Looking for new mother friends!

brianafaye2 Posts: 166 Member
I will be 24 in may, and my baby girl Zowie is a month old. Ive lost 40 lbs from this site before, and I am now looking to lose my recent baby weight! I've gained 50 lbs, and it hasn't "dropped off" like other women. I will he returning back to my full time Jobs on the 10th. Feel free to add me! :)


  • SarahKate2710
    SarahKate2710 Posts: 37 Member
    I feel ya. I gained almost 50lbs with my little guy and 10 of that was in a week due to swelling and fluid retention. I have 20lbs to lose to get to my pre baby weight but 50 to get back to where I was when I was at my happiest. Friend request sent.
  • trailsinlife
    trailsinlife Posts: 37 Member
    Hi there. I was backwards in that I only gained 12lbs while pregnant but the year following the birth? Gained about 30...

    I'm on track now following keto and will be adding exercise this week. Down 11lbs in two weeks.
  • dodgegirl1979
    dodgegirl1979 Posts: 73 Member
    Iv got 5 kiddo's and got about 150 pounds to loose with a sit down job 7 days a week I need the support and ideas you can add me I don't know how to !
  • ashdog3000
    ashdog3000 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey y'all. I'm 37 with a 5 year old boy and 14 month old girl. I'm about 20 lbs overweight hoping to lose it after several attempts and back and forths. I'm looking for accountability. That's my biggest issue. Good luck too all. Add me if you'd like!
  • mamba
    mamba Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me if you'd like! I'm logging daily and here for the long haul.

    I'm 35 and my son just turned 3 in April. I've got 40lbs to lose, I work full time in a sit-down job, am freelancing on the side and also trying to juggle a small consulting business on the side. I barely have time for bathroom breaks let alone solid exercise, but my health needs to be priority so calorie tracking it is!

  • FrumMama
    FrumMama Posts: 79 Member
    I hope it's okay to add this here, but a few of us started a small group for moms in their 30s. Link here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/120492-motivated-moms-in-their-30s

    Feel free to join!
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 948 Member
    FrumMama wrote: »
    I hope it's okay to add this here, but a few of us started a small group for moms in their 30s. Link here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/120492-motivated-moms-in-their-30s

    Feel free to join!

    I just joined this group. Anyone here feel free to add me as a friend. I always appreciate motivated mom friends!
  • bigmamalo
    bigmamalo Posts: 8 Member
    Hey! I've been on and off this site for years. I'm a single mom of two kids, I've lost about 45 lbs but gained 10 back over the winter so now i have another 10 lbs to lose. Mostly all in my middle which drives me crazy lol.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Hello! SAHM of 4 here. Daily logger. Feel free to add me.
  • tofiggy
    tofiggy Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, I just joined this 3 days ago and a mom of 4 and really hoping that the support and structure of this group helps me.
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    Im a daily logger too. you can add me. I gained 50lbs with my first son and then came in 20 lbs under after having my second because i was horribly sick the whole time. now they are 2 and 4 and i can blame my weight on baby weight. it is time to shed the pounds. i have 100 lbs to loose.
  • CutieCait123
    CutieCait123 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm working on being a daily logger! I'm a single mom of a handsome almost three year old! I've gained 55 lbs since the day I found out I was pregnant. I did a keto diet back in May and lost 10 lbs which I have been able to keep off. Starting tomorrow I'm planning on going back to my keto diet as well as continuing my exercise daily. I'm just getting back from vacation ;)
  • RH21new
    RH21new Posts: 2 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I have a 10-month old son, and am going back to work part-time in a few weeks. I would really like to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, and lose 37lbs. I used MFP a few years ago for our wedding and I do think it helped so am here to try again!
  • mimweed
    mimweed Posts: 19 Member
    Please add me! I am 4 months post c section and I am starting to work on getting back to my prepregnancy body. I would love to add some other mom friends to help me stay motivated.
  • pratt_desiree
    pratt_desiree Posts: 4 Member
    Hey im a mom of two (8 year old) & 1year old right...i started all over!!! Im @ my largest now @ 240 5"7 looking for other mom who are trying to push through the after school snacks with me & drop these pounds...YES IM GOING TO DO THIS!!!
  • katiegmiami
    katiegmiami Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a 40 year old mom of 3 kids - 9, 4, and almost 3. I've been saying I need to lose the excess weight from having the last two kids - back-to-back, but i wasn't doing anything to get it off. Hopefully this time I will keep up the progress and keep moving forward! We can do it!
  • SkinnyMomma02
    SkinnyMomma02 Posts: 82 Member
    Hey Ladies I'm Brandi and I am 36, I have Two boys 9yo and my youngest is almost 4. I have ENDO and some GI issues as well as having a budging disk in my lower back, I am going to shot #2 in Jan. I just finished some PT for my foot I hurt back in Aug and that and my back took me out of running and working out for a while which sucked so I gained some weight. Looking to get back at it slowly because I only have the OK to do water workouts and low impacted workouts as well as I can do my PT exercises at the gym too. Just joined the local rec center so I can go to some of the aqua workouts and stuff, and my oldest can swim with me. My real struggle is food and meal prep. I want to prep so bad but can only do it for a bit, I work 12 hr shifts so its hard I don't know why but I feel like its impossible at times, I know others do it in my workplace but all the ones that do don't have kids. I just want to work this year on bettering myself and working on my back and my GI finding the right foods for me. Going to try and set small goals monthly and work to stick to it. I mean come on we can do this right we are moms... lets do this!!
  • rebekaxox
    rebekaxox Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I’m Rebeka I’m 23 and have 4 year old and 1 year old boys! I have Hypothyroidism so it’s really hard to lose weight and I just started Keto last week. Feel free to add me :)