How long has everyone been fasting?

JimmyJam019 Posts: 50 Member
I'm curious as to how long everyone has been fasting?


  • kaileekason
    kaileekason Posts: 19 Member
    Can you explain the fasting method that you use, what you typically eat and results that you have had?
  • skaivalentine
    skaivalentine Posts: 1 Member
    I just started on Monday so I'm on day three and loving it so far. It's amazing at diminishing my hunger. I'm pairing it with paleo, and I have so much energy during my fasted period.
  • leialeia79
    leialeia79 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in my third week and wondering why I never started this sooner!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I have been doing IF since August 2016. I practice 23/1 and eat one meal a day... yes I get in all my calories in one meal and yes I eat that one meal late (9 pm). I do not IF on most Sundays as I visit my parents and make them breakfast on Sunday mornings. I love IF!!! Feel free to friend request me. I'd love to have some MFP pals who practice IF!
  • GreenHeather2014
    GreenHeather2014 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm only on day two, and I feel so much better already! I posted this in another thread, but I'm doing 16/8 right now, and I'm not having any issues with hunger, foggy-headedness, or tiredness. I realize I just started, but I hope this continues! I easily stay within my calorie range, and made it to the gym, too.
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    Since July2017: 20:4 weekdays & 18:6 weekends
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    I've been IF since August 1st. I'm following like a 17:7 fast lol at the moment. I started with 16:8 and I'm trying to work my way down to 18:6 and beyond. I'm vegetarian and I think the hardest part for me is making sure I get all of the calories. I eat a smallish lunch and snack at work (~500 calories) and try to save up my calories until dinner so I can eat a normal sized meal with my fiance. Seems like I'm always under!
  • annieinnm
    annieinnm Posts: 23 Member
    I started last week at my doc's recommendation, and I'm having 2 meals, one at noon(ish) and one at 6:00 p.m. so I guess that's 18:6. So far doing OK. I aim to limit calories to 1200 a day, saving room for a smallish snack mid afternoon, usually raw macadamia nuts. HFLC goals are carbs 10% protein 20% fats 70%. I'm still learning my way around this. Hoping to lose some weight, but definitely need to overcome leptin resistance.
  • sarcasticarse
    sarcasticarse Posts: 59 Member
    I'm curious as to how long everyone has been fasting?

    Hey Jimmy, I have been doing it since July 2016. I have been doing 24hr /48 he fasts typically but would throw in the occasional 3-5 day open fast until I decided I needed to refeed.

    Currently 14 days fasted (no calories) as I am testing my body to see how long I can go on my fat stores alone. Feeling great so I don't see myself breaking this fast anytime soon
  • MzKrystle
    MzKrystle Posts: 74 Member
    I do the 16:8 method. Started at the end of August. Lost 12 pounds so far. Been pretty consistent...maybe 4 days off total. I also cut out dairy and carbs and refined sugars. I have not cut out my wine way. I also stay around 1300 calories a day. There are times I'm definitely starving and I do feel foggy or downright stupid but overall feel good. I will stick with it. I love it. It's my lifestyle. Just got my husband onboard so that will help.
  • sarcasticarse
    sarcasticarse Posts: 59 Member
    Currently 18 days fasted (no calories)
  • Vodka97
    Vodka97 Posts: 95 Member
    Currently 18 days fasted (no calories)
    How are you feeling?
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    Currently on my third 3-day fast in 12 days. Loving this sooo much
  • sarcasticarse
    sarcasticarse Posts: 59 Member
    Vodka97 wrote: »
    Currently 18 days fasted (no calories)
    How are you feeling?

    Today I will be 25 days fasted and still feeling great
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    This thread motivated me to push my 3 day fast to seven. I am on day four. Working towards Sunday. It amazing to see how much easier it becomes after day three. We will see how it goes.
  • wanderinjack
    wanderinjack Posts: 248 Member
    edited November 2017
    Did 18/6 for about a month and 20/4 for about a week. Going for my first OMAD today.
  • wanderinjack
    wanderinjack Posts: 248 Member
    Been doing 20:2 with an OMAD for about a week now. This could be the new normal. It’s so much easier
  • Thundyrstorm
    Thundyrstorm Posts: 51 Member
    I have only been doing it for the last three weeks, along with a Keto diet, 23/1 one meal a day. I am currently exploring a extended fast 26 or so hours in.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday!
  • wanderinjack
    wanderinjack Posts: 248 Member
    Currently at 75 hours going for 112.
  • kam6318
    kam6318 Posts: 11 Member
    Just started, This is day 3, with a 20:4 schedule. So, I have a snack if needed around 4, and dinner as usual. Much easier than just reducing calories. I do need to work on incorporating more protein at dinner though...I keep falling short.
  • wanderinjack
    wanderinjack Posts: 248 Member
    Have about 5 more hours to go for a 110 hour fast. I feel better now than the prior 3 days and would continue if I didn’t have a heavy social weekend ahead with group meals and travel. Down 9.5#.
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I guess I have been fasting 5 years! I fasted Mondays for nearly a year, then added Wednesdays. At the beginning of the year I do a longer fast up to 40 days. My goal this year is 21 days to welcome in the new year, M & W throughout the year and a fast at the beginning of each month in correlation with the month (ie: June = 6th month, so I will fast the first 6 days.)

    I forget how energized I feel as I extend my fast! I honestly didn't fast much last year, lots of stress - which was why I should have been fasting! LOL

    Of course since this is a lifestyle, if an event happens on a planned fast day, I will break my fast to enjoy the event.
  • Audreyonfire
    Audreyonfire Posts: 15 Member
    I've been doing it since September 2017 and I love it. I do the 18/6 protocol. I don't eat before 8 a.m. and usually finish well before 2:00.
  • wanderinjack
    wanderinjack Posts: 248 Member
    edited January 2018
    Been doing 22/2 for a few months with a 3-4 day fast twice a month. I eat a meal at 10and noon. Amazing results. Past 4 days and I get a little loopy. This seems to be working very well.
  • kalincombs
    kalincombs Posts: 23 Member
    Starting my third week 16/8 with a 24 hour fast once a week! Can't believe how easy it is to stick to--why didn't I start sooner?
  • crazymommy5
    crazymommy5 Posts: 65 Member
    I started three days ago. I'm doing the 16/8 protocol and the 5:2 schedule. I eat 1200 cals between 1pm-8pm for 5 days (Sun,Tues,Wed,Fri,Sat) and 500 cals between 1pm-8pm for two days (Mon,Thurs). So far everything has been great...but it's just the beginning.
  • lady_of_steele
    lady_of_steele Posts: 36 Member
    I'm two days into Week 4 of IF on a 16:8 schedule. Until this week, I've been NOT IF'ing on Saturday and Sunday. This week, I'll only be taking a break on Saturday. I've also been doing a ton of strength training and indoor climbing every week, so although I haven't noticed the scale budge, my body is changing and my strength is through the roof.

    I love my energy levels too. That, and the fact that I drink a lot less alcohol, have me feeling like a million bucks.

    Next weigh-in and measure is April 30.

    Happy IF'ing everybody! :smiley: