JAN 2018 Challenge

retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
Set your Jan. self challenge here. It can be anything that you want to accomplish this month, adding new foods, getting fitter, breaking an old habit, creating a new one, anything you feel you want to do.

Happiest of New Years to everyone.


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Maintenance is my challenge. I am staying closer to 135, than my goal weight of 141, I really want to maintain within 3 lbs. of the 135 number. I had set a 133 lbs. goal as my second goal, I reached that kept there for a bit, but slowly creeped over 136 for a bit, I have been back to 133, but I seem to have more luck at 135, than 133.

    I also want to work on my fitness levela bit. I want to work up to squats with 10 lb dumbbells. I currently can do 8 lb. ones.
  • meredithx50
    meredithx50 Posts: 34 Member
    For January I am going no alcohol, no sugar. I was going to try no refined flour as well, but it felt like too much of a stretch. And meal planning...
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Exercise, increasing my excercise is my focus this month and hopefully this year. Walking and yoga are my targets for January.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    mjohanson50, great goals and wise to not tackle too much at the beginning. There are many websites that have weekly or even monthly meal plans that focus on no or low sugar. Google sugar challenges, I'm sure you will find some helpful plans that you can adapt to your way of eating.

    Kathy, walking and yoga are my regular forms of exercise, even when I am not highly motivated I will still want to do a walk or do some basic yoga stretching. I always feel better when I do those activities. I don't even really think of them as exercising, just making my body feel a bit better. Do you have an activity tracker or at least a pedometer/ped. app? They do help motivate you. I have walked 9,591,440 steps
    total lifetime steps I got my first Fitbit in Jan 28 2015, a lot more steps than I would ever have done without one.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Got my area set up for doing the squats, along with some other dumbbell exercises. I did 8 lbs. today as I haven't been working out lately. Don't want to shock this ol' bod too much the first day. I did a full dumbbell workout, not just the squats using 5 and 8 lbs. Felt good too.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    I only got in a few dumbbell workouts, so big fail for me. Life got in the way, no boring details, I just hope Feb. goes smoother. I did do some good yoga stretching sessions, just not as many as I had hoped for, so tomorrow is another day.