Weekly Post - 22.1.2018 - 28.1.2018

Meghan509 Posts: 1,990 Member
Good morning all!

Starting our thread for the week!

Back in a few with a new post! Happy Monday all!


  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,990 Member
    Hi everybody,

    Here we are almost at the end of January - wowser! Where does the time go? This week last month, I was down in Florida visiting family. Wow...

    We took Saturday off from the gym and went on Sunday. It was nice to have that extra day. Since I took that day off I will be doing three days of cardio and two days of weights for now. Even though I still do a little cardio after my weight workout is done. Tonight is weights.

    Yesterday flew by and so did the weekend for the most part. Started watching a really funny Netflix, while on the treadmill. It is Jerry Seinfeld's "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee." Couple of people he has had on are Jimmy Fallon, Jim Carey, etc. Funny as heck. :smiley:

    Today is a light day. I have the white bean soup that I had made a double batch of last weekend, for us. Since it was not as hearty and filling as I had hoped I chopped up three large carrots and boiled them and put them in the remaining four servings. That should help make it a little more filling. It is a nice soup though and I would make it again.

    Hope you have a great day. See you all soon!
  • sjgold123
    sjgold123 Posts: 133 Member
    Happy Monday! Today is a good day as it's my last day before i weigh myself after a weeks effort and i get to eat semi normally tomorrow. See how i turned my day into a positive!? I've been hungry today and it's been tough. I had eggs tomato and spinach for breakfast nothing for lunch and x2 veg chorizo sausages for tea, mini portion of sliced potato and cauliflower cooked in garlic and chilli. Then to my delight spare calories for a rice cake and peanut butter with half a square of galaxy choc melted on top and a skinny cup of tea. I didn't go over 500 so proud i hung in there and happy to have tomorrow!! Hopefully the scales will be kind tomorrow as i've already planned my scrambled egg mini wrap with cheese and a chipolata sausage!! Ha ha day by day rewards factored in helps!!
    Meghan the netflix show is a good incentive for the treadmil! I'm in the uk but visited Florida 18 mths ago doing Disney for the kids...x
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    I am back, I think. :# Last week my husband and I went away to celebrate our anniversary. Wonderful time of R'nR. Over the weekend we adopted our first dog. Miniature Schnauzer, three years old, very sweet. Will post a pic later. So now we are tied to the house until we know she is house broken. Missed my strength training class today. Don't know what the rest of the week will look like. So a bit discouraged but did do my fast day today so that is something.

    Glad to see everyone perking along. Especially glad to see @sjgold123 digging in with gusto (pun intended ;)).
  • sjgold123
    sjgold123 Posts: 133 Member
    edited January 2018
    Whoop whoop 3.5llbs lost happy happy as i had wine this week too! Just had a mini wrap with scrambled egg, shredded potato, skinny sausage and cheese 322 cals and a skinny latte 50cals as a treat! I love that weigh day follows being able to allow more choice.
    Your pup will provide a good distraction and get you out walking once old enough! We have two dogs/beagles who need energy releasing so they account for a lot of my steps x
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,990 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    WTG @sjgold123 congrats girl! That wrap sounds fabulous!

    Happy anniversary @jknight001 and congrats on the new pup! Sounds so cute!

    I love animals! Born and raised with cats and dogs in my house. Had a cat for years until she passed away. Still miss her, but have not gotten a new one due to BF's allergies. Some day...

    Had a great day yesterday for light day. The good thing about being busy is you forget about being hungry! LOL I had added the carrots to our bean soup (dinner) and that turned out really nice. More filling and still on plan. I like to come in at around mid-500's on my light days and I was. So win win. Had a nice strength training and a little bike ride after last night. Will plan on a treadmill cardio tonight, but if it is busy I may change up and do a full recumbent bike ride with hills and stuff. Seems to be a nice workout for me and I can still watch my Netflix and break a nice sweat! Last night we got a later start for the gym and it worked out well because there seemed to be less people on the weight machines. Woo hoo. Flew right through!

    Not much else happening here. Hoping to finally see a loss this week before TOM decides to annoy me. :/

    Have a great day and see you all soon!
  • sjgold123
    sjgold123 Posts: 133 Member
    Morning...uk here there's a bit of a time differenece. I've just been shopping to reload my fridge with colour. It's wet and miserable which is less of a motivator but i'm decorating our kitchen so still productive.
    Anyone used the samsung health app? It's a little crazy on it's reccomended calorie intake and activity expectation calculations. I much prefer this app to keep track.
    Happy Wednesday!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,990 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    I hear you @sjgold123 I work in international business, so if my calculations are correct, at almost 9:30am East Coast US time you and my colleagues in the UK have just had your lunch and are about to enjoy an afternoon tea. :)

    I have a Samsung phone but I don't use that app. I believe my guy uses it to track his exercise and he gets a weekly report. Maybe I will try it! When we bought our phones, close to two years ago we got the watches as well as a freebie. I think it is the Gear something. I haven't used mine but my guy does now and then. Cool stuff.

    Have to keep this short, crazy day here. Have to get a bunch of stuff done before close of business. Regular day today and light day tomorrow. Let me run for now and will plan on checking back later.

    Have a good one! :)
  • sjgold123
    sjgold123 Posts: 133 Member
    Good day here had rye bread with peanut butter and banana, cauliflower pizza and then veg loaded mince beef chilli with caulirice for tea. I've eaten a lot for my cals today so can enjoy a snack tonight. The most annoying thing today has been that my trousers can not hold on...which is great feeling the 10llb loss but need to sort my clothes to see what fits to avoid wardrobe issues!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Hi All! Was able to make it to the gym today and do my HIIT on the treadmill. Felt good to get back on the horse, so to speak. Pretty crowded for a Wednesday morning. Made me think of @Meghan509 and the new year's crowds. We have them here in LA too Meg.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Dang! Foiled by the Samsung Emoji Thief! Here is the rest of my post:


    @sjgold123 - Time to treat yourself to a belt for your trousers?
  • sjgold123
    sjgold123 Posts: 133 Member
    Ha ha true.
    What do you do if only got to 1100 cals for one of 5 days? Does there need to be a bigger difference for the science to work? Deficit is deficit right? I don't see the point of eating for the sake of it...plus wine is on the cards for the wkd so a 'bank' would be good. I'm limiting to 2 glasses and no party food nibbles.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    An ocassional lower day is no big deal. However, think the reason why there is two days at 500 and the rest "normal" days is so that you metabolism doesn't slow down because it thinks you are starving to death. Also if you cut your weekly calories are too low it could catch up wit you and you could get too hungry. The program is designed to be sustainable over the long haul.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    As promised, a picture of our Chloe Girl. <3<3<3jy7wiz3kwoeo.jpg
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,990 Member
    Awwww, what a cute family @jknight001 <3
    Love your doggie's name! My late kitty, who passed away a few years back (jeez, been longer than that, now) :( was named Chloe. Hope you have many years of happiness with her. What a cute pup!

    LOL about the gym! I know what you mean! Still a little on the busy side for us. Sigh... The New Year peeps should be slowing down soon. I know, I am naughty. I should be happy that people are getting healthier. But get out of our way and quit hogging all the machines! :p

    Cool, glad you are doing HIIT, that is on my list of things to do in the future. Lately I have been mixing up my cardio days with the recumbent exercise bike and the treadmill. I did the bike Tuesday night, strength training and a quick bike ride last night, so tonight will be treadmill. Unless the treadmills I like are taken again then bike it is! Gets me out of my comfort zone too. Last night my guy tried the bike and he liked it too.

    So work has finally quieted down a bit and gotten back to normal. There is a big meeting that is taking place next week, that lots of people are traveling to next week. It will be nice with less people around the office. Oh and can you say jeans for a few days!? :o

    Congrats on the loose pants @sjgold123 isn't that a nice feeling?! Thanks to this wonderful WOE, I have dropped from a tight US 14 to a comfy size US 8. Recently bought a pair of designer jeans in a US size 8 and they are fitting nice. They were on sale of course. :smiley:

    Light day today. Drinking my water to see if maybe, just maybe the scale will get lower than my low from before the holidays. All I can do is hope. Been a tough month but just trying to look at the big picture and stay focused. The weight didn't come on over night, so it sure won't off over night. :)

    Have a good one all. See you soon.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    jknight001 wrote: »
    As promised, a picture of our Chloe Girl. <3<3<3jy7wiz3kwoeo.jpg

    Ok, you look fantastic, but I’m in love with the mini schnauzer! I had one growing up and like yours he did NOT have the clipped ears (uncommon at the time).

    Been sick, just rejoining human race. Light day here with spinach and chicken (topped with a very fragrant and tasty freshly squeezed lemon juice) thing I threw together because I wanted more protein than my soups had. It was yummy!

    Everyone take care!!!
  • sjgold123
    sjgold123 Posts: 133 Member
    Yes i thought that jknight. Lovely picture x
    Yes i actually feel it now meghan and so is my hubby and we feel great because of it. The most change is to my stomach...yeay!
    Welcome back to feeling human Ryenday!
    Today has been a fast day and i've been ok. I've found a new style of rye bread that 1 slice keeps me full.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,990 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    Great news from me! I finally got the scale to budge. LOL I am down a pound. WOO HOO! Finally broke that little plateau thing I had going on since right before the holidays. Sheesh! Moving on now!

    Feeling pretty good. Had two different people tell me that my face looked thinner this week and that my skin looked great. At 45 years young and with having had quite a few years of sun exposure LOL, I do appreciate those comments. I guess you call those Non Scale Victories or NSV's. Today I am wearing a new pair of size 8 designer jeans that picked up at Marshall's recently. I love me some sales! :smiley:

    @sjgold123 hope your light day went well yesterday. I love rye bread! Yummy...

    @ryenday hope you are feeling better! I hope you didn't come down with the flu?! Sending healthy vibes your way!

    Gosh the flu is awful this year. Keep hearing about it on the news. I get a flu shot each year. I know the flu shot is controversial. Some are against, some are for. LOL Since I am a cancer survivor it is recommended for me. I listen to my Dr. o:)

    Hope everybody has a great day! See y'all soon. LOL
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Hey @Meghan509 ! I had strep throat which is going around in these environs and just felt generally crappy for about a week. I’m still taking it easy as far as the pool goes, so I sure miss those 500+ calorie burns. Swimming is the only thing I will do for a long enough time, or energetically enough to get a high calorie burn.

    Very glad the scale is cooperating! The jeans sound great! I bought some stretchy leggings that LOOK like jeans at goodwill - size 9 last week, getting new clothes is so fun when we get back to healthier weights (Even if new clothes are used)

    Light day went very well yesterday, if a tad boring. I felt the need for more protein than my homemade soups generally have, so I did chicken breast and spinach for lunch and dinner. With a 1/2 sweet potato at lunch. Might not have been my best nutritional day, but I got a good amount of protein and stayed under 500 calories. My multivitamins, fish oil and vitamin d supplement every day should make an occasional unbalanced nutrition day OK I think.

    Just because I’m not yet in the pool doesn’t mean I’m not exercising! The Hula Hoop adventures continue. Too soon to tell yet who is winning, the hula hoop or me! Lol. I walk to work most days - a mile and 1/2 - and have an Exercycle and rebounder here at home too. And weights. But I think I’ll start swimming again next week.

    I have today off work and am lolling in bed with three cats, one curled up on my stomach. Will have to dislodge him and start my day- but in a bit, it feels too good right now.

    So, laters! Everybody have a fantastic weekend!
  • whatiwont
    whatiwont Posts: 12 Member
    I went on vacation last week, and even though I squeezed in an extra fast day before I left, I'm back to only 1-1.5 lbs down since the beginning of January :/ . Today is my first fast day since I got back, so I'm just trying to stay motivated right now. I also took a break from my workout routine (vigorous yoga) so I need to get motivated to get back into that habit, too...hopefully I'll get started tonight.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,990 Member
    Hey @ryenday so sorry to hear about strep! Ugh, no fun feeling like you are swallowing a razor blade. :( Glad you are doing better.

    Hey @whatiwont you got this! January was a tough month for me. I lost a pound. Stay on track and stay focused. Don't give up. We are here for you. Let's do this! :#

    Yesterday was a good day. We went to the Diner for dinner last night and it was yummy... Oh how I miss a good omlette sometimes! LOL

    Getting the grocery lists together for the shopping. Think I will make a nice hot soup / stew for light day lunches this week and give the salads a break.

    Hope you all have a great day! See you soon!
    Meg :)