February Wellness Competition Tracking

katerskat Posts: 165 Member
edited February 2018 in Social Groups
Please use this thread to track your wellness points! As mentioned in the rules document, you can earn 4 points daily by tracking food (1 pt), tracking daily exercise or working out(1 pt), drinking a minimum of 64 oz of water in a day (1 pt), and posting to the group page at least 1 time per day (1 pt). Comment below with your daily points totals. Good Luck everyone!


  • audralarimer67
    audralarimer67 Posts: 4 Member
    Here we go!
  • SAErnst82
    SAErnst82 Posts: 60 Member
    I tracked my food and activity yesterday in my Weight Watchers app that I will be doing. With WW I can eat a certain amount of points each day and yesterday I had 3 points leftover! I also did 43 minutes of cardio and drank my 64 ounces of water. I had a great first day! Can't wait to see how everyone else did on their first day!
  • Turns out I already had a myfitnesspal account set up. Guess I never used it! Tracked all food, activity, and water. I thought I ate too much, but the app told me I need eat more. Had a fun snow run, clocking in at 35 minutes, and 40 minutes of shoveling. Total H2O for the day was 100 oz. Ready to tackle day 2!
  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member
    I did track my day 1 but not sure if my exercise was calculated correctly by the fitbit sync or does that have to be entered manually? I made my step goal and water goal, was a tad over on food since I had a non diet breakfast before weigh ins. Did a 20 minute workout for the first time in forever, literally! Really excited to see who all is in the competition!
  • SAErnst82
    SAErnst82 Posts: 60 Member
    Good morning C2BF!!!!! I tracked all my food yesterday, did 35 minutes on the elliptical but I am sad to say that I did NOT hit my water intake. If Dt Mnt Dew could count as water...then I would be golden :smile: Today, I will hit my water intake! Make today a great day everyone!
  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member
    I tracked my food yesterday and came in under my calories... until that one oatmeal raisin cookie from my babysitter. Passed my water goal, and surpassed my steps goal again! Adding another 500 to today just to see if I can make it. I hope everyone else is doing great! Hoping to see a few more people posting your points!
  • atecarly
    atecarly Posts: 6 Member
    Totally forgot about this part... Tracked Monday and Tuesday on food and exercise. Water goal is on point as that's all I drink now-a-days. Oh, I miss all the bread! I'm not eliminating carbs, just trying not to eat too much of it.
  • Trishabean3
    Trishabean3 Posts: 30 Member
    I tracked Tuesday and Wednesday. Worked out Mon-Wed. Hit water on Tuesday and on track today. Posted today...points... Monday (1); Tuesday (3); Wednesday (4)! Woot!
  • 4 points for yesterday's work! Came in under calorie goal, drank 148 oz. of water, strength training at the gym for an hour. Getting back into a routine is exactly what I needed. Who's joining the softball team?!
  • audralarimer67
    audralarimer67 Posts: 4 Member
    Tracked Day 1 and 2 for food, steps and water. Posted Mon and Today - so Mon (4), Tue (3), Wed (2 and counting)
  • audralarimer67
    audralarimer67 Posts: 4 Member
    Wed 4 points
  • atecarly
    atecarly Posts: 6 Member
    Points for Wed... 4! Did it all!
  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member
    I got my 4 points for yesterday. Feeling my age after doing squats, crunches and lunges! Water usually is the hardest part for me, but i have been exceeding the 64 oz. Trying to get to the recommended 1/2 my weight in oz?? I don't think that will ever happen!
  • SAErnst82
    SAErnst82 Posts: 60 Member
    Wednesday points...4!!!! I even drank 30 oz of water at 11:30 pm to hit my water for the day. Not really what I wanted to do and definitely paid for it throughout the night lol.
  • Trishabean3
    Trishabean3 Posts: 30 Member
    Thursday 4 for me. Woot!
  • SAErnst82
    SAErnst82 Posts: 60 Member
    Tracked, watered, and little bit of activity (not as much as I wanted) but 4 points for me on Thursday!
  • ckimm10
    ckimm10 Posts: 13 Member
    edited February 2018
    Thur: Food, exercise posting= 3!
  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member
    For Thursday I got all 4 :)
  • Wednesday - 4, Thursday -3, due to no posts. Today is looking like I'll hit 4 if I get my water in. Can we count diet tonic water towards our goal? TGIF!
  • Trishabean3
    Trishabean3 Posts: 30 Member
    4 for me on Friday!! And 4 for today!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!
  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member
    4 for Friday and 3 for Saturday since I didn't post!
  • SAErnst82
    SAErnst82 Posts: 60 Member
    I really need to work on getting my water in! Friday 2 points, Saturday 2 points, Sunday 3 points. I am determined to get my water today!
  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member
    I got my 4 points for Sunday and am off to a great start today! Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
  • SAErnst82
    SAErnst82 Posts: 60 Member
    4 points for Monday...finally got my water in!
  • Trishabean3
    Trishabean3 Posts: 30 Member
    I hit 3 for Sunday since I didn’t post and 4 for today!! Woot!!
  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member
    I got my 4 points for Monday. Struggling with my water today, have to catch up!
  • SAErnst82
    SAErnst82 Posts: 60 Member
    3 points for Tuesday...didn't hit water :neutral:
  • ctganz1
    ctganz1 Posts: 2 Member
    The motivation for me has been tracking my food and drink. Way more conscience of my intake. Dropped from 241 to 235 in the first week and excited to see what tomorrow brings. I don't expect a big drop but I'm cutting fat with better meal choices...outside of a Big Mac and some Pizza Hut!!!

    Guilty of not tracking my point for the contest but the true reward is healthier progress for me.
  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member
    That's great to hear Colby! The biggest prize is better health. The wellness challenge is to help keep people motivated to be tracking. If you have been tracking all along, just let me know and I can catch up any points you have earned!
  • SAErnst82
    SAErnst82 Posts: 60 Member
    Four points for Wednesday!