March to the Gym



  • monica182
    monica182 Posts: 60 Member
    edited March 2018
    Squat 5x5 35kg
    Bench 5x5 27.5kg
    Row 5x5 27.5kg

    Went away for the weekend so plenty of walking along the beach and a little bit of leisurely cycling down to the pub. Sunday night cardio at the gym to try and counteract the 500 surplus I ate and drank my way through at the pub.

    Squat 5x5 37.5kg
    OHP 5/5/4/5/3 22.5kg ugh
    DL 2x5 60kg

    *edited coz I lost half my post!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    it actually wasn't too bad,
    sez the girl who swore she would never, ever, not never ever do box jumps again :smiley:

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i deadlifted in t-space on friday; up to 105 although if i'm honest 105 didn't go all that well. i feel like i still have some of the strength; i just can't find a position and style that 'feels' right because of the tendon issue, and so that makes it so i can't really locate the right feeling for good form anymore.

    anyway, did it and then spent a good part of saturday digging up my dad's back yard for him. we haz plans. all this is ot but i'm getting it off my chest, i suppose. plans for him to put his garden back the way he bloody liked it before that madwoman moved in with her eight hangers-on, and completely changed everything. he showed me how to separate dahlia bulbs, and i raked up a few trashcans full of last year's leaves and mixed them in with the de-weeded soil in the beds we're still working on.

    felt it all weekend in a not-so-good way, but finally last night i lay down and did some of my rehab and physio stuff which has helped a whole lot.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Monday morning, back to the gym. :)

    Workout A
    Squats - 3x8 @ 30 lbs - I will finally be moving up in weight as I hit all at the right depth today and didn't die! ATG squats are reeeeally hard for me. I will take upper body any day (except pushups, HATE those, see below) so having a good squat day (for me) was exciting.

    Pushups - 3x8 - Still incline, but they're also still really hard, so I guess I'm getting benefits. I tried a non-incline one first this morning and my body laughed at me.

    Inverted rows - 3x8

    Back extensions - 3x10 @ 120/125/125 pounds
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Leg day yesterday, migraine today.

    Squats: 3x5 @ 135. I feel so lazy with squats lately, I have no interest in trying to improve my numbers.
    Sumo: 3x3 @ 165. Funny moment during warmups: I did my first rep at 135 and nearly fell on my *kitten*....because apparently I've gotten stronger (who knew?) and popped it up with way more force than I needed for 135. I stumbled backwards and had to catch my balance bc I pulled harder than I needed with that weight. Pretty sure someone asked if I was ok but I just kept it moving, haha. At least i didn't actually land on my butt. Then I would have had to do some hip thrusts to play it cool.

    TRX stuff: assisted pullups from the floor 3x5
    TRX skater jumps 3x20
    TRX curtsy squats 3x20
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Leg day yesterday, migraine today.

    Squats: 3x5 @ 135. I feel so lazy with squats lately, I have no interest in trying to improve my numbers.
    Sumo: 3x3 @ 165. Funny moment during warmups: I did my first rep at 135 and nearly fell on my *kitten*....because apparently I've gotten stronger (who knew?) and popped it up with way more force than I needed for 135. I stumbled backwards and had to catch my balance bc I pulled harder than I needed with that weight. Pretty sure someone asked if I was ok but I just kept it moving, haha. At least i didn't actually land on my butt. Then I would have had to do some hip thrusts to play it cool.

    TRX stuff: assisted pullups from the floor 3x5
    TRX skater jumps 3x20
    TRX curtsy squats 3x20

    Oh, I've done the "too much force" thing before. Cleaned the bar straight into my chin once. Ouch! But that makes me wonder if you would be yanking on the bar a bit as opposed to getting it off the floor in one smooth motion? I would suggest paying attention to that next time you deadlift. It's a high risk for injury if you do, so not something you want to get into the habit of doing!
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member


    Oh, I've done the "too much force" thing before. Cleaned the bar straight into my chin once. Ouch! But that makes me wonder if you would be yanking on the bar a bit as opposed to getting it off the floor in one smooth motion? I would suggest paying attention to that next time you deadlift. It's a high risk for injury if you do, so not something you want to get into the habit of doing![/quote]

    Fair question, but I think the issue was more that I actually locked out too hard. I've been doing rack pulls to work on ny lockout hip thrust, and I think I overdid it a little with the light weight. Always worth paying attention to form though!
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,919 Member
    edited March 2018
    I decided to try Ice Cream Fitness today.

    Goblet squats - 5 x 32.5 lb one set, 5 x 35 lb one set, 5 x 40 lb four sets
    DB Bench press 5 x 5 @ 25 lb
    Barbell rows 5 x 5 @ 60 lb @krokador I had my hands further apart on the bar as you said and I did much better! Lats and back activated nicely.
    Barbell shrugs 3 x 8 @ 60 lb
    Barbell curl 1 x 8 @ 20 lb, 1 x 6 @ 30 lb, 1 x 8 @ 20 lb
    Triceps extension 2 x 8 @ 20 lb, 1 x 8 @ 25 lb
    Cable pull-throughs 3 x 8 @ 15 lb (supposedly can substitute for plate hyperextensions, I don't trust my back on those yet)
    And forgot to do cable crunches! BAH
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Yeah, today was one of those days I should have just gone home lol

    Got to pt and figured out I remembered a shirt and sports bra but not leggings.... so ran and jumped in jeans.

    Thought about skipping gym but it was bench day and figured I could do that in jeans.

    Got thru most of the bench/pullup set, although I don’t remember my pull-up numbers

    5+ x 105. Yeah.... roll of shamed here... badly. Well before I should have ...Was the only damned set I had clips on for too. With witness, helpful witness, but witnesses.

    Decided I should go home.
    Will pretend like today didn’t happen. Go in tomorrow and start this programming block with deadlift day like I’m supposed to anyways.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    Cleaned the bar straight into my chin once. Ouch!

    . . . .gave myself the pig-snout by overdoing the 'keep it close to face' thing on overhead press. that's my contribution. OW.

    and let me tell you, no glamour whatever in that. amy, glad you're okay.

    i'm not lifting. potential possible chance at new job offer in the next week or so, and also my dad's squatter/invader/hoarder/toxic nutcase 'friend' has only nine days left now, to get her *kitten* out of his house. i can't help being too tense, and too worried about not having strength when i may need it (on the tenth day, heh), to take any tendon-based risks in the gym.

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Ahhh I skipped some of my progression today and went straight from sets of 8 to sets of 12 on the deadlifts O_o I have claws instead of hands! xD

    deadlift 165x12, 175x12m 185x11 (double overhand), 185x12 (weak side switch grip)
    superset with push press 65x12, 70x12, 75x12, 77.5x11

    8 min AMRAP - KB Complex
    - 2 power snatch, 2 power clean, 2 push press, 2 front squat, 2 russian swings.

    Did it 1 arm at a time, 40lbs KB. Got 6 rounds total / arm

    another 8 min AMRAP
    - 2 DB Power Cleans, 100ft rack walk, 200ft farmer's walk (unbroken).
    With double 35s, I got 4 rounds, but only made it 100/150/150/75 ft on the farmer's walk. Could. Not. Hold. DBs. Anymore O_o

    5 min AMRAP -> KB Snatch to TGU, 20lbs bell. 16 reps total.

    Not my best day, but not a bad one, either. Those deadlifts sets got grindy and I was out of breath for the push presses, haha xD
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    krokador wrote: »

    . . . .gave myself the pig-snout by overdoing the 'keep it close to face' thing on overhead press. that's my contribution. OW.

    and let me tell you, no glamour whatever in that. amy, glad you're okay.

    i'm not lifting. potential possible chance at new job offer in the next week or so, and also my dad's squatter/invader/hoarder/toxic nutcase 'friend' has only nine days left now, to get her *kitten* out of his house. i can't help being too tense, and too worried about not having strength when i may need it (on the tenth day, heh), to take any tendon-based risks in the gym.

    This sounds un-fun. Good luck helping your dad get his "friend" out!

    Upper body today. No near misses, just a couple ugly reps on BP.
    Bench: 3x5 @ 90
    OHP: 3x10 @ 45. Shoulder was a little weird the first set but smoothed out as I went along.
    Seated row: 4x5 @ 90
    Assisted pullup: 3x5 @ -85
    Two point plank: 3x12
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    For all of the not right yesterday was, today was just right with the world, and clicked.

    For one, I had an excellent interview, and learned a lot, and still did not have to figure if/how I was moving to the state of New York. So, although job security is still a qu3stion. It worked out the best way it could have.

    5+x180 (I got 7) I thought hard if I wanted to mix grip this set to be more limited by strength than grip... but I decided to stress grip instead)

    Bent over rows
    3x10 @ 65

    Straight leg deadlifts.
    3 x 12 @ 80? I have 75 wrote down, but I remember putting 2.5lb plates on

    Good mornings
    3x10 @ 45

    Face pulls
    20 x 70
    20 x 80
    20 x 90 - this was slow, but it happened.

    Then, it was still light out, 50 degrees, and calm in March in I called the running buddy and we did the one mile am cleared for.

    It just all worked today.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Wasn't planning on gymming today - alarm was set for 6:15 and I fell asleep around 11PM...

    But here I was, wide awake all by my own self at 5:15, so I got up, caffeinated up and went to the gym for a strength squat session!

    Worked up to 125x9, 135x9, 140x9 and 145x8 (I might've been able to go for another 9, but I felt too wobbly to try xD)

    superset with submax push-ups of 8/7/6/10
    and 1 of each pull-up/chin-up on the squat bar (slow lowring first, then back up) assisting myself with my legs between each set. I need to work on re-setting my left shoulder better, it tends to want to stay out of socket once it pops out at the bottom of the reps.

    And I finished the session with a 10/8/6/4/2 for time
    - wall balls (10lbs)
    - hollow rocks

    and did a set of 6 with 12lbs and 4 with 16lbs to see how I handle those. I have an inkling they might come up in 18.4 (We have yet to see a wallball-less crossfit open, so if not tomorrow, it'll be next week)

    I think Ima feel these tomorrow O_o
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Tuesday/Wednesday cardio. MAF training: 15:55/mile yesterday and 15:24/mile today at target heart rate.

  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,919 Member
    I will do ICF workout B today. My upper traps are still feeling workout A. I think it's because 1) barbell shrugs 2) finally doing the barbell rows CORRECTLY last time 3) maybe catching a chill from walking in coldish weather (getting ready for colder weather peeps to laugh themselves sick at me, it's been in the 50s F in "sunny" Southern California).

    Any ideas why Ice Cream Fitness is called that? aside from peeps saying that Jason Blaha eats too much ice cream?
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,919 Member
    Forgot to add - rhomboids are sore too.
  • Andy__Dane
    Andy__Dane Posts: 46 Member
    edited March 2018
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,919 Member
    Goblet squats 1 x 5 @ 35 lb then 5 x 5 @ 40 lb
    Romanian deadlift 1 x 5 @ 70 lb
    OHP 2 x 5 @ 30 lb, 1 x 3 @ 30 lb, 2 x 5 @ 12.5 lb dbs
    Close grip db bench press 3 x 8 @ 20 lb dbs
    DB curls 1 x 8 @ 12.5 dbs, 1 x 5 @ 12.5 dbs, 2 x 8 @ 10 lb dbs
    Barbell row 3 x 8 @ 50 lb
    Abdominal crunches 3 x 8 @ 30 lb
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    “Conditioning” day

    5x superset
    15 kB swings @ 35 lbs
    Down and back farmers walk w/ 20 lb dumbbells (don’t ask me why so light, I went with it tho)

    5x15 “plate swings” ummm this was stay standing straight and tall waist to overhead movement. That I am going to feel every bit of tomorrow. 2 sets @ 25, 3 sets @ 20 (2 10s put together)

    Abs - 5 x 10 knee raises

    Anyone have good ab exercises? I hate them all, so I always feel uninspired on my own, and a lot more sheets just say “abs” now