January Goals

schmilar Posts: 26 Member
9 days left.... what’s a reasonable goal?


  • mombiejohnston
    mombiejohnston Posts: 121 Member
    I think, maintaining a minimum of 8 on nutrition (on a scale of 1-10) and hitting your minimum water goal everyday is a good 9 day goal. That’s what I’m going to set for myself, and aim to set working out goals in Feb.
  • schmilar
    schmilar Posts: 26 Member
    Awesome! For me, I'd like to maintain an 8 as well and hopefully lose another 2 pounds.
  • schmilar
    schmilar Posts: 26 Member
    How’re we doing with 4 days left?
  • mombiejohnston
    mombiejohnston Posts: 121 Member
    I’m doing good! Weekends are harder for me to hit water goals because I’m distracted with laundry and cleaning, etc. so I’m just aiming for at least 64oz each day this weekend I’ll be happy with that. And Sunday nights EVERY WEEK we have a big family dinner so I’ve been hitting 9 or 10 with daily nutrition this past week, but if I can get an 8 this Sunday I would be really proud and sticking to my February goals. I’m also joining a 10-day weight tracking challenge tomorrow that I found in the “Challenges” section of this app so I think that will help with accountability too! How about you???
  • mombiejohnston
    mombiejohnston Posts: 121 Member
    Oops I meant January goals! Not February lol, not yet!
  • schmilar
    schmilar Posts: 26 Member
    Weekend was so hard for me.... I cheated lots - had wine and pizza. But every day is a new day :)
  • joiahstewart
    joiahstewart Posts: 29 Member
    Cheating is mandatory! I say out of a month 15% of that month should be devoted to cheat meals. That's about 4.5 days, which for me come on the weekend either Saturday or Sunday of each week I find one meal to get it in! Not an entire day of cheating, but a meal.
  • mombiejohnston
    mombiejohnston Posts: 121 Member
    I totally get that, I’m just finding it harder and harder to bring myself to track cheat meals and stay accountable! So I find that lately I’m just saying no, but it’s really frustrating my husband lol! He wants me to pick 2 dinners a night that I can cheat at least a little, and I just can’t seem to this past week lol.
  • joiahstewart
    joiahstewart Posts: 29 Member
    If you do finally follow that great advice from your spouse. I think you should choose 2 meals that you absolutely love, like whatever your 2 all time favorite dishes are. This will make it more fulfilling, and by all time favorites I mean those 2 meals you could never get tired of. The deserted Island 2 meals.