21 Day No Junk Food Challenge

KarmelMocha Posts: 17 Member
Happy New Year & Great morning! It has been a Very long time, almost 5 years, since I logged in. With my being absent, I've had some scary health moments & realize, I Must be consistent with my health!

With that being said, our group member, sweetdianachka, introduced March 2013, the 21 Day No Junk Food Challenge. Would anyone like to join me? If so, what would you think of "Accountability Partners"?


  • marilync1266
    marilync1266 Posts: 67 Member
    I’m interested. I just started the 21 day sugar detox program. I’m not doing the full program I’m doing a modified version. And the full program you’re supposed eliminate any items that have sugar in it Like salad dressings. But I’m not going to that extent. Basically I’m doing no junk food for 21 days and no breads or pastas.