therapeutic ketones

k2626k Posts: 15 Member
Wondering if someone can explain the pros/cons of incorporating therapeutic ketones into your diet and incorporating into your macros. Thank you!


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    In theory if you are doing keto for something other than weight loss (like epilepsy control or migraine control or some other kind of medical treatment), then it's important to maintain a goal ratio.


    depending on what you are treating this goal ratio can be 2:1, 3:1, or 4:1

    2:1 is a common stating place for migraines, while 4:1 is a common starting place for epilepsy, for example

    consuming extra ketones helps to make it easier to maintain the goal ratio

    When I started with keto for migraine control I started with 2:1 ratio - even at that level it's hard to eat enough fat to keep the ratio, I can't even imagine trying to do a higher fat ratio from food alone. I eventually went to a 1:1 ratio, and now I don't track ratio, I just keep within my carb goal - so far this is working for me and controlling my migraines.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    If by therapeutic ketones you are talking about the massive number of products (exogenous ketones) that have been infiltrating the market, I concur the best use is for those who are eating a ketogenic diet for medical reasons and therefore need guaranteed ketosis or a deeper degree of ketosis.

    The state of being in ketosis does not itself cause weight loss. It does tend to suppress hunger so many individuals eating a ketogenic diet can more easily stay in a needed calorie deficit.

    I've never taken ketone products so have no experience with them. Reportedly one can be more flexible with their diet (higher carbs) and remain in ketosis when using exogenous ketones. Personally, I have found it of more value in regards to weight management, to simply learn how to eat for my goal of hunger suppression. I did not need to be in ketosis for weight loss which is the case for millions of others. Certainly being in what I consider nutritional ketosis/fat adapted has made maintenance far easier.

    Others may have a desire to eat more carbs and for those people, I suppose exogenous ketones may be beneficial.

    I did use MCT Oil for a few months in 2016 at a "therapeutic level" for my purposes. I experienced no benefit. :/ Everyone's mileage may vary.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    For neurological or other medical treatment, sure. For weight loss. Nah
  • k2626k
    k2626k Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you everyone. Very helpful