Weekly Post - 19.02.18 - 25.02.18

Meghan509 Posts: 1,990 Member
Good morning everyone!

Another new week is here! Hope you all had a great weekend. I am off today for President's Day here in the US.

Nice to have an extra day to relax. Light day happening. Will head to the gym for weights today.

Sounds like everything is going well, @KateNkognito good to see you. Hope your WOE is going well.

See you guys soon! ;)


  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,990 Member
    Great article in the post from last week, Kate. Thanks for that!! ;)
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Good morning and new week all! Our regular scheduled week is all funky this week so my light day will be today, not tomorrow.

    Had fight with the husband right before bed so had unpleasant dreams all night. Been having some real sleeping challenges lately so timing was poor. No biggie - but I sure didn’t wake up all chipper today.

    @KateNkognito - great to see you and thanks. @meghan509 have a fantastic day off!!
  • whatiwont
    whatiwont Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everybody, I've had a great start to my diet so far with fasting, but I'm finding it very restrictive and increasingly tough to get motivated about. I still like the idea of having some lower days so that other days can be less restrictive, but I think I need to even out my numbers somewhat - I think I'm going to try three 1000 calorie days and the rest whatever makes sense with that next, so I'm not actually fasting even a little bit at that point (well, maybe intermittent fasting for part of the day each day, but that's a whole other thing) anyway, I just wanted to mention that I'm moving on, and thank you all for the support in this group. It definitely helped, and good luck to you all with your fasting!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,547 Member
    Hello, all! Oldest is home sick today. And since I have an ear infection and no voice, I stayed home, too. On the plus side, sore throat makes today a pretty easy fast. :smile:
    @whatiwont Good luck! We will be here if you need us!
    @Meghan509 Enjoy your day off!
    @ryenday Husbands! Hope you get some sleep and your week goes well!
    Off to write a paper on the importance of procedures in the classroom. So much fun, I can hardly stand it! *sarcasm is all that gets me through*
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    @KateNkognito - hoping you feel better soon! Ear infections are no fun :(
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,990 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    Thanks for the comments. Had a great day off! Nice to have an "extra" day to get stuff done or do nothing at all at times! LOL

    We went to the gym mid-day which was nice and then came home and had our light day soup. Later in the late afternoon we took a ride over to the book store and sat and read some magazines and had some decaf coffee. A favorite hobby of ours! Then we hit our local Costco to pick up some organic milk and some more yogurts. Productive but good day! Had dinner around 7:30-7:45 which is our usual time.

    Anybody been watching the Olympics? We have been enjoying it. I hate it when they fall or mess up though. It makes me sad. These people work so hard to get there ugh!

    Today and tomorrow are regular days. Thursday is another light day. Treadmill tonight at the gym. Going to jog a bit in intervals @jknight001 ;)

    Looks like I need to keep this short and sign off for now. Will aim for coming back on later. Have a nice one everybody!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,547 Member
    Morning, all! Yesterday was GOING to be a fast day, but then my husband found out that he may be gone for 10 days, and we didn't get to celebrate Valentine's Day yet, so he offered dinner out. A gal just can't say no to that! BUT, since I had been fasting, it still came out to be a pretty low day. :smile: Feeling better today AND it is a snow day! Plus the rest of the week off for conferences! I can clean my house!! (Momlife)
    Have a great day! Happy fasting!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Fast day yesterday. Today is a normal day. Doing well but a bit hungry. Had a late lunch, which didn't help the situation. :open_mouth:

    @whatiwont- We wish you well in your journey. Yes, the calories levels get low here. This WOE is not for everyone, yet at the end of the day, successful weight loss is bound up in lifestyle changes. For myself, I have had to ask, sometimes daily, do I want more food because I need the calories or because I miss the comfort more food brings? It is a hard question to ask but an important one to answer. Thank you for spending part of your journey with us. Hope the next leg is what you are looking for.

    @Meghan509 - Hope you enjoy the modified HIIT. Maybe we can popularize it and enjoy our 15 minutes of fame? :D

    @KateNkognito - Glad you are feeling better too. I agree with @ryenday that earaches are no fun. And wise choice with your husband. Always choose Valentine's dinner over 5:2. :D<3

  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Just popping in...hello everyone.

    I've been skimming the group for new images for the banner. Obviously it's not a priority, but I lost my old hard drive that had all the member photos I've been collecting since 2014 (holy snikies...has it been that long?) and it may be a while before I can check the old weekly threads. I popped around a few weeks ago and found about half a dozen (that's one of Flumi's pics from last year in the banner now).

    Also, if your pic doesn't make it into the banner, then don't worry (were you worried? ...y'all aint worried); it just means that I missed it or the format (wide and short, high def, landscape vs portrait) wasn't conducive to a functional banner. I have to crop a section, get it into the template I made, and then bring the final version down to 610x200 pixels.

    Anyway, I'll just get back to playing the piano now (providing you with the soulful ambiance needed for healthy fasting)...forget I'm here. ;)
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,990 Member
    Good morning all!

    I started this post a while ago, but have not been able to finish it and hit send!! Ugh.

    LOL @jknight001 I managed to jog on the treadmill for some three minute spurts yesterday, which was good for me because I am just not a runner by nature. Always been a challenge for me. In between I would walk on the faster side on an incline like I normally do. Going to try and jog more and walk less as time goes on. Need to find that sweet spot. All in all it was a nice workout where I broke a good sweat!

    Regular day was good yesterday. I am really liking the Siggi's Yogurts if you haven't tried them. They are low calorie - 110, high in protein and lower in sugar then some of the other yogurts out there. Taste nice and seem more filling since the protein is higher. Costco sells them in a 12 pack of strawberry and vanilla at a decent price. Good stuff.

    @whatIwont good luck! You defnitely need to find and do what works best for you! One thing I wanted to point out is that Dr. Mosley had upped the calories per day for a fast from 500 to 800 about a year ago. But, I think most of us in here still follow the 500 for women or 600 for men rule from his book. You may want to try 800 and see if that works for you? I like Intermittent Fasting too and I find it helps me be a little more consistent with losses. I am not 100% strict with it as I do put milk and coconut palm sugar in my AM coffee, but I do "skip" breakfast and eat from 12:30pm to 8:30pm or 1:00pm to 9:00pm give or take depending on the day, each day. A 16:8 as you would call it.

    Hope you had a nice dinner with your hubby @KateNkognito yes a dinner out is lovely! Fasting can wait until another day.

    Thanks for popping in @orlcam we like the banner and the pics you put in the banner for us!

    Hope everybody else is good! Have a good one and I will check in with you all soon!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,990 Member
    Good morning all.

    Hope everybody is doing well.

    Last night at the gym I did strength training and I switched up some of my workout. I am trying to focus more on my problem area, which for me are my arms. I still have some loose skin in the tricep area which is sloooooowly going away. But, I would like to focus on getting it firmed up and in better shape if I can, before short sleeve and tank top season is here. My legs are in pretty good shape, thanks to the treadmill and bike. I will still do a full body workout with chest, back, arms, legs, abs, etc. but going to focus more on arms if I can and do one less back exercise now and then.

    Light day is today for me. Not sure how this week will turn out. TOM is near and I know how the scale tends to react with that. Might be a hold and then a loss the following week. You never know... :)

    Drinking my water and dealing with a bit of a headache. Good times!

    Have a good one and I'll check in with you soon.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Light day for me today. Had a slip up yesterday. Went to lunch with a friend yesterday. Had a choice of bread or muffin. Chose muffin thinking I would only eat half (OK). Loved it and ended up eating the whole thing (not optimal :# ). Then I felt physically (sugar) and emotionally crummy (shame). Then I after I picked up my son from school I ended up having some left over popcorn from the theater. Had a lighter dinner last night. So tomorrow will tell me the how much I upset the apple cart when I step on the scale.

    I have to say that since the 1st of the year it has been more of a struggle for me. I really don't mind eating less. I just get tired of all of the work that it takes for me to figure out what less is. It just DOES NOT come naturally to me, thus the reason I am here in the first place. <sigh> I like to constantly switch it up with my meals so just creating a few basic meals that I rotate through doesn't work for me. I just keep praying, asking God to help me stay the course. It is a lifestyle change. I don't want to go back to where I was so pressing through and keeping watch on my calorie count is my only other choice.

    @orlcam - Always love when you pop-in. You have a great sense of humor that leaves a smile on my face. We need that here. All this calorie counting and calorie cutting can leave one a bit grumpy. :s Hope all is well with you and your family. So sorry about your Saints. I was rooting for them, hoping they would make it all the way to the Super Bowl, that is once our Green Bay Packers were no longer contenders. ;)

    @Meghan509 - Good work on the treadmill! It will get easier, I promise. I am starting to believe our little Chloe is really half jackrabbit half racehorse. On her walks, she will take off running full speed. I am surprised how well I can keep up with her. I have never been much of a runner either so I attribute the change to the treadmill work. BTW, my rule of thumb on the treadmill is if it is too easy, my settings are too low AND if it is a serious struggle to get through the session my settings are too high. I aim for a good workout but not one that might kill me. ;)
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited February 2018
    We bought a new refrigerator (dented/scratched floor model for a song) - was supposed to be delivered this morning. Of course, I got the call rescheduling delivery to Feb 28 two hours into the delivery window (we don’t know where exactly in the transportation facility your refrigerator actually IS! )

    Of course yesterday was spent getting the current refrigerator and contents moved into garage. At least we still have a refrigerator but I’m NOT looking forward to going out to the 45 degree Garage every time I want something from the fridge. At least I’ll be getting extra steps in I guess.

    The cats were fascinated by the out of place fridge being cleaned, so here is a smile for you

    Light day today.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,547 Member
    @ryenday I love the floofs! Stinks about the fridge, though. :/
    Through accidents and illness and dumb luck, I am doing pretty well this week. The weather has been AWFUL, but I burned a few extra calories scooping the half inch of ice off the porches and sidewalks. Oldest is still sick-ish. Has had a fever since Sunday and sinus yuck. I think I am almost better!
    @jknight001 I will say a prayer for you. It is tough. *hug*
    Have a great rest of the weekweek! Happy fasting!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Thank you so much @KateNkognito! Just love the way this group supports each other without judgement. Best MFP group ever!!!❤❤❤
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,990 Member
    Hi all!

    Sending hugs to you all. Feeling the love here today! Hee hee! <3

    Hopped on the scale this AM and was up .4, and not going to lose sleep over it. TOM is on the way! I feel the PMS creeping up on me. Fun, fun, fun! I can't and won't stress about the scale being up because usually it catches up next week and I'll have a loss. Just a little water is all. Need to stay focused on the big picture. ;)

    I am nearing my one year anniversary of when I started logging in to MFP. Crazy how that flew. We didn't start 5:2 until a few weeks later, towards mid to late March, but it is has been a great year weight wise. Down around 55 lbs or so. Been a little slow at times but honestly the last time I weighed in the 160's was decades ago! 90's?! LOLOL I will round up some pictures for my year soon, to show you guys. Just have to take some current ones first!

    Thanks @jknight001 last night I didn't have much energy for running on the treadmill - Thursday, end of day, light day workouts are always tough on me. My butt is a dragging. So I walked up and down on an incline mostly. I raise the incline up to 18% lately for clips at a time. Gives my legs a nice burn. I will walk at a 3.9 pace for 45 minutes. Up and down... This weekend I'll be back at it again with the running. Digging my new weight routine though - my arms are tingly!
    I hear you about struggling after the first of the year. January was tough on me with the cold and the scale being pretty much constantly stuck. This month has been better but with my slow losses I can't say I they don't get me down sometimes. :( Agree with you that I never want to go back to where I was, so just have to ride the course. Sigh...

    Congrats on the new fridge @ryenday! Love your kitties... So cute! I miss having a cat. BF has some allergies. So in the future if we get a kitty we will have to be careful about it not having it sleep in the bed. Not sure that is really going to happen in a cat's world! My old cat ruled the bed. LOL So the reason why we are cat free still! Might be better to have a doggie instead. In any case - we love animals! <3

    @KateNkognito hope you and the family feel better. Saw you were doing some shoveling, so me thinks you guys got the snow. We have been getting rain here. I don't like it, but can't complain! Hang in there and stay warm!

    Not too much going on here. No big plans for the weekend which is nice. Relax and do whatever. Wing it, the way we like it!

    Feeling a little hungry and looking forward to lunch shortly. Happy Friday! Woo hoo!
    See you guys soon.

  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Down .8 today. Thankful I was still down even with my slip ups.

    @Meghan509 - Good attitude on the scale. Trust your past work. The 60 lbs is your assurance for future drops. We will have a little virtual celebration for your year anniversary. :)

  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,990 Member
    Thank you @jknight001 <3
    Congrats on your loss! Great news!
    I am dealing with TOM now, and feeling lousy. :( So looking back, my .4 up is really not so bad. Probably will see good results next week.
    Relaxing and having some coffee. See you all soon. Enjoy your day! -Meg