January 29 Check In

schmilar Posts: 26 Member
Today has 100% been a Monday. Had to stop at McDonald's for breakfast because our blender broke... but I made the healthiest choice I could getting an egg mcmuffin no butter and no meat.

Lunch I'm having salad and dinner will be shrimp and broccoli so I'll be back on track :)


  • joiahstewart
    joiahstewart Posts: 29 Member
    Looks like you are still on track to me, even with today being a total Monday. You made healthy choices early in the day and you are finishing strong. Maintain!!!
  • mombiejohnston
    mombiejohnston Posts: 121 Member
    Great job! Making the best choices you can is an accomplishment, especially with fast food and so many naughty options! I don’t know what would happen if I was faced with the same situation, omg if our blender broke I would be so screwed and probably get myself a pity breakfast croissant at jack in the box haha.

    Taking a progress photo on 1/22 and comparing it to 1/26 has been a really motivating thing for me. I can’t wait to add a photo this Friday morning and see how my body has changed, so I’m going strong so far.

    Nutrition: 10
    Water: 100.5oz
  • schmilar
    schmilar Posts: 26 Member
    That's awesome! I'm going to start with the progress pics I think.