
milsteven Posts: 10 Member
Need some advice, got my 40th coming up and don’t want to look 6 months pregnant!! Stomach constantly bloated and full of gas


  • iowalinda
    iowalinda Posts: 356 Member
    milsteven wrote: »
    Need some advice, got my 40th coming up and don’t want to look 6 months pregnant!! Stomach constantly bloated and full of gas

    Could you possibly have a sensitivity to something you are eating/drinking? I struggled with this before I realized I had a problem with cow's milk.
  • iowalinda
    iowalinda Posts: 356 Member
    I just wanted to add that food intolerances can show up at any time. Just because you've eaten/drank something all your life doesn't mean that it can't start causing a problem for you now. Wishing you all the best for figuring this out. I know how miserable it can be.
  • marunp
    marunp Posts: 1 Member
    I think you should need to be conscious of your meal quantity .. Don't fill the stomach 100%....if you reduce the quantity I'm sure you can feel better. :)
  • saricastrdz
    saricastrdz Posts: 4 Member
    Try eliminating all dairy for a few days and see how you feel....Someone recommended this to me and I have seen a great difference. Best of luck to you
  • fitgaltoo
    fitgaltoo Posts: 19 Member
    Take quality probiotics
  • leeangarber1
    leeangarber1 Posts: 4 Member
    Tendency to get bloated and gassy but noticed the minute i lessened wheat for a week bloat and gas gone under eye bags too :) good luck
  • teniahhowell
    teniahhowell Posts: 7 Member
    Others have mentioned the dairy and gluten. I can definitely say that dairy was a big one for me. I have now been six months diary free and it has made such a HUGE difference for me! For you it might be a different food, but it does sound like you are sensitive to something causing you inflammation/bloating. Not sure when your party is, but you may also consider just doing a little light fasting before (not full fast, but like just a light juice and rice fast or something that you know doesn't cause you any bloating)...just a thought. All the best to you!
  • hayleywells123
    hayleywells123 Posts: 1 Member
    Check out the FOD Map and eliminate foods accordingly to when you feel bloated. It's helped me massively!
  • BeautifulBrandy44
    BeautifulBrandy44 Posts: 6 Member
    I was having that problem too. I discovered I can't eat apples
  • hippienana
    hippienana Posts: 201 Member
    Wheat and gluten do it to me. When I don't eat bread, pasta, rice, etc. my weight goes down and bloating goes away
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    I highly recommend keeping a food diary and tracking your symptoms to see if you can associate the bloating with a certain meal/food. If not, you can always try an elimination diet, something like GAPS or Whole 30. When you start to slowly add back in foods, it will be easier to tell what foods give you issues and what don't.

    Like others, I am sensitive to both Gluten and Dairy. Not only does it affect my overall health when I eat them, but I just feel like crap. For years I was taking Nexium for my GERD. Ultimately, I weaned off of it when I started reading about all of the possible side effects. For a while after that I struggled along living off of Tums. It wasn't until I elimiated both Dairy and Gluten that my heartburn and bloating stopped.
  • harrybarns87
    harrybarns87 Posts: 61 Member
    I find mixing apple cider vinegar with water helps to debloat
  • steveofqld
    steveofqld Posts: 4 Member
    I recommend downloading the Monash University Low FODMAP diet App from Google Apps. It only costs $10 Australian. Gluten and Fructose are the culprits along with a host of fruits and vegetables. However there are so many foods you can still eat without feeling effects of nausea and bloating and producing methane gas commonly known as farts. See you dietician for advice and try taking a Probiotic to introduce good bacteria into your stomach. So much to do but worth all the effort too.