New to the Group

Dakota406 Posts: 2 Member
My name is June and I'm 69 years old. I'm new to the Group and new to using this site. As of Sunday, April 22, I am going to begin my weight loss journey. I have 54 pounds to lose to get down to what I want to weigh. I don't only want to do this for appearance, but I know my health would thank me a great deal.

Having broken my ankle in January, I'm very much on the mend. I am doing laying down and sitting exercises.

I'd like to get to know you all and be able to share in this journey with you.


  • ranbrook
    ranbrook Posts: 12 Member
    Hi June...I joined a couple of weeks ago so I am kind of new too. It must be difficult to exercise while mending....good luck with your journey and maybe we will be sharing progress soon.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Welcome June,
    Glad you are here, jump in anytime. Great job working around your injury..WAY TO GO!!!
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome June-glad to have you on here with us. Good to know you're working out despite having an ankle injury -good for you. Wishing you all the best on your journey here. :flowerforyou:
  • demorest
    demorest Posts: 109
    :drinker: I'm connie,Welcome to the group. Sorry to hear you have an injury, great job keeping up the work out!!! Happy to have you here with us.:flowerforyou:
  • kacierra
    kacierra Posts: 109 Member
    Hi. I'm Karen & I'm new to the group. I'm 67 years young & I live in Wisconsin. I have four grown children & eight grandchildren who range in age from 23 years to 7 months. I've been overweight for most of my adult life & I've found that in the last year it's been getting progressively worse & it's time to do something about it. I have a 50th class reunion coming up in 2013 & would love to be more physically fit by then. It's a hard, long trail.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Hi. I'm Karen & I'm new to the group. I'm 67 years young & I live in Wisconsin. I have four grown children & eight grandchildren who range in age from 23 years to 7 months. I've been overweight for most of my adult life & I've found that in the last year it's been getting progressively worse & it's time to do something about it. I have a 50th class reunion coming up in 2013 & would love to be more physically fit by then. It's a hard, long trail.

    Welcome Karen,
    I am glad you joined us. You are right it is a long hard trail and it really helps being here. We have hugs cheers and support.:flowerforyou:
  • Hi! I am also new to the group. I am 62 years young and need to lose weight for health and grand children. I have had two leg bypass surgeries and started walking to keep the veins open and now I am running every other day. I have lost 7 lbs so far and still have a ways to go. Happy to be here.
  • I'm 67 years young. I'm new to this site and looking for "friends" who want encouragement and who are willing to encourage AND who are young at heart and have "senior moments".
  • Marejane
    Marejane Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I am Marilyn, from Columbia Missouri. Iam 69 and hoping to find some supportives friends at MFP. Send me your challenges and I will support them and you.
    Have a great day!
  • teetee732
    teetee732 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Margaret I'm 57 and have 30 pounds to lose I'm new to the group and could us some support for the group my fitness pal name is teetee732. Thanks to all!!
  • frankmbr
    frankmbr Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Michael and am 70 years old, I need to loose 50 lbs, for health reasons. My pal name is Frankmbr, and would appreciate any support from MFP Members. I logged in 20 days ago and have lost 10 lbs to date, and 50 to go. I wonder why there are not a lot of men on this site? Does not matter, support from the ladies would
    still be appreciated too.
    BLUEBELLE43 Posts: 3 Member
    hi my name is nancy, i am 74 and just getting started on here I need to lose 50 lbs so I can feel better about myself and for some medical issues, hope to hear from someone soon