Oh When the Girls Come MARCHing in: March Accountability & Weigh-In



  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 129lbs
    CW: 139.1lbs
    March GW: 142lbs

    March 2: 140.2lb
    March 9: 139.4
    March 16: 140.6
    March 23:
    March 30:

    Phew looks like I am heading back on track. I better be considering I have food in my hand every second of the day! :D

    Happy Friday all!
    Love your photos, beautiful! @rianneonamission
  • theknitpicker
    theknitpicker Posts: 63 Member
    Height: 5'0" / 153 cm
    HW: 61.7 kg
    GW: 47.5

    End-of-Feb SW: 55.4 kg / 31.8 % BFP (Moving Average 54.3 kg)
    March GW: 53.9 kg / 30.4 % BFP

    March 1: 55.4 kg / 31.6 % BFP (Moving Average 54.1 kg)
    March 8: 54.9 / 31.8% (Moving Average 54.2)
    March 16: 54.9 /31.3% (Moving Average 54.3)
    March 23:
    March 30:

    Have had a bit of a frustrating time lately. Work has completely ramped up, I'm still not 100% over my cold, and despite really being really on it this week, I've only just maintained - and my moving average has gone up too.

    I know plateaus happen, but man is it disheartening. I'm starting to think that that period of maintenance was a really bad idea, as there's no real way I'll meet my March goals now. Can't wait til the scales go down again. On to next week... :(
  • rainingribbons
    rainingribbons Posts: 1,051 Member
    Height : 5'10"
    HW: 165lbs (about 5-6 years ago)
    CW: 142.0
    March Goal Weight: 143 (Achieved!)
    New March Goal Weight: 141
    Long term goal: 140lbs and lower bodyfat percentage

    March 2: 147ish (pretty sure the scale I was using was wrong)
    March 9: 143.6
    March 16: 142.0
    March 23:
    March 30:

    Couldn't believe the drop when I stepped on the scale this morning, so no lie I weighed myself a good four or five times just to be sure. I've been eating a hundred-two hundred calories below what MFP gives me though just due to not being hungry, so maybe that's why. Or water weight.

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member

    5th March 65kg
    9th March 63.7kg
    16th March 62.9kg

    Yay some of my weight is coming off!!! Been quite active this last week, need to up my running, but am struggling so much with it.

    Goal weight for March 62kg
    Ultimate goal (I think) 60kg

    Love your photos @rianneonamission

  • mmurph102
    mmurph102 Posts: 36 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 139lbs
    Goal Weight: 110-115lbs
    Starting March: 119
    March Goal: 115

    Jan 05: 121.8
    Jan 12: 122.2
    Jan 19: 119.4
    Jan 26: 119.2
    Feb 2: 118
    Feb 9
    Feb 16
    Feb 23: 119.4
    Mar 2: 119
    Mar 9: 121.8
    Mar 16: 119.6

    Did a little better this week (at least during the week...weekend was still not focused). Drank my water and logged most of the time. Will be a rough weekend with St. Paddy's day and March Madness...but will try to make some good choices!
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Have had a bit of a frustrating time lately. Work has completely ramped up, I'm still not 100% over my cold, and despite really being really on it this week, I've only just maintained - and my moving average has gone up too.

    I know plateaus happen, but man is it disheartening. I'm starting to think that that period of maintenance was a really bad idea, as there's no real way I'll meet my March goals now. Can't wait til the scales go down again. On to next week... :(

    But your BF% has come down, which is a positive!
  • anetkastefaniak
    anetkastefaniak Posts: 45 Member
    edited March 2018
    Height: 5'3"
    Heaviest Weight: 158 LBS
    Ultimate goal: 115-118 LBS
    Current Weight: 119.2
    March 31 Goal: 119 LBS

    Jan 05: 135 (bloated from Christmas)
    Jan 12: 130.8
    Jan 19: 130.6
    Jan 26: 128.2
    Feb 2: 126.6
    Feb 9: 125.4
    Feb 16: 123
    Feb 23: 121.8
    March 2: 121.2
    March 9: 120.2
    March 16: 119.2

    Yay! So proud of myself the last 2 and a half months. I've been consistent and am seeing results.
    I'm feeling positive, and can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can go biking, rollerblading, and go on my usual nature walks at the cottage :smile:

    This week I did an ab workout and did yoga. I just signed up for spinning classes (which I have never done before) so that will be interesting!

    My goal for the next few months is to continue to eat better (not just simply stay within my calorie intake) and find time to work out more. I still can't believe I'm managing to do this well, even though I have so much going on right now.

    Tomorrow I'm celebrating St.Patrick's day so I have been working on jolly rancher infused vodka to use for jello shots. First time making these so fingers crossed.

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • Melonpaul
    Melonpaul Posts: 323 Member
    I had a bit of gain this week and I've been having a irritating battle with the scale but I'm sure it's all due to the choices I have made this week, which have not been all bad. Although, this week was not as productive as the last. I've honestly felt kind of "done" with things. Not like I want to give up on anything just more like "let it sort itself out" kind of attitude. I think I'm just spent and all the extra work/less sleep/reduced personal time is finally getting to me.

    I'm looking forward to this weekend, filled with relaxing indulgence and no worries.
    "You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them."

    Height: 5'7"
    2/8 W: 152.8
    2/16 W: 155.2
    2/23 W: 151.6
    2/28 W: 156.4
    3/1 W: 153.2
    3/9 W: 148.4
    3/16 CW: 152.6
    March goal weight: 147

    @rianneonamission your trip looks so amazing!!

    @anetkastefaniak your progress sounds great! And I love yoga, you can make it as easy or as intense as you want.
  • curlygirlusn
    curlygirlusn Posts: 61 Member
    edited March 2018
    March goal is 148 lbs. Final goal weight is 140 lbs.
    3/01/18 155 lbs
    3/09/18 153 lbs
    3/16/18 150.5 lbs
    Here's hoping i make it through the weekend without cheating.
  • DomesticKat
    DomesticKat Posts: 565 Member
    Checking in again. I've done a lot of bouncing around this week but I was down again today despite eating a whole pizza and 4 pints of ice cream over the course of the week. I did well and haven't eaten any take-out or fast food and that made it much easier to track, but I will probably have some take-out tomorrow after my husband gets back from his trip. Have a great weekend, everyone!

    Height: 5'1"
    HW: 195
    SW March: 148.2
    Ultimate goal: 130 would be outstanding.
    March goal: Nailed my first goal of 145. Maybe 143 or 142 to finish out the month.

    March 1st: 148.2
    March 6th: 146.8
    March 9th: 147.2
    March 12th: 145
    March 17th: 144.2

  • FitSeachely
    FitSeachely Posts: 74 Member
    Height : 5'5"
    HW: 172 lbs
    CW: 149 lbs
    March Goal : 145 lbs
    Long term goal: 135 lbs

    March 1: 149 lbs
    March 8: 148.4
    March 15: 147.4
    March 22:
    March 30:
  • vnukinga
    vnukinga Posts: 130 Member
    edited March 2018
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'2"
    Waist: 28 inches
    Body Fat 21.3%
    HT: 124.9 lbs
    Ultimate Goal weight: 114 lbs
    END OF MARCH GOAL: 120 lbs

    February 22: 124.9 lbs
    March 6: 122 lbs
    March 18: 122.4 lbs
    March 30:
    April 11:

    Good morning,
    I'm late logging in again. But I guess better late then never... (I see that I better adjust my logging dates as it seems it's more like 2 weeks for me.)
    Sadly, my weight went up a bit. I was battling bad cold, monthly visitor came as well (and left) but it seems like I picked up a little extra baggage along the way.
    Two weeks left until Easter. I would love to be around 120 by then. I guess we will see.
    Best of luck to all!!!
  • curlygirlusn
    curlygirlusn Posts: 61 Member
    I made it through the weekend without any major cheating. I did eat a whole pint of Halo Top and had two biscuits for breakfast on Sunday morning, but that's it.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    March 15: Another pound lost, the other day I was down to 154, but then didn't do my full workout for two days, and ate a ton (mostly healthy) another day. Really planing on staying on track these next 15 days to hopefully achieve my goal for this month. I believe I can achieve my weight goal but BF% doesn't go down as quickly as I thought. I'm still feeling stronger and stronger every day, on the days I get my 2.5 hour workout done I feel like a million bucks when I walk out of the gym.

    @meghanregan97 Your BF% is going down at a normal rate. Let me show you - I have roughly taken your stats, but rounded for ease of calculating:

    Say you are 160lbs with a BF% of 25%, that means you have 40lbs of fat. When you lose 1lb in weight, that equates to 0.4% (40lbs/100*1).

    Do remember though that as you are in a calorie deficit you will also lose some muscle. This is why strength training is recommended to preserve muscle as much as possible, and why you shouldn’t go too aggressive with your deficit; the greater the deficit, the more muscle your body will burn.

    I have calculated my own numbers from when I started logging here in April and I have lost roughly 5-6 lbs of muscle mass in addition to my >10lbs of fat mass. But, because I have been strength training, the muscle mass I do have is stronger and more defined than it’s ever been in my life.

    So when you look at your weekly weigh ins and see you have lost approx. 0.3-0.4% BF when you have dropped 1lb in weight, that matches your weight and BF% stats.

    I hope that this puts it in to perspective for you.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    Heaviest Weight: 138 LBS
    Ultimate goal: 117-120 LBS
    Current Weight: 125
    March Goal: 122 LBS

    Mar 1: 125
    Mar 6: 124.6
    Mar 12: 126.2
    Mar 15: 125.2
    Mar 20: 126.8
  • groleary
    groleary Posts: 1 Member
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 150lbs
    CW: 139lbs
    End of March goal: 137.5lbs

    Ultimate Goal: 127-130lbs

    First group I have joined on MFP and I hope to log my progress here as regularly as possible :smile: such a great idea to have an accountability group, I only wish I knew to join sooner!
  • meghanregan97
    meghanregan97 Posts: 15 Member
    March 15: Another pound lost, the other day I was down to 154, but then didn't do my full workout for two days, and ate a ton (mostly healthy) another day. Really planing on staying on track these next 15 days to hopefully achieve my goal for this month. I believe I can achieve my weight goal but BF% doesn't go down as quickly as I thought. I'm still feeling stronger and stronger every day, on the days I get my 2.5 hour workout done I feel like a million bucks when I walk out of the gym.

    @meghanregan97 Your BF% is going down at a normal rate. Let me show you - I have roughly taken your stats, but rounded for ease of calculating:

    Say you are 160lbs with a BF% of 25%, that means you have 40lbs of fat. When you lose 1lb in weight, that equates to 0.4% (40lbs/100*1).

    Do remember though that as you are in a calorie deficit you will also lose some muscle. This is why strength training is recommended to preserve muscle as much as possible, and why you shouldn’t go too aggressive with your deficit; the greater the deficit, the more muscle your body will burn.

    I have calculated my own numbers from when I started logging here in April and I have lost roughly 5-6 lbs of muscle mass in addition to my >10lbs of fat mass. But, because I have been strength training, the muscle mass I do have is stronger and more defined than it’s ever been in my life.

    So when you look at your weekly weigh ins and see you have lost approx. 0.3-0.4% BF when you have dropped 1lb in weight, that matches your weight and BF% stats.

    I hope that this puts it in to perspective for you.

    Thanks, hadn't really looked in detail, good to know.
  • holytricoli
    holytricoli Posts: 36 Member
    Height : 5'9"
    HW: 179 lbs (1/1/18)
    CW: 169.4 lbs
    BF: TBD
    GW: 150 lbs
    March Goal : 163 lbs (would be satisfied with 165 at the very least)

    March 3: 168.4
    March 10: 167.8
    March 17: 165.0
    March 24:
    March 31:
    (I weigh in on Saturdays)

    This is a first for me but I am excited to see everyone's progress and share my own in a forum where we all have similar goals!

    March 1: I started out this year feeling out of shape, overweight, and generally unhappy about my appearance and health. Towards the end of 2017, I was not fitting into my clothes, eating out of boredom, and did not have the energy to work out, or would make excuses not to. I decided to make a New Years (slightly cliché) resolution to start fresh this year (new year, new me!). Since the beginning of the year, I've implemented cardio work outs 5-6 days a week, and am trying to keep my daily calorie intake between 1200-1400 calories. I lost 6 lbs in January and about 3.5 lbs in February. Next step is incorporating weights into the routine, because I think I am beginning to hit a plateau. I would love some advise in that respect. Overall, I am about a third of the way to my goal and am trying to meet my ultimate goal in time for summer!
  • theknitpicker
    theknitpicker Posts: 63 Member
    @meghanregan97 Your BF% is going down at a normal rate. Let me show you - I have roughly taken your stats, but rounded for ease of calculating:

    Say you are 160lbs with a BF% of 25%, that means you have 40lbs of fat. When you lose 1lb in weight, that equates to 0.4% (40lbs/100*1).

    Do remember though that as you are in a calorie deficit you will also lose some muscle. This is why strength training is recommended to preserve muscle as much as possible, and why you shouldn’t go too aggressive with your deficit; the greater the deficit, the more muscle your body will burn.

    I have calculated my own numbers from when I started logging here in April and I have lost roughly 5-6 lbs of muscle mass in addition to my >10lbs of fat mass. But, because I have been strength training, the muscle mass I do have is stronger and more defined than it’s ever been in my life.

    So when you look at your weekly weigh ins and see you have lost approx. 0.3-0.4% BF when you have dropped 1lb in weight, that matches your weight and BF% stats.

    I hope that this puts it in to perspective for you.

    OMG that was such great perspective - thanks @rianneonamission! I'd never thought to do that math before.

    Looking at my stats over the past 6 months, and doing those calcs with my own BF% and weight figures, you've managed to completely knock my own personal disheartenment from last week out of the park.

    A quick look at my numbers shows that over this time, I've knocked off a stonking 6.1 kg of fat... and somehow found 1kg of LBM gains - probably thanks to falling in love with strength training.

    It just goes to show that you've just gotta stick with it sometimes, huh - and track *allofthenumbers*, success shows itself in funny ways...

    But yeah, long way of saying thanks :)