
Celticfan93 Posts: 9 Member
So whats everyone's diet plan? Keto, Paleo, fasting or just plain calories in verse calories out?


  • Celticfan93
    Celticfan93 Posts: 9 Member
    I've personally been cutting sugar out and skipping breakfast. Usually have my first meal of the day around 3:30 pm. Try not to eat past 5/6 pm. I prefer having 1 big meal a day compared to something like 5 small meals throughout the day.
  • amccaffrey23
    amccaffrey23 Posts: 1 Member
    Simple cico, sadly I don’t have the metabolism of Kyle...

    Walking to work instead of taking the tube, taking the stairs instead of the lift, piece of fruit for breakfast. Initial 8 weeks have been ok, the harder weeks are yet to come...
  • Thrasher_jake
    Thrasher_jake Posts: 1 Member
    On a busy, active day, do you find it hard to fast that long? I’ve considered doing it before, but I feel like as soon as i do any physical activity above normal it would be tough to last until 3pm+
  • Celticfan93
    Celticfan93 Posts: 9 Member
    Yeah it gets tough sometimes but the key is to stay busy and drink plenty of water/zero cal drinks. If that doesn’t work you can always go the appetite suppressant route.
  • Celticfan93
    Celticfan93 Posts: 9 Member
    @amccaffrey23 have you tried going to a gym?
  • bbooth_irl
    bbooth_irl Posts: 1 Member
    Maybe I've been misled by Kyle but is Coke Zero actually not bad for you? I get that it is worse than water but would 1 can with lunch or dinner be unhealthy or lead to gaining weight?
    As for diet, I eat 2 eggs for breakfast with some hotsauce, either skip lunch or have something light, a piece of fruit or small snack in the afternoon before going for a run and then a normal sized dinner. I tend to only eat around 1000-1200 calories if that, less if no snacking.
  • Celticfan93
    Celticfan93 Posts: 9 Member
    @bbooth_irl there’s been a bunch of studies stating that it’s worse for you then regular coke and some that say it’s not that bad. I personally drink about 2 cans of diet ginger ale a day and it’s never affected my weight loss. If your competing in men’s physique or something then you might wanna cut it out. But for the everyday “jus trying to get rid of my muffin top” guy I don’t think it matters much.
  • michaelreynolds22
    michaelreynolds22 Posts: 1 Member
    I go calories in calories out and try to avoid carbs whenever possible. I eat about 15-20 ounces of woody style tasteless chicken a day along with tuna packets, green beans, diet soda, and as much sugar free 5 calorie jello as I want. If I’m really craving sugar I’ll eat some fruit. I kind of like this diet because I feel like I can eat as much as I want and it takes a real effort to get over 1900 calories a day. I have spring break next week and after that I’m going to kick it up to about 2700 calories a day and add some more muscle.
  • username27283
    username27283 Posts: 1 Member
    Mine is ideally eggs + bacon for breakfast, chicken, rice, and some type of vegetable for dinner, and then w.e else for lunch that fits in my macros.
  • IAmDavidGurney
    IAmDavidGurney Posts: 1 Member
    IIFYM with mostly nutrious food. I eat so much food though so sometimes I eat chocolate or ice cream to get the calories in. I certainly have the macros for it.
  • loseweightguy123
    loseweightguy123 Posts: 1 Member
    I like to get ~200grams of protein, ~50grams fat, and keep my calories under 2500. I need to add more vegetables and foods high in fiber.
  • mlblincecum55
    mlblincecum55 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a firm believer in calories in calories out. I'm currently sitting at 167 and I'm maintaining so I can improve my lifts. I'm planning on cutting in May to lean out for the summer.
  • boosted3s
    boosted3s Posts: 2 Member
    I’ve done IIFYM for years now and imo it’s the best way to go. It makes dieting less of a diet and more of a lifestyle.
  • flipper2gv
    flipper2gv Posts: 1 Member
    My biggest problem is that I love to make my own bread and boy is it good. I need to cut fat most of all as my lifts are decent. 1600 calories a day considering I work on a pc all day.
  • LikeMikeJordan
    LikeMikeJordan Posts: 4 Member
    Breakfast: I do 3 eggs with a serving of whatever meat we have at the moment (ham, bacon, kielbasa) and a slice of wheat toast
    Lunch: Usually a Sandwich or something under 500 cals.
    Dinner: Chicken and Brown rice. I'm pretty picky with vegetables but I'm slowly trying to incorporate them into dinner.
  • cdog234
    cdog234 Posts: 1 Member
    @bbooth_irl In a review of dozens of studies researchers found "increased body mass index and risk of developing cardiovascular disease." Which tends to be the main argument. First, a higher bmi is normally at risk of heart disease. This is not based on the 0 calories drinks itself. Most people drink them thinking they cut 150 calories from their diet and eat more. The sweet taste can also cause hunger. this is where diet drinks go wrong.

    Ill throw in that rhonda patrick claims it changes the gut biome. Imma keep drinking though