What do you struggle with most?



  • fabkarma
    fabkarma Posts: 10 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hi ladies - glad to see this group! Main struggle is a combo of slowing metabolism, stress of juggling home-work-life, evening snacking, and self-doubt feeling so chub and frumpy standing in front of my classroom lately. Fierce 40s, I'm down!
  • candicew70
    candicew70 Posts: 74 Member
    Without a doubt--alcohol. I think it's because I'm still going to eat what I normally would eat, but if I have a couple of glasses of wine, now I've also consumed a few hundred more calories. This adds up, obviously. My strategy has been to find replacements--but it still has to be something that 'feels' like a treat in the same way that wine was my reward for a long day or finishing a big project. At 50 calories a glass, kombucha has been working as well as a decaf vanilla chai at night (even fewer calories).
  • tailfeathers24
    tailfeathers24 Posts: 3 Member
    So glad to find this group and hoping it can help me not give in....at night. The kids get to bed and I can hear the pantry calling my name! And let me tell you I can always find something in there that I don't need.

    For a quick introduction....I'm Joanne ,42, soccer mom to 4 kids (8,10,12,14). I'm usually pretty active although have turned in running shoes for a swim suit...but I still run/walk on occasion. I'm trying to lose about 12 to 15 pounds but can't seem to do it without some support. I've used MFP before but this is the first time I've joined a group. So here's to helping each other on our journeys.
  • fabkarma
    fabkarma Posts: 10 Member
    @tailfeathers24 "The kids get to bed and I can hear the pantry calling my name!"

    Yes, and the wine bottle sings a duet with it... Curses!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Alcohol - and it doesn't even take very much. But there is little wiggle room for the calories. And worse, once I have a glass of wine or a cocktail, I start making poor eating choices.

    Injuries - every time I have an injury, I gain weight. It's partially having to adjust my calorie intake, and partially not knowing how to manage stress without the go-to of exercise. So I should be eating less, but I actually end up eating more because I'm stressed and fall back into bad eating and drinking habits. And it seems like the injuries have been more frequent and take longer to recover in the last few years. And then it's harder to get the weight back of afterwards.
  • KarenRunFit
    KarenRunFit Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2018
    This is me!!!! To a T.
    Alcohol. Hands down. I can say no to brownies and cake but man...especially in the winter, coming home, having a glass of wine as I make dinner? That's heaven. I've recently started only drinking on weekends (although I might have a glass tonight since it's Valentines day).

  • ZB1110
    ZB1110 Posts: 70 Member
    Alcohol and busyness: when ever thing get busy my self care goes away. I eat like crap and drink. Like the past 2 weeks. Too much traveling for work and this week is running children to all their sports/ stuff
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    ZB1110 wrote: »
    Alcohol and busyness: when ever thing get busy my self care goes away. I eat like crap and drink. Like the past 2 weeks. Too much traveling for work and this week is running children to all their sports/ stuff

    I'm the opposite with busyness. When I'm busy I forget to eat and it's easy to stay under my calories. When things are really slow, I just sit here and boredom eat.
  • e_fou
    e_fou Posts: 23 Member
    For me, my challenge is emotional eating. Any emotion can trigger a huge desire/need to eat whatever I want. I'm trying to learn to control my emotions. But at almost 43, well, it's hard to change the way you have always been. My biggest time of day struggle is the evenings after my youngest kids have gone to bed. That's when snack time USED to be. I am getting better at that.

    I am the same. As soon as kids go to bed all my tiredness comes out. How did you manage to get better?
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    My biggest struggle is eating out and eating too much. I love to workout, but with work, kids, husband, house.... I can't find a time for me
  • stacey_mntx
    stacey_mntx Posts: 36 Member
    Oh man... definitely portion control and craving bad foods like chips. If I'm hungry I usually over-fill my plate. Less than halfway in, I can feel that I'm full, but I still eat the whole plateful. And if it's something bad, like chips, or hot wings... As I type this, my mouth is watering just thinking of these types of things! Emotions also play in to my eating habits. Stressful days at work = over indulging in food or wine once I get home. Oh yeah... and then there's the lack of motivation to work out. Yikes. I have some issues... :/
  • e_fou
    e_fou Posts: 23 Member
    Same here. Eating too much in the evenings (when the kids go to bed), stress from work, keeping myself motivated. I seem to give up everytime I weigh myself and see no loss or not as much as I wanted/ expected.
  • amyjWitt
    amyjWitt Posts: 12 Member
    Chronic depression, and ironically, the antidepressants which help my mood can cause weight gain and lethargy. Mindless eating out of habit or comfort. The social aspect of food at work and at other times can throw me off track as well.
  • Pastaprincess1978
    Pastaprincess1978 Posts: 371 Member
    e_fou wrote: »
    Same here. Eating too much in the evenings (when the kids go to bed), stress from work, keeping myself motivated. I seem to give up everytime I weigh myself and see no loss or not as much as I wanted/ expected.

    I could have written this!
  • stacey_mntx
    stacey_mntx Posts: 36 Member
    Ugh! Y’all! I need some serious help! I started exercising again and I thought I was being careful about what I’m eating... drinking more water, etc., but guess what. I’m GAINING weight. What the actual hell? I feel like even more of a cow than when I started! I just want to give up and say screw this. It’s not worth the fight.
  • AngCS16
    AngCS16 Posts: 17 Member
    I can totally relate to you. Two years ago I trained for a fundraiser hike to the peak of a couple of mountains.( I live in flat, flat prairies!) So amazing! Long story short, I lost no weight and didn't lose significant inches either. But I felt so good it was worth it. More energy, better attitude and I felt strong.
    After the climb I quit. Gradually, but I feel I'm starting over again. Working on my attitude that it's not about the weight. It's what it is doing for my body. Stick with it! I will try to as well. We are worth it.
  • angmacgill
    angmacgill Posts: 8 Member
    My biggest struggle comes from mindless eating. I find myself eating from boredom or for the taste when my stomach is actually full. I am doing my best to be more mindful and when I am going to eat something I wait and ask myself, "Am I really hungry?"
  • janannwa
    janannwa Posts: 5 Member
    The biggest challenge is getting everyone on board. My family all say they are supportive, but then wrinkle their noses when served vegetables, LOL. For my entire life, I have struggled with meal planning. It just never seemed to work - thus my budget was out of control, my weight was out of control, and too many times I would come home from work at 8pm and no one else had even thought about what would be for dinner. Talk about hangry! Then it is fast food to the rescue. It has become a cycle that has really taken it's toll. Breaking that cycle is a huge challenge. We have 5 adults living in our house, plus three grandchildren (every other week). I can't seem to get the others to realize that even if everyone isn't home, a meal still needs to be cooked. That way we have leftovers and can plan for our meals (like taking lunch to work instead of picking up a burger). I finally created a meal plan this past week - out of 5 planned meals, how many actually got cooked??? Only two! Sigh. It is a big struggle for me!
  • mamasara2
    mamasara2 Posts: 194 Member
    edited June 2018
    I'm 40 and have two children under 10. My biggest challenge is working around their schedules and abilities. We live out in the boonies so gyms aren't an option. A neighboring town has a fantastic paved trail that makes a good half marathon in a round trip, but I don't get to go very often.
    So I have to get creative about exercising at home.
  • mamasara2
    mamasara2 Posts: 194 Member
    edited June 2018
    Omg @jrae75 I feel ya!!!
    I have to force myself to not eat when hubby does. He is 6'2" and I'm 5'7". And his metabolism is waaaaaay faster than mine. I joke and say he eats and I gain the weight, but the reality is that I was trying to maintain the social aspect of the meal times by participating every time anyone else was eating. I would snack on ingredients while cooking dinner, eat when the kids ate, then eat again when hubby ate a few hours later.

    I've been avoiding extended family gatherings a lot lately. Why does it have to revolve around eating?!?