Weekly Post - 15.1.2018 - 21.1.2018

Meghan509 Posts: 1,988 Member
Good morning everybody!

Sorry for not checking in over the weekend. Time flew by and the next thing I knew, it is Monday morning. Phew!

Today is the Martin Luther King day holiday in the USA, but my office is open.

I just wanted to start the thread, and now I will come back in a few to respond to the weekend happenings!

Back in a bit! In the mean time, feel free to post here in this new thread since it is a new week.

Big welcome to our new member. :smiley:


  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,988 Member
    Hi all!

    First congrats on your loss @ryenday - you should be at or sooo close to goal! So happy for you!

    Yes, I did make the stuffed pepper soup yesterday for dinner, the one I had shared on last week's post and it came out awesome! Made it last night. I used a can of crushed tomatoes, since that is what I had on hand and I am trying to use what I have to be more economical. LOL And, I subbed ground turkey for what she had called for, which was ground beef. I also cooked it in the crockpot! Six servings.
    CAME OUT AWESOME! I logged mine in MFP for my dinner last night, so those of you who are connected with me can see the breakdown in calories. Not bad at all. I put the brown rice in as separate since I may want to use white rice sometimes too. We have a lot of stuff in our cabinet that we hardly use that we would like to finish up if we can! :p

    Got to the gym this past weekend on Saturday and Sunday which was nice. Yes it was cold again, but not as bad as last weekend. Cold again today (16 degrees F as I am typing this) :( but got to suck it up buttercup! This is what we are getting... Got in a strength training work out on Saturday which kicked my rear - but it was good! Still sore but will be back at it tonight. For ten minutes I will ride the recumbent bicycle. I like that and I turn up the difficulty so it burns 10 calories per minute. May consider doing that for a full cardio session in the future, complete will sorts of fun hills and stuff!

    Supposed to snow here tomorrow, which I am not looking forward to. Just hoping it doesn't mess with my commute home or gym plans. Hoping for the best. In the end, got to stay safe.

    I made a new soup for light day dinners this week. I can share it. It is one that uses four cans of cannellini beans, which in turn means it is an 8 serving soup. Just over 200 or so calories per serving. So two weeks of dinners complete there in one shot, which I liked. Only thing is the servings do not appear to be that much. About a cup and a quarter per serving. It called for taking the first two cans and pureeing them. Okay fine, and then you dump the other two in after and simmer it for a bit. I found the second two cans pretty much disappear so you are left with a pretty thin soup. I guess we will see when we eat it, how hearty and filling it is. If I make it again, I probably would not puree at all... Just leave it chunky. Smells good and tasted good when I tried a bite.

    See link. Use her updated recipe where she added two more cans of beans and no milk or cream, etc. I use olive oil spray instead of regular olive oil to save calories. I buy two big cans of Goya cannellini beans since it is more cost efficient than doing four little cans and I find the beans are bigger and better quality!


    Okay all. Back to work. See you all soon!
  • whatiwont
    whatiwont Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I'm new, though I started fasting at the beginning of January. I'm actually doing 4:3 for now because I think seeing results faster will help me to stay motivated...but it also gives me some slip room if I decide that 5:2 would work better in the future. I'm actually going on vacation on Wednesday, so this week I'm in the middle of trying to fit in three days in a row before I leave...but I may decide that two or two and a half is enough. :)

    So far I've lost about five pounds - I know it's probably a lot of water, but that's always a nice motivator for getting started. On fast days I usually wait to eat until dinner, and then have a snack before bed if I can fit it in.

    I'm also trying to keep up with a daily yoga habit, so I joined groups here for both, and it's great to have the support!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hi all! Especially @whatiwont welcome! Good luck on 4:3! I was unable to do that even though I wanted to. 5:2 was enough for me mentally and in terms of weight loss.

    If you are just starting you should check look at all the wonderful recipes and sticky post at the top of this forum. If you want a bit of by experience: not exactly advice – I prepare lots of low calorie soups and freeze them. That way on my light days I just shop my freezer for the soup that sounds appetizing. Then I couple that with some veggies and Wala a nice low calorie meal that satisfies me.

    I hope everybody’s well and my thoughts are with those if you having light fast days today. My first light day this week is tomorrow and I’m actually looking forward to the P soup I have saved for it.

    I’m a bit rushed for time so I’ll say goodbye now!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,546 Member
    Hey, all! It is C-COLD here! But, I did walk the dog to the groomer's and back, so that was a nice couple of little walks. I am thinking about making some chicken noodle soup for dinner. Or maybe enchiladas. I finished my first little course for this semester. Now on to the big ones... So far, not too bad.
    @ryenday One of these days, I am going to try making and freezing meals/soups. I just don't know what my family would actually eat. :/

    @Meghan509 Stay warm! Good for you on getting to the gym! I hope the weather plays nice so you can keep going this week. :)

    @whatiwont Welcome! Congratulations on the loss! I second ryenday's advice, read the posts at the top. There are a lot of folks on here that have a lot of experience. I am glad you can do 4:3. I have never really been able to do it.

    Off to feed the horde and get ready to go back to work tomorrow. I am hoping the 3 day weekend plus the snow day last week helps halt the spread of germs. If one more child sneezes on me... :s Happy fasting!
  • sjgold123
    sjgold123 Posts: 133 Member
    Arhh i've lost a post twice so making this short, i've done my first week with weigh day tomorrow i'm looking to loose 2 stone and i feel determined. I'm pretty impressed with the carb swaps and healthier diet it's creating for my family. Hubby is doing it too which helps massively for support and willpower. Hi all!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,546 Member
    Snow day tomorrow! Actually, a windchill day, but I will take it!
    I was actually coming on here to say that I really like having the step tracker hooked to MFP. For some reason it inspires me!
    @sjgold123 Welcome! Congratulations on your first week! It is so much easier when your family is on board with you. :)
  • sjgold123
    sjgold123 Posts: 133 Member
    Weigh day after first week and lost a whopping 6lb! So pleased as it's confirmation i'm calorie counting right with the app. Ok a lot for a first week but i'm taking it lol!!! 1 stone 10 away from goal
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,988 Member
    Hi all!

    Hope everybody is good! Welcome new peeps! Great to see you joining! Congrats on your losses. Weeee! Please do let us know if there is anything you would like help with, are concerned about, have questions on, etc. So many great people in here with a wealth of knowledge on fasting, exercise, and healthy eating in general. Ask away and don't be shy. Go take a look at the recipes, so many to choose from! And there are no silly questions. :)

    Work has been cRaZy lately so sorry for being a little MIA. Sheesh! With that being said, I need to keep this on the shorter side, due to work craziness, but know that I am here in spirit!

    So, the consensus on the soup last night is that it was YUMMY but yes it could be a bit more filling! So next time I make it and I definitely would make again... I would make it with more veggies and I would not puree it at all. Maybe use a little more veggies like carrots to give it more bulk and add some water. Very tasty though. Went to bed feeling a little more hungrier than usual on a light day but hey maybe it will work to our advantage - will find out on Friday AM for weigh in!

    Snow is coming here this afternoon. Good luck Kate! Thanks Rye! Hoping for a light one here on the coast of CT. Coming at us tonight through tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

    Weights last night at the gym went really well. Tonight will be a cardio night, assuming we get there okay due to the weather report.

    Regular day today and tomorrow. Next light day for me is Thursday. Alrighty all, I am going to sign off for now. Maybe I'll see you later! Have a great one!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    good morning everyone... also welcome to the new ones joining us!! :)

    I had quite a lot of sitting during the figure skating nationals I was at on the weekend and finally yesterday I got out to walk... and the weather actually coorperated too!! I see the weather isn't that great for some of you so I wont brag about our 8C sunny weather yesterday! Although I'm about to get out for a walk after typing here and I heard thunder... so rain may be what I'm facing today! (Also, if any of you are into figure skating... youtube Elladj Balde!... he came 4th, not as technical as our reigning champion, but wayyyyy more exciting to watch live... check him out he's wearing a yellow shirt in his final performance... he blew the roof of the building everyone went wild!) ok, enough about my weekend....

    Everyone seems to be right on track with their progress lately and it also seems that christmas treats didn't do as much damage to many of you as anticipated... so well done!! I'm still not going to measure my waist until the 1st of Feb... so I better stay on track myself! I'm very happy to have reset my days logging too, as I'm finding I'm much more motivated to grab my phone to log every bite, rather than go, oh well... whatever. Today is a fast day for me, so no matter what the family is having... I'll adjust. I have half a cooked spaghetti squash waiting for me, so I'll be having that and some protein later.... good luck to fasting today, I know lots of people here use Tuesday as their first fast day of the week... We can do this! cheers people! B)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,546 Member
    Hey, y'all! I stayed just under my calories for today. :)
    I was reading an article and it was discussing rewards for students. Anyway, the part that really caught my eye was when he said that one of the reasons people have trouble with things like weight loss or quitting smoking is that there is not an immediate pay off. And that got me to thinking, if I was one of my students, what would I do to make sure I achieved my long term goal? And then it hit me! Behavior point chart to earn a reward! SO... I picked behaviors that I want to improve and assigned them points every day. When I get a certain number, I can get a prize! (My first one is going to be the tv show Leverage) Today I skipped dinner so I could earn an extra point for staying below my limit. Sounds silly, but I think it just might work!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,988 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    This week has been going well. Our snow turned out to be rain for the commute today. WOO HOO! So no issues getting to the gym last night (dry as a bone) and in to work today. This weekend we are due to be around 50 degrees F both days. I can't wait!

    Thanks for the youtube recommendation @mamainthekitchen I will check that out! I love to watch figure skating and so does my Mom. Many good childhood memories watching the Olympics and figure skating with Mom. <3 I still can't believe that the Winter Olympics are just around the corner!? Where the heck did that time go. Hope your fasting day went well yesterday. You got this!

    @KateNkognito congrats on staying under your calories! Nice to feel back on track, isn't it?!
    That is interesting on what you say about rewards! I like that! And it is important that we don't reward with food (at least not all the time) if our main goal is to lose weight. LOL I am guilty of being one who sometimes likes quick gratification. I find that I like to see the end of a project or I have a hard time starting it or sticking to it if I can't see an end point. Little rewards or points along the way are nice. Great idea!

    Picked up some of those Siggi's yogurts at Costco recently. Heard they are good. Have tried them once or twice before and I liked them. They are low in calorie (110), high in protein, and lower in sugar then some of the other one's out there. :)

    Tonight will be a strength training workout and a bike ride after. Really liking the recumbent exercise bikes at the gym. Still been pretty busy lately there. The New Year's Resolution peeps are still coming. Oh well, good for them!

    See you all soon. Have a great day!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Fast day went very well yesterday woohoo! Kept chanting ‘I’ll save that for tomorrow’ ‘tomorrow’.... even though there was nothing specific I wanted, but I certainly could have had... if ya know what I mean. I feel hungry today but going out to birthday lunch for my mom to a fancy restaurant... nothing really ‘plain’ on the menu, so I’ll just have garden salad for dinner, or some broth.

    Great going kate! It feels good to have a light bulb moment doesn’t it! I hope that works for you... anything to recharge the batteries I say!

    Glad you weather has calmed a bit Meg. You’re inspiring with your workouts! Maybe those newbies at the gym will see that too! Yes our reigning champion for FS is P. Chan and he is sooo boring although he had one of he best skates on the weekend... but you’re Nathan Chen should win the olympics!!! He’s amazing! We have a 13yr old Stephen ? (Russian last name) who is someone to watch next olympic!! Can’t believe another Olympic is here again! My daughter was an ice patcher for the 2010 games!

    Well off to get dolled up for lunch! Time for some water too as I don’t want to order a huge meal! I’ll be walking my dog when I get home but that all I may get done today.....! Have a great day people!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,988 Member
    Hee hee, tomorrow is your friend @mamainthekitchen when you are having a light day! :wink:
    Whatever gets us through! I know it helps me, telling myself that! When tomorrow comes it is really no biggie, right?!

    I like to save a little fun for the weekend, that is what really helps me stay on plan during the week. A little treat like a meal out with pizza, pasta, or some french fries with my meal. Or maybe a dessert on the weekend is nice now and then. I also don't really log too much on the weekends. But, I am mindful and I do exercise both Saturday and Sunday. Everybody needs to do what works best for them. :)

    Hope you have a nice lunch with your Mom!

    Pretty much flurried all day here but didn't add up to anything, which is wonderful. Why can't all snow storms around here be like that. LOL

    See you all soon. Light Day tomorrow. Can't wait for that soup for dinner. Not so filling, but yummy. :open_mouth:
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,988 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    I am feeling a little frustrated today. Hopped quick on the scale this AM to see where I am at. My weight is still up from where it should be. I am just not losing consistently. Going up and down since the holidays. Still sitting around two pounds higher than my all time low before the holiday break. :'( Started back with strength training this past Saturday. Have had a great week of weights and cardio. Feeling pretty good, other than seeing the number on the scale. Sigh...

    Tomorrow AM is my official weigh in day. Today is a light day. Sorry to be Debbie Downer. LOL

    I will try and drink a lot of water today. Work has been really busy lately. The weather is supposed to be warm and in the 50's F this weekend. Thank God. I am over the cold and it is only January. :p

    That's about all here. Going to get back to my project. Have a good day all. I'll try and check back later.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Morning everyone!
    Well.... Thursday today, who’s fasting?? ME!!!!

    Meg, you’re allowed to be a Debbie for a day! This can get frustrating for sure... especially since you’re coming up to a full year soon since you started! I think our bodies just get comfortable being a certain weight. My mind loves a 29” waist and my body likes a 32” waist! Sigh! For me, I have to tighten up my other 5 days... not necessarily weekends either because I could have wine & a chocolate bar watching a favorite tv show on a Monday! So it’s more mindful eating everyday not just M/W/F. You’ll find your way back .... probs just hormonal weight anyway!

    Well my lunch out was sooo yummy! Without know the calories... I guessed, most likely am guessing under, but I logged!! So this is a real good streak of logging which I’m pleased about. I ordered a salad which had cold red & yellow beets, goat cheese topped with arugula leaves dressed with some delicious vinegrette all over a plate of lentils!! Oh and some slivers of apple to garnish! I couldn’t figure out how the lentils were flavored.... kind of dressed with the same dressing as the arugula I think , but the combination of the beets with all that was very tasty!!! Hearty but yet light! If my husband would eat this sort of thing I’d try to duplicate at home!

    So windy today our ferries are running late!! It was almost scary outside! It’s calmed a bit now, but still gusty.... no fun with the dog, so I’ll wait for a while before I take her out.

    I had some dried fruit already but I plan on sticking to my fast day today!!!! If I don’t, my waist will stay the same!

    Also: Kate! What kind of step tracker did you get and how’s that working for you?! I had a polar2 and didn’t like it. I use map my walk for my specific walks but that doesn’t work for ‘all day’ activity... hope it’s working for you!
  • sjgold123
    sjgold123 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi everyone, mamainthekitchen that salad sounds lush!
    I have had a fast day today which actually went well as i've not felt hungry. My fast day should be tomorrow but today i was busy so i knew it would help. Scrambled egg, spinach and mushrooms for breakfast. Mustard baked Chicken spiralized courgette and grated carrot with a mini portion of spagetti mixed in for tea. So tastebuds feel satisfied. The only problem i have is danish butter biscuits in-laws donated...how very helpful of them!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited January 2018
    @Meghan509 moaning here is great! We’ll help if we can and listen if we have nothing else to contribute. This process is SO frustrating

    I was wondering if you have measurements (waist, hips etc) from pre strength training? I was wondering- if the scale isn’t cooperative- perhaps you are seeing the loss elsewhere?

    Light day here today. My stomach is upset, probably from the cheesy, wheat-crust Chicago style pizza my husband made this weekend. Not sure no matter how delicious that I can eat that again. :(. Usually I do soup on my light days, but I totally can’t face it. I had a potato (microwaved no butter) earlier and might do oatmeal this afternoon. Not a particularly nutritious day, but should be stomach settling. I hope.

    Take care all!!!!
  • sjgold123
    sjgold123 Posts: 133 Member
    Normal day here phew...not for me but for thr husband as he was well cranky last night (he's doing it too) i nearly force fed him he was so irritable. So my challenge for today is to avoid the danish biscuits i have less distractions today so hope i don't feel super hungry/bored!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,988 Member
    Good morning to you and Happy Friday!
    Thanks all! <3 you all... This is why I love our little group.
    Well in turns out my complaining paid off! Hee hee. I am back down to ALMOST my all time low before the holidays. Only .2 above it! Not too shabby, eh!? So even though it is not a loss and not *quite* a break even I am calling this week a win! Weee!!
    Good bye holiday cheese weight gain - it's been real! Peace out! LOL :p
    Okay all. Going to keep this a little short for now. Will check back in later. Have a good one!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,988 Member
    Jeez, where did the day go?! CrAzY here! Now it is time to go home for the day / weekend.
    Hope everybody had a good day.
    Thanks again for having my back. I had a good "regular" day. Tonight is our night off from the gym and we have been talking about taking off Saturdays too for a bit in the winter, just to avoid burn out. The gym routine is getting a little boring and stale and we don't want to burn out completely. So maybe do five days a week for a bit, which is still a lot and figure out a good mix of cardio and weights if it is not three and three like before. I do know I like the recumbent exercise bike a lot. It has a good calorie burn and despite the fact that I banged my knee on the handle bars this week :( LOL I find it a great workout!
    Okay all, planning to check in again on the weekend. See you soon! B)