Dexcom G5 or G4 CGM Users (Real time BG monitoring)

davidsmithnow Posts: 1 Member
I am interested in connecting with others using Dexcom G5 or G4 CGM and attacking carbs. Anybody else out there?


  • bkantelis
    bkantelis Posts: 2 Member
    Been a Dexccom user for several years, love it.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    I use a CGM and have been eating LC for a couple years.

    The CGM is a great tool for learning reactions to foods and daily trends.

    The CGM-revealed differences in reactions to meals with and without crap-carbs (sugars & starches) in my case was just enormous.

    Even better than killing carbs is just to ignore the rascals entirely - keeps you saner and less tempted, and nothing pi$$es off a bag of flour or cookies more than sitting in a dark dumpster...