Introduce yourself



  • RechaelAndrea
    RechaelAndrea Posts: 23 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hey. I am on day 3. Waited until I could recover a day after Christmas.
    The pic here is from a few years ago lol. I just turned 40. I'm 5'6. I was 140 before I got pregnant with my third child. My baby boy is 2 1/2 now. I am now 5'6 and 192! My goal is to lose 60 pounds. Feeling sooo much better already on day 3. My current macro ratio is 65/5/30 fat/carb/protein with a 40% calorie deficit. I am mostly dairy free for now besides butter. I'm taking a daily bulletproof coffee with XCT oil. Jog/walking at least 2 miles a day.
    Let's do this!

  • RechaelAndrea
    RechaelAndrea Posts: 23 Member
    I’m a newbie as well. I’m not sure how to set my nutrients so I’m getting the right amount of net carbs. I have 75 lbs to lose

    Look here if you are not on this group yet, They have a great calculator.

    I love this keto calculator the most. Very customizeable:
  • candik1
    candik1 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello! Getting ready to start Keto. I've done low carb in the past with some success but never really any true dedication. Here's hoping to a more successful and enduring experience! Good luck to us all!
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    Hi all! My name is Heather. After gaining almost 150lbs over the past 4 years due to thyroid disease, I am starting Keto as well as a regular fitness routine to try and bring back the "me" that is still inside of here! January 1 is my start date, and I will be going the full year - no cheats, just going full throttle into this! I am happy to be able to join all of you ladies and gentlemen as well!
  • ashnessmonster
    ashnessmonster Posts: 14 Member
    I’m not a keto newbie, but got side-tracked with carby holiday food, so recommitted to strict keto just after Christmas. Would love to befriend some like-minded ketonians through MFP for accountability. Feel free to give me an add to stalk my diary.
  • nmjordan
    nmjordan Posts: 37 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hello everyone! I started keto today. I read a short book about it but I have a lot more to learn! I have over 100 lbs. to lose at this point, so any pointers, tips, help is appreciated!
  • ChristieLynn3tte
    ChristieLynn3tte Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone. I've been doing keto for about 4 months now, but I'm new to mfp. So far, I've lost about 30 pounds. I'm looking for new friends for motivation and support!!! Feel free to add me
  • Agkerrick
    Agkerrick Posts: 22 Member
    Hi guys! I did keto for several months last year and then fell back into old patterns. I started back on keto January 1 and I feel great. If you are new to keto and looking for food ideas, there is a huge keto following on instagram. I post pics of 90% of my food there too. I get some great ideas there. Excited to get to know you!!
  • BridgettePlemmons
    BridgettePlemmons Posts: 52 Member
    Hey yall!! Im a gastric bypass patient who follows the keto lifestyle as our normal diet focuses on protein Keto is an easy choice! I did however slack quite a bit during the holidays and eager to get back on it!! I started back fully on the 5th! Shoot me a message or friend request...I need all the help I can get!
  • tmurphy2712
    tmurphy2712 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi guys just started out a keto journey a week ago and going great. intending to keep this up for 6 months at least to get the most out of fat adaption. how is everyone else coming along?
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    Hey group! Started my low carb living in mid July of last year. It's been the best health decision I've ever made. I don't know everything, but I've been through the keto flu, 3rd week stall, sticking with it, and losing 60+lbs so far, so I'm here to help, encourage, cheer you on and all that good stuff. Add me if you'd like to interact, if you want to stalk my diary (it's pretty boring and practically the same everyday) or if you want someone to cheer you on when those lbs start falling away. Don't add me if you a 15year old kid trying to get 1000X likes on your posts. I'm too old for that! :D
  • kwalton65
    kwalton65 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello Group! I have been studying Keto for over a year and in July starting practicing it as a way to help health bad gut flora. I have stuck to it (no cheating) for 6 months and have lost 60 lbs. I feel great and plan on continuing this journey into other areas. I am currently practicing building muscle on a ketogenic plan with a workout plan of weight lifting and calisthenics. I have a lot of knowledge on the diet and can help with any newbie questions people have so feel free to add me. I wish you all the best on your journeys!!
  • moonius
    moonius Posts: 663 Member
    I learned about low carb/keto eating several years ago. I have lost weight eating this way in the past but I have a hard time being consistent. Most of the people I know eat plenty of junk and can't relate to a ketogenic way of life. There are lots of temptations everywhere. With the new year, I am rebooting and determined to stick with it this time. Feel free to add me as a friend. Together we can do this!
  • BulletProofSkim
    BulletProofSkim Posts: 83 Member
    I have sent friend requests...

    For anyone new to the list - I am looking for active KETO MFPeeps who would like to connect. Australians would be good, so at least we are in the same time zone, but anyone following a keto lifestyle is welcome!

    I am a 49yo Sydney female, wanting to lose 25kg this year (again). I've suffered from eating disorders all my life and want to be free of them once and for all, have started 12 step recovery and want to focus on improving my life this year. Also don't want to turn 50 and be frumpy - I want to be 50, fit and fabulous!

    I am following a ketogenic food plan as I have sugar addiction issues and it helps me stay on track. I walk and do weights for exercise, don’t do any heavy cardio except the occasional spin bike. I don't count calories but do track my food just to keep on top of it and be honest with myself.

    Instagram my progress @skimflatwhitenosugar if you would like to follow me and keep me honest!

    Feel free to add me if you would like to be friends.
    Thanks, from Skim.
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member
    Hi. I am not new to MFP, but I am new to Keto. My wife started Keto last week, and I have eaten the dinners that she cooks. Obviously, since I'm not eating Keto the rest of the day, it is not working for me, but I am not concerned about that, as I know the reasons for it. Anyway, I plan on starting in 100% Keto beginning next week. I have done some research on the subject and like what I see. A question for those of you who may have been on MFP for a are you adjusting your macros on your food diary, or are you? I know I can get precise macros from some of the Keto websites. Just curious how others are handling this. Thanks in advance.
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    @bdgfn WIth premium you can adjust macros to exactly where you want them. I don't use premium, so I adjusted my goal to the amount of calories I want to eat per day, set the carb% to as close as possible to 25-30g, set the protein% to get me close to 100g per day and let fat fall where ever. My daily goal is to eat as much protein as possible, stay under 25g carbs and the fat can be where it needs to. It's worked for me.
  • Ytrid
    Ytrid Posts: 181 Member
    I just wanted to say hello, and introduce myself! I am Amanda, and I just started Keto for the first time Jan 2, 2018. I was sent a Ted Talk video recently while going through radioactive iodine and facing having cancer again (still walking this road currently) that talked about Keto Diet and cancer benefits, so here i am presently surprised by how great i feel, how much i enjoy the food, and in 12 days losing more than i usually do in 6 months. I have had my entire thyroid removed because of cancer, so weight loss has been impossible. I am hoping to learn from everyone, and make friends on here to support, and encourage me, and I them! Look forward to this journey together!
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member
    @NikkiJRM Thank you for your response. I haven't been able to figure out how to adjust the goal # calories other than by changing the # of workouts per week, length of workouts, and how much I want to lose (actually set it to maintain), and for the life of me I can't figure out how to adjust the carb and protein numbers. I can work with what I have here, just keeping in mind what actual amounts I want to hit for carbs, protein and fat.
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member
    So I started Keto today. Just had bulletproof coffee. I am pleasantly surprised at not only the taste but the texture. I expected a more "greasy" texture. It is rather like having a flavored latte, isn't it?
  • ajadumas
    ajadumas Posts: 85 Member
    Hello! I have used MFP, and low carb diets in the past to drop some weight. I'm back now after a long hiatus, which included having a baby, and dealing w post-partum depression, and ending a 6 year relationship. So I guess you could call this my quest for a revenge body lol