MARCH 2018 Challenge

retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
Can you believe it, March already???

Time to set new goals and go for it.


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    My goal for March is to get back to 10K steps averaged per day. The really cold, windy weather kept me indoors too much the last couple of months. With Spring on the doorstep, it is time to step out again. Even if I have to pull out my Leslie walking tapes.

    Hope others will be joining me. Is there a goal you need to work on, this is a great way to reach it. Challenge yourself and report back here on your progress
  • shellzbellz
    shellzbellz Posts: 38 Member
    Hi! I’ve just joined your group and I’ve been working on 10000 steps a day too...big jump for me...I was only getting almost 5000 for the longest time but hitting the 10000 mark really helped my weight loss, I also would really like to get in 20 minutes of light weight training 2x per week so I think that will be my March Challenge.

    Good Luck getting outside!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    Shellzbellz, if you watch youtube videos jessicasmithtv has some good dumbbell workouts you can do at home,no gym required.

    I am making progress, slowly building back up to my old regular 10K steps. Winter and redoing our house really put a dent in my average daily steps, but I am determined to get back to 10K at the very least.
  • shellzbellz
    shellzbellz Posts: 38 Member
    Good Evening Retirehappy, thanks for the YouTube tip...I’ll take a look for certain. Poor weather conditions can certainly put a crimp in the best of exercise intentions. Today, I only made it to 5461 with the steps but I did manage to cycle for 33 and from feeling ok with that...
  • shellzbellz
    shellzbellz Posts: 38 Member
    Yay! Made my goal today!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    Yea for you making your goal.

    The colder, windy weather here has really impacted my averages.
    My 28 day average on steps is currently 6109, my highest day was at 12545.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Hi @shellzbellz - you are off to a great March! ~ Kathy
  • shellzbellz
    shellzbellz Posts: 38 Member
    Hi there!
    Retirehappy...6000 plus steps a day is remarkable, while working at my last job I had trouble getting 5000, most days were 3k. Pat yourself on the back.
  • shellzbellz
    shellzbellz Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you Mxchana...hope your March is going well also.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    Now have my 7 day average at 8429 and 28 day ave. is 6959 so some progress is being made. I am dealing with IT band issue for the last couple of days, if I can get that back under control, I should be able to walk longer periods to increase those numbers.

    Shellzbellz and Kathy, hope you both are making some progress on your goals. And that the weather in your area is cooperating with you.

  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    The weather has been challenging, to say the least... we got about 17 inches of snow yesterday... but the March sun will be working on it in short order, no doubt. My ankle, unfortunately, is actually worse. I continue to tape it, gently follow the exercises given to me by PT, and walking is very limited. On the dietary end, I have gotten a few days of intermittent fasting in and have been sticking to my eating plan so, I feel that March is a turn-around month. I want to be able to "spring" into Spring!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    28 day average is upped to 9699 and 28 day ave. is 7206. Just noticed that Fitbit reports lifetime no of steps (Fitbit lifetime that is :) ) 10,056,640. Kinda cool to see that kind of number for any activity.

    The weather has been cooperating so getting out and walking has been fun this week.

    Kathy I saw you had to so some serious shoveling. The massive snows have been skirting around us and really since mid Feb to current weather has been chilly and windy at times but pretty bareable otherwise.

    shellzbellz, how are you doing on those daily steps?
  • shellzbellz
    shellzbellz Posts: 38 Member
    Hello... I have been exceeding my step goals...woohoo! Scale has slowed...but I started with the dumbbells so I think that could factor in.
    That’s a remarkable amount of lifetime steps, Retirehappy!
    Kathy, wow that’s a lot of snow, hope your ankle improves, you are smart to take it slow with recovery in hopes of being up and “running” for spring.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 453 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hey ya'll. Yes, it's me, believe it or not. To say I've been in a slump would be high praise, indeed.


    Has anybody here tried the new Weight Watchers plan?
    I have heard good things about it, but I suppose that like anything else it only works if you apply it. ha.

    I haven't exercised much in ages...*slaps self*

    Anyway. I didn't come for sympathy or to whine, just checking in.
    I'm a good example of that phrase, "stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results".

    If you have any spare motivation lying around, sling it my way, hm???
    I'm at the point where I feel like there's no point in me even "starting again"... but enuf of that..

    I did go for a walk today; we got a bit of snow this morning but the drive wasn't slushy, so I took some pictures.
    It's all melted already.



  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    Welcome back Cris, lovely photos as usual. WW will work if you work it. I became a lifetime member back in the late 80s. I no longer follow it, LCHF is what has gotten me to a weight I like and can maintain with minimal effort.

    Have you tried using workouts on youtube to work out at home? Also if you are still on SilverSneakers, check out this:

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 453 Member
    I've got Silver Sneakers, although I haven't been on their website. I do use my SS card at a local gym. I just haven't gone in far too long. I haven't done anything. Went for walks weather permitting, rode my stationary bike, but clearly nothing to brag about. I've been dead in the water for almost a year.

    I went to Weight Watchers way back in the mid-80's; did ok with the program at that time. Of course being only in my 30's was a big advantage; losing weight was much easier then. Lordy, wish I weighed what I did then even before I started. ha, if only I'd known..

    Of course anything works if you work at it. :) I haven't. I'm not making excuses. I'm lazy and I like carbs..and when I get the Winter Blahs, it's a cracker here and a bowl of popcorn there...

    I guess at this point I'm just looking for something to motivate me to REALLY change my ALL behaviors.
    You know, BE the thin person instead of the fat person trying to lose weight. (that has worked)
    It feels like I've been trying my whole life to find motivation and it's tiresome.

    I don't know anything about the new WW plan. I did ask to join a WW-themed Facebook group to kind of scope it out. I probably won't pay money for them to tell me to eat less and exercise more. Duh. snicker/snort.

    Is there a good LCHF guide or book that you'd recommend? I did look into it and researched the pros and cons.
    Being a type2 diabetic is another complication to throw in the mix.

    My doctor wanted me to cut down to 1100 calories a day and I did that for awhile doing a sort of modified LCHF regimen. At least there's not a lot to write down at that level. Oh yeah I haven't been tracking foods since just before Christmas.

    So now I read this and see that I sound like one of those pitiful whiners, the type of person I hate because if someone else had written this I'd say.. well, just DO it, already, and stop making excuses. :D:D:D

    Til next time:


  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 453 Member
    edited March 2018
    I signed up for the WW online plan today.

    I cancelled it; I'm paid up until June, and that's fine.

    But I think the mobile app is not very intuitive. It's hard to find foods and get them to show up in the right place.

    For better or for worse, I feel like the food tracking tool on MFP is easier to use; maybe because I'm used to it and
    I've already got all those foods in there that I regularly eat... It's one thing to start over AGAIN but starting
    a whole new thing completely from scratch seems at this point to be more daunting than I'm willing to endure.

    I mean, how many calories does one burn entering food in a food diary anyway. B)B)B)

    Oh well.

  • shellzbellz
    shellzbellz Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Everyone... I started with ww freestyle and loved the freedom and did lose weight, after a bit though I transitioned to mfp because I felt the variety of food was not there with freestyle and the opportunity to completely over eat the zero point foods was too great. I am using what I learned there to help me with some choices still on mfp. I am not happy with ww cost and lack of choices to stay with older programs that worked for many.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 453 Member
    I hear that. I thought that for the price--it didn't live up to the hype. It obviously works for people who don't know where to start or how to make choices, but this is not my first rodeo (although I've fallen off the horse a few times). B):p

    Also being diabetic, I have gotten used to tracking carbs--and that is missing from their program. A lot of food items aren't even available on their lists-you have to make it up yourself. For example, I make my own ranch dressing from scratch. It's on the MFP list but not on WW. Pfft.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    Checking in with my steps report:
    7 day average 8645
    28 day ave. 8356

    Probably will have to keep this goal for next month's challenge, but I have made good progress and I am much more in the habit of getting those 10ks in again. So it's all good.