roll call: treadmill or outside

zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
i run outside. i used to run on a treadmill some years ago as I figured I could just run till I wanted to stop the get in the car and go home but now if I run on a treadmill I don't really feel like I'm running. more just trying to not fall over

don't get me wrong. if you prefer running on a treadmill that is awesome. i know you can set inclines and stuff and get a super work out from it but it's not for me.

i would like to hear others opinions


  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I have tried running on a treadmill several times. I got dizzy every time.

    Fortunately, my gym has an indoor track so I can run there if I have to.
  • RoseAllisonx
    RoseAllisonx Posts: 15 Member
    I’m using my treadmill, would love to run outside but for now I’m using the treadmill. :smile:
    It’s convenient because it’s in my room. :smiley:

    It can be boring at times, especially now that I’m @ W5 and the times to run are getting longer.. but I try to find some virtual runs on youtube and just watch those while running. It kinda helps!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    the only time i go on a treadmill is when i need new running shoes and get gait analysis!
  • niblue
    niblue Posts: 339 Member
    I do use a treadmill occasionally but I'm pretty sure I did all my C25K runs outside.
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    I run 90% on a treadmill 6-7 months of the year and enjoy it. I do run outside when I am in better climates or fair weather runs.... but for the most part the last 2 years it has strictly been on a TM. I have a complete tear in my ACL and both MCL & PCL have substantial tears in them and are unrepaired so the evenness and stability of the treadmill offers me confidence. I have no issue with speed or stamina, just my preference. :)
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm not a fan of the TM, but I'll be on one this evening. It's 4 degrees outside with 17 mph winds. It will be sub-zero and dark by the time I'm done with work and able to run, so ... the TM is a necessary evil.
  • LindsayGii
    LindsayGii Posts: 33 Member
    Even when I used to run a lot tread mills were too boring. I just press the off button without even noticing I did it. Now I'm all old and unfit I just wouldn't even try. Has to be outdoors.
  • mdlowrance
    mdlowrance Posts: 20 Member
    I run outside when I can. On the treadmill when I can’t. I am finding I like the treadmill more lately than I used to, but I am still ready for it to be warm so I can get back outside.
  • greyparks206
    greyparks206 Posts: 165 Member
    I run outside. I’m fortunate to live less than five minutes from a public park with a 2 mile gravel waking/running path. I find treadmills and tracks much too boring.
  • wi1234567890
    wi1234567890 Posts: 57 Member
    I use treadmill on cold rainy days but go outside on nicer days. I work from hone and have a treadmill at home so I usually get on it for 5 minutes a few times during the day just get out if the chair and move around for a bit.
  • GemimaFitzTed
    GemimaFitzTed Posts: 260 Member
    I've recently restarted C25k outside and wow, what a difference! I love outdoor running now! I'm slow - really slow - but I did a PB yesterday, so I am definitely improving!

    Treadmill are for those days when the temp is above 36 degrees C or it's raining
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    I run outside. I started out running on a treadmill, or walking is more accurate. Once I built up to where I could run a couple miles I made my way outside to see what all the fuss was about. I've never looked back. I only use a treadmill is the weather is SO bad that I can't run outside. I'm outside ALL THE WAY!
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I prefer the trails but honestly I like the treadmill too. It’s in the comfort of my own home and it allows me the luxury of running any time of the day I want. Not everyone lives in an area where it’s safe to run. Personally, I live in a rural area where there are no sidewalks to run along and I don’t feel like it’s worth taking the risk of getting hit by a car. Local trails are at least a 30-minute drive. The treadmill is something I am truly grateful to own.
  • ThinGoldLineNS
    ThinGoldLineNS Posts: 265 Member
    I'm just learning to run. I use the treadmill at work and run outside on my days off with my pups.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Omg so glad it’s not just me feeling like I’m going to fall over on the treadmill. I have been using the TM so far and I just finished week 4, but I might switch to outside now that the weather is getting nicer!
  • Jedi_Jo
    Jedi_Jo Posts: 133 Member
    Outside, however I’m very self conscious and I’m running at night!
  • sfinsc
    sfinsc Posts: 169 Member
    Running outside until it gets too cold for me (hurts my ears) and then I'll be running on the treadmill.
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    I honestly am a weirdo, and I love running both on treadmill and outside! It just really depends on what is easily accessible at the time (I travel a lot) but there isn’t really one I prefer over the other because they each offer different perks. I also don’t mind running on a track either, currently my most accessible option is my back yard... five loops is one mile, as long as I have my music it doesn’t bother me a bit :)
  • nicruns
    nicruns Posts: 201 Member
    treadmill for me right now....!
    Since I'm just starting back into it, I feel more comfortable staying in one spot rather than thinking: AH CRAP I HAVE TO STOP
    & then needing to figure out how to get home.
    but I miss running outside.
    I'm aiming to get back there soon!
  • BladeRun45
    BladeRun45 Posts: 23 Member
    Treadmill now...outdoors (in public) when I can run for 30 mins without stopping. :)
  • kirstyfoy
    kirstyfoy Posts: 139 Member
    Outdoors so much easier to build stamina at your own pace 😁
  • shadow2641
    shadow2641 Posts: 27 Member
    I bet running outside is probably nicer but I am not comfortable running outside yet, plus it is way to cold and icy outside. But once it warms up I will probably be outside running. I don't mind running on the treadmill as long as I have good music on or something on the TV to distract me from the monotony of it all!
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    edited February 2019
    Treadmill for me. I detest running outside. It's horribly boring and there are cars, potential serial killers, bugs, potholes, annoying kids, etc. I like to plug into a Podcast, get into a zone and get it over with.
  • stoked2b
    stoked2b Posts: 136 Member
    I do both but so really have enjoyed outdoor running this year. I am fortunate that outdoor high temperatures have been 32-60F the last two months. I use the treadmill on rainy or cold days but I only listen to music so it gets boring staring at the same wall