Winter 2018 - Weigh-in #6 - Monday, February 12th

Week 6—

Start Weight:
Challenge Goal Weight:
Weigh-in #1:
Weigh-in #2:
Weigh-in #3:
Weigh-in #4:
Weigh-in #5:
Weigh-in #6:

A positive thought I had this week was:
A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was:
My most effective workout this week was:

Comments: (Please share any additional information if you'd like)


  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    irishsox12 wrote: »
    Week 6—

    Comments: I'm down 11lbs as of today and I'm really happy about that, but I don't see or feel much of a difference. Am I just impatient? Any advice?

    Wonderful job! You’ve already surpassed your target!!
  • arameni
    arameni Posts: 105 Member
    Week 6 —

    Start Weight: 148
    Challenge Start Weight: 133
    Challenge Goal Weight: 125
    Weigh-in #1: 133.8
    Weigh-in #2: 132
    Weigh-in #3: 131.6
    Weigh-in #4: 131
    Weigh-in #5: 128.8
    Weigh-in #6: 130.0

    A positive thought I had this week was: I watched The Greatest Showman and loved it! The music was so much fun, the cast was so attractive (shout out to Zac Efron! :blush: ), and it was visually stunning to boot! I've been listening to the sound track every day!

    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: apple with peanut butter? I need to get some no sugar added pb though.

    My most effective workout this week was: dancing awkwardly! Lol I usually don't dance anything beside salsa because I have no rhythm. I met my step count goal (6k/day) for 2 days in one night! And I've tried to add a little jogging in on my dog walks too. I can run all of 30 feet, but that's more than I could before, and my legs don't even itch!

    Comments: back in the 130s, but only barely! Not super upset. Will try to be more consistent with logging this week. Good choice: stopping after 3 drinks, great for calories and judgment! Didn't even make it to "sad drunk" state, still had a blast and danced when I didn't recognize any songs (except for the Enrique Iglesias one about feet hurting)!
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    ]Week 6—

    Start Weight: 187.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 167
    Weigh-in #1: 182.2
    Weigh-in #2: 181
    Weigh-in #3: 181.2
    Weigh-in #4: 177.8
    Weigh-in #5: 177.4
    Weigh-in #6: 177.4

    A positive thought I had this week was: I’m still doing this!
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: my go to is always herbal teas. I think it’s the smells more than the taste
    My most effective workout this week was: slow workout week and the scale reflected it

    Comments: (Please share any additional information if you'd like) [/quote]

  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    Start Weight: 220.0
    Challenge Goal Weight: 196
    Weigh-in #1: 218.4
    Weigh-in #2: 215.8
    Weigh-in #3: 215.2
    Weigh-in #4: 214.0
    Weigh-in #5: 212.6
    Weigh-in #6: 211.0
    Loss: -1.6

    A positive thought I had this week was: I'm feeling good about my body and what it can do
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: grilled salmon and roasted brussels sprouts
    My most effective workout this week was: I'm starting to run and I kind of love it, who would have thought??

    Comments: I've been sick since Thursday so I haven't been able to go to the gym, but I'm still logging (mostly) and making good food choices. Usually when I'm sick I eat whatever and don't care so I'm proud of myself. I hit 70 pounds lost this week and still kind of can't believe it, but it feels amazing!
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    irishsox12 wrote: »

    Comments: I'm down 11lbs as of today and I'm really happy about that, but I don't see or feel much of a difference. Am I just impatient? Any advice?

    Go to a store and try on some clothes in the next size down. I have a hard time seeing the difference when I keep wearing the same clothes but new clothes almost always do the trick.
  • Megan91384
    Megan91384 Posts: 98 Member
    Week 6—

    Start Weight: 205.8
    Challenge Goal Weight: 193.8
    Weigh-in #1: 206.8
    Weigh-in #2: 205.6
    Weigh-in #3: 202.6
    Weigh-in #4: 201.6
    Weigh-in #5: 201.2
    Weigh-in #6: 202.0

    A positive thought I had this week was: None, it was a rough week
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: Greek yogurt, apple
    My most effective workout this week was: None

    Comments: This was a bad week and I'm ready to move past it. Wasn't focused at all. Let stress affect me too much. Work was stressful. Three kids and sickness and snow days and missing work was stressful. Just a bad week. BUT.... I'm moving past it and am now in a much better place mentally and emotionally. Meal prepped yesterday and have healthy meal and snack options within reach for the week. So I'm back on track and focused. Trying to stay positive. I need to figure out a way to not let other people's stress and bad attitudes affect me.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Good morning! We are halfway through our challenge!

    Week 6—

    Start Weight: 138.4 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 130.0 lbs
    Weigh-in #1: 134.8 lbs
    Weigh-in #2: 134.8 lbs
    Weigh-in #3: 133.3 lbs
    Weigh-in #4: 132.7 lbs (Feb 1st)
    Weigh-in #5: N/A
    Weigh-in #6: 140.2 lbs

    A positive thought I had this week was: I am a wife and a mother but I’m a woman too.
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: I don’t think I ate anything I was supposed to honestly.
    My most effective workout this week was: On Thursday I had a great cardio session doing two Bikini Body Mommy workouts.

    Comments: I had a 7.5 lb gain in 12 days :neutral: So this isn’t an excuse just an explanation. I went on a weekend getaway with my husband on Friday. I ate ALL KINDS OF THINGS including but not limited to Ichiban, a waffle, Cinnabon, Marble Slab, and sliders oh and a brownie. I had pizza and wings on Super Bowl Sunday, I ate Taco Bell a couple times during the week, and I ate entirely too much candy (Skittles and Starbursts). I’ll be back on track today. Of course my stomach is bloated but it’s no surprise.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    LZMiner wrote: »
    I’m just checking in...from MIAMI! Have a great week, ladies! I’m heading out on a cruise for a week...eating sensibly and walking a ton! Cheers!

    Enjoy yourself :)
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    Good morning! We are halfway through our challenge!

    Comments: I had a 7.5 lb gain in 12 days :neutral: So this isn’t an excuse just an explanation. I went on a weekend getaway with my husband on Friday. I ate ALL KINDS OF THINGS including but not limited to Ichiban, a waffle, Cinnabon, Marble Slab, and sliders oh and a brownie. I had pizza and wings on Super Bowl Sunday, I ate Taco Bell a couple times during the week, and I ate entirely too much candy (Skittles and Starbursts). I’ll be back on track today. Of course my stomach is bloated but it’s no surprise.

    I predict that most of that will disappear by next week: You'll have retained water from the excess Na in the restaurant meetings, so I am confident that you will be back to normal numbers in a few days. I am inspired and proud of you for posting a number that must feel kind of crappy. We need to see everyone's blips to help us understand our own.
  • poeciliareticulata
    poeciliareticulata Posts: 110 Member
    Start Weight: 152lb
    Challenge Goal Weight: 140-144
    Weigh-in #1: 149
    Weigh-in #2: 146
    Weigh-in #3: 147 / 66.8kg
    Weigh-in #4: 145 / 65.9kg
    Weigh-in #5: 143 / 65.2kg
    Weigh-in #6: 144 / 65.7kg
    Total loss: 8lb

    One of the following stories is true:
    1. This week I have taken a strategic diet break/refeed and am now highly motivated and ready to get back to losing
    2. This week I have had a horrible cold, lost my voice, failed to leave the house on 2 days (child off school too), hit 10,000 steps only twice, and went way over goal calories because I NEEEEEEED those steps to create a deficit and not eat like a sparrow. New praline mini magnums were on offer in the supermarket, Cadbury mini eggs are everywhere, and the monthly chocolate subscription box arrived. Nom nom.
  • poeciliareticulata
    poeciliareticulata Posts: 110 Member

    I ate Taco Bell a couple times during the week

    I am still waiting for fast food tacos to break the UK. They aren't common.
  • YAJ3507
    YAJ3507 Posts: 41 Member
    Start Weight: 215
    Challenge Goal Weight:190
    Weigh-in #1: 215
    Weigh-in #2: 212.4
    Weigh-in #3: 214
    Weigh-in #4: 212.6
    Weigh-in #5: 210.6
    Weigh-in #6: 212.8

    A positive thought I had this week was: I’m worth it.
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week: egg salad. So yummy.
    My most effective workout this week was: inclines on the treadmill

    Comments: slight gain. I really struggled with food choices during my TOM.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    I ate Taco Bell a couple times during the week

    I am still waiting for fast food tacos to break the UK. They aren't common.

    Wow! Really? Well most people think Taco Bell is gross and it probably is along with McDonald’s, Wendy’s and other chains. I have to get more consistent and be more diligent about keeping food in the house and keeping food cooked or I result to nonsense. I’m working on it.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Start Weight: 152lb
    Challenge Goal Weight: 140-144
    Weigh-in #1: 149
    Weigh-in #2: 146
    Weigh-in #3: 147 / 66.8kg
    Weigh-in #4: 145 / 65.9kg
    Weigh-in #5: 143 / 65.2kg
    Weigh-in #6: 144 / 65.7kg
    Total loss: 8lb

    One of the following stories is true:
    1. This week I have taken a strategic diet break/refeed and am now highly motivated and ready to get back to losing
    2. This week I have had a horrible cold, lost my voice, failed to leave the house on 2 days (child off school too), hit 10,000 steps only twice, and went way over goal calories because I NEEEEEEED those steps to create a deficit and not eat like a sparrow. New praline mini magnums were on offer in the supermarket, Cadbury mini eggs are everywhere, and the monthly chocolate subscription box arrived. Nom nom.

    Whaaaaaaa....this is a thing???
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    nvasquez41 wrote: »
    Start Weight: 140.8
    Challenge Goal Weight: 133
    Weigh-in #1: 140.8
    Weigh-in #2: 139.8
    Weigh-in #3: 140.4
    Weigh-in #4: I didn't want to because I just got back from a trip
    Weigh-in #5: 139.8
    Weigh-in #6: 139.4

    A positive thought I had this week : Not really weight related but I have been killing it at work this month. I bartend at a JW Marriott resort and these past couple months have been so busy with conferences and I love the rush and feeling of accomplishment I get after a crazy shift.

    A healthy snack/meal I chose : I've been cutting out meat and dairy out of my diet and one of my sources of plant based protein is making big batches of 16 bean soup or lentils and eating that through out the week.

    My most effective workout this week was : I have been focusing on running lately but I took a bootcamp type class with my friend this week. Lots of lunges, jump squats, and planks...I was sore for a solid two days!

    Just yesterday I weighed in at 137.4 and I'm so upset that I couldn't say that was my weight today!!

    Congrats on that warm feeling of killing it at work. Career success is always an amazing thing!
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