked away! Lol I don't know if you will be shopping with John Lewis for Christmas (that's like the Mother ship to me!) but I wondered if you were aware of the problems they have been having? I have been really fortunate and only 2 of my deliveries have gone awol or been late, but I have been reading dreadful things about their deliveries and customer service. One parcel to me just took over 3 weeks and although they were polite on the phone they didn't hold out much hope of it ever arriving! It's a bit sad because I was so happy when the delivery price dropped to 10 instead of 20 GBP. They still advertise 3-5 day delivery to here but that's not been my experience recently. So I then tried House of Fraser who have delivered here reasonably quickly previously to me, I ordered on Tuesdayevening, Thursday here was a Holiday but my parcel arrived Friday lunchtime. I was very impressed with that and the delivery charge was again, only 10 pounds. Just thought I would mention it. I am still going to purchase from JL but making sure I order my items for Christmas in plenty of time.

    PB absolutely so thrilled you have lost a stone. How are you feeling about it all? Are you clothes feeling wonderful again! As both MITM and I know and appreciate, it's so much easier to pack for Hols when your clothes feel right! :) x x

    Bracken, I think often of you and Nellie and hope you are both well x x

    I have put .5 of a pound back on this week, however I am not ready to jump off tall buildings! I am quite please with this because in just over a week we have had 3 days of the Grand Prix, an Anniversary and a Bank holiday, so lots of eating and drinking out but I was very sensible (!) and chose wisely. Hence I think the 0.5 of a pound and not the usual couple I would have surely gained!

    I am just off out with the dog now, the smoke has been dreadful this week, in the Hazardous to health category with schools closed etc but it's a not too bad just now although I they have given it to become a lot worse this evening and tomorrow with a change in the wind direction. I think everyone is just so fed up with it all.

    MITM, I had to smile at you saying where I live is like watching Dr Who, they have recently filmed a sci if film here which was supposed to be set in the future, so I think you are absolutely right! X x

    Take care all, love BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Bailey - I cannot imagine how you cope with the conditions in which you live - even though I know that you have every mod con to help you! How it must be for poorer people there I do not know.

    My weekend was a bit of a disaster area on the food front - however, I have had a lovely time so I'm not going to feel bad about it! I'm afraid on Friday afternoon after all the excitement and pressure of the big contract meeting I succumbed to fish & chips on Aldeburgh beach. Absolutely without parallel. Then on Sunday I went to a matinee re-run of the 'live-feed' from the Royal Opera House the previous Tuesday of Prokofiev's Romeo & Juliet - preceded by roast pork and a fig and ice cream pudding and a glass of wine. All of which were delicious! The sun also shone which was lovely and I ended the day by tackling (and beating) my big pile of ironing so I also worked quite hard!

    Its three days now until I go on my holidays and will be unlikely to come on here for about 10 days so I hope all is well with you all and that Bracken reappears soon!

    Take care Crackers!

    PB xx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    If you don't have chance to pop in before your Hols, I'll say it now and wish you a fabulous time! I also think your day of opera and a tiny indulgence food wise was well deserved, and just a little blip x x
  • Afternoon Crackers!

    Well I have been very busy. After assessing the garden damage (from the snow) it got me immediately refocused on just what still needs to be done before Winter really sets in. Oh this mad weather; it's been warm and sunny this week although we're now experiencing frosts and had to pick all the cucumbers so the basement is beginning to look like a green grocers. I have spent my days cracking on as it is sure to change over night and have been cutting back shrubs and bushes, I did think of Bracken when I got to my hostas. I've also finished painting the terrace fence which I started before I left for England and I've started during the evenings priming my daughter's bedroom windows for painting. Hopefully I'll get them completed before it turns cold.

    BM would you believe - I had just placed an order with John Lewis before reading your post! I totally agree it is the Mother ship! I've ordered some photo frames for the daughter's bedroom which I thought may sell out before I get to the UK and then I'd be really cross. My order has left the UK and arrived in Austria (yesterday evening) and according to tracking will be with me tomorrow. We will see! I once placed an order with Laura Ashley on a Friday evening and it was with me on the Tuesday which I was impressed with as I'm no where near an airport and up in the mountains. In these parts they just deliver and leave on your doorstep if you're not at home. I once arrived to discover an armchair (packaged) on the terrace!

    BM well done on only putting on 1/2 a pound whilst eating out lots! And I agree with you, PB if one is going to overindulge, do it in style. The fig and ice-cream pudding sounded delicious! Have a super holiday, hopefully the friend who eats like a bird will keep you in check! What have you got planned? I stayed the same last week which I'm happy with as I'm not changing my eating habits and I was sat working lots last week and I will only lose weight if I 'exercise'. Talking of which I must stop as I'm going for a walk with my friend.

    Be good Crackers!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    MITM, you make me dizzy with all the work you do! You are like a one woman army :) I just had to laugh at the armchair on the terrace x x Unfortunately Laura Ashley don't deliver here. We do have one store but it is just over 3.5 times the price of the UK stores. I checked this out with various items. I wrote the prices down whilst I was in the store and checked them online when I got back to the apartment! Even their sale in July and January is more than twice the price of the UK. Most British stores have a massive mark up here. I have written to M&S several times asking why they won't deliver here, but the answer is pretty obvious, if the people here are willing to pay these ridiculous prices why would they lose money by sending the items over? Which ironically are mostly made in Asia anyway. I have fallen right out with M&S and now only buy my underwear from them! :) OK that is my rant over, sorry! X x

    We STILL have this dreadful haze, it's been over a month now. I also have a grotty chest infection which I am sure is not being helped by this smoke and having to wear a mask. There is no end in sight yet and this weekend is predicted to be particularly bad so I am glad in one way I am unable to venture out. I had to cancel my hair cut and colour today due my infection and they told me they have had no end of cancellations due to illness and the smoke in the air.

    Anyhow, onto happy things, how is your Daughter settling in? It must be such a relief to you she is now with your parents and in a place of learning where her abilities are recognised and valued. I so hope she is enjoying it all x x

    I am going to tackle more of my crochet now. I taught myself how to earlier in the year as I was never very good at knitting and wanted to try crochet. Aside from which I had a huge amount of yarn I had bought with the intention of knitting jumpers etc (crazy!) I am really enjoying the learning and am on my 3rd afghan. It grows so much quicker than knitting which I am sure is helping to keep me interested.

    Wishing you a lovely peaceful (!!!!!!) weekend,
    BM x

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Cracker (s!)

    .... well as Beck says 'draw a symbolic line'. I've been struggling on all fronts for some while now but I managed somehow to STS again last week but since...

    Everything happened at once. One of my husband's many elderly aunts visited, so I had to bake a cake and she brought chocolates. The chocolates were the trigger. I've been fighting the urge for over 2 weeks to eat chocolate. Where this urge suddenly came from who knows?! Instead of putting up such a fight when it was this strong, I should have 'treated myself' with hindsight. Instead I ate these chocolates which were horrible, a cheap imitation of an expensive brand and milk chocolate and then I just started mindless eating of anything and everything.

    The weekend was the most miserable, greyest, imaginable ever! If you watch Sam Smith's James Bond song 'Writing on the Wall' on YouTube, the snow scenes in the plane are above where I live and they filmed during one of these grey, bleak, spells! When it's grey here it is dreadful. Fortunately it's not often! But it brings me down so low. And when I'm at my lowest and I start feeling like the weather I just eat. And eat! Plus the husband was home and we worked hard, around the clock non stop. Fortunately yesterday was beautiful so I've changed my profile picture that is hazy sunshine. Not long now and the flowers will have to go. I've braved the scales and as I said I've drawn the line AGAIN!

    My John Lewis order arrived in 3 separate packages arriving on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The first 2 had next to nothing in them but they came all this way on their lonesome! The final parcel with the 7 all important frames was just left on my bench even though I was in all day (eating). I'm very pleased with them. The daughter has met a second holocaust survivor this week. She was invited back for the day by her old school and introduced as their highest scoring pupil in history! So she has another photo for the new frames. At college she has signed up again for Peace Jam so will get the opportunity to meet another Nobel peace prize winner in Spring which she is very excited about. You are so right BM, I can't tell you what a difference it makes living with my parents... She is no longer a nervous wreck. As she was going back to her old school and knew she had to be polite and drop in on her 'aunt' who works from home, the stress it started causing her just thinking about having to be in the same room as her again. Fortunately she didn't have to go as she was out for the day thank goodness. I actually hate that woman and what she has done unknowingly or more likely knowingly. However the daughter had a lovely day at the school and spoke in German with the visitor. And she is thriving in her classes at college.

    Is it jut me concerned about Bracken's continued absence? It's now been months since she posted at length. I do hope nothing is seriously troubling her, health-wise or that Nellie is fine? I know for you and me checking in daily is second nature but it is not like Bracken to 'disappear' for so long.

    Right I'm going to face the elements now and brush some leaves and burn some calories!

    Be good Crackers!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Well MITM, the first half of your mail could have been my story this weekend! I really had been so good but then........Oh dear. I ate so much yesterday it was practically a binge, even OH commented as he was concerned about my over eating. I felt as if I ate any more I would go bang! Only then did I stop. Not even sure why I was so out of control, nothing triggered me off, I had no cravings, but did I ever make a complete pig of myself. So I am sure your self control kicked in way before mine did, I am pretty sure I will not STS! However as you and Beck so rightly say, Draw a line!

    Your Daughter is doing so well! Even though I speak 3 languages (not as well as I used to!) I have listened to my Son who is fluent in German and I have to admit I find it a very difficult language to try to understand. It is brilliant she has languages tucked under her belt, there will, I am sure be reason to use them in her future. I know I keep saying it, but you just must be so very proud of her!

    I have watched Sam Smith and the James Bond video practically on a loop since you mentioned it. I like him singing, love JB films, adore Daniel Craig so it was easy to love this visual/audio treat of this clip! I thought the grey mountains were spectacular, I know the grass isn't always greener, but those mountains, the grey, the snow, just all of took my breath away. I could so easily live where you are, although it could possibly be easier for me than both you and my OH as I love the grey skies, snow and extreme weather you have! All this heat and sun here drives me crazy, (he loves it!) I think it could be because I was born in a very beautiful, mountainous part of Wales that has wet, cold and snowy conditions for what seems like most of the year :)

    I am as concerned as you re Bracken. She last checked in over two weeks ago but as you said no mails as such. I was wondering if you and the others think it would be a good idea if we shared an email or text/phone number with each other so if someone is absent for a good while as Bracken is now we could at least then discreetly check if there is a reason such as illness etc. We all have times when it's difficult to face the world and I think just need to be left alone, but at least this way one quick text could put our minds at rest? It is just a thought but could maybe prove useful......

    I am just going to prepare a light salad for my lunch, amazingly after all I ate yesterday I woke up feeling hungry! However I just had Special K and a banana for breakfast and am eating lightly and healthily today and the rest of the week. I'm not sure even that will make up for yesterday but I have to try!

    Hope you have a good week, BM xx
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Crackers!

    Well I didn't stay the same, this time last week but I registered the gain so as to draw the line in permanent marker pen!! So my loss this week is really 0.2 not 2.2 as it says on the newsfeed. However back with the right dieting head on again so I'm delighted!

    BM - I know what you mean about the mountains. I could never return to living in the city, I love it here too much but I do suffer from SAD so if it's grey for any length of time it does bring me down, especially living so high up you feel, you can almost touch the greyness! My husband couldn't cope with the day to day greyness in the UK (as I said fortunately here it's not often) which is why we moved back to Austria. Rain (so long as I'm alone with my hair) and snow I love. In fact this morning I was out in the drizzle sweeping leaves and cutting back and loving it. The autumn colours this time of year as the trees change colour over the mountains are beautiful.

    I have sent everyone via the private messaging my email and text number. I have sent Bracken a message which hopefully she'll read in her home email box even if she doesn't log on here but I agree with your comments sometimes you do want to be alone and hopefully she will return when she is good and ready.

    PB - Looking forward to hearing more about your holiday. Are you attending a hunt ball this year with fancy dresses to be worn?

    Well be good Crackers!

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello! Good to catch up on your messages above. Sounds like everyone is battling one thing or another. I managed to put on 3lbs which isn't bad (and I actually put most of that on in the last couple of days when I was a bit stressed out by the broken car.
    Holiday was lovely (weather was changeable - but what can you expect in the UK in October and at least it didn't snow!). Cottage very comfortable and in an absolutely perfect spot. We had a beautiful day at Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal water gardens - they are spectacular and so perfect with the abbey. Elizabeth (at 98) is now definitely at the point where the UK is the only sensible option. This is the end of an era for me (30 years of holidaying together).

    My friends who came and looked after house and cats had a lovely time although they've gone home covered in cat flea bites (not to mention the scratches gained from giving a cat a pill). They left and Mum and Dad arrived so I feel a bit punch drunk. Have them until Friday then they go home. Back to work on Monday.....

    Will hopefully be able to get back on the straight and narrow after that but haven't been really naughty. No puddings but a few biscuits and some wine and not enough exercise. Also, some very naughty meals with Janette & Rod which always involved a lot of wine as well.

    Rod put away two entire packs (16 rashers) of bacon in two bacon butties which was a bit shocking!

    I do hope we see Bracken again soon - I totally agree its a good idea to privately share some email addresses so that we can check on each other. As you say it can be tough sometimes and its easy to shut down for a while but on the other hand a quiet email can just let someone know you care.

    And at the moment no news on the Hunt Ball - possibly in February (the bloodhounds are no more it was the last one ever last year). we hope it will be at a different venue as the one at Milsoms (which is a very posh hotel) was not good - the food was very slow, there was a lack of vegetables and the band only played for about an hour. not impressed. Mind you, the beef at the Bloodhounds Ball was still moo-ing! Hopefully though I will be wearing a very slinky dress for it. especially in February.

    well that's all for now. Be well Crackers!

    PB xx
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    cat fleas are currently resisting all forms of chemical warfare - I've tried everything from powders/sprays and canisters to flea smoke bombs - and still the little b****s persist. The cats are wearing collars (which I hate). Last flea smoke bomb was set off in the second bedroom this morning - should now be clear!

    Back on the diet chef today - although I will probably go wrong tomorrow as supposed to be with my goddaughter and family for the day (who knows though it could actually be quite well behaved and there will at least be a walk involved!). Awaiting news of fairy goddaughter though - who's temperature has been up.

    I rode for the first time yesterday in about a year - it was so nice (although my back ached, it rained on us and I now have a bit of a bunged up nose and sinuses). I felt really good riding Harley - although I only had a little walk and a couple of trots so nothing too strenuous. Off back down the stables in a couple of hours to groom Merlin and Ed and then help do up (Maria is playing Hockey - is she mad????). I should of course be putting all this exercise down on here so will probably start that today.

    No plans for this evening so watching telly (if I can find anything worth the effort) will have to do. Just listened to my backed up Archers Omnibus(es) so all sorted on that, whilst I was unpacking my latest Diet Chef delivery and tidying up (and attacking the cat fleas - please can we have a cold spell to kill them off?). Its another dull and dreary day here after a very miserable day yesterday - hoping tomorrow will be better.

    Take care Crackers - and come on in, its nice in here and I miss you all

    PB xxx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello dear Crackers- at last. I am finally back and hardly know where to begin it has been so long. I must say thanks for all the kind thoughts as I was absent. I just could not seem to get here for some time as I'll explain later, perhaps not entirely today. Yesterday I had planned to be here as I was housebound by the first snowfall of the year. It did not last but made for a cold and nasty day. (I do see that you, MITM, have beat me to the first reported snow of the season. I did get as far as reading all the lovely posts- so much to want to respond to that I could take up a large part of today doing so. I'll have to come back to that but will sum by saying you all have had challenges recently but have inspired me with your resilience and determination. I have spent a lot of October trying to catch up from a month horribilis in September. There has been a lot of gardening and winterizing to do, though my work seems to pall in comparison to what you have in the way of gardening MITM. This sudden snowfall
    has completely put paid to the flowers that were still blooming. Until yesterday the fall had been quite dry and warm and I still had many flowers in bloom. The nasturtiums were never better, both in the front of house bed and in some containers; likewise the marigolds. Pots of large begonias were still thriving in my window boxes and pots along with small begonias in beds. I had emptied and cleaned a lot of other pots (my sister always says I have too many pots!) and put away decorative items and patio furniture. However, I couldn't bear to just pull up flowers that were in their prime. Today they are all bedraggled and a barrel of coleus have turned brown over night. The trees have been brilliant but the very high winds we have had for the past week are bringing the leaves down quickly, and to my mind rather early. I really hate November when the trees are bare and the land seems so barren. An exception to this leaf falling scenario is in my backyard where the trees are always late shedding their leaves. So I may be doing some raking in chilly weather.
    As I have alluded to, I had a difficult September. I had a dreadful time with my eating, completely off course with the predictable results. At the end, I felt my clothes getting tighter and tighter and had less and less that I was comfortable wearing. This is not to overlook the internal distress I caused myself but for so many days I could not seem to put the brakes on it. I would try but a day or two was my best. My diet journal was filled with blank entries interspersed with attempts to get back on track. It was very demoralizing so I decided that I would buy a new journal ( I use a journal called the Ultimate Diet Journal !) despite wasting money because I was not near the end. Of course, while I was in the bookstore I looked at other diet books but resolved that I would not waste any more money buying one. There are literally hundreds but I did notice that Beck has a new book so I had a good look at it. (this bookstores provides some nice chairs for sitting and reading) It seems to take a lot of her basic ideas from her previous book but one thing that stuck out was that she is recommending weighing oneself
    everyday. Another book that stuck out, only because it was on a display shelf is called The Fast Metabolism Diet-
    I am afraid the word 'fast' did grab me so I had a look at it too. It is written by a celebrity nutritionist which would not usually entice me. I had a quick skim through. I'm not sure if her science of why one should eat as she recommends is all that good but I decided not to buy it but to check it out on the internet where I was able to find a summary of the diet. For some reason it appealed to me. I have just finished my third week and am very satisfied
    because I immediately dropped over 5 pounds the first week and 2 pounds for each of the last two weeks. I'll tell you basically the plan which is undoubtedly a basic low calorie diet with lots of protein and vegetables. I like vegs and am eating a lot of different kinds. It is a 2-2-3 day plan. Monday, Tuesday is protein at every meal, a wide range of vegetables (everything but potatoes including parsnip and squash), starch at every meal like rice, oatmeal, quinoa, etc, and a fruit. Wednesday, Thursday, are the most stringent days- basically protein and green and low cal vegs, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, are the same as Monday, Tuesday but add good fats like olive oil, olives, avocado, nut butters and almond milk. The recommended restrictions are quite severe- no wheat, dairy, alcohol (one drink on the weekend), sugar. There is off course a large list of seasonings and spices, many of which bother my stomach. I am pleased that I have been able to be as compliant as I have. I think one thing that is helping at the moment is the structure ( I agree with you BM about the old weight Watchers plan). The Wed/Thurs is quite tough but only two days. My basic goal for those days is to have no starch or fruit and only green /light veg. However, I have made some minor adjustments to make it doable for me. I have to have something on my poached egg whites (whole eggs on last three days) so I have ketchup or a little grated parmesan. I also use a little oil dressing (2 teaspoons) on the green salads and will have a 2 teaspoons of almond butter when I have bread sometimes. Last week I used some low fat Greek yoghurt instead of other protein, mainly egg whites. However, I have radically cut down my dairy which I think is good. Those have basically been my changes in the last three weeks. I did have Thanksgiving dinner at my brother's and indulged in some dessert but not wildly. I think sugar really is almost like a drug for me sometimes but it is not quite the same because I know I can have a little without setting off overeating but the challenge is to find the 'sweetspot' where it can be enjoyed but is not a problem. I'd like to continue eating like this for sometime, at least until Christmas but I am trying to be realistic that it may be somewhat too restrictive. That puts me up to date at least on my eating plan. It's good to hear that everyone else is following there chosen path. For sure, there is no one perfect diet that should apply to everyone.
    Must be off now. It is voting day here. It is only a ten minute walk to my polling station so I'll strap on my Fitbit and walk. I won't be able to take Nellie though so later for her.
    Regards all.

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Bracken - how absolutely delightful to have you back with us again, I had to make a cup of tea to sit and read that lovely, long post! Sadly I can't linger to write now but hope to be back tomorrow. PB - I wanted to pop in and write all weekend but we had to work around the clock... however I will be back!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello and welcome back Bracken - good to hear from you and that you are OK. I know what you mean about not being able to get into something and the weight gain that results - still it sounds as though you have found (at least in the short term) something that works. I'm not sure I could follow it - especially the idea of wasting lots of egg yolk! I'd have to make cake!!!! Could do with some of your cold weather here - it remains rather warm for the time of year here. I'd rather it was 'proper' weather.

    I look forward to hearing from you more about your story in the next few days - anyone know where LMV is? Haven't seen anything from her either in recent weeks/months. Has she abandoned us? Is she OK?

    Speak soon

    PB XXX
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Ladies, Bracken, my heart skipped with joy when I saw your lovely Long email. Welcome back and please give Nellie a hug from me! X This is a short mail but I wanted to say Hello to you all. Ironically as I had suggested we confide our emails to each other in case of a prolonged absence and then I go awol! I have been a tad under the weather with bleeding issues again. I se the Consultants tomorrow for removal of my Mirena and all medication under strict supervision. So I am dreading the time ahead. In the meanwhile OH has booked for us to pop to Bali again for my birthday as I had pneumonia there last year so hopefully my bloods will be at least stable enough to go. It's two and a half hours flight away so fingers crossed!
    It is so lovely to have the gang back!!! (Almost, I miss LMV too but it has been such a Long time I fear she has left the Crackers for good). I am going to read the mails again later as Bracken, your new diet sounds very interesting, PB I admire you for sticking to the diet Chef. MITM I must have watched Sam Smith a gazillion times since you mentioned it! I cannot get the song out of my head now! Lol x
    I am putting my info in PMs, take care all, BM x x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all and thanks so much for this welcome back. It feels delightful. This is a brief pop-in but as I said yesterday there was so much of interest in all your posts that that alone will take some time to respond to so I'll make a couple of short comments on what I read. MITM, like others I am so impressed by your daughter's achievements. You must be so proud of her and surely should take some good credit for the fine parenting she has clearly received. She sounds like a very interesting, sensitive, and mature young person. BM, so sorry to hear that you are again beset with serious health issues. You are very courageous in the face of your ongoing challenges. I too miss LMV; she added a lot to this discussion group and I very much enjoyed her optimism and her account of life in Wales. PB, so nice to hear about your many activities and glad that you have found a diet approach to work with for the foreseeable future. I was glad to hear that you have lost enough weight that you are now thinking of riding again. I'll look forward to hearing about that.
    Must be off now. Regards.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello. As I said, short posts may be in order for a while but I really want to be more regular. I had a busy day today with more yard work and a lot of time working on my writing course- I've signed up for another but this one only goes for six weeks. The class is limited to twelve students and everyone gets a least one 1/2 individual conference with the instructor. Mine is tomorrow night so extra time was spent in preparation. I took Nellie for a nice walk with a neighbour who has a small Boston terrier type dog, a rescue from a puppy mill. On checking back on posts I see that in fact you have gone for a ride PB- good to hear. I had a nice ride yesterday outdoors but predictions for Friday are very windy and only 10C so it may be into the indoor arena for me. Today is the first of the high protein/low carbs etc for this week- it has gone quite well. By the way, PB I don't think I could deal with constantly separating whites and yolks from my eggs but fortunately I can buy egg whites in a carton, including free-run ones.
    Off again. Regards.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Morning Crackers!

    I cannot believe how this past week has just disappeared so quickly. I've been wanting to write all week long but I haven't had a moment to myself. In 5 short hours I will be getting up and commencing my journey to the UK. I will be gone for almost 4 weeks however after half-term week, once the daughter has returned to college and my parents have departed for warmer shores I will be popping in, as I'm housesitting and for a complete change will have time on my hands! PB - is it really a year since you last rode, it seems only like yesterday?! Have you managed to get back on the diet again after the holiday break? I gasped when I read how old your friend is gosh she is amazing! BM - sorry to hear you are under the weather again and I hope you will be fit enough for your birthday treat. Bracken - such a delight to have you back with us, keep posting!

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Dropping in again after a somewhat unexpected busy day. This morning I rode my horse with my fellow boarder who is my age. We rode indoors as yesterday we finally had a very heavy rain and the outdoor ring was too wet. (as a side note we are being told that this Wednesday will be extremely windy and rainy as we get the after effects of that strong hurricane that was just in Mexico). I had a very good ride and feel that I am making some progress getting my horse and self back into riding shape. We did some walk, trot and canter and at the end I actually jumped a small vertical jump a couple of times. I am shocked to realize that is basically a year since I have jumped anything. With the long layoff last winter and then starting and stopping through the spring and summer with weather and heat waves and visitors etc. time had just flown by. My wonderful horse was incredibly honest and acted as if he has been doing this regularly.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    I'm not sure what has just happened as suddenly my post appeared on the scene posted while I thought I was going on!
    In any case, this afternoon I was shocked, surprised, and thrilled to have an unexpected visitor just after I returned from the stable. It was woman who is the owner of the stable where I boarded my horses previously. When I left, partly because the drive was becoming too long and difficult because of traffic changes and growth of the nearby city, and partly because of 'barn drama' (too long and boring to detail but it seems that many boarding stables at times develop issues of conflict), she did not take it well although I only ever detailed the difficulties of the travel. I had felt cut off and my overtures of friendliness at a couple of horse shows were rejected and left me feeling that I should just cut ties as I did not want conflict. It had been very heartbreaking for me as I had boarded there over twenty-five years and wanted to remain on good terms. In any case, she told me she had wanted to visit and finally got around to it. We had a lovely two hour visit and an invitation to visit her stable anytime.
    I'm also pleased to say that the scale told me today that I've lost two more pounds so that was a great boost. Nellie and I did a lovely walk later and there are still some beautiful trees.
    Must off now. I'm watching Borgen- really hooked. Has anyone else seen it?
    Hope all goes well in UK for you, MITM.