Type 2 Diabetes and KETO



  • kim_m_kk
    kim_m_kk Posts: 61 Member
    Maybe I am the fool as I had no idea about this possible side effect until I was in the hospital. Also many medical providers and prescribing doctors don’t know as I had been to a minor emergency place and my pcp who both dismissed me. It was a scary experience for sure and I thought I was doing all the right things for my diabetes.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    kim_m_kk wrote: »
    Maybe I am the fool as I had no idea about this possible side effect until I was in the hospital. Also many medical providers and prescribing doctors don’t know as I had been to a minor emergency place and my pcp who both dismissed me. It was a scary experience for sure and I thought I was doing all the right things for my diabetes.

    OMG! If your docs didn't even know, you're hardly the fool! Ideally, it's the business of physicians to help you select a course of treatment that combines lifestyle choices and meds, balancing costs and benefits in the light of reliable and complete information (well, ok, as close as possible)....

    Hopefully, your LC diet will be of clear benefit as you move forward without scary meds! In the meantime.... Dr. Bernstein's advice is to keep your carbs down, get adequate protein, avoid extra fat - and avoid meds except for metformin and insulin, and then only if you need them.

    Metformin has the advantage of being around for a long time with a good safety profile, and not causing hypos. (Of course, the fact that it's an older med means selling it does not bring the whopping $$ returns that new drugs on patent, like Jardiance, can fetch....).

    Good luck!!
  • kim_m_kk
    kim_m_kk Posts: 61 Member
    Well went to the endo who wants me to be eating 15grams of carbs at each meal. Not sure how I feel about that because I know it won't be good for my blood sugar. I said I would try to eat more at least until all of my numbers are completely back.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Hmm. What's the point? Perhaps if you only eat 1 meal per day......... o:)
  • kim_m_kk
    kim_m_kk Posts: 61 Member
    Well she is not a fan of the keto diet. I said I would consider it but I was making no promises. So far I haven’t done it.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    I don't suppose she gave a lucid explanation (other than making a face like she'd just bitten into a lemon)?
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Avocados have around 12 carbs per fruit. 3 avocados a day and no other carbs? Would she be satisfied with that? LOL!
  • kim_m_kk
    kim_m_kk Posts: 61 Member
    She said I don’t want my body making ketones and I need glucose for fuel. She also told me low fat. I actually haven’t done it. I am still eating keto. Shhhh. I had a ton of sugar in the hospital though by iv and these d50 tubes.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Hmm. Some folks do better on low fat diets.... but you'd think she'd give diabetics some mighty good reasons to think they're among them!

    Any tips for being prepared for unexpected hospital visits?
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited February 2018
    kim_m_kk wrote: »
    Well went to the endo who wants me to be eating 15grams of carbs at each meal. Not sure how I feel about that because I know it won't be good for my blood sugar. I said I would try to eat more at least until all of my numbers are completely back.

    At 15 g of carbs a meal, and three meals a day, she is prescribing you a ketogenic diet if 45 g of carbs a day.... She seems confused, especially if she is saying you need glucose for energy. :(

    That all being said, moderately high protein us often helpful during weight loss, for preserving lean tissue. You could always go moderate fat with higher protein if it agrees with you.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    kim_m_kk wrote: »
    She said I don’t want my body making ketones and I need glucose for fuel. She also told me low fat. I actually haven’t done it. I am still eating keto. Shhhh. I had a ton of sugar in the hospital though by iv and these d50 tubes.

    This statement above in general, without the context of your ill health when you arrived, is the generic blanket statement of those who don't understand a ketogenic diet, those who think that glucose is the only viable fuel. When done properly, as you have probably read here from others and researched yourself, a ketogenic diet INTENTIONALLY CREATING AND RUNNING OFF OF KETONES is completely healthy.

    The statement that "you don't want your body making ketones" should have BY ACCIDENT added to it...

    Because when you are running a ketogenic/ketone metabolism, you're no longer a glucose system, removing the conflict that results in DKA...

    @kim_m_kk - I have absolutely no idea what (specifically, medically) happened to land you in the hospital, but (in my opinion) any doctor who doesn't understand that a dietary plan of Nutritional Ketosis that FUELS YOUR BODY THROUGH KETONES wouldn't be my doctor much further. She actually could have created a worse situation by not understanding that you were ketone-fueled when she attempted to dump glucose into the system. I'm quite shocked, actually, that you didn't end up in a diabetic coma with all of that...unless she flooded you with insulin, too. This sounds like an incredibly scary situation in which miscommunication and/or misunderstanding was prevalent.

    I hope you can find a safer way forward. (hugs)

    I do understand that if you weren't following a ketogenic diet, and had ketones present in your urine and blood, that would have been justification for her response, because for your body to do all that without dietary causes is a deadly condition (DKA). The fact that this was intentionally caused by your diet should have been a flag for her to stop the panicking reaction and look for other causes... Because since this likely wasn't a true DKA (since you were intentionally fueling your body with ketones, not as a deadly byproduct, and your blood sugar wasn't out of control high because of lack of insulin production in your body), I'd be scared NOT to know what really happened - because without understanding it, you could REPEAT it... Does that make sense???
  • kim_m_kk
    kim_m_kk Posts: 61 Member
    I really was in dka my ph was 7.203 and my anime gap was 24. They were giving me both insulin and sugar as treatment. This dr was not the one that treated me at the hospital. I went to the nearest ER for a racing heart rate. That is when they discovered the dka. This DKA was likely caused by taking Jardiance - apparently this is a rare side effect of this medication. The strange part is that I had been on it for 6 months when this happened. Even if I could I would not take this medication knowing what I know now. I would not take Invokana either as they work in much the same way.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Diabetic ketoacidosis cannot occur in people that make insulin in adequate amounts.
    Metabolic acidosis CAN.
    The presence of ketones in the blood due to the low carb diet is creating the confusion.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    This discussion is closed. Please contact a moderation with questions. Thank you.
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