Daily check in



  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    I'd like some egg nog too @crazychicken2017.
    Great job @Naomisds on the meal prep. That is the way to go. @intotennis what can I say- congratulations! That is so motivating! B)
    @jperdomo79 just break away for 30 minutes like you did today! @kathyNKCSD I need some polish food. I love that stuff. I won't discourage u, just take me with! We won't log it and the group will never know.... B)

    Today I jogged 4 miles. I haven't in a while because my left hip will be sore but I tried again. I did some extra bursitis stretches. It's kinda sore but not bad. We'll see tomorrow. Ate pretty good today.

  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Cc - - "no rum" - - hilarious! Love it!

    Two walks today totalling 67 minutes. Stuck to eating plan and cut down the portion size of my dinner to save on calories and be able to come in under goal and still got to enjoy a tasty meal!

    Jperdomo - - sounds like you are staying on track despite some changes in your usual routine. Awesome!

    Cc - - again, love the "no rum" notation. Keep up the maintenance!

    Sheri - - congratulations on the weight loss and living in the past so to speak!

    Kathy - - since you are still drawing breath (yay!), I am sure you burned more calories than "zilch." Either way, I am looking forward to your next post about your progress.

    Kim - - great job on the running! I hope you don't get too sore since running is a great tool to use to achieve weight and fitness maintenance.

    Well, getting tired so off to bed soon. Zzz...
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    I posted earlier today but I see that it didn't show up so I'll try again. Today was a much better day. Whew!!! Kept the calorie count down better and much cleaner (not perfect but better). Got to play some tennis at Paradise Valley Country Club. WOW, that place is swanky!!!! They have a valet golf cart that takes you to the courts and the paper towels in the restroom are not Bountys. They even have the PVCC logo on them. I must admit I took 2 extra in my bag to keep. A retired school teacher will never be able to live there but it was fun to dream for one morning. They beat our butts but they were nice and their captain gave us fresh, warm mini sticky pecan cinnamon buns that they serve at their little bistro afterward. Went to The Duttons Christmas show this afternoon. What a talented family musically. If you've never seen them, I would recommend it. They have theaters in Mesa and Branson. Making my famous Christmas braided bread tonight called Houska (it's Polish). Good thing about baking bread is it is not at all tempting to lick the beaters.
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Today was another day sticking to my eating plan and also included 18,000+ steps. Time to get some rest so I can get up and do it again tomorrow. Night, all!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Tue 9 & Wed 10


    Played a 2+ hr tennis match in the AM and then 90 min tennis practice in PM.

    Nutrition: Good, ate a big meal late and kept it clean.


    Completed P90X3 Yoga and ran around all day Xmas shopping.

    Nutrition: Good

    This weekend I have “Two” party’s to go to on Fri & Sat, this will be my ultimate challenge! I will have a shake before I go and bring my Lite Cranberry juice plus, some shrimp so I should have plenty of "clean" goodies to eat if I so desire. ;)

    The holidays are a tough time but, strong and steady win’s the race! Keep kicking butt ladies!!
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Wrote a long post and lost it
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    jperdomo79 wrote: »
    Wrote a long post and lost it

    Okay, I'll say it! "That sucks!" Hope all is going well! :smiley:
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    @intotennis bring some extra tomorrow night and keep tabs on me. I've got to make two more weeks without, say a pound in gain.
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Two straight days of 20,000+ steps, 11 straight days of being on this challenge, and 18 straight days on my current eating plan equals ??? In 8 more days at the end of this Challenge, I will weigh in and take my measurements to find out my results in those areas. Fingers crossed for a positive overall outcome!!!
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    You're an amazing trooper. You're almost there! Keep up the good choices. I see you've really incorporated more veggies. Great job lady.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Thur 11, Fri 12, Sat 13 & Sun 14 (crazy busy but holding strong!)

    Thur, Tennis clinic & shopping, Fri 16 holes of golf, Sat tennis singles, Sun 18 holes of golf

    Nutrition: Great!

    I am happy to say, I did very well at both parties! I had a shake on the drive over and kept it to clean eating only and had my Lite cranberry juice to drink. I did have a night cap on Saturday night, I planned it so I was not drinking all night and I was away from all the goodies. Very happy that I made it, lol

    Naomisds – 20k steps is awesome, you’ve got this so keep kicking butt!

    Keep pushing forward ladies, we’re almost there!!! <3<3<3<3
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Haven't checked in for a few days, but I'm still on my plan. Went to a get together Saturday evening and only had 6 plain shrimp (on my plan) and nothing else. Didn't do a whole lot of walking today, but will get back to it tomorrow morning. Both excited about and dreading weighing and measuring at the end of this week. Friday morning, right, Sheri?

    How is everyone else doing?
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Was a little remiss in logging. Ate poorly a bit and then fasted a bit. Weight down .5 lbs. slow progress.

    Despite eating junk, it prompted me to buy some fresh foods and make a healthy soup good for a few days. Tasty too.

    I’ll push next few days to get under 180
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Naomisds wrote: »
    Haven't checked in for a few days, but I'm still on my plan. Went to a get together Saturday evening and only had 6 plain shrimp (on my plan) and nothing else. Didn't do a whole lot of walking today, but will get back to it tomorrow morning. Both excited about and dreading weighing and measuring at the end of this week. Friday morning, right, Sheri?

    How is everyone else doing?

    lol, Friday morning what? :smiley:
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Have to admit that I haven't done very well with the holidays and having company here. Had to make my brother his favorite cake for his birthday and with just 3 of us here I have had a couple of pieces. It's good but not healthy! Then we have gone out to eat 3 times: Red Lobster, had the coconut shrimp with a pina colada sauce that is to die for; Golden Corral, I tried to stay healthy and small portions (except for the piece of coconut creme pie), and I-Hop for breakfast (did ok here but still consumed more calories that if I would have breakfast at home). Then neighbors brought over a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Haven't cut into that yet but there it sits in the frig. BLAH!
    Some of you have been doing so well, it is impressive and inspiring.
    Naomi - I have a feeling that your weigh in - measurements will go well.
    crazychicken - weight loss is great no matter how much when it comes to this time of year. Your healthy soup sounds good.
    intotennis - glad you got a new challenge going even if I haven't done as well as I'd like. Scared to think of how I might have slipped if it weren't for the challenge. You have done really well!
    kbranch - you also have done well with control and workouts.
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Sheri, I'm confirming that Friday is the last day of the challenge so we weigh/measure/whatever that day, right?
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Monday 15 & Tuesday 16


    Played played 18 holes of golf. Nutrition: Bad news; I Fell off the wagon but, good news; I’ve climbed back on board. My food choices were good but, I had 3 cocktails.


    Played 2 hrs tennis doubles. Triton: Good day, back on track.

    I had planned to have the 23rd our last day so we could enjoy the holidays without having to count calories, etc.

    You all are doing great, keep pushing forward!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Check 9&10

    Tuesday: Barre Class
    Wednesday: Piyo or Cardio Treadmill

    Ladies, it’s been a few days and shall I say @Naomi way to go girly you are my inspiration right now!

    This week has been crazy
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    So Saturday morning I will weigh and measure after staying up all night hoping and praying! Lol! I would really like to lose about 15 to 20 lbs, but seeing as this challenge was less than 3 weeks, that might be just a slight smidgen unrealistic. Therefore, I'm hoping to have lost at least four pounds, which works out to about a pound and a half a week. If I don't lose at least that much, someone might have to come talk me down from the ledge!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in - Day Wed 17 & Thurs 18

    Wed - Was a lazy day around the house so, I'll call it a rest day! smiley: Nutrition: Good, had a business dinner out and did have 2 glasses of wine.

    Thurs - Played tennis for 2 hrs in the freezing cold so I'm sure I burned up some calories! Nutrition: Back on track today!

    Naomisds - I'm sure you'll have great results so no worries!

    Two more days ladies, keep pushing! <3<3<3