Feeling a bit defeated and looking for insight



  • whitney_riffic
    whitney_riffic Posts: 27 Member
    @bailey2208 Those are all good reminders for me. I know I do not drink enough water and often forget how important it is with this diet. I am just recovering from surgery but am going to hop back on the elliptical tomorrow and need to get a strength training plan in place. I also think the suggestion of sticking to meats and veggies is a good idea. I tend to get overwhelmed trying to make recipes with a million ingredients and have trouble logging it all. Thank you for chiming in!!!
  • whitney_riffic
    whitney_riffic Posts: 27 Member
    @cstehansen I absolutely am feeling better and moving better. It is actually pretty incredible how much of an improvement I have made there. Thank you for the advice on fasting. This is actually something that I haven't ever looked into so I will follow up with the videos like you suggested.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    comparison is the thief of joy.

    PLAN. Failing to plan is planning to fail. I pre-log my day. Every day. There are no surprises, oopsies, and the decision is made so that there's no on-the-spot-I'm-hangry decisions thrust at me.

    This is good advice -- I do best when I bring in lchf foods for lunch and keep them in the work fridge: no temptation to eat carby stuff on the fly.
    Congrats on your weight loss! kcko
  • whitney_riffic
    whitney_riffic Posts: 27 Member
    @mmultanen I think that our bodies work similarly. It is nice to know that this has worked for you and I am definitely going to make it a priority to start tracking!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    edited January 2018
    camtosh wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    comparison is the thief of joy.

    PLAN. Failing to plan is planning to fail. I pre-log my day. Every day. There are no surprises, oopsies, and the decision is made so that there's no on-the-spot-I'm-hangry decisions thrust at me.

    This is good advice -- I do best when I bring in lchf foods for lunch and keep them in the work fridge: no temptation to eat carby stuff on the fly.
    Congrats on your weight loss! kcko

    Right! if you are prepared you ALWAYS have a good choice available. Unpredictable life events cannot wreck you.
    You control that at least, even if everything else defies control. YOU get to decide what goes into your mouth.
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    53 pounds is amazing. You need to find your own way. Keep your eye on the long term goals but take it one day at a time.